389 research outputs found

    Nonlinear wave propagation and reconnection at magnetic X-points in the Hall MHD regime

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    The highly dynamical, complex nature of the solar atmosphere naturally implies the presence of waves in a topologically varied magnetic environment. Here, the interaction of waves with topological features such as null points is inevitable and potentially important for energetics. The low resistivity of the solar coronal plasma implies that non-MHD effects should be considered in studies of magnetic energy release in this environment. This paper investigates the role of the Hall term in the propagation and dissipation of waves, their interaction with 2D magnetic X-points and the nature of the resulting reconnection. A Lagrangian remap shock-capturing code (Lare2d) is used to study the evolution of an initial fast magnetoacoustic wave annulus for a range of values of the ion skin depth in resistive Hall MHD. A magnetic null-point finding algorithm is also used to locate and track the evolution of the multiple null-points that are formed in the system. Depending on the ratio of ion skin depth to system size, our model demonstrates that Hall effects can play a key role in the wave-null interaction. In particular, the initial fast-wave pulse now consists of whistler and ion-cyclotron components; the dispersive nature of the whistler wave leads to (i) earlier interaction with the null, (ii) the creation of multiple additional, transient nulls and, hence, an increased number of energy release sites. In the Hall regime, the relevant timescales (such as the onset of reconnection and the period of the oscillatory relaxation) of the system are reduced significantly, and the reconnection rate is enhanced.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Generalized Chaplygin gas model, supernovae and cosmic topology

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    In this work we study to which extent the knowledge of spatial topology may place constraints on the parameters of the generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model for unification of dark energy and dark matter. By using both the Poincar\'e dodecahedral and binary octahedral spaces as the observable spatial topologies, we examine the current type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) constraints on the GCG model parameters. We show that the knowledge of spatial topology does provide additional constraints on the AsA_s parameter of the GCG model but does not lift the degeneracy of the α\alpha parameter.Comment: Revtex 4, 8 pages, 10 figures, 1 table; version to match the published on

    Topological Lensing in Spherical Spaces

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    This article gives the construction and complete classification of all three-dimensional spherical manifolds, and orders them by decreasing volume, in the context of multiconnected universe models with positive spatial curvature. It discusses which spherical topologies are likely to be detectable by crystallographic methods using three-dimensional catalogs of cosmic objects. The expected form of the pair separation histogram is predicted (including the location and height of the spikes) and is compared to computer simulations, showing that this method is stable with respect to observational uncertainties and is well suited for detecting spherical topologies.Comment: 32 pages, 26 figure

    Constraints on the cosmological density parameters and cosmic topology

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    A nontrivial topology of the spatial section of the universe is an observable, which can be probed for all locally homogeneous and isotropic universes, without any assumption on the cosmological density parameters. We discuss how one can use this observable to set constraints on the density parameters of the Universe by using a specific spatial topology along with type Ia supenovae and X-ray gas mass fraction data sets.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (2006). Invited talk delivered at the 2nd International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysic

    Design and operation of a Rayleigh Ohnesorge Jetting Extensional Rheometer (ROJER) to study extensional properties of low viscosity polymer solutions

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    The Rayleigh Ohnesorge Jetting Extensional Rheometer (ROJER) enables measurement of very short relaxation times of low viscosity complex fluids such as those encountered in ink-jet printing and spraying applications. This paper focuses on the design and operation of the ROJER. The performance of two nozzle designs are compared using Newtonian fluids alongside a study using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Subsequently a disposable nozzle is developed that overcomes issues of blockage and cleaning. The operability of this design is subject to a focused study where low viscosity polymer solutions are characterised. The test fluid materials are ethyl hydroxy-ethyl cellulose (EHEC) and poly ethylene oxide (PEO) mixed with water/glycerol solutions. Results obtained by the disposable nozzle are encouraging, paving the way for a more cost-efficient and robust ROJER setup

    Quark Soup al dente: Applied Superstring Theory

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    We discuss the application of the AdS/CFT correspondence to possibly gain new physical insights for the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma. This article provides an informal summary of a talk given by RCM at the 18th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation in July 2007.Comment: This article provides an informal summary of a talk given by RCM at the 18th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation in July 200

    Detecting Topology in a Nearly Flat Spherical Universe

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    When the density parameter is close to unity, the universe has a large curvature radius independently of its being hyperbolic, flat, or spherical. Whatever the curvature, the universe may have either a simply connected or a multiply connected topology. In the flat case, the topology scale is arbitrary, and there is no a priori reason for this scale to be of the same order as the size of the observable universe. In the hyperbolic case any nontrivial topology would almost surely be on a length scale too large to detect. In the spherical case, by contrast, the topology could easily occur on a detectable scale. The present paper shows how, in the spherical case, the assumption of a nearly flat universe simplifies the algorithms for detecting a multiply connected topology, but also reduces the amount of topology that can be seen. This is of primary importance for the upcoming cosmic microwave background data analysis. This article shows that for spherical spaces one may restrict the search to diametrically opposite pairs of circles in the circles-in-the-sky method and still detect the cyclic factor in the standard factorization of the holonomy group. This vastly decreases the algorithm's run time. If the search is widened to include pairs of candidate circles whose centers are almost opposite and whose relative twist varies slightly, then the cyclic factor along with a cyclic subgroup of the general factor may also be detected. Unfortunately the full holonomy group is, in general, unobservable in a nearly flat spherical universe, and so a full 6-parameter search is unnecessary. Crystallographic methods could also potentially detect the cyclic factor and a cyclic subgroup of the general factor, but nothing else.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure