389 research outputs found

    A BEM based on the BĂ©zier/Bernstein polynomial for acoustic waveguide modelization

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    42nd International Conference on Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods, BEM/MRM 2019; ITeCons-University of CoimbraCoimbra; Portugal; 2 July 2019 through 4 July 2019; Code 155806. Publicado en WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol 126This paper proposes a novel boundary element approach formulated on the Bézier–Bernstein basis to yield a geometry-independent field approximation. The proposed method is geometrically based on both computer aided design (CAD) and isogeometric analysis (IGA), but field variables are independently approximated from the geometry. This approach allows the appropriate approximation functions for the geometry and variable field to be chosen. We use the Bézier–Bernstein form of a polynomial as an approximation basis to represent both geometry and field variables. The solution of the element interpolation problem in the Bézier–Bernstein space defines generalised Lagrange interpolation functions that are used as element shape functions. The resulting Bernstein–Vandermonde matrix related to the Bézier–Bernstein interpolation problem is inverted using the Newton–Bernstein algorithm. The applicability of the proposed method is demonstrated by solving the Helmholtz equation over an unbounded region in a two-and-a-half dimensional (2.5D) domain.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2016-75042-C2-1-

    Privileging Micro over Macro? A History of Conflicting Positions

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    Mainstream macroeconomists agree that we live in the age of microfoundations. The recent worldwide financial crisis may have emboldened critics of this microfoundational orthodoxy, but it remains the dominant view that macroeconomic models must go beyond supply and demand functions to the level of “deep parameters.” Microeconomics on this view is prior to macroeconomics. The standard narrative of the rise of microfoundations locates their origins in the work of Lucas and his new classical friends and followers in the 1970s. Our purpose is to step back and to reexamine the history of the relationship of microeconomics and macroeconomics without presupposing the truth of the standard narrative, challenging the association of microfoundations with Lucas and rational expectations.microfoundations; new classical macroeconomics; Robert Lucas; new Keynesian macroeconomics; new neoclassical synthesis

    A 2.5D BEM-FEM using a spectral approach to study scattered waves in fluid–solid interaction problems

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    42nd International Conference on Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods, BEM/MRM 2019; ITeCons-University of Coimbra, Coimbra; Portugal; 2 July 2019 through 4 July 2019. - Publicado en WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Volume 126, 2019, Pages 111-123This work presents a two-and-a-half dimensional (2.5D) spectral formulation based on the finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM) to study wave propagation in acoustic and elastic waveguides. The analysis involved superposing two dimensional (2D) problems with different longitudinal wavenumbers. A spectral finite element (SFEM) is proposed to represent waveguides in solids with arbitrary cross-section. Moreover, the BEM is extended to its spectral formulation (SBEM) to study unbounded fluid media and acoustic enclosures. Both approaches use Lagrange polynomials as element shape functions at the Legendre–Gauss–Lobatto (LGL) points. The fluid and solid subdomains are coupled by applying the appropriate boundary conditions at the limiting interface. The proposed method is verified by means of a benchmark problem regarding the scattering of waves by an elastic inclusion. The convergence and the computational effort are evaluated for different h-p strategies. Numerical results show good agreement with the reference solution. Finally, the proposed method is used to study the pressure field generated by an array of elastic fluid-filled scatterers immersed in an acoustic mediumMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2016-75042-C2-1-

    A creative and entrepreneurship project promotion of primary schools and high education

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    With the purpose of promoting creativity and entrepreneurship behavior in primary school children and connecting it to entrepreneurship work develop in a High Education Institute with undergraduate students, Produz@ideia arise has a project that makes the link between the two type of levels of education, proposing a multidisciplinary project in multi-level type of education. This project was implemented during a year of work applying a problem-based learning perspective in both level of education and exploring the creativity and analysis implementing the methodology of the “Six Thinking Hats of Bono” with the primary education schools. By putting into action this project we pretended to prove that the empowerment that young children would embrace after the project, being creative, learning to reflect and analyze all perspectives of making things and trying and experiment how to make them, would create on them the access risk in a different way. The way of development that we used, could be audacious, but we expect students of both institutions acquire the necessary taste of not being afraid of taking chances by put into action their own ideas. On the other hand of the education level, in HEI, we tried to promote creativity on students making them to find a way to produce “crazy” ideas and trough that learn to take changes, analyze problems and find solutions and make things happen. Like this this project addresses the fundamental of entrepreneurship education at two levels of education at the same time, making it fun and successful. At the end of the project the entrepreneurship attitudes and behavior were assessed and it was possible to confirm the empowerment and the competence development in analyzing in a problem-based learning view

    Gamentship – An Innovative Project to Improve Entrepreneurship Competences

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    Playing games it's an activity that belongs to earlier civilizations and still continues nowadays in schools and outside the environment of classroom. All studies focus on the importance of playing no matter the age, no matter the subject. In spite of the new technologies arrival and the electronic games, board games still continue to play an important role in the developing of the human being. Play it's also, from a biologic point of view, related with the complexity abilities of men to survive. The Theory of Games appears with Jon Von Neuman in 1928 and he had showed that most of the social events related with economy and business could be interpreted by strategic games. Another important aspect is this new era that humankind is living in present days. The present social and economic crisis revel some fragility among youngsters when dealing with money and business. So, being proactive, with a truly mind set focus on always trying, never give up, should be a normal behaviour for a student. But unfortunately this is not the real world aspect. Students need to develop competences that encourage them to be entrepreneurs. We, as investigators, should integrate and teach in our classes this positive attitude. So education needs to prepare adults ready to join a diversity of offers across worldwide market. Our proposal meant to join these two important issues: play games and be an entrepreneur. In this article we focus on the necessary process to implement this project. There is a lemma that will drive us all along: better education through games, to achieve better entrepreneur students and citizens in future

    A novel 2.5D spectral approach for studying thin-walled waveguides with fluid-acoustic interaction

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    This paper presents a novel formulation of two spectral elements to study guided waves in coupled problems involving thin-walled structures and fluid-acoustic enclosures. The aim of the proposed work is the development of a new efficient computational method to study problems where geometry and properties are invariant in one direction, commonly found in the analysis of guided waves. This assumption allows using a two-and-a-half dimensional (2.5D) spectral formulation in the wavenumber-frequency domain. The novelty of the proposed work is the formulation of spectral plate and fluid elements with an arbitrary order in 2.5D. A plate element based on a Reissner-Mindlin/Kirchhoff-Love mixed formulation is proposed to represent the thin-walled structure. This element uses approximation functions to overcome the difficulties to formulate elements with an arbitrary order from functions. The proposed element uses a substitute transverse shear strain field to avoid shear locking effects. Three benchmark problems are studied to check the convergence and the computational effort for different strategies. Accurate results are found with an appropriate combination of element size and order of the approximation functions allowing at least six nodes per wavelength. The effectiveness of the proposed elements is demonstrated studying the wave propagation in a water duct with a flexible side and an acoustic cavity coupled to a Helmholtz resonator.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2013-43085-P y BIA2016-75042-C2-1-RCentro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA

    New trends in education: the use of ICT in different ways

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    In the 21st century and due to the exponential growth of the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), people live in a technological age, in all areas and in all contexts, we have daily contact with technology, with access to Information. This dynamic requires a constant update of the services and technological tools that change the method that we study, work, communicate and socialize on an unprecedented scale. These constant changes force everyone, regardless of age, gender or profession, to possess a range of functional and critical thinking skills, such as information literacy, media literacy and technological literacy. The evolution of technologies, forces the promoters of education, to always be aware of the changes that society is introducing outside the classroom. Today, students don't have the same pattern as before, regardless of age, they are very active and are no longer the same introverted child who studied a few years ago in the classroom. According to this, students are eager for different forms of motivation inside and outside the classroom, they need the learning and teaching process to move along with changes in society and ICT. To ensure the success of today's students, it is important to provide them with the technological skills to make the correct use of ICTs, to perform tasks essential to their learning process, such as researching and selecting information, creating content, information sharing, use of collaboration tools or environment simulation tools. The main objective of this chapter is to show how ICT tools that can be used in educational environments to help students, helping them develop key skills in their training process, is also relevant to show how these tools can help teachers achieve these goals in daily activities with their students

    TIC y Diversidad Funcional: barreras para la Formación del Profesorado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León (España)

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    El profesorado se configura como un elemento clave para lograr una plena inclusión de las TIC en las aulas. En este marco, se pretende analizar las principales barreras para el desarrollo de planes de formación del profesorado y aquellos aspectos que se consideran prioritarios en dicha formación, en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León (España). En el aspecto metodológico, se ha procedido a la realización de un diseño de investigación de corte cualitativo, desarrollado desde el enfoque de la Grounded Theory. La información se ha obtenido a partir del análisis de 60 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales del sector educativo del estado español (miembros de equipos directivos, coordinadores TIC, directores y asesores tecnológicos de centros de formación). Entre las conclusiones podemos destacar el escaso desarrollo de actividades de formación y que las principales barreras que obstaculizan dicha realización de actividades de formación en TIC y diversidad funcional vienen determinadas en primer lugar por factores económicos y de actitud del profesorado.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Adaptation of curricular activities as a form of inclusion - an experience report

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    Inclusive education implies a bilateral commitment between people with and without disability. The activities in preschool education, such as the exploration of children's stories, nursery rhymes and songs, are special moments of knowledge sharing, linguistic development, social interaction and emotional improvement. Truly sharing these moments means sharing channels of communication between the interlocutors to provide an effective exchange of information between sender and receiver. Following this principle, during a school year, a set of activities was adapted in accordance with the needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), so that they could be performed in a class context targeted at children both with and without developmental disorders. This adaptation, based on linguistic simplification/structuring and the provision of multimodal information, fulfilled one of the fundamental principles of the Salamanca Statement, namely that students with and without problems should learn together. This resulted in a more active and effective involvement of the 4 children with ASD in the dynamics of the class, as well as better ability by their colleagues to deal with other realities, fostering early social and civic concerns and competences

    The impact of pedagogical leadership on pedagogical coordination in secondary schools

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    Educational Leadership has an international recognition as a factor in school improvement (OECD, 2009, 2014). The international investigations guarantee this. Within the multiplicity of investigative lines that concern this factor, there is one that alludes to its impact on school improvement, especially in contexts of the social inequality. Within the pedagogical leadership, it has been evidenced that the shared modalities of leadership that invite other members of the educational organization to be involved in a common project are associated with a greater commitment for the improvement and inclusion of all the students. At the same time, other factors come into play, such as the professional identity of both management and staff, professional capital (Hargreaves and Fullan, 2014) or the inclusive practices outlined in this type of context. This intervention oscillates around these issues, offering a vision about studies carried out in the international sphere that associate, on one hand, the impact of leadership on the educational organization and, on the other, positive effects in challenging contexts. Finally, the results obtained from a questionnaire designed specifically for this research will be presented, in which secondary school teachers were asked to respond to questions related to the collaboration in the center, if they received support from the management team to improve their practices if they perceived themselves as school leaders or teachers. Among the results found, it is observed that there is a positive trend towards the construction of a common educational project in secondary schools by the management team. Likewise, there is a positive predisposition on the part of the teaching staff to be more involved in the initiatives of the educational center and towards collaboration and coordination with other colleagues
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