205 research outputs found

    Ovariectomy enhances renal cortical expression and function of cyclooxygenase-2

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    Ovariectomy enhances renal cortical expression and function of cyclooxygenase-2.BackgroundCyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors are used as analgesics in postmenopausal women, who develop edema and require a salt-restricted diet. This study was performed to determine the renal expression of COX-2 and on COX-2–dependent regulation of renal blood flow (RBF) in ovariectomized rats.MethodsSprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups: sham-operated rats fed a normal-salt diet (Sh+NS) or a low-salt diet (Sh+LS), and bilaterally ovariectomized rats fed a normal-salt diet (Ox+NS) or a low-salt diet (Ox+LS) (N = 6 in each group). Estrogen replacement therapy was performed on other ovariectomized rats. A renal clearance study was performed in anesthetized animals.ResultsOvariectomy increased renal cortical COX-2 expression independently of dietary salt intake (Sh+NS <Ox+N; Sh+LS <Ox+LS). Inhibition of COX-2 by NS398 reduced the urinary excretion of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α in all 4 groups, although the reduction was greater in the Ox+LS group than in the Ox+NS and Sh+LS groups, which in turn had a greater reduction than the Sh+NS group. RBF significantly decreased in every group except the Sh+NS group, but no effect on blood pressure, inulin clearance, or urinary sodium excretion was seen. The decrease in RBF was significantly greater in the Ox+LS group than in the Sh+LS and Ox+NS group. The decrease in RBF was dependent on cortical RBF in the Sh+LS and Ox+NS groups, and on both cortical and medullary RBF in the Ox+LS group. Estrogen replacement therapy reversed the ovariectomy-induced changes.ConclusionEstrogen-dependent COX-2 expression plays an important role in the RBF regulation in female rats

    Isolation and identification of the antimicrobial substance included in tempeh using Rhizopus stolonifer NBRC 30816 for fermentation

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    In this study, we focus on the antimicrobial properties of tempeh, a soybean fermented food, against oral bacteria. Tempeh showed antimicrobial activity against dental caries pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans at a final concentration of 1 mg/mL. An antimicrobial substance contained in tempeh was present in the 100 kDa or greater fraction generated by ultrafiltration, but it was found not to be proteinaceous by native-PAGE, SDS-PAGE and protein degradation tests. Next, when the fraction was purified with an ODS column, the 80% and 100% methanol eluates showed antimicrobial activity against S. mutans. The 100% methanol eluate was further subjected to a 2nd column purification, and isolation of the target was confirmed by HPLC. When the isolated material was analyzed by ESI-MS, the m/z was 279.234. Further analysis by Raman spectroscopy revealed a peak similar to linoleic acid. This substance also possessed antimicrobial properties equivalent to linoleic acid

    The Combination of Prognostic Nutritional Indicator and Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen is Useful in Predicting Postoperative Recurrence in Stage II Colorectal Cancer

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    [Background] The efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage II colorectal cancer (CRC) patients has not been clearly demonstrated. Therefore, identification of robust prognostic factors is crucial for the assessment of recurrence risk in stage II CRC and appropriate adjuvant treatment, in clinical practice. [Methods] We enrolled 135 colorectal adenocarcinoma patients who underwent proctocolectomies and had histologically diagnosed stage II CRC. [Results] Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, to evaluate the predictive ability of certain serum factors for CRC recurrence, indicated that the prognostic nutritional indicator (PNI), followed by serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level, were the strongest predictive metrics. Based on cutoff values from ROC analyses, patients were divided as follows; CEAHigh (≥ 4.55 ng/mL), CEALow (< 4.55 ng/mL), PNIHigh (≥ 47.72), and PNILow (< 47.72). The recurrence rates of patients with CEAHigh and PNILow, CEAHigh and PNIHigh, CEALow and PNILow, and CEALow and PNIHigh were 34.3%, 0%, 6.8%, and 2.6%, respectively (a significant difference at P < 0.0001). Logistic regression analysis revealed that the combination of serum CEA level and PNI was an independent predictive indicator of tumor recurrence after operation in stage II CRC patients. The 5-year disease specific survival rates of patients with CEALowPNIHigh, CEAHighPNIHigh, CEALowPNILow, CEAHighPNILow were 100%, 100%, 97.4%, and 77.5%, respectively (P < 0.0001). [Conclusion] The combination of CEA and PNI was useful in predicting postoperative recurrence in stage II CRC patients

    Conhecendo o processo de inclusão escolar em Porto Velho - RO

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the number of enrolled students with learning deficits, their ages,and the most common types of deficits in 22 regular schools (both private and public) in Porto Velho (Rondônia). Field diariesand documental analysis were used as data sources. A total of 104 students, ranging in age from 5 to 25 years, with deficitswere enrolled in the regular educational system, all lagging behind in school. The most common diagnosed problems amongstthese students were intellectual deficit and hyperactivity. The enrollment of deaf students in regular classrooms appeared tohave a low incidence. The results showed that parents and schools seek to enroll students with deficits in regular schools.A&nbsp;pesquisa objetivou conhecer o processo de inclusão escolar em 22 escolas da rede pública e privada de Porto Velho/RO, realizando levantamento estatístico sobre o número de alunos com deficiência matriculados, idade, tipo de deficiência mais freqüente, estrutura física das escolas e modalidade de ensino oferecida. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se o diário de campo e a análise documental. Há 104 alunos com deficiência matriculados no ensino comum, com faixa etária de 5 a 25 anos, sendo os diagnósticos mais comuns de deficiência intelectual e transtorno invasivo do desenvolvimento. Verificou-se que a matrícula dos alunos surdos em salas regulares tem baixa incidência. Os dados indicam que pais e escolas buscam matricular a pessoa com deficiência nas escolas regulares

    High‐Density Lipoprotein Engineering for Eye‐Drop Treatment of Age‐Related Macular Degeneration

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    Eye-drop treatments of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are desirable; however, no clinically approved eye drop has been reported to date. This study aim to evaluate the therapeutic activity of eye-drop instillation of a high-density lipoprotein (HDL) variant bearing a cell-penetrating peptide and neovasculature-targeted peptide (AsnGlyArg [NGR] peptide) in a mouse model at a dose of 0.6–0.85 µg protein/eye drop. The results reveal that the activity of the abovementioned variant was >10-fold higher than that of the previous variant lacking an NGR peptide. In addition, the anti-inflammatory activity, cholesterol-efflux capacity, and antiangiogenic activity of reconstituted HDL are significantly augmented by the attachment of these two peptides. The mechanism underlying this dramatic improvement is likely the expression of CD13, an NGR peptide receptor, on the cornea and conjunctiva in mice. CD13 mRNA/protein expression is also detected in cultured human corneal and conjunctival cells. These results demonstrate that NGR peptide is an unprecedented class of an absorption enhancer on the eye surface. Thus, HDL engineering is a potential strategy for developing eye drops to treat neovascular AMD by enhancing the ocular surface absorption and HDL functionalities

    Whole-Genome Transcriptome Analyses of Native Symbionts Reveal Host Coral Genomic Novelties for Establishing Coral–Algae Symbioses

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    Reef-building corals and photosynthetic, endosymbiotic algae of the family Symbiodiniaceae establish mutualistic relationships that are fundamental to coral biology, enabling coral reefs to support a vast diversity of marine species. Although numerous types of Symbiodiniaceae occur in coral reef environments, Acropora corals select specific types in early life stages. In order to study molecular mechanisms of coral–algal symbioses occurring in nature, we performed whole-genome transcriptomic analyses of Acropora tenuis larvae inoculated with Symbiodinium microadriaticum strains isolated from an Acropora recruit. In order to identify genes specifically involved in symbioses with native symbionts in early life stages, we also investigated transcriptomic responses of Acropora larvae exposed to closely related, nonsymbiotic, and occasionally symbiotic Symbiodinium strains. We found that the number of differentially expressed genes was largest when larvae acquired native symbionts. Repertoires of differentially expressed genes indicated that corals reduced amino acid, sugar, and lipid metabolism, such that metabolic enzymes performing these functions were derived primarily from S. microadriaticum rather than from A. tenuis. Upregulated gene expression of transporters for those metabolites occurred only when coral larvae acquired their natural symbionts, suggesting active utilization of native symbionts by host corals. We also discovered that in Acropora, genes for sugar and amino acid transporters, prosaposin-like, and Notch ligand-like, were upregulated only in response to native symbionts, and included tandemly duplicated genes. Gene duplications in coral genomes may have been essential to establish genomic novelties for coral–algae symbiosis

    Roles of Macrophages in Advanced Liver Fibrosis, Identified Using a Newly Established Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

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    Macrophages play critical roles in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). However, it is unclear which macrophage subsets are critically involved in the development of inflammation and fibrosis in NASH. In TSNO mice fed a high-fat/cholesterol/cholate-based diet, which exhibit advanced liver fibrosis that mimics human NASH, we found that Kupffer cells (KCs) were less abundant and recruited macrophages were more abundant, forming hepatic crown-like structures (hCLS) in the liver. The recruited macrophages comprised two subsets: CD11c+/Ly6C−and CD11c− /Ly6C+ cells. CD11c+ cells were present in a mesh-like pattern around the lipid droplets, constituting the hCLS. In addition, CD11c+ cells colocalized with collagen fibers, suggesting that this subset of recruited macrophages might promote advanced liver fibrosis. In contrast, Ly6C+cells were present in doughnut-like inflammatory lesions, with a lipid droplet in the center. Finally, RNA sequence analysis indicates that CD11c+/Ly6C− cells promote liver fibrosis and hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation, whereas CD11c−/Ly6C+ cells are a macrophage subset that play an anti-inflammatory role and promote tissue repair in NASH. Taken together, our data revealed changes in liver macrophage subsets during the development of NASH and shed light on the roles of the recruited macrophages in the pathogenesis of advanced fibrosis in NASH

    Characteristics of dietary intake in relation to the consumption of home-produced foods among farm women in two rural areas of Kenya: A preliminary study

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    The present study aimed to clarify the differences in nutritional intake in relation to the consumption of local food products and dietary patterns between two rural Kenyan regions, Kitui and Vihiga, where different ethnic groups live in different agro-ecological zones. A participant observation study with weighted dietary records was conducted in August 2019. Enumerators stayed in each targeted household for approximately one week and measured the ingredients and dishes. We compared the dietary intake of farm women in charge of meal preparation (n = 21) between the two regions and examined the contribution of each dish to the intake and the degree of home production for each food item. The results showed no difference in energy intake, but vitamin B2, B12, and C intakes were significantly higher in Vihiga, influenced by their consuming small fish and a variety of homegrown leafy vegetables. The people in Kitui consumed large quantities of homegrown pigeon peas, largely contributing to their nutritional intake. Dietary patterns were similar; common staple foods and tea with sugar accounted for about 40% of energy and protein intakes and fruit consumption was low. There was no difference in foods purchased frequently. These results suggested that promoting locally available fruits and vegetables would contribute to a sustainable supply of adequate micronutrients. Further studies are required to develop strategies to promote healthy dietary habits and improve health status

    Mechanosensory trichome cells evoke a mechanical stimuli–induced immune response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Perception of pathogen-derived ligands by corresponding host receptors is a pivotal strategy in eukaryotic innate immunity. In plants, this is complemented by circadian anticipation of infection timing, promoting basal resistance even in the absence of pathogen threat. Here, we report that trichomes, hair-like structures on the epidermis, directly sense external mechanical forces, including raindrops, to anticipate pathogen infections in Arabidopsis thaliana. Exposure of leaf surfaces to mechanical stimuli initiates the concentric propagation of intercellular calcium waves away from trichomes to induce defence-related genes. Propagating calcium waves enable effective immunity against pathogenic microbes through the CALMODULIN-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION ACTIVATOR 3 (CAMTA3) and mitogen-activated protein kinases. We propose an early layer of plant immunity in which trichomes function as mechanosensory cells that detect potential risks