14 research outputs found

    Diferenças de nichos entre duas espécies simpåtricas de lagartos (Cnemidophorus abaetensis e C. ocellifer) em habitat de restinga no nordeste do Brasil

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    Differences among sympatric lizard species usually result from differences in the use of three resources: space, time and food or some combination of these three. However, differences in resource utilization among sympatric species may simply reflect their specific ecological needs rather than competitive pressures. In this study, we analyzed the temporal, spatial and food niche of two congeneric teiids (Cnemidophorus abaetensis and C. ocellifer) living sympatrically in the "restinga" habitat of AbaetĂ© in the Salvador Municipality, Bahia State, Brazil to assess the degree of niche differentiation among them. The whiptail species overlapped considerably in an hourly activity (Ojk = 0.93), in microhabitat use (Ojk = 0.97) and in the prey items consumed (Ojk = 0.89). Differences in amount of vegetation in the microhabitats used by both lizard species may have contributed to differences in the activity period and in the distribution of the main prey eaten by these lizards which may, in turn, facilitate their coexistence in AbaetĂ©. Although sympatric C. ocellifer and C. abaetensis in AbaetĂ© differed only slightly in their use of microhabitats, period of activity and diet, the most important niche dimension segregating the two species seemed to be the food niche._____________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMO: As diferenças entre espĂ©cies simpĂĄtricas geralmente podem ser atribuĂ­das Ă s variaçÔes na utilização de trĂȘs dimensĂ”es primĂĄrias de recurso: o perĂ­odo de atividade, o microhabitat e o alimento ou a alguma combinação das trĂȘs. No entanto, tais diferenças na utilização de recursos entre espĂ©cies simpĂĄtricas tĂȘm sido sugeridas mais como um reflexo de suas necessidades ecolĂłgicas especĂ­ficas do que resultado de pressĂŁo competitiva. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o nicho temporal, o espacial e o alimentar de dois teĂ­deos cogenĂ©ricos (Cnemidophorus abaetensis e C. ocellifer) vivendo em simpatria na restinga de AbaetĂ© em Salvador, Bahia. As duas espĂ©cies de lagartos sobrepĂ”em-se consideravelmente no perĂ­odo de atividade (Ojk = 0,93), no uso dos microhabitats (Ojk = 0,97) e nos tipos de presas consumidas (Ojk = 0,89). As diferenças na quantidade de vegetação nos microhabitats utilizadas pelas duas espĂ©cies podem ter contribuĂ­do para as diferenças no perĂ­odo de atividade e na distribuição dos principais tipos de presas consumidas por estas duas espĂ©cies de lagartos, o que pode ter favorecido a coexistĂȘncia entre elas na restinga do AbaetĂ©. No entanto, as diferenças na dieta sĂŁo as mais significativas para a segregação

    Masonry compressive strength prediction using artificial neural networks

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    The masonry is not only included among the oldest building materials, but it is also the most widely used material due to its simple construction and low cost compared to the other modern building materials. Nevertheless, there is not yet a robust quantitative method, available in the literature, which can reliably predict its strength, based on the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of its components. This limitation is due to the highly nonlinear relation between the compressive strength of masonry and the geometrical and mechanical properties of the components of the masonry. In this paper, the application of artificial neural networks for predicting the compressive strength of masonry has been investigated. Specifically, back-propagation neural network models have been used for predicting the compressive strength of masonry prism based on experimental data available in the literature. The comparison of the derived results with the experimental findings demonstrates the ability of artificial neural networks to approximate the compressive strength of masonry walls in a reliable and robust manner.- (undefined

    Spider species richness and sampling effort at CracraftŽS Belém Area of Endemism

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    Most species are not limited by an Amazonian river postulated to be a border between endemism areas

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    Abstract At broad scales in the Amazon, it is often hypothesized that species distributions are limited by geographical barriers, such as large rivers (river-barrier hypothesis). This hypothesis has been used to explain the spatial-distribution limits of species and to indicate endemism areas for several phylogenetic lineages. We tested the ability of the river-barrier hypothesis to explain patterns of species diversity and spatial-distribution limits for 1952 easily-detected species in 14 taxonomic groups that occur around the Madeira River, and our results indicate that the hypothesis that the Madeira River is the border between endemism areas and explains much of the diversity found in the region is inappropriate for >99% of species. This indicates that alternative hypotheses should be proposed to explain the limits of distributions of species around the Madeira River, as well as a revision of the criteria that are used to determine species-endemism areas