121 research outputs found

    Handing Off The Torch: Leadership Transitions Among The Boomer Generation In Early Childhood Education

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    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine how the career paths of eight Baby Boomer Generation early childhood education (ECE) professionals evolved over time to support their leadership roles in research, pedagogy and policy development. Data was collected through a two-stage interviewing process and common themes were discovered through the analysis of the transcribed interviews. These themes revealed the participants\u27 lived experiences during the historically significant period of the Civil Rights Movement, had a profound impact on the participants\u27 philosophies, values and senses of a mission-driven purpose during their careers. The adaptive leadership model served as the conceptual framework for the study. Being mentored, developing peer networks and job experience gave the participants the expertise necessary to lead the field. Leadership attributes of persistence, risk-taking and passion, along with excellent communication skills, propelled the participants to positions of responsibility and influence as well as garnering opportunities for publishing and professional prominence. The participants enjoy working and few consider retiring, but will transition slowly to other meaningful work when new leaders step forward. The findings of this study suggest strong generational differences must be overcome in the workforce for the ECE field to stay relevant into the future and allow a transition of leadership to occur to the younger professionals in the field

    Tissue tropism and optimization and evaluation of diagnostics test for the detection of Pilchard orthomyxovirus (POMV) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Since 2012, pilchard orthomyxovirus (POMV) has been of major concern to the Tasmanian salmonid industry. The virus was first discovered in pilchards, and is, so far, only shown to be highly infectious to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Salmonid orthomyxovirus necrosis (SON) is caused by POMV and is associated with multisystemic pathology causing high mortalities in the marine phase. The aims of this study were to investigate the tissue tropism and to develop a new diagnostic test to improve early detection of POMV in Atlantic salmon. For this, tissue samples of sub-clinical smolt from a cohabitation challenge were examined. POMV was detected, post injection, in all six tissues examined with a peak of infection between 8- and 12-days in all organs of sub-clinical fish with the exception of the gills which presented high viral loads past this point. Head kidney and heart were the first sites to show presence of POMV in sub-clinical fish, two days post injection, and were also among the tissues with highest viral loads throughout the time course of the experiment. This knowledge revealed that these tissues are effective samples for POMV detection. RT-qPCR assays targeting segment 7 and 8 of the genome of POMV were designed and validated in several steps. However, the improved diagnostic sensitivity of the assays compared to the currently used RT-qPCR assay targeting segment 5, especially for the segment 8 assay, will be of particularly importance to contribute to earlier detection of the virus. Development of an improved diagnostic tool for early detection of POMV is of importance and will allow management of disease at earlier phases, improve animal welfare, and potentially reduce prevalence, transmission and losses due to the virus.Masteroppgave i fiskehelseFISK399MAMN-FIS

    Argument placement in Norwegian

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    Source at https://journals.uio.no/NALS/article/view/10099.This paper gives an overview of the results from three data collection sessions that took place in Norway in 2018, which specifically targeted the placement of subjects, objects and particles in main clauses. The results reveal a fairly high amount of variation in the relative linear order of phrasal subjects and negation, and phrasal objects and verb particles, while the placement of pronouns show little or no variation. We view these results in a wider context of variation within the North Germanic languages, and furthermore explicitly describe the structure of the collected data, and how to access it in the online Nordic Word Order Database

    Cyber-threats against the Norwegian financial sector

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    Technological development affects most of the industries in the world, and the Norwegian financial sector is no exception. We use our digital tools every day, and these tools make footsteps of personal information. Norway is one of the most digitalized countries, and digitalization has brought new ways of thinking and made the sector more effective. However, this also brings new challenges with new vulnerabilities and risks. All this has made a need for understanding and managing cyber-risk. This thesis investigates how the Norwegian financial sector handles the risk of losing personal information when drawing on cyber-attacks by performing a content analysis based on relevant documents and articles. Discussion and analysis of the dominant documents and articles contribute to achieving the thesis goal of answering the research question. We do this intending to generate awareness of the cyber-risk in the sector when it comes to handling personal information. Additionally, we aim to create an understanding and knowledge base of the topic to understand the development better and be capable of being resilient to this type of risk. The content analysis of cyber-risk and cyber-threat in this thesis reveals that the risk of losing personal information is in constant flux. The reason is compound, but the analysis shows that our main findings can summarize it; Implementation and enactment of complexity in existing material, Speedy development and an arduous environment, and Endorsement of robustness, relicense, and redundancy. We were especially boggled over the neglection of integrating complexity as a risk in both the current NIST-framework and the ISO27001 standard. Also, the rapid development of technology and different types of actors may force the sector to take measures, but the long value chains increase the complexity

    To Deceive or not Deceive: Unveiling The Adoption Determinants Of Defensive Cyber Deception in Norwegian Organizations

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    Due to the prevailing threat landscape in Norway, it is imperative for organizations to safeguard their infrastructures against cyber threats. One of the technologies that is advantageous against these threats is defensive cyber deception, which is an approach in cyber security that aims to be proactive, to interact with the attackers, trick them, deceive them and use this to the defenders advantage. This type of technology can help organizations defend against sophisticated threat actors that are able to avoid more traditional defensive mechanisms, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). In order to aid the adoption of defensive cyber deception in Norway, we asked the question: "What affects the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations in Norway?". To answer this question, we utilized the Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) Framework to identity what factors affect an organization's adoption of defensive cyber deception. Through our use of the framework, we identified eighteen different factors which affect an organization's adoption of defensive cyber deception. These factors are the product of the empirical data analysis from eight different semi-structured interview with individuals from six different organizations in Norway. The main theoretical implications of our research is the introduction of a TOE model for defensive cyber deception, focusing specifically on organizations in Norway as well as contributing with a maturity estimate model for defensive cyber deception. For the practical implications of our research, we have identified seven different benefits that defensive cyber deception provides. We are also contributing to raising the awareness of defensive cyber deception in Norwegian research and we hope that our TOE model can aid organizations that are considering adopting the technology. We hope that these implications and contributions can act as a spark for both the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations as well as the start of a new wave for the cyber security researchers within Norway. Keywords: Cyber Security, Defensive Cyber Deception, TOE Framework, Adoptio

    Cyber-threats against the Norwegian financial sector

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    Technological development affects most of the industries in the world, and the Norwegian financial sector is no exception. We use our digital tools every day, and these tools make footsteps of personal information. Norway is one of the most digitalized countries, and digitalization has brought new ways of thinking and made the sector more effective. However, this also brings new challenges with new vulnerabilities and risks. All this has made a need for understanding and managing cyber-risk. This thesis investigates how the Norwegian financial sector handles the risk of losing personal information when drawing on cyber-attacks by performing a content analysis based on relevant documents and articles. Discussion and analysis of the dominant documents and articles contribute to achieving the thesis goal of answering the research question. We do this intending to generate awareness of the cyber-risk in the sector when it comes to handling personal information. Additionally, we aim to create an understanding and knowledge base of the topic to understand the development better and be capable of being resilient to this type of risk. The content analysis of cyber-risk and cyber-threat in this thesis reveals that the risk of losing personal information is in constant flux. The reason is compound, but the analysis shows that our main findings can summarize it; Implementation and enactment of complexity in existing material, Speedy development and an arduous environment, and Endorsement of robustness, relicense, and redundancy. We were especially boggled over the neglection of integrating complexity as a risk in both the current NIST-framework and the ISO27001 standard. Also, the rapid development of technology and different types of actors may force the sector to take measures, but the long value chains increase the complexity

    To Deceive or not Deceive: Unveiling The Adoption Determinants Of Defensive Cyber Deception in Norwegian Organizations

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    Due to the prevailing threat landscape in Norway, it is imperative for organizations to safe- guard their infrastructures against cyber threats. One of the technologies that is advan- tageous against these threats is defensive cyber deception, which is an approach in cyber security that aims to be proactive, to interact with the attackers, trick them, deceive them and use this to the defenders advantage. This type of technology can help organizations defend against sophisticated threat actors that are able to avoid more traditional defensive mechanisms, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). In order to aid the adoption of defensive cyber deception in Norway, we asked the question: "What affects the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations in Nor- way?". To answer this question, we utilized the Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) Framework to identity what factors affect an organization’s adoption of defensive cyber deception. Through our use of the framework, we identified eighteen different factors which affect an organization’s adoption of defensive cyber deception. These factors are the product of the empirical data analysis from eight different semi-structured interview with individuals from six different organizations in Norway. The main theoretical implications of our research is the introduction of a TOE model for defensive cyber deception, focusing specifically on organizations in Norway as well as contributing with a maturity estimate model for defensive cyber deception. For the practical implications of our research, we have identified seven different benefits that defensive cyber deception provides. We are also con- tributing to raising the awareness of defensive cyber deception in Norwegian research and we hope that our TOE model can aid organizations that are considering adopting the tech- nology. We hope that these implications and contributions can act as a spark for both the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations as well as the start of a new wave for the cyber security researchers within Norway. Keywords: Cyber Security, Defensive Cyber Deception, TOE Framework, Adoptio

    Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Navigation of Autonomous Surface Vessels

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    This article proposes an approach for collision avoidance, path following, and anti-grounding of autonomous surface vessels under consideration of environmental forces based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC). Artificial Potential Fields (APFs) set the foundation for the cost function of the optimal control problem in terms of collision avoidance and anti-grounding. Depending on the risk of a collision given by the resulting force of the APFs, the controller optimizes regarding an adapted heading and travel speed by additionally following a desired path. For this purpose, nonlinear vessel dynamics are used for the NMPC. To extend the situational awareness concerning environmental disturbances impacted by wind, waves, and sea currents, a nonlinear disturbance observer is coupled to the entire NMPC scheme, allowing for the correction of an incorrect vessel motion due to external forces. In addition, the most essential rules according to the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) are considered. The results of the simulations show that the proposed framework can control an autonomous surface vessel under various challenging scenarios, including environmental disturbances, to avoid collisions and follow desired paths

    Å skape vilkår for deltakelse i fellesskapet: En analyse av barnehagepedagogers tilretteleggelse for barns deltakelse i kodelek

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    Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie av kodelek i barnehager. Hovedtemaet for oppgaven er inkludering og barns deltakelse i lek og læring i barnehagen, satt i rammene av barnehagens digitale praksis. Studien er forankret i det sosiokulturelle læringssynet, med vekt på at barns læring er en sosial prosess som er avhengig av å delta i læringsfellesskapet. Formålet med studien var å undersøke hvilke betingelser som ligger til grunn for barns deltakelse i kodelek, for å gjøre dette til en inkluderende aktivitet. Studiens forskningsspørsmål var: Hvordan skaper barnehagepedagoger likeverdige vilkår for barns læring og deltakelse i kodelek? Det ble gjennomført videoobservasjoner i åtte ulike barnehager fordelt på to kommuner. I hver av observasjonene inngikk pedagoger og barn i en aktivitet med kodeleken Kubo. Observasjonene ble transkribert og anonymisert, og det ble gjennomført tematisk analyse på datamaterialet. Analyseprosessen førte frem til to hovedtemaer: Strukturering av aktiviteten og Støtte til mestring. Resultatene fra studien fremhever at for å legge til rette for likeverdig deltakelse for alle barna i aktiviteten dreier det seg om en balanse i aktivitetens struktur og mengden støtte pedagogen gir barna i aktiviteten. Gjennom å vektlegge inkludering og likeverdig deltakelse i kodelek, kan pedagoger bidra til at barn får et likeverdig utgangspunkt når det gjelder digital kompetanse som følger barna videre i livet. I et fremtidsrettet perspektiv kan dette være et bidrag i å utjevne sosiale forskjeller

    Frå transistor til datamaskin

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    Dette skrivet prøver å gi ei forståing av korleis datamaskinar er oppbygde og virkar. Ein ser også på korleis ein kan programmera mindre datamaskinar brukte til styring og overvaking av prosessar. Skrivet er laga for bruk i emnet Datamaskinarkitektur ved Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS). Det kan også brukast til å gi ei innføring i digitalteknikk generelt og som ein del av dette, mikroprosessoren sin struktur og virkemåte. Ein får også ei innføring i grunnlaget for konstruksjon av datamaskinar. Ein har prøvd å gjera framstillinga kort og klar. Hovudfokus er på dei ulike byggjesteinane i ein datamaskin og korleis digitalteknikk blir praktisert i dag. Mykje av den klassiske digitalteknikken som manuell logikkonstruksjon med enkle portar av ein type, manuell optimalisering av logikk vhja. Karnaugh-diagram og konstruksjon av tilstandsmaskinar basert på J-K-vipper er tillagt redusert vekt samanlikna med vanlege lærebøker. Utviklingsprosjekt i dag tar stort sett utgangspunkt i programmerbar elektronikk. Mange klassiske metodar er her innbakt i utviklingsverktøyet ein bruker, eller blir realisert på andre måtar. Tema som logikkoptimalisering er likevel tatt med til ein viss grad der dette høyrer heime