1,291 research outputs found
Velhice, institucionalização e redes sociais
As redes de suporte emocional contribuem para o envelhecimento bem-sucedido e traduzem
potenciais recursos mobilizáveis em momentos de fragilidade dos indivíduos. Este estudo de caso visa
caracterizar, numa perspectiva sociológica, as redes de suporte emocional de indivíduos com idades
compreendidas entre os 50 e os 90 anos, procedendo a uma análise comparativa que tem em conta o
seu contexto institucional de vida .A amostra é constituída por 64 indivíduos residentes na Região
Norte do país, enquadrados por diversas IPSS nas respostas sociais de Lar, Centro de Dia ou Apoio
Enveredando por uma perspectiva de análise não convencional (Social Network Analysis), este estudo
adoptou como unidade principal de observação, a própria rede de suporte emocional dos indivíduos.
Os principais resultados obtidos convergem com a literatura consultada, evidenciando a frequência de
contacto mais reduzida nas redes dos indivíduos em lares residenciais, comparativamente às redes dos
indivíduos em Centro de Dia e Apoio Domiciliário. Os indivíduos que recebem Apoio Domiciliário
são os que possuem as redes de maior dimensão e densidade, manifestando também uma maior
satisfação com a sua rede de suporte emocional.The emotional support networks contribute to successful aging and represent potential resources that
can be mobilized in times of individuals’ frail. This case study aims to characterize, in a sociological
perspective, the emotional support networks of individuals aged between 50 and 90 years, carrying
out a comparative analysis, which takes into account the institutional context of their lives. The
sample consists of 64 individuals who received help/care at home, attend Day Care Centres or live in
nursing homes in the North of Portugal.
Using an unconventional perspective of analysis (Social Network Analysis), this study adopted the
emotional support network of individuals as main unit of observation. The results converge with
literature, showing a lower frequency of contact within networks of individuals in nursing homes,
compared to the networks of individuals in Day Care Centres and receiving help/care at home. These
last ones have the larger and denser networks and also express greater satisfaction with their
emotional support network
Radiation-Generated ROS Induce Apoptosis via Mitochondrial
Ionizing radiation (IR) causes an increase in intracellular calcium, alters contractility, and triggers apoptosis via the activation of PKCα and -ε in irradiated smooth muscle cells. The present study investigated the role of the mitochondria in these processes and characterized the proteins involved in IR-induced apoptosis. Intestinal smooth muscle cells were exposed to 10–50 Gy from a γ-source. ROS and H2O2 levels were measured with colourimetry and a DCFH-DA probe, and protein expression was analyzed by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence. The IR-induced generation of ROS was inhibited by glutathione, and apoptosis was mediated by the mitochondria via BAX, cytochrome c, and caspase 3. IR increased the expression of the cyclins A, B2, and E, and led to unbalanced cellular growth in an absorption dose-dependent manner. However, radiation did not induce alterations in the mitochondrial ultrastructure or in KΨmito. In contrast, IR increased the nuclear expression of BAG-1, TNFα, PKCα, and -ε and cyclins A and E. In conclusion, IR triggers the activation of antiapoptotic proteins and enhances the risk of a second type of cancer in patients undergoing radiotherapy. In addition to increasing the radioresistance of cells, antiapoptotic proteins can also stimulate uncontrolled cell proliferation that culminates in mutagenesis
Functionalized liposome and albumin-based systems as carriers for poorly water-soluble anticancer drugs: an updated review
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In the available treatments, chemotherapy is one of the most used, but has several associated problems, namely the high toxicity to normal cells and the resistance acquired by cancer cells to the therapeutic agents. The scientific community has been battling against this disease, developing new strategies and new potential chemotherapeutic agents. However, new drugs often exhibit poor solubility in water, which led researchers to develop functionalized nanosystems to carry and, specifically deliver, the drugs to cancer cells, targeting overexpressed receptors, proteins, and organelles. Thus, this review is focused on the recent developments of functionalized nanosystems used to carry poorly water-soluble drugs, with special emphasis on liposomes and albumin-based nanosystems, two major classes of organic nanocarriers with formulations already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cancer therapeutics.This work was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT-Portugal) in the framework of the Strategic Funding of CF-UM-UP (UIDB/04650/2020) and CQUM(UIDB/00686/2020), and by funds from FEDER/FCT through the project PTDC/MED-ONC/31354/2017. S. Teixeira acknowledges FCT and FSE (Fundo Social Europeu) through "Programa Operacional Regional Norte" for funding the PhD grant 2020.04975.BD
Development of dry eye models to test a new treatment option for dry eye disease
Dry eye disease (DED) has a prevalence of 5-35% in the general population worldwide. Intrinsic factors such as age, sex steroids imbalance, autoimmune diseases, and extrinsic factors such as refractive surgery, allergy, use of contact lenses, and dry environment contribute to this disease. DED affects both the surface of the eye and the tear film. Therefore, chronic dry eye is characterized by increased osmolarity of the tear film, and it is associated with inflammation of the lacrimal gland and the surface of the eye (Yamaguchi, 2018). To treat DED, the current and most common option includes several daily applications of lubricant eye drops. Nevertheless, these eye drops usually lead to local side effects, including ocular allergies and blurred vision.
To study DED, the development of a robust dry eye model is essential to testing new treatments. Here, an ex vivo porcine model of dry eye was established by incubating porcine corneas at low humidity (LH). The model was characterized by histological damage evaluation, epithelial thickness, and relevant dry eye markers such as interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β), nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), occludin and galectin- 3. In the dry eye model proposed, it was verified a rise in the secretion of IL-1β, along with a mRNA expression upregulation of NF-κB, occludin, and galectin-3. Furthermore, it was observed a higher apoptosis rate in the dry eye model in comparison to controls (Netto et al., 2022).
Next, eye drops that are currently used to treat DED, composed of hyaluronic acid and dexamethasone, were used to determine if they were therapeutically effective in the established porcine dry eye model. Hence, it was demonstrated that the low humidity-induced effects could be partially reversed with the use of hyaluronic acid eye drops and successfully reversed with treatment with dexamethasone. As a result, the dry eye model proposed simulates the in vivo condition and enables animal-free testing of dry eye treatments, as the porcine eyes came from a local abattoir, and the animals were euthanized for nutritional purposes (Netto et al., 2022).
The further step in this research was to evaluate if the DNA- Nanoparticles (NPs), developed initially to function as a drug delivery platform, would also behave as a treatment option for DED. For that, the ex vivo porcine dry eye model and an in vitro human corneal model were submitted to LH stress and treated with the NPs. Therefore, it was verified that the NPs attached to the stressed in vitro and ex vivo models up 24 h of incubation at LH, demonstrating their affinity to bind damaged tissue as well. Moreover, the NPs prevented apoptosis caused by LH at the porcine model and hindered mRNA expression upregulation of galectin-3. However, the exact mechanisms for an anti- inflammatory role should still be investigated in further research.
The last aim of this project was to improve a method of isolation and cultivation of corneal cells so that in vitro models can be established for the study of DED and other corneal diseases. For that, the outgrowth method was defined with the use of porcine corneas that came from a local abattoir. Small explants of the corneal limbus were isolated and cultivated in flasks in two different conditions: with the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and without it. It was verified that cultures cultivated with FBS were more numerous and were composed mainly of epithelial cells and other cell types, probably fibroblasts. As for the cultures incubated without FBS, the cells were predominantly epithelial cells and keratocytes. Therefore, cell isolation with the outgrowth method and the use of FBS can be used to study injury processes, while cell isolation and cultivation without FBS can be useful to develop an in vitro model similar to healthy corneal conditions (Netto et al., 2023).
In conclusion, important steps for the study of DED were developed with this project, allowing the expansion of knowledge about models for studying DED ex vivo and in vitro, and a possible new therapy for the disease was investigated
As Redes Sociais do Jornalismo e a Representação do Populismo na pandemia: Jair Bolsonaro no Instagram de Jornais Brasileiros e Internacionais na Crise da COVID-19
A seguinte dissertação parte de um conjunto de discussões sobre o populismo e a sua relação com os novos media, aplicados ao contexto brasileiro durante o primeiro ano civil da pandemia da COVID-19. Este estudo analisa qualitativamente a forma como um conjunto de jornais brasileiros e internacionais representaram o presidente brasileiro Jair Bolsonaro, nas suas páginas de Instagram, durante a sua atuação na pandemia. O nosso principal objetivo é compreender se, nas representações feitas, o presidente é retratado enquanto populista, e caso a resposta seja positiva procurar estabelecer comparações entre os grupos de jornais. Usando a metodologia de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011), procedemos a uma análise qualitativa de um conjunto de publicações dos jornais: A Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo, New York Times, The Guardian, El País, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Zeit im Bild, Clarín, Jornal de Notícias e Público. Posto isto, com o presente estudo pretendemos responder às seguintes questões: Como é Jair Bolsonaro representado nas páginas do Instagram de jornais brasileiros internacionais durante a pandemia da COVID-19? Em que medida as representações mediáticas de Bolsonaro no Instagram dos jornais revelam marcas semânticas do populismo autoritário no contexto da pandemia? Os principais resultados da análise apontam que Jair Bolsonaro é representado, nos jornais em estudo, como um ator político populista, uma vez que as representações construídas revelam marcas e características que o enquadram em diversas categorias do populismo na sua retórica, durante a pandemia da COVID-19
Narrativas em saúde mental : experiência de estágio de pedagogia em um Centro deAtenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil
O presente Trabalho de Curso se propõe a apresentar, através de narrativas, uma experiência de estágio do curso de pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) em um serviço de cuidado e promoção de saúde mental, um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSi), localizado no município de Porto Alegre e vinculado a um hospital público. Dentro do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), os CAPSi atendem crianças e adolescentes que possuem transtornos mentais severos e/ou persistentes. Conta com a construção de um trabalho coletivo, de uma equipe multiprofissional, da qual fiz parte como estudante de pedagogia. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, que utiliza o método cartográfico para apresentar narrativas que buscam ressaltar a dimensão educativa deste serviço, a partir do meu ponto de vista como autora. São descrições de encontros que se deram dentro das atividades rotineiras do serviço, como nos grupos e oficinas terapêuticas ou na realização de atendimentos pedagógicos individuais. Ao mesmo tempo, são abordados temas que tratam do encontro com a diferença, a loucura, as deficiências, dentro da saúde e da educação. Por fim, afirmo a presença de pedagogos e pedagogas nestes espaços, ressaltando também a importância de produções acadêmicas sobre o tema
The epidemiological surveillance of nursing diagnoses
O presente relatório pretende explanar as experiências vivenciadas no decorrer do estágio final do Mestrado em Enfermagem com Especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária, que decorreu numa Unidade de Saúde Pública da região norte do país. O sentido da aquisição das competências especializadas alicerçou-se no desenvolvimento, durante o estágio, de um projeto centrado numa comunidade como alvo dos cuidados e relacionado com a vigilância epidemiológica de diagnósticos de enfermagem numa comunidade Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACeS), tendo os profissionais enfermeiros como alvo de atenção. Esta problemática é ainda nova e pouco estudada, sendo o projeto inovador pelo cariz da intervenção, atuar sobre os profissionais, como pelos resultados que se pretendem obter. Procurou-se capacitar os enfermeiros de uma comunidade ACeS para a vigilância epidemiológica dos diagnósticos de enfermagem, com recurso ao empoderamento comunitário como processo e como resultado, alicerçando a decisão clínica na matriz do Modelo de Avaliação, Intervenção e Empoderamento Comunitário (MAIEC). Para expor o percurso realizado apresenta-se no primeiro capítulo deste relatório um enquadramento relativo ao local onde decorreu o estágio, bem como ao projeto a instituir e o seu alinhamento com os problemas identificados no ACeS em causa. Apresenta-se ainda um enquadramento teórico que engloba o modelo teórico de referência, MAIEC, e o Empoderamento Comunitário e faz-se uma breve revisão da literatura sobre a vigilância epidemiológica e os focos de enfermagem em estudo. Para finalizar faz-se uma reflexão sobre os procedimentos metodológicos inerentes à consecução do projeto, incluindo os procedimentos éticos e deontológicos a considerar. No segundo capítulo apresenta-se toda a concretização do projeto. Faz-se a descrição do diagnóstico de situação, em que se apresentam os resultados da colheita de dados realizada por questionários e técnica de grupo focal. Em seguida apresentam-se as etapas de planificação (os critérios de priorização, os objetivos delineados para o atingimento das metas definidas, atividades planeadas e respetivos indicadores de processo e resultado) e execução da intervenção. Por fim faz-se uma análise reflexiva sobre os resultados obtidos. Foi também um propósito a aquisição das competências específicas da área de especialidade, aplicando o planeamento em saúde à problemática em estudo, promovendo a capacitação e gestão de projetos integrados nos programas de saúde em vigor, pelo que no último capítulo se faz uma reflexão sobre todas as competências específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária (EEEC) e como o percurso realizado contribuiu para a sua aquisição. Pretende-se evidenciar o desenvolvimento das competências para potenciar uma prática profissional especializada, fundamentada pela evidência científica, que promova ganhos em saúde na população, pela atuação sobre os determinantes de saúde, para melhoria de problemas existentes e prevenção de complicações futuras, numa intervenção centrada na comunidade como cliente do enfermeiro.The present report intents to describe the experiences gathered during the final nursing placement of the Nursing Master’s, with specialisation on Community Nursing, that took place on a Public Health unit on the northern area of the country. In order to achieve specialised competences we based on the development, during the placement, of a project focused on a community as care target and related with the epidemiological surveillance of nursing diagnoses in a grouping of health centers (ACeS) community, having nursing professionals as main focus of attention. This problematic is still new and not deeply studied, being an innovative project for the intervention nature, taking action in the professionals, as by the results that are desired to obtain. It was intended to empower the nurses of an ACeS community for the epidemiological surveillance of nursing diagnoses, with resource to community empowerment as a process and outcome, grounded as a clinical decision in the Community Assessment Intervention Empowerment Model (MAIEC). In order to describe the realized process it is presented, in the first chapter of this report, a framework where the placement took place, as well as the project to be instituted and his alignment with the identified problems in ACeS in cause. It is also presented a theoretical framework that englobes the theoretical reference model, MAIEC, and the community empowerment, besides, we perform a brief literature revision about the epidemiological surveillance, as well as the nursing focus in study. Finally, a reflection is made on the methodological procedures inherent to the project, including the ethical and deontological procedures to be considered. In the second chapter it is presented all the project achievements. It was described the situation diagnosis, in which are presented the results by the facts collected with questionnaires and focal groups technique. Subsequently it is introduced the planification stages (prioritising the parameters, the designed goals in order to reach the defined objectives, planned activities and the respective process and result indicators) and the executed intervention. Lastly, it was performed a reflective analysis about the obtained results. Also, it was a purpose acquire specific competences within the specialised area, applying the health planning to the question in study, promoting capacity and project management integrated on the current health programs, therefore, on the last chapter there is a reflection about all the specific competences of the specialist nurse in community health as well as the pathway that has contributed to its accomplishment. We pretend to highlight the development of competences that strengths the specialised clinical practice, based on scientific evidence, that promotes beneficial health outcomes to the population, acting through the health determinants, contributing to the improvement of existing problems to prevent future complications, on fundamental interventions within the community as a nurse client
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