6 research outputs found
Heart failure subtypes and thromboembolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation::The PREFER in AF - HF substudy
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To assess thromboembolic and bleeding risks in patients with heart failure (HF) and atrial fibrillation (AF) according to HF type. METHODS: We analyzed 6170 AF patients from the Prevention of thromboembolic events - European Registry in Atrial Fibrillation (PREFER in AF), and categorized patients into: HF with reduced left-ventricular ejection fraction (HFrEF; LVEF60%), and no HF. Outcomes were ischemic stroke, major adverse cardiovascular and cerebral events (MACCE) and major bleeding occurring within 1-year. RESULTS: The annual incidence of stroke was linearly and inversely related to LVEF, increasing by 0.054% per each 1% of LVEF decrease (95% CI: 0.013%-0.096%; p=0.031). Patients with HFHpEF had the highest CHA2DS2-VASc score, but significantly lower stroke incidence than other HF groups (0.65%, compared to HFLpEF 1.30%; HFmrEF 1.71%; HFrEF 1.75%; trend p=0.014). The incidence of MACCE was also lower in HFHpEF (2.0%) compared to other HF groups (range: 3.8-4.4%; p=0.001). Age, HF type, and NYHA class were independent predictors of thromboembolic events. Conversely, major bleeding did not significantly differ between groups (p=0.168). CONCLUSION: Our study in predominantly anticoagulated patients with AF shows that, reduction in LVEF is associated with higher thromboembolic, but not higher bleeding risk. HFHpEF is a distinct and puzzling group, featuring the highest CHA2DS2-VASc score but the lowest residual risk of thromboembolic events, which warrants further investigation
A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)
- Author
- Abbott TE
- Abdallah RI
- Abdel-Aal IR
- Abdelmonem SA
- Abdo WF
- Abellan AN
- Abellán AN
- Abellán AN
- Abellán AN
- Abrams ST
- Ackerley C
- Acuña M
- Adda M
- Adhikari NK
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- Adrie C
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- Agarossi A
- Agarwal LK
- Ageeva T
- Agrawal R
- Aguayo-DeHoyos E
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- Aguilar-Alonso E
- Aguilar-Alonso E
- Aguirregabyria M
- Ahmadnia E
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- Ahn JY
- Ahn JY
- Ahn MY
- Ahn MY
- Aitken LM
- Akalaev R
- Akbarzadeh A
- Akcan-Arikan A
- Akhlagh SH
- Akhtar N
- AKI Research Group
- Akiduki N
- Akin S
- Akizuki N
- Akkoc T
- Ala-Kokko T
- Alanio A
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- Alberto F
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- Araujo VF
- ARIAM registry of adult cardiac surgery
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- Arias-Verdu MD
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- de Oca Sandoval MA
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- Frat JP
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- FROG ICU Investigators
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- Fumagalli F
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- Garcia IP
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- Guitard PG
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- Gómez-Jiménez C
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- Hayakawa M
- Hayakawa M
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- Hernández AA
- Hernández AA
- Hernández AA
- Hernández AA
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- Herrera AN
- Herrera AN
- Herrera AN
- Herrera AN
- Herrera AN
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- Hopkins PA
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- Hoppu S
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- Houzé S
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- Hua Y
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- Hualde JB
- Hualde JB
- Hualde JB
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- Huang WC
- Huang WC
- Huang WC
- Huang WC
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- Huber W
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- Hung WT
- Hung WT
- Hung WT
- Hung WT
- Huot B
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- Hutchison R
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- Hwang GS
- Ibañes PG
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- Idei M
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- Iesu E
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- Ignacio ML
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- Inaloo S
- Ince C
- Iotti GA
- Iotti GA
- Iotti GA
- IPREA Study Group
- Irazabal JM
- Irazabal JM
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- Janotka M
- Janotka M
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- Jansen N
- Japan Septic Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (JSEPTIC DIC) study group
- Jardim JJ
- Jardim M
- Jareño A
- Javadpour S
- Jayasinghe S
- Jean-Baptiste S
- Jean-Baptiste S
- Jensen AE
- Jensen JU
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- Jeong IY
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- Jeong WY
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- Jonas M
- Jonas M
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- Joshi V
- Jovaisa T
- JSEPTIC (Japanese Society of Education for Physicians and Trainees in Intensive Care) Clinical Trial Group
- Juan WC
- Juanas CA
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- Jun IG
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- Kaneko M
- Kang M
- Kang M
- Kang PL
- Kang PL
- Kang PL
- Kang PL
- Kang Y
- Kao KC
- Kappler F
- Kara A
- Karachi F
- Karanjia N
- Karbing DS
- Karsten E
- Kasdan H
- Kashiya S
- Kashyap R
- Katabami K
- Katabami K
- Katabami K
- Katabami K
- Katira BH
- Kavanagh BP
- Kawamura N
- Kawano S
- Kay FU
- Kayaaslan B
- Kayambu G
- Kazutoshi F
- Ke MW
- Ke MW
- Keep J
- Keep J
- Keller E
- Kellner F
- Kelly JM
- Kenardy J
- Keough E
- Kerhuel L
- Kerr C
- Kezyte G
- Khadjibaev A
- Khaliq W
- Khine H
- Kim DJ
- Kim HJ
- Kim JM
- Kim JM
- Kim JW
- Kim KS
- Kim KS
- Kim KS
- Kim KS
- Kim MH
- Kim MH
- Kim W
- Kimmoun A
- King HS
- Kinnear J
- Kirakli C
- Kirakli C
- Kirca H
- Kirman M
- Kirwan CJ
- Kittnar O
- Klapsing P
- Klaus DA
- Kleinpell R
- Kluge S
- Knafelj R
- Knight LD
- Ko JI
- Ko SB
- Kobayashi A
- Koco E
- Kodate A
- Kodate A
- Kodate A
- Kokkini S
- Kolnikova I
- Komuro T
- Kondili E
- Kongpolprom N
- Kooner G
- Kostalas M
- Kosuk ME
- Kotsopoulos A
- Kou PS
- Kouatchet A
- Kovacikova L
- Kox M
- Kraegpoeth A
- Krenn CG
- Krishna B
- Kristof J
- Kruger A
- Kruger A
- Krüger A
- Ku NS
- Ku NS
- Kubik M
- Kubota K
- Kuebler WM
- Kulaga EV
- Kulkarni AP
- Kumari BK
- Kumbamu A
- Kunze-Szikszay N
- Kurmukov IA
- Kurth T
- Kurtz P
- Kurtz P
- Kwon HM
- Kwon HM
- Kwon WY
- Kwon WY
- Kwon WY
- Kye YC
- Kyle UG
- Kyle UG
- Labaune MA
- Labra C
- Lacerda P
- Laerkner E
- Lafaurie M
- Lafuente E
- Lagonidis D
- Lagos R
- Lahmer T
- Lai CC
- Lai CH
- Lake K
- Lan SK
- Lapteva K
- Lapteva K
- Larsson JS
- Latini R
- Latini R
- Latini R
- Latorre J
- Lattuada M
- Lattuada M
- Lau YH
- Laurent A
- Lauretta MP
- Laureys S
- Lavrentieva A
- Lawrence N
- Lazzeri EH
- Le Brocque R
- Lebherz-Eichinger D
- Lebiedz P
- Lebrón-Gallardo M
- Lebut J
- Lechner C
- Lee C
- Lee CT
- Lee DS
- Lee DS
- Lee EY
- Lee JH
- Lee S
- Lee SH
- Lee SJ
- Lee WY
- Lee YJ
- Lee YJ
- Legrand M
- Legrand M
- Legrand M
- Legriel S
- Leitao AL
- Leite RT
- Leonard H
- Leone M
- Leone M
- Lerma FA
- Lesmes SP
- Lesmes SP
- Lesmes SP
- Lesmes SP
- Lesmes SP
- Lesmes SP
- Letizia T
- Levrat Q
- Levy B
- León JL
- León JP
- León JP
- León JP
- Lheureux O
- Lheureux O
- Lheureux O
- Lheureux O
- Li R
- Li SH
- Liao X
- Lichtenstein D
- Lim TH
- Limuti R
- Lin KC
- Lin KC
- Lin KC
- Lin KC
- Lin KL
- Lin PH
- Lin SC
- Lin SC
- Lin SC
- Lin SC
- Lin WC
- Lin WC
- Lipcsey M
- Lischinsky A
- Lissonde F
- Lissonde F
- Litchfield K
- Liu CP
- Liu CP
- Liu CP
- Liu CP
- Liu D
- Llaurado-Serra M
- Llorente B
- Llorente MÁ
- Lobato MS
- Lobo-Civico A
- Loizou C
- Lombardo MD
- Londoño JG
- Longani N
- Longhi L
- Lopes JA
- Lopez GD
- Lopez R
- Lopez-Caler C
- Lopez-Gude MJ
- Lorini L
- Lortat-Jacob B
- Lortat-Jacob B
- Lotay R
- Loudet CI
- Louf-Durier A
- Louf-Durier A
- Louis B
- Lourido CM
- Lozano JA
- Lozano JA
- Lucendo AP
- Lucendo MA
- Luciani A
- Lucinio NM
- Luini M
- Luján J
- Lukaszewicz AC
- Luna RR
- Lundeg G
- Lusk J
- Lusk J
- Ly H
- Lázaro AS
- López AR
- López L
- López MA
- Macfarlane B
- MacKay A
- MacKay A
- Mackey G
- Mackey G
- MacPhee I
- Macrì M
- Madueño VP
- Maekawa K
- Maekawa K
- Maekawa K
- Maekawa K
- Maertens B
- Maggiorini M
- Maghsoudi B
- Magnanimi E
- Magnoni S
- Magret M
- Mainardi JL
- Maistry N
- Maitra S
- Makiko S
- Malagurski B
- Malek F
- Malo LR
- Maly M
- Malyshev A
- Manca T
- Manca T
- Mancebo J
- Mancebo J
- Mancebo J
- Mancino A
- Mandal K
- Mantz J
- Mantz J
- Mar GY
- Mar GY
- Mar GY
- Mar GY
- Marca L
- Marca L
- Marcos-Zambrano LJ
- Mariani M
- Mariman A
- Marin-Mateos H
- Marine-Vidal J
- Mariotte E
- Mariotti L
- Marmanidou K
- Marmanidou K
- Marqués-Miñana MR
- Marra C
- Marrazzo F
- Marshall P
- Martin AD
- Martin AD
- Martin C
- Martin S
- Martin-Gallardo F
- Martin-Villen L
- Martin-Vivas A
- Martinez AD
- Martinez FH
- Martinez M
- Martinez MP
- Martinez-Lopez P
- Martinez-Reyes L
- Martí AT
- Martín MC
- Martín-Loeches I
- Martín-Loeches I
- Martínez F
- Martínez L
- Martínez L
- Martínez M
- Martínez MP
- Martínez MV
- Martínez NA
- Martínez-Carmona JF
- Marín-Corral J
- Mas A
- Masclans JR
- Masjedi M
- Masjedi M
- Maslove D
- Masson S
- Masson S
- Masson S
- Mata PJ
- Matamis D
- Matamis D
- Matamis D
- Mateos HM
- Mates M
- Mathew R
- Matsuda Y
- Matsukubo S
- Mauri T
- Mayr U
- Mazo C
- Mazurenko G
- Mazza E
- McCormick B
- McCue C
- McHugh L
- Mckinlay J
- McNamara PJ
- McNelly AS
- McPhail MJ
- McWilliams D
- Mebazaa A
- Mebazaa A
- Mecklenburg A
- Medar S
- Mehl A
- Meissonnier J
- Mejías CR
- Mellis C
- Melnyk L
- Melo N
- Mendes A
- Mendez MC
- Mendonca AV
- Mendsaikhan N
- Menendez R
- Mengelle C
- Mercat A
- Mercat A
- Mercat A
- Mergulhão PJ
- Merino-Vega D
- Messenger D
- Mezidi M
- Mezidi M
- Michel L
- Midwinter MJ
- Mignot T
- Miguelena PR
- Mihara Y
- Millar M
- Mimoun M
- Mimoz O
- Min A
- Min HJ
- Mingone D
- Mion MM
- Mira JP
- Mirabella L
- Miranda F
- Miranda R
- Mirković T
- Mistry M
- Mistry N
- Mitchell M
- Mitchell S
- Mizobuchi S
- Mizugaki A
- Mizugaki A
- Mlcek M
- Moerer O
- Moffatt S
- Moggia F
- Mohamed AN
- Mohammed HM
- Mohan R
- Mohankumar L
- Mojoli F
- Mojoli F
- Mojoli F
- Moles SI
- Molina JA
- Molina R
- Monchi M
- Mongkolpun W
- Mongodi S
- Monnet X
- Monroy NS
- Monsalvo S
- Montejo-González JC
- Montenegro AP
- Montenegro WS
- Montero JG
- Montero RM
- Montesinos-Cerro N
- Montgomery HE
- Montini E
- Montoya AA
- Montravers P
- Montravers P
- Moon YJ
- Moon YJ
- Moore M
- Mora-Ordoñez J
- Mora-Ordóñez JM
- Moraes RB
- Morais CC
- Morales RC
- Moreira T
- Morimatsu H
- Morimoto T
- Morman D
- Moro F
- Morán I
- Motos A
- Mouaci A
- Mourad M
- Mourvillier B
- Moxham J
- Muhammad JB
- Mukherjee DN
- Muncharaz AB
- Munteanu G
- Murakami H
- Murakami H
- Muscedere J
- Muscedere J
- Mutlu H
- Muñoz JJ
- Muñoz JM
- Muñoz-Muñoz JL
- Márquez MP
- Mézière G
- Møller MH
- Na SJ
- Nadel S
- Nadkarni V
- Nagib H
- Naito T
- Nakagawa S
- Nakao A
- Nakataki E
- Nakataki E
- Namiki M
- Namiki M
- Nandha R
- Naran P
- Nataf P
- Naumann DN
- Navarro-Guillamón L
- Naz I
- Neels H
- Neto AS
- Neuville M
- Neuzil P
- Neuzil P
- Neves M
- Ng L
- Nicolini EA
- Nicolini F
- Nicolini F
- Nieto B
- Nieto OR
- Nikhilesh J
- Nishigaki A
- Nishimura M
- Nishimura M
- Nisula S
- Nobile L
- Nobile L
- Nobile L
- Noda E
- Nomura T
- Nomura T
- Noon A
- Noon A
- Noriega SK
- Nosaka N
- Nouer SA
- Nouris C
- Nouris C
- Nouris C
- Noursadeghi M
- Noval RL
- Novelli D
- Noč M
- Nseir S
- Nuevo-Ortega P
- Nunes J
- Nunes RS
- Nuvials X
- Nuvials X
- Nyunga M
- Nóbrega JJ
- O'Dwyer MJ
- Obukhova O
- Oddo M
- Ode S
- Oguzhan K
- Oh J
- Ohta Y
- Oikonomou M
- Oikonomou M
- Okada Y
- Okahara S
- Okamoto H
- Okayama Research Investigation Organizing Network (ORION)investigators
- Olaechea P
- Olavarria E
- Olea-Jiménez V
- Olivares F
- Olkkola KT
- Ong C
- Ono Y
- Ono Y
- Ono Y
- Ono Y
- Onodera M
- Onodera M
- Oobayashi W
- Orden VA
- Ori C
- Orlando A
- Orlando A
- Orlando A
- Orlando S
- Orlowski S
- Orozco V
- Ortiz AB
- Ortolano F
- Ostadal P
- Ostadal P
- Ostadal P
- Ostermann M
- Otani N
- Oto J
- Oto J
- Otulakowski G
- Ovnanian V
- Ozkarakas H
- Padeniya A
- Padilla YS
- Pakhare A
- Paktoris-Papine S
- Paldusová B
- Palencia E
- Palencia E
- Pallás TA
- Palomar M
- Palomar M
- Panafidina V
- Panciera G
- Pannu JK
- Papazian L
- Pappachan J
- Paramythiotou E
- Paramythiotou E
- Park CM
- Park CM
- Park J
- Park JS
- Park M
- Park MJ
- Parker C
- Parkin MS
- Parlevliet KL
- Parpibaev F
- Parry SM
- Parslow R
- Pascual OA
- Pascual OA
- Pascual T
- Pasha SA
- Pastor EE
- Patel B
- Patel C
- Patil VP
- Patiño JA
- Patrigeon RG
- Patruno A
- Pattnaik SK
- Paul M
- Paula MP
- Paver N
- Pawar S
- Payen D
- Payen JF
- Payne D
- Paños-Espinosa C
- Peden C
- Peiretti MA
- Pekkarinen PT
- Pelisson FG
- Pellin-Ariño JI
- Pelosi P
- Peláez C
- Penavic LV
- Penichet SM
- Pennisi MA
- Peralvo-Bernat M
- Perbet S
- Pereira CA
- Pereira M
- Pereira SM
- Pereira UV
- Perez C
- Perez JC
- Perez JL
- Perez LP
- Perez M
- Perez-Borrero L
- Perez-Borrero L
- Perez-Borrero L
- Perez-Vela JL
- Perinel S
- Perinel S
- Perivolioti E
- Perner A
- Perner A
- Persona P
- Pertuz ED
- Pertuz ED
- Pertuz ED
- Pertuz ED
- Pesonen E
- Peters K
- Petrova MV
- Petsikas D
- Pettilä V
- Pettilä V
- Pham T
- Pham T
- Pham T
- Pham T
- Philips BJ
- Phongpagdi P
- Pi-Guerrero M
- Pickkers P
- Pickkers P
- Picoita F
- PICS- HCPA: Programa Intrahospitalar de Combate à Sepse do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre
- Pienovi R
- Pierce C
- Pifferi S
- Pinsky M
- Pinto JL
- Piquilloud L
- Piquilloud L
- Piquilloud L
- Pirracchio R
- Pirracchio R
- Pirracchio R
- Piñol M
- Piñol-Tena A
- Plebani M
- Plouhinec V
- Plug Working Group
- PLUG working group
- PLUG Working Group
- PLUG Working Group
- PLUG Working Group
- Plug working group
- Podlepich V
- Podlepich V
- Pognuz ER
- Poissy J
- Poitou T
- Pompeo MS
- Pons S
- Pont T
- Portillo IP
- Portillo JH
- Post E
- Post M
- Pottecher J
- Poukkanen M
- Powell-Tuck J
- Pozzebon S
- Pozzi M
- Pozzi M
- Pozzi M
- Prabu N
- Prada DA
- Pratikaki M
- Pravettoni D
- Prazeres PH
- Preau S
- Preece J
- Preiser JC
- Price RD
- Prieto J
- Privato E
- Prosperi M
- Prowle JR
- Prīdāne S
- PS-ICU Group
- Psarologakis C
- Puerto-Morlán A
- Pugliese F
- Pujol LM
- Pulham RA
- Pulitano' SM
- Pusapati R
- Puthucheary ZA
- Puthucheary ZA
- Putzu A
- Puybasset L
- Pérez A
- Pérez AG
- Pérez H
- Pérez HR
- Pérez HR
- Pérez LP
- Pérez LP
- Pérez LP
- Qiu H
- Quinart A
- Quintana S
- Quintana S
- Quintel M
- Quinza A
- Rabello L
- Radjou A
- Radu V
- Rai S
- Ramazanoglu A
- Ramelli A
- Ramelli A
- Ramirez JR
- Ramirez P
- Ramirez P
- Ramirez V
- Ramnarayan P
- Ramnarayan P
- Ramos A
- Ramos JV
- Ramos JV
- Ramos JV
- Ramírez CS
- Ramírez CS
- Ramírez JR
- Ranse K
- Ranzani OT
- Rapid Diagnosis of Infections in the Critically Ill Team
- Rattray J
- Raurich JM
- Ravasi S
- Rawal J
- Ray B
- Ray BR
- Raymond T
- Recker F
- Recuerda M
- Redfors B
- Rees SE
- Reeves E
- Reginster JY
- Reichenspurner H
- Reinikainen M
- Reis A
- Reiter A
- Rello J
- Renault A
- Renes-Carreño E
- Renuka S
- Repessé X
- Resche-Rigon M
- Restrepo MI
- Reusch S
- ReVA Research Network and the PROVE Network Investigators
- Revel N
- Revuelto-Rey J
- Rey JR
- Reyes LF
- Rezai F
- Riad Z
- Rialp G
- Richard C
- Richard JC
- Richard JC
- Richard JC
- Richard JC
- Richard JC
- Richard JC
- Richardson S
- Ricksten SE
- Rico J
- Rico T
- Ridi S
- Riera J
- Riera J
- Riera SQ
- Rigal R
- Righy C
- Rigol M
- Rigon MR
- Rincon L
- Rios-Toro JJ
- Riozzi P
- Riozzi P
- Ristagno G
- Ristagno G
- Ristagno G
- Rivas RF
- Rivas RF
- Riveiro M
- Rivera-Fernandez R
- Rivera-Fernandez R
- Rivera-Romero L
- Rizoli S
- Rizos M
- Roasio A
- Robaglia D
- Robert R
- Robles CM
- Roca JM
- Rocha LL
- Rodrigues DP
- Rodrigues NJ
- Rodriguez A
- Rodriguez P
- Rodriguez-Biendicho A
- Rodriguez-Fernandez S
- Rodríguez FG
- Roesthuis L
- Rogero S
- Rolin N
- Rolla F
- Rolland-Debord C
- Romero DG
- Romero I
- Romero JC
- Romero JC
- Romero JC
- Romero JC
- Romeu JD
- Rood PJ
- Ros Martínez J
- Rosario LE
- Rosario LE
- Rosario LE
- Rosario LE
- Rosario LE
- Rosario LE
- Rossetti AO
- Rossi S
- Rossini P
- Rosstalnaya A
- Rota L
- Roth GA
- Rottoli MR
- Rotzel HB
- Rousseau AF
- Routsi C
- Rouw N
- Rouzé A
- Rowlerson A
- Ruberto F
- Rubiera M
- Rubio RJ
- Rudiger A
- Ruffini C
- Ruffini C
- Ruijter A
- Ruiz A
- Ruiz BL
- Ruiz FC
- Ruiz J
- Ruiz-Ramos J
- Ruiz-Rodriguez JC
- Ruiz-Rodríguez JC
- Ruiz-Ruano RDEL
- Runge I
- Runge I
- Runge I
- Rutherford WB
- Rutten AM
- Rydingsward JE
- Saadat F
- Sabetian G
- Sabeļņikovs O
- Sabirov D
- Sadamoto Y
- Sadamoto Y
- Sadamoto Y
- Saeed S
- Saha T
- Saigal S
- Saito M
- Saito N
- Saitou N
- Sakai Y
- Sakieva FI
- Sakuma M
- Sakuraya M
- Sales G
- Salgado DR
- Salluh J
- Sampath S
- Sampath S
- Sampley S
- Sampson D
- Samuels T
- Samy W
- Sanchez A
- Sanchez JA
- Sanchez-Orézzoli MG
- Sandiumenge A
- Sandiumenge A
- Sandroni C
- Sani D
- Santacruz C
- Santana JD
- Santana JD
- Santana MC
- Santana MC
- Santana PS
- Santana PS
- Santana SR
- Santana SR
- Santiago AI
- Santiago AI
- Santos F
- Sanui M
- Sanz ER
- Sanz ER
- Sanz ER
- Sanz ER
- Sanz ER
- Sanz ER
- Sanz NM
- Sanz NM
- Sanz NM
- Sato K
- Savi C
- Savin I
- Savvidou S
- Sawamura A
- Sawamura A
- Sawamura A
- Sawamura A
- Scala S
- Scales DC
- Scanziani E
- Scanziani E
- Schaller SJ
- Schlaepfer P
- Schleifer J
- Schmid RM
- Schmidt M
- Schneider AG
- Schoenenberger JA
- Schortgen F
- Schortgen F
- Schortgen F
- Schröder T
- Schuepbach R
- Schultz MJ
- Schultz MJ
- Schwarz C
- Schwarze S
- Schwerdtfeger K
- Sciurti R
- Scott SH
- Sedlák P
- Seemann R
- Seet E
- Sekhri K
- Seldon T
- Sellés MD
- Sendid B
- Senussi T
- Serati Z
- Serbource-Goguel J
- Sergey S
- Serpytis M
- Serra J
- Sesana G
- Shah A
- Shah H
- Shawaf S
- Shears J
- Sheils MA
- Shekerdemian LS
- Shekerdemian LS
- Sherif H
- Shi ZH
- Shimanskiy V
- Shimony JS
- Shin WJ
- Shin WJ
- Shinotsuka CR
- Shlyk I
- Shu CW
- Shuinotsuka C
- Shum HP
- Shum HP
- Sibley S
- Siddiqui SS
- Sidhu P
- Sigcha MS
- Sigera CS
- Signouret T
- Sigurta A
- Silva G
- Silva JC
- Silva JG
- Silva S
- Similowski T
- Simoes CM
- Simon G
- Simsir M
- Simón IF
- Simón IF
- Simón JM
- Simón JM
- Singer L
- Singer M
- Singer M
- Singer M
- Singh H
- Singh N
- Sipylaite J
- Sirisena N
- Sirvent JM
- Siu K
- Sjövall F
- Skinner L
- Skrak P
- Skrifvars M
- Skrifvars MB
- Smekal D
- Snelson C
- Snyder AZ
- Sobhanian S
- Soeffker G
- Soilemezi E
- Soilemezi E
- Soilemezi E
- Sokolova E
- Solanki S
- Soler EA
- Solligård E
- Solé-Violán J
- Somhorst P
- Son Y
- Song I
- Song JG
- Song JG
- Song JW
- Song YG
- Song YG
- Sonneville R
- Sosa M
- Sossou A
- Sousa SC
- Soussi S
- Souza VA
- Spadaro S
- Spadaro S
- Spahn DR
- Spatenkova V
- Spazzadeschi A
- Spijkstra JJ
- Spronk PE
- Spronk PE
- Sprung CL
- St George’s University of London
- Stamm J
- Stamouli M
- Stanić R
- Starczewska M
- Staszewsky L
- Stauffert N
- Stella A
- Stephens T
- Stiphout C
- Stocchetti N
- Stocchetti N
- Stougianni M
- Street H
- Stretti F
- Struijs A
- Stubbs C
- Stubbs C
- Student Research Committee - Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
- Stümpfle R
- Stümpfle R
- Su F
- Su L
- Su PL
- Su PL
- Suchomel P
- Suh GJ
- Suh GJ
- Suh GJ
- Suh GY
- Suh JW
- Sullivan E
- Sun WZ
- Sun XM
- Sung D
- Suwanpasu S
- Suzuki S
- Suzuki T
- Swart M
- Sy O
- Sydow K
- Sylla P
- Sáez VC
- Sánchez B
- Sánchez B
- Sánchez EC
- Sánchez MJ
- Sánchez MJ
- Sánchez MJ
- Sánchez MJ
- Sánchez MJ
- Sánchez MJ
- Sánchez PC
- Sánchez PC
- Sánchez-Elvira LA
- Tabatabaei HR
- Tabei SH
- Taccone F
- Taccone FS
- Taccone FS
- Taccone FS
- Taccone FS
- Taccone FS
- Taccone FS
- Taccone FS
- Taggu A
- Taggu A
- Takahashi H
- Takaki S
- Takaki S
- Takeda M
- Takeda M
- Takei T
- Takei T
- Talan L
- Tamura T
- Tanaka H
- Tanaka S
- Tanaka S
- Tane N
- Tang KB
- Tang LK
- Tapia A
- Tapponnier R
- Tapponnier R
- Tapponnier R
- Tarabrin O
- Tarabrin P
- Tavazzi G
- Tavazzi G
- Teboul JL
- Telli S
- Temprano-Gómez I
- Tena SA
- Tencé N
- Terzi N
- Terzi N
- Terzi N
- Terzi N
- Thabut G
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- Tirumala S
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- Tokyo Womens Medical University
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- Tomic I
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- Tsunoda M
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- Van Logten T
- van Nes M
- van Putten MJ
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- Vaquerizo C
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- Verginella F
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- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
Meeting abstrac
Global disparities in SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance
- Author
- Agoti CN
- Aguiar RS
- Alexiev I
- Baele G
- Bhatt S
- Blankenship HM
- Branda B
- Brito AF
- Bulgarian SARS-CoV-2 sequencing group
- Carrington CVF
- Communicable Diseases Genomics Network (Australia and New Zealand)
- COVID-19 Impact Project
- Danish Covid-19 Genome Consortium#
- De Oliveira T
- Dudas G
- Dye C
- Faria NM
- Flaxman S
- GISAID core curation team
- Githinji G
- Grubaugh ND
- Gurry C
- Hassler GW
- Hill SC
- Ho J
- Houriyah T
- Howden BP
- Ivanov IN
- Kalinich CC
- Kraemer MUG
- Lin RTP
- Matkin LE
- Maurer-Stroh S
- Mor O
- Naidoo D
- Network for Genomic Surveillance in South Africa (NGS-SA)
- Perkins MD
- Philipova I
- Pybus OG
- Resende PC
- Sabino EC
- Sahadeo NSD
- Semonva E
- Sintchenko V
- Siqueira MM
- Spilki FR
- Suchard MA
- Swiss SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Consortium
- Vasconcelos TR
- Von Eije KJ
- Von Kerkhove M
- Whittaker C
- Zuckerman NS
- Publication venue
- 'Nature Research Society'
- Publication date
- 12/09/2022
- Field of study
Genomic sequencing is essential to track the evolution and spread of SARS-CoV-2, optimize molecular tests, treatments, vaccines, and guide public health responses. To investigate the global SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance, we used sequences shared via GISAID to estimate the impact of sequencing intensity and turnaround times (TAT) on variant detection in 189 countries. In two years of pandemic, 78% of high income countries (HICs) sequenced >0.5% of their COVID-19 cases, while 42% of low (LICs) and middle income countries (MICs) reached that mark. Around 25% of the genomes from HICs were submitted within 21 days, a pattern observed in 5% of the genomes from LICs and MICs. We found that sequencing around 0.5% of the cases, with a TAT <21 days, could provide a benchmark for SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance. Socioeconomic inequalities undermine the global pandemic preparedness, and efforts must be made to support LICs and MICs improve their local sequencing capacity
Metabolomics reveals determinants of weight loss during lifestyle intervention in obese children
- Author
- AF Fleisch
- AL Ford
- BL Wajchenberg
- C Ambroise
- C Bouchard
- C Bouchard
- C Thamer
- C Verdich
- Christiane Fuchs
- Christina Holzapfel
- CJ DeLong
- Cornelia Prehn
- D Gautam
- DR Matthews
- DS Moore
- Harald Grallert
- HE Carmichael
- Ivan Kondofersky
- J Campión
- J Friedman
- Jerzy Adamski
- JT Smilowitz
- K Kromeyer-Hauschild
- K Kromeyer-Hauschild
- KA Harden
- KA Madsen
- L-Y Shih
- M Wabitsch
- M-F Hivert
- MA Sabin
- MD Radmacher
- Michaela Breier
- N Gungor
- National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents
- O Tschritter
- O Tschritter
- P Danielsson
- P Schwandt
- P Wang
- Paula Singmann
- PJ Teixeira
- R Development Core Team
- R Tibshirani
- RL Jacobs
- Rui Wang-Sattler
- RW Taylor
- S Ghosh
- S Varma
- S Wahl
- SB Murer
- Simone Wahl
- SJ Mihalik
- SP Kalra
- SV Konstantinova
- T Hastie
- T Illig
- T Reinehr
- T Reinehr
- T Reinehr
- T Reinehr
- T Reinehr
- T Reinehr
- Thomas Illig
- Thomas Reinehr
- TJ Cole
- UM Braga-Neto
- W Pathmasiri
- W Römisch-Margl
- WA Marshall
- WA Marshall
- Y Benjamini
- Z Li
- Zhonghao Yu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Verhaltens- und emotionale Störungen mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend
- Author
- A Apter
- A Brawley
- A Buske-Kirschbaum
- A Caspi
- A Ghanizadeh
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Gontard von
- A Hervas
- A Londen van
- A Rasquin
- A Reif
- A Rodriguez
- A Rothenberger
- A Rothenberger
- A Rothenberger
- A Rothenberger
- A Sadeh
- A Scher
- A Scheres
- A Scheres
- A Schmidtke
- A Steinmüller
- A Ströhle
- A Thapar
- A Thapar
- A Thapar
- A Vance
- A Warnke
- A Warnke
- AC Houts
- AC Houts
- AE Kazdin
- AE Kazdin
- AE Kazdin
- AE Kazdin
- AF Lieberman
- AJ Zametkin
- AL Hellström
- AL Hellström
- AL Krain
- B Blanz
- B Blanz
- B Blanz
- B Blanz
- B Herpertz-Dahlmann
- B Isensee
- B Kadesjo
- B Schellhas
- BB Lahey
- BF Feingold
- BS Peterson
- BS Peterson
- Butler R., Heron, J, Alspac Study Team
- Butler R.J., Golding, J., Northstone, K., Alspac Study Team
- C Bradley
- C Chiland
- C Eggers
- C Ernst
- C Gillberg
- C Hublin
- C Jacob
- C Joinson
- C Joinson
- C Joinson
- C Lara
- C Mehler-Wex
- C Mehler-Wex
- C Schwenck
- C Verdellen
- C Webster-Stratton
- CA Mathews
- CB Andersson
- CE Cunningham
- CJ Vaidya
- CK Conners
- CM Freitag
- CM Szobot
- CP Jacob
- CU Greven
- CU Greven
- D Candy
- D Ebert
- D Kjolseth
- D Li
- D Mataix-Cols
- D McCann
- D Moreau
- D Olweus
- D Palumbo
- D Skuse
- D Yael
- D Yu
- Daley D van der Oord S, Ferrin M, Danckaerts M, Doepfner M, Cortese S, Sonuga-Barke E, European ADHD guidelines group
- DC Cath
- DC Dyke van
- DD Dougherty
- DD Krohn
- DE Comings
- DJ Cohen
- DJ Cox
- DL Foley
- DL Pauls
- DL Pauls
- DL Pauls
- DM Fergusson
- DO Lewis
- E Kurth
- E Lundmark
- E Sobanski
- E Taylor
- EA Mitchell
- EG Willcutt
- EJ Paavonen
- EJS Sonuga-Barke
- EJS Sonuga-Barke
- EM Dykens
- EM Valera
- F Petermann
- F Petermann
- F Petermann
- F Petermann
- F Petermann
- FC Verhulst
- FE Pontieri
- FR Sallee
- FR Sallee
- FR Sallee
- G Bernstein
- G Bush
- G Edelbrock
- G Esser
- G Esser
- G Esser
- G Lehmkuhl
- G Moll
- G Polanczyk
- G Polanczyk
- G Schulte-Körne
- G Weiss
- GEP Zahner
- H Bakwin
- H Bakwin
- H Christiansen
- H Gevensleben
- H Hart
- H Hölling
- H Kristensen
- H Remschmidt
- H Remschmidt
- H Remschmidt
- H Remschmidt
- H Remschmidt
- H Remschmidt
- H-C Steinhausen
- H-C Steinhausen
- H-C Steinhausen
- HC Lou
- HC Lou
- HC Steinhausen
- HC Williams
- HH Wright
- HK Yoo
- HL Leonard
- HL Needleman
- I Ellison-Wright
- I Franco
- I Franco
- I Krantz
- IM Joensson
- IR Gizer
- J Archer
- J Biederman
- J Biederman
- J Biederman
- J Biederman
- J Biederman
- J Blatter-Meunier
- J Bowlby
- J Buchmann
- J Chase
- J Coid
- J Egger
- J Elia
- J Elia
- J Hebebrand
- J Hebebrand
- J Heron
- J Ipser
- J Jankovic
- J Langmeier
- J Martinius
- J Niemczyk
- J Nigg
- J Schmitt
- J Schmitt
- J Schmitt
- J Schmitt
- J Smidt
- J Swanson
- J Weeland
- JA O’Rourke
- JB Devlin
- JD Tucker
- JE Swain
- JF Abelson
- JF Leckman
- JF Leckman
- JF Leckman
- JF Leckman
- JF Leckman
- JF Leckman
- JH Satterfield
- JL Schaeffer
- JM Fegert
- JM Fegert
- JM Sauceda
- JM Swanson
- JP Norgaard
- JR Weisz
- K Domschke
- K Dubi
- K Krauel
- K Leonhard
- K Manassis
- K Manassis
- K Manassis
- K Quaschner
- K Quaschner
- K Schmeck
- K Schmeck
- K Schmeck
- K Secnik
- K Sedky
- K-H Krause
- KA Cheon
- KC Wells
- KG Nadeau
- KH Krause
- KJ Plessen
- KK Downey
- KP Lesch
- KP Lesch
- KW Kwak
- L Baving
- L Burd
- L Greenhill
- L Hechtman
- L Hechtman
- L Michaud
- L Scahill
- L Sharkey
- L Tamm
- LA Reddy
- LA Rohde
- LJ Seidman
- LL Greenhill
- LM Bendz
- LV Swithinbank
- M Battaglia
- M Bellmann
- M Döpfner
- M Döpfner
- M Döpfner
- M Döpfner
- M Döpfner
- M Döpfner
- M Equit
- M Federer
- M Feehan
- M Hirschtritt
- M Jain
- M Klein
- M Laucht
- M Laucht
- M Laufer
- M Luman
- M Papousek
- M Richter
- M Romanos
- M Romanos
- M Romanos
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rösler
- M Rösler
- M Rösler
- M Rösler
- M Schlander
- M Schlander
- M Schmitz
- M Tramer
- MA Bennigna
- MA Benninga
- MA Grados
- MA Riddle
- MAM Pijpers
- ME Foster
- MEJ Bongers
- MEJ Bongers
- MH Hemmi
- MH Pollack
- MH Schmidt
- MH Schmidt
- MM Berg van den
- MM Plichta
- MM Richters
- MM Robertson
- MM Robertson
- MM Robertson
- MR Järvelin
- MR Järvelin
- MR Järvelin
- MR Sanders
- MTA Cooperative Group
- MTA Cooperative Group
- N Beck
- N Bekkali
- N Flakierska
- NB Miller
- ND Volkow
- NH Azrin
- NH Azrin
- NM Wolfish
- O’Connor TG Rutter M & the English and Romanian Adoptees Study team
- P Barett
- P Bruyne De
- P Fusar-Poli
- P Hammerness
- P Paschou
- P Richer
- P Shaw
- P Shaw
- P Wender
- PEV Kerrebroeck van
- PF Austin
- PH Wender
- PHY Caldwell
- PJ Frick
- PS Jensen
- PS Jensen
- Q Chen
- R Ginkel van
- R Goodman
- R Largo
- R Loeber
- R McGee
- R Redlich
- R Rockney
- R Taurines
- R Wilkins
- R Yeganeh
- RA Barkley
- RC Kessler
- RE Burgers
- RH Largo
- RH Schwartz
- RJ Lunsing
- RJR Blair
- RL Bergman
- RL O’Gorman
- RN Plas van der
- RR Abidin
- RR Gainetdinov
- RR Silva
- S Ahrens-Eipper
- S Cortese
- S Cortese
- S Dalsgaard
- S Dresel
- S Durston
- S Durston
- S Faraone
- S Faraone
- S Faraone
- S Gepertz
- S Hesse
- S Kuhn
- S Mannuzza
- S Melfsen
- S Milberger
- S Mogwitz
- S Mostofsky
- S Nurko
- S Oord Van der
- S Overmeyer
- S Overmeyer
- S Rajindrajith
- S Reiss
- S Rittig
- S Schneider
- S Schneider
- S Schneider
- S Smalley
- S Walitza
- S Walitza
- S Walitza
- S Zink
- SA Rose
- SC Herpertz
- SC Herpertz
- SC Herpertz
- SG Dickstein
- SH Goozen van
- SH Goozen van
- SH Goozen van
- SH Rhee
- SL Cohan
- SL Cohan
- SL Rauch
- SM Eyberg
- SM Eyberg
- SR Pliszka
- SV Faraone
- SV Faraone
- SV Faraone
- T Banaschewski
- T Banaschewski
- T Banaschewski
- T Banerjee
- T Frodl
- T In-Albon
- T Jans
- T Jans
- T Neveus
- T Neveus
- T Neveus
- T Pringsheim
- T Pringsheim
- T Silk
- TE Moffitt
- TE Wilens
- TG O’Connor
- The Tourette’s Syndrome Study Group
- TJ Spencer
- TL Hayden
- TM Brückl
- TV Nguyen
- U Barroso Jr
- U Petermann
- U Schulze
- V Loening-Baucke
- V Pflug
- V Reissner
- V Roessner
- V Roessner
- V Roessner
- V Roessner
- V Roessner
- V Roessner
- V Roessner
- V Roessner
- W Francx
- W Heid
- W Matthys
- WG Reiner
- WHT Pan
- WI Forsythe
- WK Silverman
- WL Robson
- WM Compton
- Y Elizur
- Y Nagai
- YM Shin
- Z Kefalopoulou
- Z Wang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
Die Verhaltens- und emotionalen Störungen mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend umfassen ein weites Spektrum verschiedener Störungen: Störungen der motorischen Aktivität und Aufmerksamkeit, Störungen des Sozialverhaltens, emotionale Störungen, Störungen sozialer Funktionen, Ticstörungen sowie Verhaltens- und emotionale Störungen mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend. Einige der Störungen beschränken sich auf Kindheit und Jugend, andere können bis ins Erwachsenenalter hinein persistieren. Die Klassifikation der ICD-10, besonders bei den emotionalen Störungen, ist in einzelnen Punkten inkonsequent oder unlogisch. So kommen z. B. depressive Entwicklungen und Angststörungen auch schon im Kindes- und Jugendalter vor, werden aber andernorts klassifiziert. Ebenso werden potenzielle komorbide Störungen als Ausschlussgrund definiert, z. B. bei Autismus und ADHS, so dass die klinische Praxis häufig vom ICD-10 abweicht. Die Krankheitsursachen sind häufig multikausal. Demzufolge kann die Therapie u. U. auch multimodal von der Beratung der Eltern über Psycho- und Familientherapie bis hin zur Pharmakotherapie reichen. Manchmal ist auch die Beratung weiterer Bezugspersonen, z. B. der Lehrer, nötig
- Author
- A's Legal Outcome Whatever
- About Minnesota Health Action Group
- About the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
- Abstract How
- Abuse Fraud
- Accountable Achieving
- Accountable Becoming
- Accountable Becoming
- Accountable Care
- Accountable Care
- Accountable Care Advance Payment
- Accountable Care Collaboratives
- Accountable Care Deep Dive
- Accountable Care High Performance
- Accountable Care Journey
- Accountable Care Missing Ingredient
- Accountable Care Organization Demonstration Establishes Medicaid
- Accountable Care Organization Private Payor
- Accountable Care Organizations at Academic Medical Centers
- Accountable Care Organizations Getting Ready
- Accountable Care Organizations Joint Principles
- Accountable Care Organizations Leap
- Accountable Care Organizations Physicians
- Accountable Care Organizations Transforming Health
- Accountable Care Organizations Workshop Regarding
- Accountable Care Preparing
- Accountable Care The Timeline
- Accountable Care-The Big IT
- Accreditation Process NCQA
- Accreditation Standards NCQA
- ACO Groups Outperform Rest of Network on Clinical Quality.
- Act False Claim
- Act Social Security
- Activity Spurs Flurry
- Address Antitrust Federal Agencies
- Adopt Patient-Center
- Advocate Makes
- Aetna
- Aetna Of
- Aggressive Cigna Plans
- Ahead Work
- Aid In Shared Savings Provider Creates LLC
- Alliance Healthcare Performance
- America's Hospitals Transformation
- American Medicine Social Transformation
- American People Medical Care
- Announces Chairman Cox
- Announces CMS
- Announces CMS
- Announces CMS
- Antitrust
- Antitrust Dealing
- Antitrust Enforcement FTC-DOJ
- Antitrust Policy Has Industry MSSP
- Applicants Draw Cautious Optimism P's Initial
- Applicants Offer Pioneer ACO
- Applicants Want Their Insurers Find MSSP ACO
- Appraiser Penalties IRS
- Appreciated Though
- Are Outdated Regulations
- Ark With
- Arrangement Posts Big Quality MCNT ACO
- Asks CMS
- Asset Trends
- At Taxpayers Laughing
- Baby Will
- Based Plans Are Co-Sponsored
- Be Providers Should
- Beginner's Guide
- Best Attorneys Debate
- Best Better
- Beyond
- Biggest Physician Alignment
- Blue Blue Cross
- Blue Cross Blues
- Blunders You Can Avoid ACO
- Both Worlds Choosing
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Briefs News
- Bundled-Payment Program CMS
- Bursting Out All Over Os Are
- Business Valuing
- Buying Calif United Is
- Buzzwords All Providers Should Hot ACO
- C.F.R
- Calif Employers Say
- Can Predictive Analytics
- Capital Access
- Capital Crisis Report
- Capital Navigating Today's
- Capital Spending Analysis
- Care Are Accountable
- Care Creating Accountable
- Care Episode Medicare Acute
- Care Financial Management Understanding Health
- Care Health
- Care Home Health
- Care Hospitals
- Care Initiative Comprehensive Primary
- Care Innovations Guide GE
- Care Organization Demonstration Project Medicaid Accountable
- Care Organization Pilot Program New Accountable
- Care Organizations Constructing Accountable
- Care Organizations If Accountable
- Care Organizations Implementing Accountable
- Care Organizations Implementing Accountable
- Care Organizations Launching Accountable
- Care Primary
- Care Primary
- Care Primary
- Care Providing Accountable
- Care Reform Federal Health
- Care Reform Implementing Health
- Care Toward Accountable
- Care Valuing Health
- Care's Home Health
- Caring Cost
- Case Study ACO
- Case Study ACO
- Case Study ACO
- Case Study ACO
- Catching Up
- Cats Herding
- Change Payment
- Changes Needed Norton Focuses
- Characteristics Physician
- Chronic Disease Management Groups Seek
- Cigna
- Clinic Mayo
- Clinical Integration Capital Planning
- Clinical Integration Program Antitrust Considerations
- Clinical Will
- CMS Faces Divisions within the Agency on ACO Rules
- Co-Ops Challenges
- Coalitions N.J.
- Code United States
- Colorado Puts
- Commercially Insured Population Accountable Care
- Communication Is Bene
- Compass A New Quality
- Compliance Conducting
- Components Insurers Work
- Compromise New American
- Conducting Cost-Benefit Guidelines
- Consultant
- Consulting Guide
- Contemporary Financing Practices Examination
- Control Medicaid Spending Utah Wants
- Conversion Enters New Phase Carilion Clinic
- Corner Editor's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Corner Thought Leader's
- Cost Accounting Introduction
- Costs Evaluation
- Costs Healthcare
- Costs May Be Rising Healthcare
- Creating Accountable Care Organizations Leadership
- Creating Safety Net Accountable Breaking Down
- Creation ACO
- Criteria Implementing Quali
- Criteria NCQA
- Crossroads Hospitals
- Current Populations Survey Labor Force
- Cyber Exposure Accounting
- Data Are Being Integration Platforms
- Data Sharing Will ACO
- Data So You
- Daubert
- Dave Letter
- Deadline Extended Pioneer ACO
- Delivering Value Defining
- Delivery Innovative Alternative
- Delivery Models New Healthcare
- Demo Is Federal Pediatric
- Demo S's PGP
- Demographic Trends Economic
- Demonstrates Case Study
- Demonstrations Medicare
- Demonstrations That Medicare Touts
- Deputy Letter
- Designs Wrapped Bene
- Development Forgotten Players
- Dictionary Black's Law
- Disclosure Project Brief Consumer-Purchaser
- Dividend Policy Dividends
- Docs May Not Drive Hospital Employment
- Dollars Chasing Unconstitutional Os Waste
- Dominates Some Private-Sector Global Cap
- Don't Hospitals That
- Dr Thought Leader's
- Drug
- Early Provider Seeks
- Economy Impact
- Effective Care Management Golden Payoff
- Efforts May Not Be Geisinger's
- Eight Section
- Electronic Health Use
- Emergence of National Electronic Health Record Architectures in the United States and Australia The
- Enable Formation Massachusetts Weighs
- Encourage Innovation Expanding
- Enterprise-Wide Capital Optimizing
- Entities That Headquarters
- Equation Value
- Establish Oregon Gears
- Estimating Hospital Debt Capacity Financial Planning
- Evolving
- Exclusivity
- Experiments Deliver Hope Care Coordination
- Experts Home Care
- Fair Market Do You
- Falk I. S.
- Federal Health Care Programs CFR
- Federal Trade Commission
- Field Lessons
- Final Rule ACO
- Final Rule CMS
- Final Rules Released ACO
- Finance How
- Financial Crisis Getting Up
- Financial Gauging
- Financial Leaders Strategic Alerts
- Financial Model NEJM
- Financing Growth Handbook
- Financing Guide
- Financing Matters Primary Care
- Firms Focused HOT
- Fiscal Ensuring
- Florida Vinson Ruling
- Focus Quality Matters
- For All Medical Home
- Former Medicare A
- Four Medica Partners
- Fraud Meeting
- Fraud New
- Fraud Os
- Fraud Os Fit
- Frequently Asked
- From Operationalizing
- Function Form Follows
- Funding Investors Not
- Funds Targeted for Innovation Center
- Future Competing
- Future Hospital
- Get Higher Quality Scores Want Higher ACO
- Get New Texas Retirees
- Get Steps
- Glen McDaniel Integrated Delivery
- Good Healthcare Capital
- Governance Effective Policy
- Great Nation's Underemployed
- Growing
- Handbook ACO
- Handbook Complete Capitation
- Handbook Valuation
- Hastings Catching Up
- Health Care Performance Improvement
- Health Care Providers' Patients
- Health Care Reform Learning
- Health Care Spending Geographic Variation
- Health Care System UNC
- Health Care Systems Capital Structure
- Health Care Systems Cash Management
- Health Care Uniquely Is American
- Health Care Value
- Health Economics Dictionary
- Health Information Technology Bene
- Health Information Technology Dictionary
- Health Information Technology Meaningful Use
- Health Information Technology Meaningful Use
- Health Information Technology Terms Defining Key
- Health OECD
- Health Partners
- Health Record Typical Electronic
- Health Reform Physician-Hospital
- Health System U.S.
- Health What Is
- Healthcare Broken Covenant
- Healthcare Conglomerates Get Ready
- HealthCare Costs Another Controlling
- Healthcare Facilities Applying Lean
- Healthcare Industry Running IT
- Healthcare Information Technology MBA
- Healthcare Landscape Ever-Changing
- Healthcare Norton
- Healthcare Providers Reforming Payments
- Healthcare Systems High Performing
- Help Enable Os Can
- Here Getting
- High Interest Os Generate
- High-Performance Care Creating
- Hill Letter
- Holes Structural
- Homes Medical
- Hospital Costs Two Hundred
- Hospital Critical Access
- Hospital Finance Community Leader's
- Hospital Making
- Hospital Management Capital Budgeting
- Hospital Strategies
- Hospital System Kansas City
- Hospital Wants Critical Access
- Hospital's Can Participation
- Hospitalists The New
- Hospitals
- Hospitals
- Hospitals Economics
- Hospitals Financial Management
- Hospitals May Be Tax-Exempt
- Hospitals Will Look to Health Plans for Support on ACO's Clinical Data. Gantry Group
- Hottest Three-Letter ACO
- How Much Control They Hospitals Grapple
- Hurdles ACO
- Impact May Largest Medicare ACO
- Implementation of Recovery Auditing at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Implementing Health Care Provider Designing
- Improve Care Collaborating
- Improve Tech Platforms
- In
- Incentives for the Use of Health Information Technology and Establishing the Position of the National Health Information Technology Coordinator: Executive Order 13335 of April 27
- Include More Technical Support Aetna Expands
- Increase Value Employers Look
- Infections Are Indicator That Reduced ICU
- Initiative May New CMMI
- Instruments Derivative Financial
- Insurers
- Integration Clinical
- Integration Vertical
- Invitations ACO
- Is Best Strategic Alignment
- Is Human To Err
- Is On Gold Rush
- Issue One NCQA
- Issues Highly CMS
- Its Premier Offers
- Jersey New
- July May Have Later A's Final ACO
- Key Planning
- Key Technology
- Large Geographically Diverse Achieving Accountability
- Larger
- Latest More Physicians
- Launch Accountable Care Network Wisconsin Systems
- Launches CMS
- Law Health
- Lawmakers Advance N.J.
- Laws New State
- Legal Identifying
- Less Doing More
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter
- Letter from Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASC) to CMS
- Liability Insurance Broker Develops
- Like Integrated Delivery Network Scripps Announces
- Links Os Forging
- Long Os May
- Long-Term The
- Loose-Knit Physician Group Seek Advice on How to Form
- Maine
- Makes Major CMS
- Makes PAC
- Managed Competition History
- Management ACO
- Management Financial Institutions
- Management Supply Chain
- Management Working Capital
- Managers Contest RX
- Maps Value
- Marketing's Scope Os Widen
- Markets Antitrust
- Marriage From Courtship
- Marriage From Courtship
- May Be Addressed By Antitrust Worries
- May Hospital Systems
- May Private Payers
- Maze Health Reform
- MD Groups Move Forward with ACO Development Despite Risks.
- Measures Cost Containment
- Measuring Physician Resource Use Alternative Approaches
- Medicaid Payment Initiatives Selected State
- Medical Care Committee
- Medical Care Costs
- Medical Care Reports Committee
- Medical Home Building
- Medical Home Nurturing
- Medical Practice Selling
- Medicare Chief Blum CMS
- Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration Project Racks Up $38.7 Million in Savings. Chris Anderson
- Medicare Physician Group Practices
- Medicare Role
- Medicare Shared Saving Program Medicare
- Medicare Shared Savings Program Assessing
- Medicare Shared Savings Program Implications
- Medicine Corporate Practice
- Methods Valuation
- Milliman
- Million Medicare Beneficiaries More Than
- Minnesota
- Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
- Mission Your
- Model ACO
- Model ACO
- Model Good Start
- Model Offers Participants Flexibility Pioneer ACO
- Model Pioneer
- Model Requires Detailed Oncology Payment
- Models Private Sector ACO
- Models Show Improving Preliminary Data
- Modern Health Care Policy Challenges
- Multispecialty Physician Practices Price Trends
- Nancy Pelosi Letter
- Necessarily So It Ain't
- New
- New Administration Offers
- New Advancing Public
- New Day It's
- New Jersey Senate State
- New Pioneer Begins
- News Release
- No-Shows Despite Notable
- Norton
- Not ACO
- Nurses
- Nurses Be Best How Can
- O's Shadows In
- Observers Behavioral Health
- Offered Banner Health
- Offers Legal Protections Not MSSP
- Official Cites Concerns CMS
- Official DOJ
- Official Says Fraud OIG
- Officials CMS
- Opening Their Own Health Insurers
- Opinion Leaders' Health Care
- Organization Accountable Care
- Organization Accountable Care
- Organization Proposed Regulations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Accountable Care
- Organizations Exempt
- Organizations Health Care
- Organizations Hold Promise Accountable Care
- Organizations Will Truly Manage New Healthcare
- Organizations-Health Information Accountable Care
- Organizing
- Os Aetna Forms
- Os AHA
- Os Alternatives
- Os Are
- Os Are Being New
- Os Are Forming More Pediatric
- Os Beyond
- Os Case Studies
- Os Conversion
- Os Cs
- Os Forward Physicians Will
- Os Future
- Os Getting Ready
- Os How Fast
- Os Is Stop-Loss
- Os Manage Staff Time Hospital
- Os May Find Footing Commercial
- Os Medicare
- Os Medicare
- Os Next Steps
- Os No Longer Mythical Medicare
- Os Oncologists Drive
- Os Oregon Launches
- Os Positioning Specialty
- Os Privacy
- Os Proposed Rules
- Os Reduce Health Care Will
- Os Reinforce Could
- Os Rises Notably Employer Interest
- Os Shared Risk
- Os What's
- Os Why Are
- Os Will Medicare
- Os Won't Be Unveiled Pioneer
- Other
- Out Aetna Rolls
- Outlier
- Overcome Physicians Must
- Overview
- Overview Accountable Care
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Own Words In Their
- Participants Five
- Participants Should Know Their MSSP
- Partner Insurer Sees
- Partners Superior Health
- Patient Registry Benchmarks
- Patient View Plans Broad
- Patient-Center
- Patients Medicare Improvements
- Pay
- Pay Os Can
- Payment Ds Cite
- Payment Medicare Physician
- Payment New
- Payment Value-Based
- Payments Bundled
- Payments Episode-Based
- Payments May Hinge ACO
- Penalties Civil Monetary
- Performance Law
- Performance Measurement ACO
- Performance Measures NCQA ACO
- Pharmacists' US
- Physician
- Physician Employment Os Shine
- Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Physician Group Practice Demonstration
- Physician Group Practice Demonstration Succeeds in Improving Quality and Reducing Costs
- Physician-Driven Model New Jersey
- Physician-Hospital Alignment Pitfalls
- Physicians
- Pilot Is Being Chosen
- Pilot New CMMI
- Pilots Anthem Launches
- Pilots Should Seek Predictable Bundled Payment
- Plan Blues
- Plan Massachusetts
- Plans Consumer-Driven
- Plans May Parent Organizations
- Plans Will Help Self-Funded
- Players New Power
- Poker Liar's
- Policy May Make It Proposed Antitrust
- Population-Based Accountable Hospital Readiness
- Position Financial
- Practice Corporate
- Practice How One
- Preconference
- Premier Accountable Care Collaboratives
- Prepares Detroit PHO
- Prevention Improves Productivity Investing
- Primary Care Practices Cost Survey
- Private Plans Wasting Money
- Prognosis Is Unclear for Delivery Reforms Following Debt Panel
- Program Analysis Accountable Care
- Program Application Shared Savings
- Program Commercial ACO
- Program Medicare
- Program Poster Boys
- Programs Pilot
- Programs Two Medicare ACO
- Projections Renew Latest Medicare
- Projects Healthcare Capital
- Property Valuation
- Proposal Wyden-Ryan
- Proposed Administration Releases
- Proposed Implications
- Proposed Rules Spotlight ACO
- Protection Patient
- Protection Patient
- Prove It Call Yourself
- Provider Groups Support ACO Concept
- Providers Financial Implications
- Provision Raises Antitrust Concerns Health Law
- Public The
- Purchaser Takes Risky Large Healthcare
- Puts Crystal Run's ACO
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders Qs
- Quality Frameworks
- Quality Health Care Pathways
- Quality Pioneering
- Quality Targets Most Hit
- Question Rural Docs
- Re Letter
- Readiness Assessment Version
- Readiness Planning ACO
- Real Congratulations
- Recession Great
- Recommends RWJF
- Records Overview Electronics Health
- Recovery American
- Reduced Hospital Visits Os Cite
- Reform Health Care
- Reform Health System
- Reform Law Is Pediatric ACO
- Reform Payment
- Reform Top Healthcare
- Registries Clinical
- Regs Are ACO
- Regulations ACO
- Regulations Are Expected This Final CMS MSSP
- Regulations Controversial Draft
- Regulations Put ACO
- Regulations Spells Opposition
- Regulations Stark
- Reinsurance Options ACO
- Related Bills States Debate
- Releases HHS
- Releases Proposed Regulations Regarding CMS
- Relief Tax
- Report Finance Leaders
- Report of the Committee on the Costs of Medical Care
- Report of the Committee on the Costs of Medical Care The
- Reviews Systematic
- Right Fit Finding
- Risk
- Risk-Based Contracts Why
- Roles of Patient-Center
- Ropes &
- Roundtable
- Rule Key Uncertainties
- Rule Offers Final ACO
- Rule Will Encourage Final MSSP
- Rules ACO
- Rules Agencies Release
- Rules Outline Gains New ACO
- Rules Proposal HHS
- Rules Receive Guarded ACO
- Rural Providers May Make Limitations
- S's Final How
- Save Accountable
- Saving Economic Evaluation
- Savings Capital BC
- Savings Medicare Shared
- Savings Program Final Rule What Shared
- Savings Program Medicare Shared
- Savings Program Medicare Shared
- Scale Stanford Presenteeism
- Seattle Group Health
- Seek Plans Will
- Seeks Input CMS
- Self-Tutorial Capital Analysis
- Sends CMS
- Senior Voice Listening
- Service Medicine End
- Services Healthcare
- Sets BSC
- Shape Overweight
- Shared Savings Program CMS
- Shared Savings Programs Design
- Shared Services Centers Can Drive Significant Savings. Jim McDowell
- Sheet Fact
- Shield's California Blue
- Shock Future
- Should Draw Payer Experienced Providers
- Show Long-Term Promise Bundled Payments
- Shows Physicians Swiss Experiment
- Site Visits Key Findings
- Small Medical Groups Face Decisions in Af liation
- Social Theory Foundations
- Spending Differences Associated with the Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration. Carrie H. Colla David E. Wennberg, Ellen Meara, Daniel Gottlieb, Valerie A. Lewis, et al.
- Spending Growth Implications
- Spending Health Care
- Spending-The Massachusetts Controlling Healthcare
- Spotlights Physician-Friendly CMS
- Start-Up Costs ACO
- State Doctor's Duty
- Strategies Intermountain Shares
- Strategies Valuation
- Strategy Competitive
- Study Case
- Study Identifies ACO
- Success Role
- Success Secrets
- Super Committee Gets Scores of Recommendations
- Suppliers Venture Capital
- Supply Chain Os
- System Purposes Federal Reserve
- Team ACO
- Team Finance's
- Team-Based Performance Engaging Staff
- Technology Health Information
- Texas Could Make It New Laws
- That Has Improved Mortality Texas ACO
- The Coordinated ED
- Their Own Patients May
- Their Risks Rewards
- Them End
- Those That Some
- To Be
- Tocknell How Rivals
- Today Medical Practice
- Total Insured Californians ACO HMO
- Tough Oncology Poses
- Transition Healthcare Marketing
- Translation Lost
- Transparency Industry Tells CMS
- Trend Corporate Social
- Triple Aim HealthPartners'
- Unicorn Stalking
- University Medical Center ACO Eyes Private Plans for the Future.
- Unveils NCQA
- Update Primary Care
- US Oncology May Go National with Private-Sector ACO. Judy P. Tursman.
- Used Sacramento Pilot
- Valuation
- Valuation of Hospitals &
- Valuation Theory
- Value Creating Shareholder
- Value Creating Shareholder
- Value Forms
- Value From Volume
- Value Introduction
- Value Making
- Value Theory
- Variable-Rate Debt Risks
- ver Medicare Quality Reporting Most Doctors
- ver Quantity Quality
- We What Can
- Wellmark
- Whom You Ask Nursing Homes
- Why Are Insurers Buying Physician Groups
- Why Not the Best? Results from a National Scorecard on U.S.
- Will CIGNA
- Will Larger Plans
- Will Use Prospective Patient Experts Predict CMS
- Work Time Lost Productive
- World Brave New
- Wrong Capital Budget Requests Spending Scarce
- You Movin'
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study