565 research outputs found

    Quantum phase and uncertainty

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    In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wird aus heutiger Sicht ein Problem behandelt, dass beinahe so alt ist wie die Quantenphysik selbst: das sogenannte Problem der Quantenphase. Dieses Problem wurde bereits 1926 von Dirac entdeckt und stellt bis heute einen Aspekt der Quantenphysik dar, der nicht vollstĂ€ndig verstanden ist; das Problem betrifft eine theoretische Beschreibung von Quantenphase, d.h. des quantenmechanischen Äquivalents der Phase eines Feldes, welches sich durch harmonische Oszillatoren beschreiben lĂ€sst. Das Problem wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwar keiner Lösung zugefĂŒhrt (dazu ist das Thema viel zu groß und der vorhandene Platz viel zu gering), doch wird ein durchstrukturierter und konsolidierter Überblick ĂŒber die zwei hauptsĂ€chlichen auf einer Beschreibung durch Operatoren beruhenden Quantenphasentheorien vorgenommen: den Susskind/Glo- gower- und den Pegg/Barnett-Formalismus. Mithilfe dieser beiden AnsĂ€tze werden wichtige Einblicke in die Natur der Quantenphase und die spezifischen Probleme, die sich ihrer Beschreibung in den Weg stellen, gewonnen. Diese Einblicke umfassen beispielsweise eine systematische Beschreibung der hauptsĂ€chlichen Problemkreise, eine abstrakte Diskussion darĂŒber, ob die Konstruktion eines Quantenphasenoperators ĂŒberhaupt möglich ist, und Querverbindungen etwa zur Funktionalanalysis oder der verallgemeinerten Messtheorie. Auf diese eher theoretisch gehaltenen Arbeitsabschnitte folgt eine kurze Vorstellung der bislang durchgefĂŒhrten Experimente und ein Überblick ĂŒber UnschĂ€rfe und UnschĂ€rferelationen aus dem spezifischen Blickwinkel der Quantenphase. Die Arbeit schließt mit allgemeinen Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen ab. DurchgĂ€ngig wird dabei besondere Aufmerksamkeit darauf gelegt, Zwischenschritte in wichtigen Ableitungen anzufĂŒhren anstatt Ergebnisse der Literatur einfach zu ĂŒbernehmen, um einerseits eine Art KonsistenzprĂŒfung zu unternehmen und andererseits ein GefĂŒhl dafĂŒr zu erhalten, wie die typischen GrĂ¶ĂŸen einer Quantenphasentheorie miteinander interagieren.In the present thesis, a problem almost as old as quantum physics itself is critically reviewed from a modern point of view. That problem is the so-called "quantum-phase problem", which was discovered as early as 1926 by Dirac and remains puzzling in some aspects to this day; its subject is a theoretical description of quantum phase, i.e. the phase of a quantized electromagnetic or other field described by harmonic oscillators. While in this thesis, this problem is not solved (it has indeed reached a magnitude that by far eludes the scope of any reasonably-sized diploma thesis), a coherent and consolidated derivation of the two main operator-based phase theories developed to date, the Susskind/Glogower- and the Pegg/Barnett-formalism, is provided, by means of which key insights into the nature of phase and the unique difficulties plagueing its quantum description are gained. These insights include a systematic identification of the main issues at hand, an abstract reasoning about the existence of phase-operators and crosslinks to functional analysis and generalized measurement theory. These theoretical parts are then followed by a brief primer on the experiments that have been conducted so far, and by an overview over the topic of uncertainty and uncertainty relations in the specific context of quantum phase. We close with general observations and remarks. Throughout the thesis, special emphasis is put on providing the intermediate steps of most of the derivations instead of just reproducing the results given in the literature, a useful process which at once operates as a sanity-check and illustrates how to work with the quantities involved in any treatment of quantum phase

    Testing output legitimacy in the European Union

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    Meine Magisterarbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Output-LegitimitĂ€t der EuropĂ€ischen Union (EU). Ich fasse zuerst die Entwicklung der LegitimitĂ€tstheorien in Bezug auf die EU zusammen, um zu zeigen, dass im Lichte der momentan stockenden demokratischen Entwicklung der EU der Output-LegitimitĂ€t wieder grĂ¶ĂŸere Bedeutung zugemessen wird und untersuche dann empirisch ob diese ĂŒberhaupt hĂ€lt was sie verspricht, in dem ich die PrĂ€ferenzen der EU-BĂŒrger hinsichtlich der Kompetenzverteilung der EU mit der tatsĂ€chlichen Kompetenzverteilung in der EU vergleiche. In einigen Politikfeldern stimmen die PrĂ€ferenzen und die tatsĂ€chliche Verteilung kaum ĂŒberein – Output-LegitimitĂ€t ist also nicht unfehlbar.In my Magisterthesis, I compare citizen preferences towards the allocation of competences in the European Union (EU) with the actual empirical allocation of competences in order to test the quality of the Union’s output legitimacy. I start with a literary review of legitimacy theory concerning the EU and find that, with the halting republican democratic development, there has been a re-discovering of output-legitimacy. However, my empirical findings suggest, that output-legitimacy might not be as strong as traditionally assumed

    The need for robust critique of arts and health research: Dance‐movement therapy, girls, and depression

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    We examine a highly cited randomized controlled trial on dance-movement therapy with adolescent girls with mild depression and examine its treatment in 14 evidence reviews and meta-analyses of dance research. We demonstrate substantial limitations in the trial which seriously undermine the conclusions reached regarding the effectiveness of dance movement therapy in reducing depression. We also show that the dance research reviews vary substantially in their treatment of the study. Some reviews provide a positive assessment of the study and take its findings at face value without critical commentary. Others are critical of the study, identifying significant limitations, but showing marked differences in Cochrane Risk of Bias assessments. Drawing on recent criticisms of systematic reviewing and meta-analysis, we consider how reviews can be so variable and discuss what is needed to improve the quality of primary studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses in the field of creative arts and health

    The need for robust critique of arts and health research: young people, art therapy and mental health

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    We describe work in progress to conduct a systematic review of research on effects of arts-based programs for mental health in young people. We are at the stage of searching for relevant studies through major databases and screening extant systematic reviews for additional research which meet our inclusion criteria. At this stage, however, concerns have arisen regarding both the quality of existing primary studies and of recently published systematic reviews in this area of arts and health. As a case in point, in this paper we focus on one research report on art therapy with adolescent girls and its inclusion in three systematic reviews. We demonstrate that the reviews fail to undertake a robust critique of the Bazargan and Pakdaman paper and that the paper and reviews are flawed. Drawing on recent criticisms of systematic reviewing, we consider the value of proceeding with our systematic review as initially planned. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2022 Grebosz-Haring, Thun-Hohenstein, Schuchter-Wiegand, Irons, Bathke, Phillips and Clift.

    Paleoenvironmental Analysis

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    New analysis has been carried out concerning the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of some Italian sites dating from the Middle Pleistocene to the Bronze Age. Different aspects have been investigated on each site considering the data collected. The following sites have been analyzed: Isernia La Pineta (Molise); Visogliano and Caverna degli Orsi (Trieste); Toirano Caves (Liguria); Grotta Paglicci (Gargano); Riparo del Molare (Salerno); Grotta del Cavallo (Lecce); Castellaro Lagusello (Monzambano, Mantova)

    The Need for Robust Critique of Arts and Health Research: Young People, Art Therapy and Mental Health

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    We describe work in progress to conduct a systematic review of research on effects of arts-based programs for mental health in young people. We are at the stage of searching for relevant studies through major databases and screening extant systematic reviews for additional research which meet our inclusion criteria. At this stage, however, concerns have arisen regarding both the quality of existing primary studies and of recently published systematic reviews in this area of arts and health. As a case in point, in this paper we focus on one research report on art therapy with adolescent girls and its inclusion in three systematic reviews. We demonstrate that the reviews fail to undertake a robust critique of the Bazargan and Pakdaman paper and that the paper and reviews are flawed. Drawing on recent criticisms of systematic reviewing, we consider the value of proceeding with our systematic review as initially planned

    Le ricerche preistoriche dell'UniversitĂ  di Ferrara

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    Il volume costituisce la sintesi scientifica delle ricerche preistoriche che l’UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Ferrara ha effettuato negli ultimi 50 anni, coprendo un arco temporale che comprende culturalmente il periodo che va dal Paleolitico inferiore al Mesolitico. Nel tentativo di fornire un quadro quanto piĂč completo ed esaustivo delle ricerche la monografia Ăš concepita come un catalogo di agile consultazione suddiviso in base ai siti archeologici scavati dai professori e ricercatori nel corso del tempo. Per ciascun sito si descrivono molteplici aspetti, dalle modalitĂ  di intervento allo studio di vari settori disciplinari (stratigrafia, geologia, palinologia, paleontologia, paletnologia, ecc..)


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    La palafitta \ue8 stata scoperta nel 1955 all'interno della Valle del Menago, poche centinaia di metri a Sud del gruppo di case di Tombola di Cerea (VR). Dopo un primo scavo effettuato nello stesso anno da parte di Francesco Zorzi, direttore del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, le ricerche sono riprese nel 1999 da parte della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto. I risultati di queste ricerche hanno accertato che l'abitato preistorico era posto su palafitta all'interno di un ambiente di tipo palustre. Sono conservati solo dei pali verticali e alcune travi orizzontali, che fanno ipotizzare l'esistenza di una piattaforma lignea. Gli elementi strutturali della palafitta trovano confronti in altri abitati d'ambiente umido della media et\ue0 del Bronzo. L\u2019inquadramento geomorfologico finalizzato alla ricostruzione paleogeografica mostra che il sito si colloca al centro della Paleovalle del f. Menago, un\u2019incisione larga alcune centinaia di metri e profonda oltre una decina di metri, alla base di un potente spessore di torbe. Gli studi pregressi, relativi all\u2019origine della profonda incisione generata dall\u2019omonimo fiume di risorgiva, si richiamano principalmente a fattori geodinamici legati a linee tettoniche sepolte, quali moventi principali per le incisioni causate dalle diversione di canali di rotta atesini richiamati verso il bacino delle Valli Grandi Veronesi, verificatesi in et\ue0 tardoglaciale-olocenica antica. L\u2019analisi di nuove litostratigrafie rilevate su esposizioni individuate all\u2019interno della paleovalle, ha condotto a riscontrare la presenza di uno spesso e pressoch\ue9 continuo riempimento di sedimenti organico-torbosi, che contrassegnano gli accrescimenti e le sedimentazioni verificatesi a partire dai livelli basali della stazione palafitticola, deposizioni che sono perdurate sino a date piuttosto recenti. Una serie di dettagliati confronti operati con i termini delle sequenze di riempimento torboso-detritiche del bacino che si sviluppava all\u2019esterno delle arginature del vicino e coevo sito di Fondo Paviani, ha portato a verificare un\u2019analoga evoluzione negli accrescimenti che contrassegnano i tratti superiori di queste due importanti successioni alluvio-organiche. Si giunge in definitiva a far intervenire una medesima incidenza di fattori antropici e climatici quali concause principali nello sviluppo dei riempimenti sommitali della Paleovalle del Menago, in corrispondenza della stazione palafitticola della Tombola di Cerea e del sito arginato di Fondo Paviani. Lo scavo ha restituito un notevole quantitativo di materiale ceramico (ca. 620 kg) e una percentuale minoritaria di manufatti in bronzo, terracotta e osso-corno. Il presente contributo si concentra sull'analisi crono-tipologica dei materiali focalizzando l'attenzione sulla ceramica di impasto medio-fine ai fini dell'inquadramento complessivo e del confronto con materiale proveniente da siti geograficamente limitrofi. Le datazioni assolute delle strutture lignee, ottenute dall\u2019applicazione della dendrocronologia e dal radiocarbonio, collocano gli elementi verticali di Tombola di Cerea nella seconda met\ue0 del XV secolo cal BC, o al pi\uf9 tardi nei primi decenni del XIV secolo cal BC; essi sono stati ottenuti da alberi di quercia abbattuti in momenti successivi, a intervalli di circa 10 anni. Le ricerche archeobotaniche hanno compreso un\u2019analisi palinologica condotta su 18 campioni presi da una carota prelevata all'interno dell\u2019abitato palafitticolo, ed un\u2019analisi carpologica e xilo-antracologica su due campioni provenienti da unit\ue0 stratigrafiche cronologicamente corrispondenti alla parte basale della carota. L\u2019analisi dei resti vegetali ha permesso di disegnare il quadro ambientale dell\u2019insediamento. Il luogo era ricco di ambienti umidi soprattutto ripariali, con boscaglie d\u2019igrofile e con elofite, con situazioni di prati periodicamente inondati e fossati poco profondi. La presenza antropica \ue8 suggerita dalla coltivazioni di cereali e altri indicatori antropogenici. Inoltre i dati carpologici e/o pollinici testimoniano la disponibilit\ue0 nell\u2019area di varie piante con frutti eduli, come prugnolo, nocciolo, ribes, noce e vite. Il ritrovamento di reperti di Baldellia ranuncoloides -una specie oggi minacciata sottolinea come le ricerche archeobotaniche forniscano informazioni anche dal punto di vista naturalistico utili per conoscere meglio la storia di specie oggi in rarefazione. L\u2019insieme faunistico \ue8 composto complessivamente da 1995 reperti ossei. Quasi l\u201980% dei resti \ue8 stato identificato a livello specifico. La maggior parte dei resti appartiene alle specie domestiche: bue, pecora, capra e maiale, seguite da cavallo e cane. La distribuzione delle classi d\u2019et\ue0 mostra come l\u2019allevamento degli Ungulati fosse finalizzato non solo all\u2019ottenimento di carni, ma anche alla produzione di latte e lana. La pratica della caccia, volta allo sfruttamento di specie di ambiente forestale (cervo, capriolo, cinghiale), appare un\u2019attivit\ue0 marginale. Le tracce di macellazione sono numerose e attestano l\u2019utilizzo di strumenti sia litici sia metallici. Durante lo studio sono stati riconosciuti 18 manufatti in materia dura animale, ben conservati, che hanno permesso l\u2019identificazione delle tracce di lavorazione utili per la ricostruzione delle catene operative.The pile dwelling was discovered in 1955 in the valley of the river Menago, just a few hundred meters south of the settlement of Tombola di Cerea (VR). A first excavation was carried out that very year by Francesco Zorzi, director of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona; the digging has been resumed in 1999 by the Soprintendenza Archeologica of Veneto. The results of these excavations have ascertained that the prehistoric dwelling site was built in a marshy environment. Only some vertical poles and some horizontal beams were preserved, which leads to the hypothesis that there existed a wooden platform on which the sheds were standing. The structural elements of the palafitte find correspondents in others settlements in moist environment from the Middle Bronze Age. The paleogeographic reconstruction of the immediate hinterland confirm the location of the site at the center of the Menago River Paleovalley, an incision a few hundred meters wide and more than ten meters deep, at the base of a thick layer of peat. Previous studies, related to the origin of the deep incision generated by the homonymous spring-line river, mainly refer to geodynamic factors linked to buried tectonic lines, as main motives for the incisions caused by the diversion of Adige breach-channels captured towards the basin of Great Veronese Valleys, which occurred in the late Lateglacial-Holocene age. The analysis of new lithostratigraphies detected on exposures inside the paleovalley, has led to find the presence of a thick and almost continuous filling of organic-peaty sediments, which mark the accretions and the sedimentations verified starting from the basal levels of the pile-dwelling site, depositions that have lasted until fairly recent dates. A series of detailed comparisons made with the terms of the peat-debris-filling sequences of the basin that developed outside the embankments of the near and coeval Fondo Paviani site, led to verify a similar evolution in the growths that mark the upper reaches of these two important alluvio-organic successions. Ultimately, is claimed that the same incidence, of anthropogenic and climatic factors, is involved as the main contributors to the development of the upper fills of the Menago Paleovalley, in correspondence with the pile-dwelling station of the Tombola di Cerea and the embanked site of Fondo Paviani. A great number of ceramic fragments (ca 620 kg) and a smaller amount of bronze, terracotta and bone-horn artefacts had been found. This paper focus on chrono-typological analysis of the archaeological finds, in particular on ceramic of the medium-fine tipe. The goal is the overall classification artefacts, accompanied by a comparison made from materials found in geographically nearbysites. Dendrochronology and radiocarbon allow to date the wooden structures to the second half of the 15th Century cal BC, or in the first decades of the 14th Century cal BC at the latest; the vertical posts come from oak tree felled down once about every ten years. Archaeobotanical study includes pollen analysis carried out on 18 subsamples taken from a core collected in the pile-dwelling settlement and carpological and xilo-anthacological analysis, from 2 samples taken from layers (stratigraphic units) corresponding to the bottom of the core. The results allows to draw the environmental framework of the settlement. The pollen diagram shows that the landscape was rich of wet environments: ponds, wet grassland and hygrophilous wood. The human activity was suggested by a number of anthropogenic indicators: cereal fields, ruderals and weeds. Seeds/fruits and pollen data testify to the presence in the area of edible fruits from plants such as blackthorn, hazelnut, currant, walnut and grapevine. The finds of Baldellia ranuncoloides \u2013 a threatened plants today - underline that the archaeobotanical research provide naturalistic information that allow us to better understand the history of plant species becoming rare today. The faunal assemblage is composed by 1995 bone remains. More than 80% of the faunal remains was identified at species level. Domestic animals are the most frequent. Age at death highlights different breeding strategies focused on meat consumption and secondary products. Hunting was barely practiced on wild ungulates (red deer, roe deer, wild boar). Several anthropic marks were identified on the faunal remains emphasizing the use of lithic and metal tools. During the analysis 18 animal hard material artefacts were identified. The good state of preservation allowed us to identify working traces linked to the reduction sequences of the tools
