13,139 research outputs found

    Growth patterns and scaling laws governing AIDS epidemic in Brazilian cities

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    Brazil holds approximately 1/3 of population living infected with AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) in Central and South Americas, and it was also the first developing country to implement a large-scale control and intervention program against AIDS epidemic. In this scenario, we investigate the temporal evolution and current status of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil. Specifically, we analyze records of annual absolute frequency of cases for more than 5000 cities for the first 33 years of the infection in Brazil. We found that (i) the annual absolute frequencies exhibit a logistic-type growth with an exponential regime in the first few years of the AIDS spreading; (ii) the actual reproduction number decaying as a power law; (iii) the distribution of the annual absolute frequencies among cities decays with a power law behavior; (iv) the annual absolute frequencies and the number of inhabitants have an allometric relationship; (v) the temporal evolution of the annual absolute frequencies have different profile depending on the average annual absolute frequencies in the cities. These findings yield a general quantitative description of the AIDS infection dynamics in Brazil since the beginning. They also provide clues about the effectiveness of treatment and control programs against the infection, that has had a different impact depending on the number of inhabitants of cities. In this framework, our results give insights into the overall dynamics of AIDS epidemic, which may contribute to select empirically accurate models.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Limits of space-times in five dimensions and their relation to the Segre Types

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    A limiting diagram for the Segre classification in 5-dimensional space-times is obtained, extending a recent work on limits of the energy-momentum tensor in general relativity. Some of Geroch's results on limits of space-times in general relativity are also extended to the context of five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein space-times.Comment: Late

    A review of biomass thermal analysis, kinetics and product distribution for combustion modeling: from the micro to macro perspective

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    Driven by its accessibility, extensive availability, and growing environmental consciousness, solid biomass has emerged as a viable alternative to enhance the diversity of renewable energy sources for electricity generation. To understand the phenomena involved in solid biomass conversion, it is necessary not only to understand the stages of the biomass combustion process but also to understand specifically the kinetics of the reaction and the release of the volatiles. The present work presents an overview of the existing literature on several topics related to the biomass combustion process, its characterization, as well as strategies to develop simple and effective models to describe biomass conversion with a view to the future development of numerical simulation models. Since the focus of most of the investigations is the development of a numerical model, a summary and identification of the different model assumptions and problems involved in thermal analysis experiments are presented. This literature review establishes the significance and credibility of the research, providing the main concepts and assumptions with a critique on their validity. Hence, this work provides specific contributions from a multi-scale perspective which can further be extended to provide insights into the design and optimization of biomass combustion technologies, such as boilers and furnaces.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020 (ALGORITMI), and R&D Units Project Scope UIDP/04077/2020 (MEtRICs)

    Causal Anomalies in Kaluza-Klein Gravity Theories

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    Causal anomalies in two Kaluza-Klein gravity theories are examined, particularly as to whether these theories permit solutions in which the causality principle is violated. It is found that similarly to general relativity the field equations of the space-time-mass Kaluza-Klein (STM-KK) gravity theory do not exclude violation of causality of G\"odel type, whereas the induced matter Kaluza-Klein (IM-KK) gravity rules out noncausal G\"odel-type models. The induced matter version of general relativity is shown to be an efficient therapy for causal anomalies that occurs in a wide class of noncausal geometries. Perfect fluid and dust G\"odel-type solutions of the STM-KK field equations are studied. It is shown that every G\"odel-type perfect fluid solution is isometric to the unique dust solution of the STM-KK field equations. The question as to whether 5-D G\"odel-type non-causal geometries induce any physically acceptable 4-D energy-momentum tensor is also addressed.Comment: 16 page. LaTex file. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A (1998

    Influence of arterial mechanical properties on carotid blood flow: comparison of CFD and FSI studies

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    Carotid artery blood flow is studied to compare models with rigid and elastic walls. Considering a patient-specific geometry and transient boundary conditions. In the case of rigid walls, only the fluid (blood) behavior is considered, in a typical Computational Fluid Dynamics study. With the elastic walls, the reciprocal influence of both fluid and solid (blood and artery) are taken into account, constituting a Fluid-Structure Interaction study. Further more, the study of the influence of mechanical properties of the artery, which become stiffer with the progression of atherosclerosis, on blood flow is also presented, an innovative approach relative to the work done in this field. Results show that the carotid sinus is the preferential zone to develop atherosclerosis, given its low values of Time-Averaged Wall Shear Stress. Additionally, it is fundamental to consider the arterial wall as elastic bodies, given that the rigid model overestimates the flow velocity and Wall Shear Stress. On the different mechanical properties of the vessel, its influence is minimal in the Time-Averaged Wall Shear Stress profiles. However, given the results of the displacement and velocity profiles, their inclusion in blood flow simulations in stenosed arteries should be considered.This work was supported by FEDER funds through the COMPETE program with the reference project PTDC/SEM-TEC/3827/2014. Additionally, this work is supported by FCT with the reference projects UID/EEA/04436/2019, UID/CEC/00319/2019 and UID/EMS/04077/2019

    Project-based learning in a mechanical engineering course: A new proposal based on student's views

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    The evolution of learning in higher education is nowadays evident. Several discussions and studies have been performed about new methodologies that can disrupt the way the classes are taught in universities. In this context, Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the most emphasized. In the Mechanical Engineering course at the University of Minho (UM), the Integration Project (IP) courses apply a PBL methodology, being these classes the differentiating element of the Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering (IMME) compared with other Portuguese universities. However, even if the innovative aspect of this approach is recognized nationally, the opinions between students and Professors, about the structure and organization of this class, are still divided. In that sense, this work presents a new proposal for the IP courses in which the opinion of students and successful models implemented in international universities are considered. This study analyses the best PBL methodologies implemented in Engineering courses and presents a PBL model actually implemented at the IMME. This information is combined with the student's views obtained from a survey conducted at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM), regarding the actual PBL model. Through this study, a new proposal for the IP courses is presented. This proposal intends to provide an effective answer to the necessity of the students, using successful tools and methodologies to improve the teaching and learning process in the IMME course. Through this proposal, it is expected to increase the learning process and motivation of the students making them better prepared for a productive profession.The first author would like to express her gratitude for the support given by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the MIT Portugal Program. This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 (ALGORITMI Center) and R&D Units Project Scope UIDP/04077/2020 (METRICS Center)


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    ATENDIMENTO EM CUIDADOS PALIATIVOS PEDIÁTRICOS: PERSPECTIVAS DOS PROFISSIONAIS DE SAÚDE Filipa da Conceição Rego1, Sara Filipa Rodrigues1, Vânia Sofia Teixeira1, José Carlos Caldas2 1Curso de Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, ISCS-N; 2Departamento de Psicologia, ISCS-N / UnIPSa / CICS Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde – Norte; Unidade de Investigação em Psicologia e Saúde; Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde Introdução Os cuidados paliativos, segundo a OMS (2002) têm como objectivo proporcionar ao paciente é a sua família uma melhor qualidade de vida. De acordo com Twycross (2003) este tipo de cuidados estão pensados para os pacientes em processo de fim de vida. Reflectir sobre os cuidados paliativos pediátricos remete-nos para a possibilidade de que a morte não somente se relaciona com a velhice mas que esta poderá ocorrer em qualquer idade. Prestar cuidados paliativos pediátricos direcciona-se não só para as crianças em risco de vida, mas também para as famílias. O objectivo deste tipo de cuidados mantém-se mesmo quando se direccionam para crianças, pretendendo-se satisfazer necessidades de ordem física, emocional, psicológica e espiritual, promovendo o bem-estar e qualidade de vida (Himelstein, Hilden, Boldt & Weissman, 2004). Objectivos e Material e Métodos Com o objectivo de explorar e comparar as perspectivas de diferentes profissionais de saúde relativamente aos cuidados paliativos pediátricos reuniu-se uma amostra de Médicos, Enfermeiros, Directores Clínicos, Directores de Serviço e Psicólogos (n=66), das seguintes instituições: Hospital de S. João E.P.E.; Centro Hospitalar do Porto; Centro Hospitalar da Póvoa do Varzim/ Vila do Conde e Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, aos quais foi aplicada uma tradução adaptada do questionário ISAT – Institucional Self – Assessment Tool: Unit Form (Levetown, Dokken, Heller, et al. For The Initiative for Pediatric Palliative Care - IPPC). Discussão Os resultados obtidos revelaram comunalidades de perspectivas entre profissionais, mas também diferenças estatisticamente significativas (teste χ2, p<= 0,05), entre os três grupos por nós estudados: Médicos (M); Enfermeiros (E) e Directores de Serviço, Directores Clínicos e Psicólogos (D), quanto às frequências das respostas dadas a algumas das questões colocadas. Perante os resultados obtidos é possível perceber a perspectiva dos profissionais em geral e as diferenças de perspectiva entre grupos profissionais, tendo em conta as funções principais desempenhadas. Conclusões Concluímos, então que os cuidados paliativos pediátricos, apesar de ainda não serem uma realidade no nosso sistema nacional de saúde, representam uma temática que se revela presente entre os profissionais de saúde. Estes esboçam uma perspectiva que nos remete para a necessidade de promover à criança/família a melhor qualidade de vida possível, independentemente dos meios disponíveis, mas também mostram diferir em alguns aspectos da forma de levar à prática este desiderato. Apresentador: Filipa da Conceição Rego, Curso de Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde do Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde – Norte

    Produtividade estacional, melhoramento e manejo de pastagens na Ilha de Marajó.

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