71 research outputs found

    Right-handed neutrino dark matter in the classically conformal U(1)' extended Standard Model

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    We consider the dark matter (DM) scenario in the context of the classically conformal U(1)' extended standard model (SM), with three right-handed neutrinos (RHNs) and the U(1)' Higgs field. The model is free from all the U(1)' gauge and gravitational anomalies in the presence of the three RHNs. We introduce a Z2Z_2-parity in the model, under which an odd-parity is assigned to one RHN, while all the other particles is assigned to be Z2Z_2-even, and hence the Z2Z_2-odd RHN serves as a DM candidate. In this model, the U(1)' gauge symmetry is radiatively broken through the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, by which the electroweak symmetry breaking is triggered. There are three free parameters in our model, the U(1)' charge of the SM Higgs doublet (xHx_H), the new U(1)' gauge coupling (gXg_X), and the U(1)' gauge boson (ZZ') mass (mZm_{Z'}), which are severely constrained in order to solve the electroweak vacuum instability problem, and satisfy the LHC Run-2 bounds from the search for ZZ' boson resonance. In addition to these constraints, we investigate the RHN DM physics. Because of the nature of classical conformality, we find that a RHN DM pair mainly annihilates into the SM particles through the ZZ' boson exchange. This is the so-called ZZ'-portal DM scenario. Combining the electroweak vacuum stability condition, the LHC Run-2 bounds, and the cosmological constraint from the observed DM relic density, we find that all constrains complementarily work to narrow down the allowed parameter regions, and, especially, exclude mZ3.5m_{Z'} \lesssim 3.5 TeV. For the obtained allowed regions, we calculate the spin-independent cross section of the RHN DM with nucleons. We find that the resultant cross section well below the current experimental upper bounds.Comment: 29 pages, 1 table, and 16 figures, version accepted in Phys. Rev. D. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1605.0115

    Non-minimal quartic inflation in classically conformal U(1)X_X extended Standard Model

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    We propose quartic inflation with non-minimal gravitational coupling in the context of the classically conformal U(1)_X extension of the SM. In this model, the U(1)_X gauge symmetry is radiatively broken through the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) mechanism, by which the U(1)_X gauge boson (Z' boson) and the right-handed neutrinos (RHNs) acquire their masses. We consider their masses in the range of O(10 GeV)-O(10 TeV), which are accessible to high energy collider experiments. The radiative U(1)_X gauge symmetry breaking also generates a negative mass squared for the SM Higgs doublet, and the electroweak symmetry breaking occurs subsequently. We identify the U(1)_X Higgs field with inflaton and calculate the inflationary predictions. Due to the CW mechanism, the inflaton quartic coupling during inflation, which determines the inflationary predictions, is correlated to the U(1)_X gauge coupling. With this correlation, we investigate complementarities between the inflationary predictions and the current constraint from the Z' boson resonance search at the LHC Run-2 as well as the prospect of the search for the Z' boson and the RHNs at the future collider experiments. The radiative U(1)_X gauge symmetry breaking also generates a negative mass squared for the SM Higgs doublet, and the electroweak symmetry breaking occurs subsequently. We identify the U(1)_X Higgs field with inflaton and calculate the inflationary predictions. Due to the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, the inflaton quartic coupling during inflation, which determines the inflationary predictions, is correlated to the U(1)_X gauge coupling. With this correlation, we investigate complementarities between the inflationary predictions and the current constraint from the Z' boson resonance search at the LHC Run-2 as well as the prospect of the search for the Z' boson and the RHNs at the future collider experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in pr

    High scale validity of the DFSZ axion model with precision

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    With the assumption of classical scale invariance at the Planck scale, the DFSZ axion model can generate the Higgs mass terms of the appropriate size through technically natural parameters and may be valid up to the Planck scale. We discuss the high scale validity of the Higgs sector, namely the absence of Landau poles and the vacuum stability. The Higgs sector is identical to that of the type-II two Higgs doublet model with a limited number of the Higgs quartic couplings. We utilize the state-of-the-art method to calculate vacuum decay rates and find that they are enhanced at most by 1010 compared with the tree level evaluation. We also discuss the constraints from flavor observables, perturbative unitarity, oblique parameters and collider searches. We find that the high scale validity tightly constrains the parameter region, but there is still a chance to observe at most about 10% deviation of the 125 GeV Higgs couplings to the fermions

    Negative feedback by IRE1β optimizes mucin production in goblet cells

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    In mammals, the prototypical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress sensor inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) has diverged into two paralogs. IRE1α is broadly expressed and mediates the unconventional splicing of X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) mRNA during ER stress. By contrast, IRE1β is expressed selectively in the digestive tract, and its function remains unclear. Here, we report that IRE1β plays a distinctive role in mucin-secreting goblet cells. In IRE1β-/- mice, aberrant mucin 2 (MUC2) accumulated in the ER of goblet cells, accompanied by ER distension and elevated ER stress signaling such as increased XBP1 mRNA splicing. In contrast, conditional IRE1α-/- mice showed no such ER distension but a marked decrease in spliced XBP1 mRNA. mRNA stability assay revealed that MUC2 mRNA was greatly stabilized in IRE1β-/- mice. These findings suggest that in goblet cells, IRE1β, but not IRE1α, promotes efficient protein folding and secretion in the ER by optimizing the level of mRNA encoding their major secretory product, MUC2

    Intra-Abdominal Bleeding during Pregnancy, Preterm Delivery, and Placental Polyp in a Long-Term Survivor of Neuroblastoma: A Case Report

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    Background. There are few reports of pregnancies in long-term survivors of pelvic neuroblastoma. Case. A 30-year-old Japanese woman with a history of pelvic neuroblastoma in her childhood, which was treated with surgical resection, chemotherapy, and radiation. Her pregnancy continued with conservative management, but she delivered a 510 g female infant at 23 weeks of gestation due to sudden onset of labor pain. She also had a placental polyp and developed massive postpartum bleeding. Conclusion. Cancer treatment, especially radiation therapy, in childhood may cause adverse outcomes during pregnancy in long-term survivors of neuroblastoma

    A circulating subset of iNKT cells mediates antitumor and antiviral immunity

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    新規の循環型iNKT細胞を発見 --抗腫瘍・抗ウイルス感染効果の高い免疫細胞療法の開発への貢献に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-10-24.Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are a group of innate-like T lymphocytes that recognize lipid antigens. They are supposed to be tissue resident and important for systemic and local immune regulation. To investigate the heterogeneity of iNKT cells, we recharacterized iNKT cells in the thymus and peripheral tissues. iNKT cells in the thymus were divided into three subpopulations by the expression of the natural killer cell receptor CD244 and the chemokine receptor CXCR6 and designated as C0 (CD244⁻CXCR6⁻), C1 (CD244⁻CXCR6⁺), or C2 (CD244⁺CXCR6⁺) iNKT cells. The development and maturation of C2 iNKT cells from C0 iNKT cells strictly depended on IL-15 produced by thymic epithelial cells. C2 iNKT cells expressed high levels of IFN-γ and granzymes and exhibited more NK cell–like features, whereas C1 iNKT cells showed more T cell–like characteristics. C2 iNKT cells were influenced by the microbiome and aging and suppressed the expression of the autoimmune regulator AIRE in the thymus. In peripheral tissues, C2 iNKT cells were circulating that were distinct from conventional tissue-resident C1 iNKT cells. Functionally, C2 iNKT cells protected mice from the tumor metastasis of melanoma cells by enhancing antitumor immunity and promoted antiviral immune responses against influenza virus infection. Furthermore, we identified human CD244⁺CXCR6⁺ iNKT cells with high cytotoxic properties as a counterpart of mouse C2 iNKT cells. Thus, this study reveals a circulating subset of iNKT cells with NK cell–like properties distinct from conventional tissue-resident iNKT cells