43 research outputs found

    Seasonality in pulmonary tuberculosis among migrant workers entering Kuwait

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is paucity of data on seasonal variation in pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in developing countries contrary to recognized seasonality in the TB notification in western societies. This study examined the seasonal pattern in TB diagnosis among migrant workers from developing countries entering Kuwait.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Monthly aggregates of TB diagnosis results for consecutive migrants tested between January I, 1997 and December 31, 2006 were analyzed. We assessed the amplitude (<it>α</it>) of the sinusoidal oscillation and the time at which maximum (<it>θ</it>°) TB cases were detected using Edwards' test. The adequacy of the hypothesized sinusoidal curve was assessed by <it>χ</it><sup>2 </sup>goodness-of-fit test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the 10 year study period, the proportion (per 100,000) of pulmonary TB cases among the migrants was 198 (4608/2328582), (95% confidence interval: 192 – 204). The adjusted mean monthly number of pulmonary TB cases was 384. Based on the observed seasonal pattern in the data, the maximum number of TB cases was expected during the last week of April (<it>θ</it>° = 112°; <it>P </it>< 0.001). The amplitude (± se) (<it>α </it>= 0.204 ± 0.04) of simple harmonic curve showed 20.4% difference from the mean to maximum TB cases. The peak to low ratio of adjusted number of TB cases was 1.51 (95% CI: 1.39 – 1.65). The <it>χ</it><sup>2 </sup>goodness-of-test revealed that there was no significant (<it>P </it>> 0.1) departure of observed frequencies from the fitted simple harmonic curve. Seasonal component explained 55% of the total variation in the proportions of TB cases (100,000) among the migrants.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This regularity of peak seasonality in TB case detection may prove useful to institute measures that warrant a better attendance of migrants. Public health authorities may consider re-allocation of resources in the period of peak seasonality to minimize the risk of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>infection to close contacts in this and comparable settings in the region having similar influx of immigrants from high TB burden countries. Epidemiological surveillance for the TB risk in the migrants in subsequent years and required chemotherapy of detected cases may contribute in global efforts to control this public health menace.</p

    Modulators of Cytoskeletal Reorganization in CA1 Hippocampal Neurons Show Increased Expression in Patients at Mid-Stage Alzheimer's Disease

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    During the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD), hippocampal neurons undergo cytoskeletal reorganization, resulting in degenerative as well as regenerative changes. As neurofibrillary tangles form and dystrophic neurites appear, sprouting neuronal processes with growth cones emerge. Actin and tubulin are indispensable for normal neurite development and regenerative responses to injury and neurodegenerative stimuli. We have previously shown that actin capping protein beta2 subunit, Capzb2, binds tubulin and, in the presence of tau, affects microtubule polymerization necessary for neurite outgrowth and normal growth cone morphology. Accordingly, Capzb2 silencing in hippocampal neurons resulted in short, dystrophic neurites, seen in neurodegenerative diseases including AD. Here we demonstrate the statistically significant increase in the Capzb2 expression in the postmortem hippocampi in persons at mid-stage, Braak and Braak stage (BB) III-IV, non-familial AD in comparison to controls. The dynamics of Capzb2 expression in progressive AD stages cannot be attributed to reactive astrocytosis. Moreover, the increased expression of Capzb2 mRNA in CA1 pyramidal neurons in AD BB III-IV is accompanied by an increased mRNA expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) receptor tyrosine kinase B (TrkB), mediator of synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. Thus, the up-regulation of Capzb2 and TrkB may reflect cytoskeletal reorganization and/or regenerative response occurring in hippocampal CA1 neurons at a specific stage of AD progression

    Reverse Effect of Mammalian Hypocalcemic Cortisol in Fish: Cortisol Stimulates Ca2+ Uptake via Glucocorticoid Receptor-Mediated Vitamin D3 Metabolism

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    Cortisol was reported to downregulate body-fluid Ca2+ levels in mammals but was proposed to show hypercalcemic effects in teleostean fish. Fish, unlike terrestrial vertebrates, obtain Ca2+ from the environment mainly via the gills and skin rather than by dietary means, and have to regulate the Ca2+ uptake functions to cope with fluctuating Ca2+ levels in aquatic environments. Cortisol was previously found to regulate Ca2+ uptake in fish; however, the molecular mechanism behind this is largely unclear. Zebrafish were used as a model to explore this issue. Acclimation to low-Ca2+ fresh water stimulated Ca2+ influx and expression of epithelial calcium channel (ecac), 11β-hydroxylase and the glucocorticoid receptor (gr). Exogenous cortisol increased Ca2+ influx and the expressions of ecac and hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2 (hsd11b2), but downregulated 11β-hydroxylase and the gr with no effects on other Ca2+ transporters or the mineralocorticoid receptor (mr). Morpholino knockdown of the GR, but not the MR, was found to impair zebrafish Ca2+ uptake function by inhibiting the ecac expression. To further explore the regulatory mechanism of cortisol in Ca2+ uptake, the involvement of vitamin D3 was analyzed. Cortisol stimulated expressions of vitamin D-25hydroxylase (cyp27a1), cyp27a1 like (cyp27a1l), 1α-OHase (cyp27b1) at 3 dpf through GR, the first time to demonstrate the relationship between cortisol and vitamin D3 in fish. In conclusion, cortisol stimulates ecac expression to enhance Ca2+ uptake functions, and this control pathway is suggested to be mediated by the GR. Lastly, cortisol also could mediate vitamin D3 signaling to stimulate Ca2+ uptake in zebrafish

    The Effect of OPA1 on Mitochondrial Ca2+ Signaling

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    The dynamin-related GTPase protein OPA1, localized in the intermembrane space and tethered to the inner membrane of mitochondria, participates in the fusion of these organelles. Its mutation is the most prevalent cause of Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy. OPA1 controls the diameter of the junctions between the boundary part of the inner membrane and the membrane of cristae and reduces the diffusibility of cytochrome c through these junctions. We postulated that if significant Ca2+ uptake into the matrix occurs from the lumen of the cristae, reduced expression of OPA1 would increase the access of Ca2+ to the transporters in the crista membrane and thus would enhance Ca2+ uptake. In intact H295R adrenocortical and HeLa cells cytosolic Ca2+ signals evoked with K+ and histamine, respectively, were transferred into the mitochondria. The rate and amplitude of mitochondrial [Ca2+] rise (followed with confocal laser scanning microscopy and FRET measurements with fluorescent wide-field microscopy) were increased after knockdown of OPA1, as compared with cells transfected with control RNA or mitofusin1 siRNA. Ca2+ uptake was enhanced despite reduced mitochondrial membrane potential. In permeabilized cells the rate of Ca2+ uptake by depolarized mitochondria was also increased in OPA1-silenced cells. The participation of Na+/Ca2+ and Ca2+/H+ antiporters in this transport process is indicated by pharmacological data. Altogether, our observations reveal the significance of OPA1 in the control of mitochondrial Ca2+ metabolism

    Taking stock of 10 years of published research on the ASHA programme: Examining India’s national community health worker programme from a health systems perspective

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    Background: As India’s accredited social health activist (ASHA) community health worker (CHW) programme enters its second decade, we take stock of the research undertaken and whether it examines the health systems interfaces required to sustain the programme at scale. Methods: We systematically searched three databases for articles on ASHAs published between 2005 and 2016. Articles that met the inclusion criteria underwent analysis using an inductive CHW–health systems interface framework. Results: A total of 122 academic articles were identified (56 quantitative, 29 mixed methods, 28 qualitative, and 9 commentary or synthesis); 44 articles reported on special interventions and 78 on the routine ASHA program. Findings on special interventions were overwhelmingly positive, with few negative or mixed results. In contrast, 55% of articles on the routine ASHA programme showed mixed findings and 23% negative, with few indicating overall positive findings, reflecting broader system constraints. Over half the articles had a health system perspective, including almost all those on general ASHA work, but only a third of those with a health condition focus. The most extensively researched health systems topics were ASHA performance, training and capacity-building, with very little research done on programme financing and reporting, ASHA grievance redressal or peer communication. Research tended to be descriptive, with fewer influence, explanatory or exploratory articles, and no predictive or emancipatory studies. Indian institutions and authors led and partnered on most of the research, wrote all the critical commentaries, and published more studies with negative results. Conclusion: Published work on ASHAs highlights a range of small-scale innovations, but also showcases the challenges faced by a programme at massive scale, situated in the broader health system. As the programme continues to evolve, critical comparative research that constructively feeds back into programme reforms is needed, particularly related to governance, intersectoral linkages, ASHA solidarity, and community capacity to provide support and oversight

    Perks of Being Lazy: Boosting retrieval performance

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    Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a lazy learning method and, being such, when a new query is made to a CBR system, the swiftness of its retrieval phase proves to be very important for the overall system performance. The availability of ubiquitous data today is an opportunity for CBR systems as it implies more cases to reason with. Nevertheless, this availability also introduces a challenge for the CBR retrieval since distance calculations become computationally expensive. A good example of a domain where the case base is subject to substantial growth over time is the health records of patients where a query is typically an incremental update to prior cases. To deal with the retrieval performance challenge in such domains where cases are sequentially related, we introduce a novel method which significantly reduces the number of cases assessed in the search of exact nearest neighbors (NNs). In particular, when distance measures are metrics, they satisfy the triangle inequality and our method leverages this property to use it as a cutoff in NN search. Specifically, the retrieval is conducted in a lazy manner where only the cases that are true NN candidates for a query are evaluated. We demonstrate how a considerable number of unnecessary distance calculations is avoided in synthetically built domains which exhibit different problem feature characteristics and different cluster diversity.This work has been partially funded by project Innobrain, COMRDI-151-0017 (RIS3CAT comunitats), and Feder funds. Mehmet Oğuz Mülâyim is a PhD Student of the doctoral program in Computer Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Peer reviewe