272 research outputs found

    Approaches toward the development of DNA vaccine for influenza virus

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    The main goals of this investigation were to prepare a viral DNA vaccine to help stimulate the immune system of poultry and to increase the efficiency of this vaccine. To accomplish this work, a strain of H5N1 circulating in Egypt was confirmed using rapid diagnostic methods and also, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes. The virus was propagated in MDCK cell line and the viral genes were extracted and reverse transcribed individually. Individual genes were cloned in gene expression vector (PHW2000) and were used as DNA vaccine. The level of maternal antibodies was determined by ELISA to appoint the right time to give the vaccine. The chicks were divided into eight groups and each group was vaccinated by the couple of DNA NP with one of the other genes. The efficiency of coupled DNA vaccine was determined by neutralization assay and compared with the inactivated vaccine. The results showed that the vaccine that had NP with NS had adequate protection for poultry.Key words: H5N1, virus, vaccine, poultry, DNA


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    Pengaruh Reformasi Pajak 2008 Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Terdaftar di BEI Skripsi S-1 Oleh: Taf Rupiah, Pembimbing : Firdaus, SE, M.Si, Ak Abstract The objective of study is to analyze the performance of the banking campany before and after the enactment of tax reform of 2008. The sample of study were taken from banking companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange, with observation period of 2008 until 2010. By employing purposive sampling methode, the study collected data from 25 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The study uses sample pairedd t-test. The result showed no differences banking capital banking before and after the introduction of Law 36 of 2008, no differences banking assets banking before and after the introduction of Law 36 of 2008, no differences banking management banking before and after the introduction of Law 36 of 2008, no differences banking earning banking before and after the introduction of Law 36 of 2008 there is a differences management and earning banking before and after the introduction of law 36 of 2008 of article 17 paragraph 2a. tax reform from progresif tax until single tax making cost of bankingbe increase. Than rule of government with tax reform become decrease the goal to incrase profit of banking. Keywords: Tax, Tax Reform, Capital, Assets, Management, Earning

    On Relative Convex Sequences

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of relative convex sequences and establish their fundamental properties, highlighting their similarities to those of convex sequences. Additionally, we prove new inequalities of the Lupas and Hermite-Hadamard-Fej\'er type for relative convex sequences. In certain cases, and as an application, we show how the concept of relative convexity can facilitate the derivation of new inequalities for convex sequences.Comment: 12 page

    Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for r-convex functions in q-calculus

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    The aim of this work is to establish the q-analogue of Hermite-Hadamard inequalities for convex functions and r-convex functions

    Prevalence of concussion and adherence to return-to-play guidelines amongst male secondary school rugby and hockey players

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    Concussion injuries are common in contact sports. Young players can suffer lifethreatening complications if concussion is not recognised and managed.To determine the prevalence of concussion amongst secondary school rugby and hockey players and describe players’ knowledge and adherence to return-to-play guidelines.A mixed-method approach included Phase A, which utilised a questionnaire completed by 221 players (n = 139 rugby; n = 82 hockey) between 13 and 18 years of age, and Phase B, which utilised three focus group discussions of 15 participants who had suffered a concussion

    Some result for Hadamard-type inequalities in quantum calculus

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    In this paper, we establish a q-analogue of Hermite-Hadamard inequalities for some convex type functions

    New generalizations of some inequalities for k-special and q,k-special functions

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    In this work, we establish some new inequalities involving some k-special and q; k-special functions, by using the technique of A. McD. Mercer [11]

    A partial consequence account of truthlikeness

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    Popper\u2019s original definition of truthlikeness relied on a central insight: that truthlikeness combines truth and information, in the sense that a proposition is closer to the truth the more true consequences and the less false consequences it entails. As intuitively compelling as this definition may be, it is untenable, as proved long ago; still, one can arguably rely on Popper\u2019s intuition to provide an adequate account of truthlikeness. To this aim, we mobilize some classical work on partial entailment in defining a new measure of truthlikeness which satisfies a number of desiderata. The resulting account has some interesting and surprising connections with other accounts on the market, thus shedding new light on current attempts of systematizing different approaches to verisimilitude

    Male × Female Interaction for a Pre-Copulatory Trait, but Not a Post-Copulatory Trait, among Cosmopolitan Populations of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Sexual coevolution occurs when changes in the phenotype of one sex select for changes in the other sex. We can identify the “footprint” of this coevolution by mating males and females from different populations and testing for a male-female genotype interaction for a trait associated with male (or female) performance. Here we mated male Drosophila melanogaster from five different continents with females from their own and different continents to test for a male-female interaction for mating speed, a pre-copulatory trait, and female reproductive investment, a post-copulatory trait. We found a strong male-female interaction for mating speed, consistent with previous studies using different populations, suggesting that the potential for sexual coevolution for this trait is present in this species. In contrast, we did not detect a male-female interaction for female reproductive investment. Although a male-female interaction for mating speed is compatible with the hypothesis of ongoing sexual coevolution, the nature of our experimental design is unable to exclude alternate explanations. Thus, the evolutionary mechanisms promoting male-female genotype interactions for pre-copulatory mating traits in D. melanogaster warrant further investigation
