8,155 research outputs found

    Combination therapy with dutasteride and tamsulosin for the treatment of symptomatic enlarged prostate

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a frequent cause of lower urinary symptoms, with a prevalence of 50% by the sixth decade of life. Hyperplasia of stromal and epithelial prostatic elements that surround the urethra cause lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), urinary tract infection and acute urinary retention. Medical treatments of symptomatic BPH include; 1) the 5α-reductase inhibitors, 2) the α1-adrenergic antagonists, and 3) the combination of a 5α-reductase inhibitor and a α1-adrenergic antagonist. Selective α1-adrenergic antagonists relax the smooth muscle of the prostate and bladder neck without affecting the detrussor muscle of the bladder wall, thus decreasing the resistance to urine flow without compromising bladder contractility. Clinical trials have shown that α1-adrenergic antagonists decrease LUTS and increase urinary flow rates in men with symptomatic BPH, but do not reduce the long-term risk of urinary retention or need for surgical intervention. Inhibitors of 5α-reductase decrease production of dihydrotestosterone within the prostate resulting in decreased prostate volumes, increased peak urinary flow rates, improvement of symptoms, and decreased risk of acute urinary retention and need for surgical intervention. Interim results of the ongoing Combination of Avodart and Tamsulosin (CombAt) study have shown combination therapy with the 5α-reductase inhibitor dutasteride and the α1-adrenergic antagonist tamsulosin offer significant improvements from baseline compared with either drug alone

    West European Navies and the Future

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    Seriously misleading results using inverse of Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation in meta-analysis of single proportions.

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    Standard generic inverse variance methods for the combination of single proportions are based on transformed proportions using the logit, arcsine, and Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformations. Generalized linear mixed models are another more elaborate approach. Irrespective of the approach, meta-analysis results are typically back-transformed to the original scale in order to ease interpretation. Whereas the back-transformation of meta-analysis results is straightforward for most transformations, this is not the case for the Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation, albeit possible. In this case study with five studies, we demonstrate how seriously misleading the back-transformation of the Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation can be. We conclude that this transformation should only be used with special caution for the meta-analysis of single proportions due to potential problems with the back-transformation. Generalized linear mixed models seem to be a promising alternative

    Spitzer Space Telescope evidence in NGC 6791: no super-mass-loss at super-solar metallicity to explain helium white dwarfs?

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    We use archival Spitzer Space Telescope photometry of the old, super-solar metallicity massive open cluster NGC 6791 to look for evidence of enhanced mass loss, which has been postulated to explain the optical luminosity function and low white dwarf masses in this benchmark cluster. We find a conspicuous lack of evidence for prolificacy of circumstellar dust production that would have been expected to accompany such mass loss. We also construct the optical and infrared luminosity functions, and demonstrate that these fully agree with theoretical expectations. We thus conclude that there is no evidence for the mass loss of super-solar metallicity red giants to be sufficiently high that they can avoid the helium flash at the tip of the red giant branch.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    On the Nature of Soft X-ray Weak Quasi-Stellar Objects

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    Recent studies of QSOs with ROSAT suggest the existence of a significant population of Soft X-ray Weak QSOs (SXW QSOs) where the soft X-ray flux is ~ 10-30 times smaller than in typical QSOs. As a first step in a systematic study of these objects, we establish a well-defined sample of SXW QSOs which includes all alpha_ox<=-2 QSOs from the Boroson & Green (1992) sample of 87 BQS QSOs. SXW QSOs comprise about 11% of this optically selected QSO sample. From an analysis of CIV absorption in the 55 BG92 QSOs with available CIV data, we find a remarkably strong correlation between alpha_ox and the CIV absorption equivalent width. This correlation suggests that absorption is the primary cause of soft X-ray weakness in QSOs, and it reveals a continuum of absorption properties connecting unabsorbed QSOs, X-ray warm absorber QSOs, SXW QSOs and BAL QSOs. From a practical point of view, our correlation demonstrates that selection by soft X-ray weakness is an effective (>=80% successful) and observationally inexpensive way to find low-redshift QSOs with strong and interesting ultraviolet absorption. We have also identified several notable differences between the optical emission-line properties of SXW QSOs and those of the other BG92 QSOs. SXW QSOs show systematically low [O III] luminosities as well as distinctive H-beta profiles. They tend to lie toward the weak-[O III] end of BG92 eigenvector 1, as do many low-ionization BAL QSOs. Unabsorbed Seyferts and QSOs with similar values of eigenvector 1 have been suggested to have extreme values of a primary physical parameter, perhaps mass accretion rate relative to the Eddington rate (M-dot/M-dot_{Edd}). If these suggestions are correct, it is likely that SXW QSOs also tend to have generally high values of (M-dot/M-dot_{Edd}). (Abridged)Comment: 34 pages, ApJ accepted, also available from http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/papers/papers.htm

    Approximating Tverberg Points in Linear Time for Any Fixed Dimension

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    Let P be a d-dimensional n-point set. A Tverberg-partition of P is a partition of P into r sets P_1, ..., P_r such that the convex hulls conv(P_1), ..., conv(P_r) have non-empty intersection. A point in the intersection of the conv(P_i)'s is called a Tverberg point of depth r for P. A classic result by Tverberg implies that there always exists a Tverberg partition of size n/(d+1), but it is not known how to find such a partition in polynomial time. Therefore, approximate solutions are of interest. We describe a deterministic algorithm that finds a Tverberg partition of size n/4(d+1)^3 in time d^{O(log d)} n. This means that for every fixed dimension we can compute an approximate Tverberg point (and hence also an approximate centerpoint) in linear time. Our algorithm is obtained by combining a novel lifting approach with a recent result by Miller and Sheehy (2010).Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. A preliminary version appeared in SoCG 2012. This version removes an incorrect example at the end of Section 3.

    Pulmonary stretch receptor activity during partial liquid ventilation in cats with healthy lungs

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    Aim: To study whether pulmonary stretch receptor (PSR) activity in mechanically ventilated young cats with healthy lungs during partial liquid ventilation (PLV) is different from that during gas ventilation (GV). Methods: In 10 young cats (4.4 +/- 0.4 months, 2.3 +/- 0.3 kg; mean B SD), PSR instantaneous impulse frequency (PSR f(imp)) was recorded from single fibres in the vagal nerve during GV and PLV with perfluorocarbon (30 ml/kg) at increasing positive inspiratory pressures (PIP; 1.2, 1.8, 2.2 and 2.7 kPa), and at a positive end-expiratory pressure of 0.5 kPa. Results: All PSRs studied during GV maintained their phasic character with increased impulse frequency during inspiration during PLV. Peak PSR fimp was lower at PIP 1.2 kPa (p < 0.05) and at PIP 2.7 kPa (p = 0.10) during PLV than during GV, giving a lower number of PSR impulses at these two settings during PLV (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The phasic character of PSR activity is similar during GV and PLV. PSR activity is not higher during PLV than during GV in cats with healthy lungs, indicating no extensive stretching of the lung during PLV. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Multifunktionale Bodenbewertung in Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz auf Basis der Bodenflächendaten 1:5.000 für die landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche (BFD5L)

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    In Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz wurden Methoden zur Bewertung von Bodenfunktionen und -eigenschaften vom Hessischen Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie (HLUG) und vom Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau Rheinland-Pfalz im Rahmen der – auf den Daten der Bodenschätzung aufbauenden – „Bodenflächendaten Hessen 1:5.000, landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche“ (BFD5L) entwickelt und zur Verfügung gestellt (FRIEDRICH et al. 2008; MILLER et al. 2005). Im Zuge der Nachfrage nach Bodenfunktionsbewertungen insbesondere für die Berücksichtigung von Bodenschutzbelangen in der (Bauleit-)Planung wurden weitere Bodenfunktionsbewertungen aus den Daten der BFD5L abgeleitet und im November 2012 im hessischen BodenViewer (http://bodenviewer.hessen.de) veröffentlicht

    Van der Waals bond lengths and electronic spectral shifts of the benzene---Kr and benzene---Xe complexes

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    Rotationally resolved UV-spectra are presented for the 610 bands of benzene---Kr and benzene---Xe complexes yielding precise rotational constants and van der Waals bond lengths for the ground and excited vibronic state, and electronic band shifts. These value complement the previously published data for the other rare gases and the various quantities have now been determined for all the benzene—rare gas complexes. Measured values of the bond length were used to calculate the band shifts from recent theoretical predictions. They are compared with the experimental values of this work

    Finite size effects and localization properties of disordered quantum wires with chiral symmetry

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    Finite size effects in the localization properties of disordered quantum wires are analyzed through conductance calculations. Disorder is induced by introducing vacancies at random positions in the wire and thus preserving the chiral symmetry. For quasi one-dimensional geometries and low concentration of vacancies, an exponential decay of the mean conductance with the wire length is obtained even at the center of the energy band. For wide wires, finite size effects cause the conductance to decay following a non-pure exponential law. We propose an analytical formula for the mean conductance that reproduces accurately the numerical data for both geometries. However, when the concentration of vacancies increases above a critical value, a transition towards the suppression of the conductance occurs. This is a signature of the presence of ultra-localized states trapped in finite regions of the sample.Comment: 5 figures, revtex
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