3,953 research outputs found

    Spectral Dynamics of the Velocity Gradient Field in Restricted Flows

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    We study the velocity gradients of the fundamental Eulerian equation, tu+uu=F\partial_t u +u\cdot \nabla u=F, which shows up in different contexts dictated by the different modeling of FF's. To this end we utilize a basic description for the spectral dynamics of u\nabla u, expressed in terms of the (possibly complex) eigenvalues, λ=λ(u)\lambda=\lambda(\nabla u), which are shown to be governed by the Ricatti-like equation λt+uλ+λ2=\lambda_t+u\cdot \nabla\lambda+\lambda^2= . We address the question of the time regularity of four prototype models associated with different forcing FF. Using the spectral dynamics as our essential tool in these investigations, we obtain a simple form of a critical threshold for the linear damping model and we identify the 2D vanishing viscosity limit for the viscous irrotational dusty medium model. Moreover, for the nn-dimensional restricted Euler equations we obtain [n/2]+1[n/2]+1 global invariants, interesting for their own sake, which enable us to precisely characterize the local topology at breakdown time, extending previous studies in the n=3n=3-dimensional case. Finally, as a forth model we introduce the nn-dimensional restricted Euler-Poisson (REP)system, identifying a set of [n/2][n/2] global invariants, which in turn yield (i) sufficient conditions for finite time breakdown, and (ii) characterization of a large class of 2-dimensional initial configurations leading to global smooth solutions. Consequently, the 2D restricted Euler-Poisson equations are shown to admit a critical threshold

    The melting performance of single screw extruders. II

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    In the previous paper (1) the melting performance of a number of recent screw designs was analyzed, using a rather simple theory. A new screw design was proposed. Here the results of more elaborate calculations, are given in which the influence of the flight clearance and of a shear-thinning temperature dependent viscosity are investigated. The former conclusions are not altered in essence by these effects. Experimental results with a prototype screw are presented, showing that melting capacity is increased. Up to 100 percent increase in throughput is possible in the high RPM range (in comparison with a much longer traditional compression screw), provided that the feed capacity is sufficient. This usually requires the use of a grooved, well-cooled, feed section; the capacity of such a feed section depends, for a given screw geometry, on channel depth and granule dimensions. The melt leaves the melting section at a relatively low temperature. The melting section only melts the material and does not raise, its temperature unnecessarily. A further step towards separating distinct tasks of the extruder by functional screw design has been made

    Developing an Orthography for Onya Darat (Western Borneo) Practical and Theoretical Considerations

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    Onya Darat is a language spoken, with great dialectal variation, in the interiorof western Borneo. It is the southernmost member of Land Dayak, a branchof the Austronesian language family. This article reports on the developmentof a writing system for Onya Darat. In addition to five vowels and 19 simpleconsonants, Onya Darat also exhibits three series of complex oral-nasalsegments: prenasalized oral stops, preoralized nasals, and postoralized nasals.An analysis of the Onya Darat sound system reveals that of these three seriesonly postoralized nasals are distinctive and therefore need to be representedin the writing system. The proposed orthography, developed with the aid ofnative speakers, represents all and only the phonemes of Onya Darat withoutresorting to diacritics or special characters

    The convergence of spectral methods for nonlinear conservation laws

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    The convergence of the Fourier method for scalar nonlinear conservation laws which exhibit spontaneous shock discontinuities is discussed. Numerical tests indicate that the convergence may (and in fact in some cases must) fail, with or without post-processing of the numerical solution. Instead, a new kind of spectrally accurate vanishing viscosity is introduced to augment the Fourier approximation of such nonlinear conservation laws. Using compensated compactness arguments, it is shown that this spectral viscosity prevents oscillations, and convergence to the unique entropy solution follows

    Convenient total variation diminishing conditions for nonlinear difference schemes

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    Convenient conditions for nonlinear difference schemes to be total-variation diminishing (TVD) are reviewed. It is shown that such schemes share the TVD property, provided their numerical fluxes meet a certain positivity condition at extrema values but can be arbitrary otherwise. The conditions are invariant under different incremental representations of the nonlinear schemes, and thus provide a simplified generalization of the TVD conditions due to Harten and others

    The numerical viscosity of entropy stable schemes for systems of conservation laws

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    Discrete approximations to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws are studied. The amount of numerical viscosity present in such schemes, is quantified and related to their entropy stability by means of comparison. To this end, conservative schemes which are also entropy conservative are constructed. These entropy conservative schemes enjoy second-order accuracy; moreover, they admit a particular interpretation within the finite-element frameworks, and hence can be formulated on various mesh configurations. It is then shown that conservative schemes are entropy stable if and only if they contain more viscosity than the mentioned above entropy conservative ones

    Local error estimates for discontinuous solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations

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    Let u(x,t) be the possibly discontinuous entropy solution of a nonlinear scalar conservation law with smooth initial data. Suppose u sub epsilon(x,t) is the solution of an approximate viscosity regularization, where epsilon greater than 0 is the small viscosity amplitude. It is shown that by post-processing the small viscosity approximation u sub epsilon, pointwise values of u and its derivatives can be recovered with an error as close to epsilon as desired. The analysis relies on the adjoint problem of the forward error equation, which in this case amounts to a backward linear transport with discontinuous coefficients. The novelty of this approach is to use a (generalized) E-condition of the forward problem in order to deduce a W(exp 1,infinity) energy estimate for the discontinuous backward transport equation; this, in turn, leads one to an epsilon-uniform estimate on moments of the error u(sub epsilon) - u. This approach does not follow the characteristics and, therefore, applies mutatis mutandis to other approximate solutions such as E-difference schemes

    Entropy functions for symmetric systems of conservation laws

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    It is shown that symmetric systems of conservation laws are equipped with a one-parameter family of entropy functions. A simple symmetrizability criterion is used

    Detection of Edges in Spectral Data II. Nonlinear Enhancement

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    We discuss a general framework for recovering edges in piecewise smooth functions with finitely many jump discontinuities, where [f](x):=f(x+)f(x)0[f](x):=f(x+)-f(x-) \neq 0. Our approach is based on two main aspects--localization using appropriate concentration kernels and separation of scales by nonlinear enhancement. To detect such edges, one employs concentration kernels, Kϵ()K_\epsilon(\cdot), depending on the small scale ϵ\epsilon. It is shown that odd kernels, properly scaled, and admissible (in the sense of having small W1,W^{-1,\infty}-moments of order O(ϵ){\cal O}(\epsilon)) satisfy Kϵf(x)=[f](x)+O(ϵ)K_\epsilon*f(x) = [f](x) +{\cal O}(\epsilon), thus recovering both the location and amplitudes of all edges.As an example we consider general concentration kernels of the form KNσ(t)=σ(k/N)sinktK^\sigma_N(t)=\sum\sigma(k/N)\sin kt to detect edges from the first 1/ϵ=N1/\epsilon=N spectral modes of piecewise smooth f's. Here we improve in generality and simplicity over our previous study in [A. Gelb and E. Tadmor, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 7 (1999), pp. 101-135]. Both periodic and nonperiodic spectral projections are considered. We identify, in particular, a new family of exponential factors, σexp()\sigma^{exp}(\cdot), with superior localization properties. The other aspect of our edge detection involves a nonlinear enhancement procedure which is based on separation of scales between the edges, where Kϵf(x)[f](x)0K_\epsilon*f(x)\sim [f](x) \neq 0, and the smooth regions where Kϵf=O(ϵ)0K_\epsilon*f = {\cal O}(\epsilon) \sim 0. Numerical examples demonstrate that by coupling concentration kernels with nonlinear enhancement one arrives at effective edge detectors