740 research outputs found

    The Turkish Wage Curve: Evidence from the Household Labor Force Survey

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    This paper examines the Turkish wage curve using individual data from the Household Labor Force Survey (HLFS) including 26 NUTS-2 regions over the period 2005-2008. When the local unemployment rate is treated as predetermined, there is evidence in favor of the wage curve only for younger and female workers. However, if the lagged unemployment rate is used as an instrument for current unemployment rate, we find an unemployment elasticity of -0.099. We also find a higher elasticity for younger, less educated, low experienced workers than for older, more educated and more experienced workers. Another important finding is that the wages of females in Turkey are significantly more responsive to local unemployment rates than their male counterparts.wage curve, fixed effects, instrumental variables, two-stage least squares

    Especificidade e tecnologias de resolução de conflitos de gênero de migrantes e comunidade anfitriã em organizações de alimentação pública da República do Tatarstão

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    Research objective is identification of features and techniques of the gender conflicts resolution concerning migrants from neighboring countries and the accepting community in the organizations of public catering of the Republic of Tatarstan. The specifics of perception of discrimination in the labor sphere and also forms of its manifestation are considered by female migrants and male migrants. The methods of permission of the gender conflicts arising between migrants and employers in the course of work are analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to techniques for resolution of conflicts among which the important place is allocated to mediation and negotiations. The efficiency of their application by migrants and employers in settlement of the conflicts is estimated. Two schemes of human resource management in the organization (active and passive) and their role in forming of the constructive relations in the organization are analyzed.In article the role of various actors in the decision of the gender conflicts in the organization (colleagues, administrators, and the director, equal on the status) is considered. The important role of external instances (the commissions on labor disputes, the specialized centers of the help to migrants, etc.) in improvement of relationship in collective and elimination of the bases for gender discrimination is emphasized. Holding special events is represented significant (trainings on unity and conflict prevention, joint carrying out leisure, etc.). Authors come as a conclusion that in the organizations of public catering activity of the intermediary is represented important, the mediator has professional skills without having a possibility of the appeal to any instances or seeing in it inexpediency, in the organization there is a risk of emergence of a large number of the conflicts influencing its efficiency.s.El objetivo de la investigación es identificar las características y técnicas para la resolución de conflictos de género en relación con los migrantes de los países vecinos y la comunidad que acepta en las organizaciones de servicios de comidas de la República de Tatarstán. Los aspectos específicos sobre la percepción de la discriminación en el ámbito laboral y también las formas de su manifestación son considerados por las mujeres migrantes y los hombres migrantes. Se analizan los métodos de autorización de los conflictos de género que surgen entre migrantes y empleadores en el curso del trabajo. Se presta una atención considerable a las técnicas para resolución de conflictos, entre las cuales se asigna un lugar importante a la mediación y las negociaciones. Se estima la eficiencia de su aplicación por parte de los migrantes y los empleadores en la solución de los conflictos. Se analizan dos esquemas de gestión de recursos humanos en la organización (activa y pasiva) y su papel en la formación de las relaciones constructivas en la organización.En el artículo se considera el papel de varios actores en la decisión de los conflictos de género en la organización (colegas, administradores y el director, igual en el estado). Se enfatiza el rol importante de las instancias externas (las comisiones sobre conflictos laborales, los centros especializados de ayuda a los migrantes, etc.) en la mejora de las relaciones en la colectividad y la eliminación de las bases para la discriminación de género. La celebración de eventos especiales es significativa (entrenamientos sobre unidad y prevención de conflictos, realización conjunta de actividades recreativas, etc.). Los autores llegan a la conclusión que en las organizaciones de la alimentación pública la actividad del intermediario, que tiene las capacidades profesionales se representa importante, ya que sin tener la posibilidad de apelar a cualquier instancia o ver en ello la falta de competencia, en la organización hay un riesgo de surgimiento de un gran número de conflictos que influyen en su eficiencia.O objetivo da pesquisa é a identificação de características e tecnologias da resolução de conflitos de gênero referentes a migrantes de países vizinhos e a comunidade de aceitação nas organizações de alimentação pública da República do Tartaristão. As especificidades da percepção da discriminação na esfera do trabalho e também formas de sua manifestação são consideradas pelas mulheres migrantes e migrantes masculinos. Os métodos de permissão dos conflitos de gênero que surgem entre migrantes e empregadores no decorrer do trabalho são analisados. Atenção considerável é dada às tecnologias de resolução de conflitos entre as quais o importante local é alocado à mediação e negociações. A eficiência de sua aplicação por migrantes e empregadores na resolução dos conflitos é estimada. Dois esquemas de gestão de recursos humanos na organização (ativo e passivo) e seu papel na formação das relações construtivas na organização são analisados.No artigo, considera-se o papel de vários atores na decisão dos conflitos de gênero na organização (colegas, administradores e diretor, iguais no status). Destaca-se o importante papel das instâncias externas (as comissões sobre disputas trabalhistas, os centros especializados de ajuda aos migrantes, etc.) na melhoria do relacionamento em coletivo e na eliminação das bases para a discriminação de gênero. A realização de eventos especiais é representada de forma significativa (treinamentos sobre unidade e prevenção de conflitos, realização conjunta de lazer, etc.). Os autores chegam a uma conclusão que nas organizações da atividade de restauração pública do intermediário se representa importante, o mediador que tem habilidades profissionais como sem ter uma possibilidade do apelo a qualquer instância ou vendo nele a falta de aptidão, na organização há um risco de surgimento de um grande número de conflitos que influenciam sua eficiência

    The Turkish Wage Curve; Evidence from the Household Labor Force Survey

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    This paper examines the Turkish wage curve using individual data from the Household Labor Force Survey (HLFS) including 26 NUTS-2 regions over the period 2005 - 2008. When the local unemployment rate is treated as predetermined, there is evidence in favor of the wage curve only for younger and female workers. However, if the lagged unemployment rate is used as an instrument for current unemployment rate, we find an unemployment elasticity of -0.099. We also find a higher elasticity for younger, less educated, low experienced workers than for older, more educated and more experienced workers. Another important finding is that the wages of females in Turkey are significantly more responsive to local unemployment rates than their male counterparts

    Late Palaeozoic extensional volcanism along the northern margin of Gondwana in southern Turkey: implications for Palaeotethyan development

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    The Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic Tethyan development of the Eastern Mediterranean region remains debatable, especially in Turkey, where alternative northward and southward subduction hypotheses are proposed. Relevant to this debate, new whole-rock geochemical data are provided here for early Carboniferous (Late Tournaisian-Late Visean; c. 340-350 Ma) tuffaceous sedimentary rocks within the cataloturan thrust sheet (Aladag nappe), eastern Taurides. The tuffs accumulated from evolved alkaline volcanism, variably mixed with terrigenous and radiolarian-rich sediments. In addition, Late Palaeozoic meta-volcanic rocks, c. 150 km farther NE, within the Binboga (= Malatya) metamorphics (a low-grade high-pressure unit), are indicative of a within-plate setting. An impersistent geochemical subduction signature in these volcanics may represent an inherited, rather than contemporaneous, subduction influence, mainly because of the absence of a continental margin arc or of arc-derived tuff. Both the Binboga metamorphics and the cataloturan thrust sheet (Aladag nappe) restore generally to the north of the relatively autochthonous Tauride carbonate platform (Geyik Dag), within the carbonate platform bordering north-Gondwana. The cataloturan thrust sheet is interpreted, specifically, as a c. E-W, deep-water, volcanically active rift that progressively infilled. Regional geological evidence suggests that melange units (Konya Complex, Afyon zone), Teke Dere unit, Lycian nappes), and Chios-Karaburun melange, E Aegean) accreted to the north-Gondwana continental margin during the late Carboniferous; this was coupled with localised calc-alkaline granitic magmatism (Afyon zone of Anatolide crustal block). We propose an interpretation in which Late Devonian-Carboniferous alkaline intra-plate volcanism relates to extension/rifting along the north-Gondwana margin. In contrast, the melange accretion and granitic magmatism could relate to short-lived late Carboniferous southward subduction that accompanied the diachronous closure of Palaeotethys

    Generation and Direct Detection of Broadband Mesoscopic Polarization-Squeezed Vacuum

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    Using a traveling-wave OPA with two orthogonally oriented type-I BBO crystals pumped by picosecond pulses, we generate vertically and horizontally polarized squeezed vacuum states within a broad range of wavelengths and angles. Depending on the phase between these states, fluctuations in one or another Stokes parameters are suppressed below the shot-noise limit. Due to the large number of photon pairs produced, no local oscillator is required, and 3dB squeezing is observed by means of direct detection.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Coloring fluorescence emission with silver nanowires

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    We demonstrate that emission from Rhodamine-6G fluorophores adsorbed on silver nanowires experiences a spectral redshift upon propagation to the distal ends of the nanowire, with the shift being proportional to the propagation distance. The end of a nanowire thus constitutes a tunable fluorescence source controlled by a single easily adjustable parameter, i.e., the position of the excitation focal spot. The effect is made possible by a combination of radiatively undamped plasmon propagation and dispersive ohmic losses in the silver nanowire. The results may be important for the development of plasmonic waveguides, fast fluorescent color switches and various nanoscale fluorescence sensors. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3355545

    Civil War in the North Caucasus in the Reflection of the Mountainous Bourgeoise-Democratic Print (On the Materials of “Volnyy Gorets” Newspaper)

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    Introduction. The article attempts to analyze the attitude of the Mountainous government in exile and the Union of Mountaineers of the North Caucasus and Dagestan in a broader sense to the events of the Civil War in the North Caucasus in 1919–1920 based on local printing. Methods and materials. The main emphasis is placed on the analysis of materials of “Volny Gorets” newspaper of the Mountainous government. The authors use the problemchronological, historical-systemic method and the system-functional analysis method. Analysis. The article analyzes the attitude of the mountainous democrats, expressed on the pages of the newspaper, to such aspects of the Civil War as the union of mountain peoples with the Bolsheviks, the assessment of the white and red plans for the mountain regions, the real policy of the warring parties in 1917–1920, the prospects for a confederative structure of the Caucasus. The split of mountain unity by the Bolsheviks is considered by their prosecutors the main reason why the North Caucasus was not able to resist the Denikin invasion. Results. “Volny Gorets” publication is an important and extremely informative source on the events in the North Caucasus during the Civil War of 1919–1920. The newspaper’s publications are both purely informational and analytical. The analysis given by the newspaper’s authors is deep and sober. The events of the civil war in the North Caucasus attracted the closest attention of the editors and, on the whole, remained the priority topic of publications in each issue of “Volny Gorets” during 1919–1920. The analysis of the publication is relatively free from ideological press and bias that distinguishes both purely “white” and “red” publications of that time

    Visualizing plasmon-exciton polaritons at the nanoscale using electron microscopy

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    Polaritons are compositional light-matter quasiparticles that have recently enabled remarkable breakthroughs in quantum and nonlinear optics, as well as in material science. Despite the enormous progress, however, a direct nanometer-scale visualization of polaritons has remained an open challenge. Here, we demonstrate that plasmon-exciton polaritons, or plexcitons, generated by a hybrid system composed of an individual silver nanoparticle and a few-layer transition metal dichalcogenide can be spectroscopically mapped with nanometer spatial resolution using electron energy loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope. Our experiments reveal important insights about the coupling process, which have not been reported so far. These include nanoscale variation of Rabi splitting and plasmon-exciton detuning, as well as absorption-dominated extinction signals, which in turn provide the ultimate evidence for the plasmon-exciton hybridization in the strong coupling regime. These findings pioneer new possibilities for in-depth studies of polariton-related phenomena with nanometer spatial resolution

    Quantum Fluctuations in Josephson Junction Comparators

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    We have developed a method for calculation of quantum fluctuation effects, in particular of the uncertainty zone developing at the potential curvature sign inversion, for a damped harmonic oscillator with arbitrary time dependence of frequency and for arbitrary temperature, within the Caldeira-Leggett model. The method has been applied to the calculation of the gray zone width Delta Ix of Josephson-junction balanced comparators driven by a specially designed low-impedance RSFQ circuit. The calculated temperature dependence of Delta Ix in the range 1.5 to 4.2K is in a virtually perfect agreement with experimental data for Nb-trilayer comparators with critical current densities of 1.0 and 5.5 kA/cm^2, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter