26 research outputs found

    Approches bioinformatiques pour l'exploitation des données génomiques

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    Les technologies actuelles permettent d'explorer le génome entier pour identifier des variants génétiques associés à des phénotypes particuliers, notamment de maladies. C est le rôle de la bioinformatique de répondre à cette problématique. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, un nouvel outil logiciel a été développé qui permet de mesurer avec une bonne précision le nombre de marqueurs génétiques effectivement indépendants correspondant à un ensemble de marqueurs génotypés dans une population donnée. Cet algorithme repose sur la mesure de l entropie de Shannon contenue au sein de ces marqueurs, ainsi que des niveaux d information mutuelle calculés sur les paires de SNPs choisis au sein d une fenêtre de SNPs consécutifs, dont la taille est un paramètre du programme. Il a été montré que ce nombre de marqueurs indépendants devient constant dès que la population est homogène avec une taille suffisante (N > 60 individus) et que l'on utilise une fenêtre assez grande (taille > 100 SNPs). Ce calcul peut avoir de nombreuses applications pour l'exploitation des données.Une analyse génome-entier a été réalisée sur le photo-vieillissement. Elle a porté sur 502 femmes caucasiennes pour lesquelles un grade de photo-vieillissement a été évalué selon une technologie bien établie. Les femmes ont été génotypées sur des puces Illumina OmniOne (1M SNPs), et deux gènes ont été identifiés (STXBP5L et FBX040) associés à un SNP passant le seuil de Bonferroni, dont l'implication dans le photo-vieillissement était jusqu'alors inconnue. De plus, cette association a aussi été retrouvé dans deux autres phénotypes suggérant un mécanisme moléculaire commun possible entre le relâchement cutané et les rides. On n'observe pas de réplication au niveau du critère lentigines, la troisième composante étudiée du photo-vieillissement.Ces travaux sont en cours de publication dans des revues scientifiques internationales à comité de lecture.New technologies allow the exploration of the whole genome to identify genetic variants associated with various phenotypes, in particular diseases. Bioinformatics aims at helping to answer these questions. In the context of my PhD thesis, I have first developed a new software allowing to measure with a good precision the number of really independent genetic markers present in a set of markers genotyped in a given population. This algorithm relies on the Shannon's entropy contained within these markers and on the levels of mutual information computed from the pairs of SNPs chosen in a given window of consecutive SNPs, the window size is a parameter of the program. I have shown that the number of really independent markers become stable as soon as the population is homogeneous and large enough (N > 60) and as soon as the window size is large enough (size > 100 SNPs). This computation may have several applications, in particular the diminution of the Bonferroni threshold by a factor that may reach sometimes 4, the latter having little impact in practice.I have also completed a genome-wide association study on photo-ageing. This study was performed on 502 Caucasian women characterized by their grade of photo-ageing, as measured by a well-established technology. In this study, the women were genotyped with OmniOne Illumina chips (1M SNPs), and I have identified two genes (STXBP5L et FBX040) associated with a SNP that passes the Bonferroni threshold, whose implication in photo-ageing was not suspected until now. Interestingly, this association has been highlighted with two other phenotypes which suggest a possible common molecular mechanism between sagging and wrinkling. There was no replication for the lentigin criteria, the third component studied of photo ageing.These studies are on the process to be published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.PARIS-CNAM (751032301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Approches bioinformatiques pour l'exploitation des données génomiques

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    New technologies allow the exploration of the whole genome to identify genetic variants associated with various phenotypes, in particular diseases. Bioinformatics aims at helping to answer these questions. In the context of my PhD thesis, I have first developed a new software allowing to measure with a good precision the number of really independent genetic markers present in a set of markers genotyped in a given population. This algorithm relies on the Shannon's entropy contained within these markers and on the levels of mutual information computed from the pairs of SNPs chosen in a given window of consecutive SNPs, the window size is a parameter of the program. I have shown that the number of really independent markers become stable as soon as the population is homogeneous and large enough (N > 60) and as soon as the window size is large enough (size > 100 SNPs). This computation may have several applications, in particular the diminution of the Bonferroni threshold by a factor that may reach sometimes 4, the latter having little impact in practice.I have also completed a genome-wide association study on photo-ageing. This study was performed on 502 Caucasian women characterized by their grade of photo-ageing, as measured by a well-established technology. In this study, the women were genotyped with OmniOne Illumina chips (1M SNPs), and I have identified two genes (STXBP5L et FBX040) associated with a SNP that passes the Bonferroni threshold, whose implication in photo-ageing was not suspected until now. Interestingly, this association has been highlighted with two other phenotypes which suggest a possible common molecular mechanism between sagging and wrinkling. There was no replication for the lentigin criteria, the third component studied of photo ageing.These studies are on the process to be published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.Les technologies actuelles permettent d'explorer le génome entier pour identifier des variants génétiques associés à des phénotypes particuliers, notamment de maladies. C’est le rôle de la bioinformatique de répondre à cette problématique. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, un nouvel outil logiciel a été développé qui permet de mesurer avec une bonne précision le nombre de marqueurs génétiques effectivement indépendants correspondant à un ensemble de marqueurs génotypés dans une population donnée. Cet algorithme repose sur la mesure de l’entropie de Shannon contenue au sein de ces marqueurs, ainsi que des niveaux d’information mutuelle calculés sur les paires de SNPs choisis au sein d’une fenêtre de SNPs consécutifs, dont la taille est un paramètre du programme. Il a été montré que ce nombre de marqueurs indépendants devient constant dès que la population est homogène avec une taille suffisante (N > 60 individus) et que l'on utilise une fenêtre assez grande (taille > 100 SNPs). Ce calcul peut avoir de nombreuses applications pour l'exploitation des données.Une analyse génome-entier a été réalisée sur le photo-vieillissement. Elle a porté sur 502 femmes caucasiennes pour lesquelles un grade de photo-vieillissement a été évalué selon une technologie bien établie. Les femmes ont été génotypées sur des puces Illumina OmniOne (1M SNPs), et deux gènes ont été identifiés (STXBP5L et FBX040) associés à un SNP passant le seuil de Bonferroni, dont l'implication dans le photo-vieillissement était jusqu'alors inconnue. De plus, cette association a aussi été retrouvé dans deux autres phénotypes suggérant un mécanisme moléculaire commun possible entre le relâchement cutané et les rides. On n'observe pas de réplication au niveau du critère lentigines, la troisième composante étudiée du photo-vieillissement.Ces travaux sont en cours de publication dans des revues scientifiques internationales à comité de lecture

    Bioinformatics methods for genomic data exploitation

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    Les technologies actuelles permettent d'explorer le génome entier pour identifier des variants génétiques associés à des phénotypes particuliers, notamment de maladies. C’est le rôle de la bioinformatique de répondre à cette problématique. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, un nouvel outil logiciel a été développé qui permet de mesurer avec une bonne précision le nombre de marqueurs génétiques effectivement indépendants correspondant à un ensemble de marqueurs génotypés dans une population donnée. Cet algorithme repose sur la mesure de l’entropie de Shannon contenue au sein de ces marqueurs, ainsi que des niveaux d’information mutuelle calculés sur les paires de SNPs choisis au sein d’une fenêtre de SNPs consécutifs, dont la taille est un paramètre du programme. Il a été montré que ce nombre de marqueurs indépendants devient constant dès que la population est homogène avec une taille suffisante (N > 60 individus) et que l'on utilise une fenêtre assez grande (taille > 100 SNPs). Ce calcul peut avoir de nombreuses applications pour l'exploitation des données.Une analyse génome-entier a été réalisée sur le photo-vieillissement. Elle a porté sur 502 femmes caucasiennes pour lesquelles un grade de photo-vieillissement a été évalué selon une technologie bien établie. Les femmes ont été génotypées sur des puces Illumina OmniOne (1M SNPs), et deux gènes ont été identifiés (STXBP5L et FBX040) associés à un SNP passant le seuil de Bonferroni, dont l'implication dans le photo-vieillissement était jusqu'alors inconnue. De plus, cette association a aussi été retrouvé dans deux autres phénotypes suggérant un mécanisme moléculaire commun possible entre le relâchement cutané et les rides. On n'observe pas de réplication au niveau du critère lentigines, la troisième composante étudiée du photo-vieillissement.Ces travaux sont en cours de publication dans des revues scientifiques internationales à comité de lecture.New technologies allow the exploration of the whole genome to identify genetic variants associated with various phenotypes, in particular diseases. Bioinformatics aims at helping to answer these questions. In the context of my PhD thesis, I have first developed a new software allowing to measure with a good precision the number of really independent genetic markers present in a set of markers genotyped in a given population. This algorithm relies on the Shannon's entropy contained within these markers and on the levels of mutual information computed from the pairs of SNPs chosen in a given window of consecutive SNPs, the window size is a parameter of the program. I have shown that the number of really independent markers become stable as soon as the population is homogeneous and large enough (N > 60) and as soon as the window size is large enough (size > 100 SNPs). This computation may have several applications, in particular the diminution of the Bonferroni threshold by a factor that may reach sometimes 4, the latter having little impact in practice.I have also completed a genome-wide association study on photo-ageing. This study was performed on 502 Caucasian women characterized by their grade of photo-ageing, as measured by a well-established technology. In this study, the women were genotyped with OmniOne Illumina chips (1M SNPs), and I have identified two genes (STXBP5L et FBX040) associated with a SNP that passes the Bonferroni threshold, whose implication in photo-ageing was not suspected until now. Interestingly, this association has been highlighted with two other phenotypes which suggest a possible common molecular mechanism between sagging and wrinkling. There was no replication for the lentigin criteria, the third component studied of photo ageing.These studies are on the process to be published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals

    Review Enrichment or depletion of a GO category within a class of genes: which test?

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    Motivation: A number of available program packages determine the significant enrichments and/or depletions of GO categories among a class of genes of interest. Whereas a correct formulation of the problem leads to a single exact null distribution, these GO tools use a large variety of statistical tests whose denominations often do not clarify the underlying p-value computations. Summary: We review the different formulations of the problem and the tests they lead to: the binomial, chi-square, equality of two probabilities, Fisher’s exact, and hypergeometric tests. We clarify the relationships existing between these tests, in particular the equivalence between the hypergeometric test and Fisher’s exact test. We recall that the other tests are valid only for large samples, the test of equality of two probabilities and the chi-square test being equivalent. We discuss the appropriateness of one- and two-sided p-values, as well as some discreteness and conservatism issues.

    DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation characterize the identity of D1 and D2 striatal projection neurons

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    International audienceAbstract Neuronal DNA modifications differ from those in other cells, including methylation outside CpG context and abundant 5-hydroxymethylation whose relevance for neuronal identities are unclear. Striatal projection neurons expressing D1 or D2 dopamine receptors allow addressing this question, as they share many characteristics but differ in their gene expression profiles, connections, and functional roles. We compare translating mRNAs and DNA modifications in these two populations. DNA methylation differences occur predominantly in large genomic clusters including differentially expressed genes, potentially important for D1 and D2 neurons. Decreased gene body methylation is associated with higher gene expression. Hydroxymethylation differences are more scattered and affect transcription factor binding sites, which can influence gene expression. We also find a strong genome-wide hydroxymethylation asymmetry between the two DNA strands, particularly pronounced at expressed genes and retrotransposons. These results identify novel properties of neuronal DNA modifications and unveil epigenetic characteristics of striatal projection neurons heterogeneity

    DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation characterize the identity of D1 and D2 striatal projection neurons

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    Neuronal DNA modifications differ from those in other cells, including methylation outside CpG context and abundant 5-hydroxymethylation whose relevance for neuronal identities are unclear. Striatal projection neurons expressing D1 or D2 dopamine receptors allow addressing this question, as they share many characteristics but differ in their gene expression profiles, connections, and functional roles. We compare translating mRNAs and DNA modifications in these two populations. DNA methylation differences occur predominantly in large genomic clusters including differentially expressed genes, potentially important for D1 and D2 neurons. Decreased gene body methylation is associated with higher gene expression. Hydroxymethylation differences are more scattered and affect transcription factor binding sites, which can influence gene expression. We also find a strong genome-wide hydroxymethylation asymmetry between the two DNA strands, particularly pronounced at expressed genes and retrotransposons. These results identify novel properties of neuronal DNA modifications and unveil epigenetic characteristics of striatal projection neurons heterogeneity

    DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation characterize the identity of D1 and D2 striatal projection neurons

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    International audienceAbstract Neuronal DNA modifications differ from those in other cells, including methylation outside CpG context and abundant 5-hydroxymethylation whose relevance for neuronal identities are unclear. Striatal projection neurons expressing D1 or D2 dopamine receptors allow addressing this question, as they share many characteristics but differ in their gene expression profiles, connections, and functional roles. We compare translating mRNAs and DNA modifications in these two populations. DNA methylation differences occur predominantly in large genomic clusters including differentially expressed genes, potentially important for D1 and D2 neurons. Decreased gene body methylation is associated with higher gene expression. Hydroxymethylation differences are more scattered and affect transcription factor binding sites, which can influence gene expression. We also find a strong genome-wide hydroxymethylation asymmetry between the two DNA strands, particularly pronounced at expressed genes and retrotransposons. These results identify novel properties of neuronal DNA modifications and unveil epigenetic characteristics of striatal projection neurons heterogeneity

    A genome-wide association study in Caucasian women suggests the involvement of HLA genes in the severity of facial solar lentigines

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    International audienceSolar lentigines are a common feature of sun-induced skin ageing. Little is known, however, about the genetic factors contributing to their development. In this genome-wide association study, we aimed to identify genetic loci associated with solar lentigines on the face in 502 middle-aged French women. Nine SNPs, gathered in two independent blocks on chromosome 6, exhibited a false discovery rate below 25% when looking for associations with the facial lentigine score. The first block, in the 6p22 region, corresponded to intergenic SNPs and also exhibited a significant association with forehead lentigines (P = 1.37 x 10(-8)). The second block, within the 6p21 HLA region, was associated with decreased HLA-C expression according to several eQTL databases. Interestingly, these SNPs were also in high linkage disequilibrium with the HLA-C*0701 allele (r(2) = 0.95). We replicated an association recently found by GWAS in the IRF4 gene. Finally, a complementary study on 44 selected candidate SNPs revealed novel associations in the MITF gene. Overall, our results point to several mechanisms involved in the severity of facial lentigines, including HLA/immunity and the melanogenesis pathway

    A Genome-Wide Association Study in Caucasian Women Points Out a Putative Role of the STXBP5L Gene in Facial Photoaging

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    International audienceA genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted on 502 French middle-aged Caucasian women to identify genetic factors that may affect skin aging severity. A high-throughput Illumina Human Omni1-Quad beadchip was used. After single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) quality controls, 795,063 SNPs remained for analysis purposes. Possible stratification was first examined using the Eigenstrat method, and then the relationships between genotypes and four skin aging indicators (global photoaging, lentigines, wrinkles, and sagging) were investigated separately by linear regressions adjusted on age, smoking habits, lifetime sun exposure, hormonal status, and the two main Eigen vectors. One signal passed the Bonferroni threshold (P=1.53 x 10(-8)) and was significantly associated with global photoaging. It was also correlated with the wrinkling score and the sagging score. According to HapMap, this SNP, rs322458, was in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with intronic SNPs of the STXBP5L gene, which is expressed in the skin. In addition, it was also in LD with another SNP that increases the expression of the FBXO40 gene in the skin. These two genes, which were not previously described in the context of aging, may constitute good candidates for the investigation of molecular mechanisms of skin photoaging. Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2013) 133, 929-935; doi:10.1038/jid.2012.458; published online 6 December 201