24 research outputs found

    Influence of Magnetic Prehistory on the Exchange Bias in Fe20Ni80/FeMn/Fe20Ni80 Films

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    In this work peculiarities of the hysteresis properties formation in permalloy layers included in Fe20Ni80/FeMn/Fe20Ni80 films were investigated. Temperature dependencies of magnetization reversal parameters were analyzed in the temperature range 5-300 K for samples with various FeMn thickness (2÷4 nm). Conditions of the exchange bias emergence were determined. Magnetic history was shown to have a significant effect on the magnitude and the character of the exchange bias

    О курсе повышения квалификации ППС юридического факультета «Реализация магистерских программ на английском языке»

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    The article is focused on the issues of developing and running the courses of further training of law faculty academic teaching staff in Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia “Realization of Master’s Programmes in English”. The authors highlight the relevance and great current interest of the course, suggest analysis of its structure and practical realization and outline further steps for its development.В статье затрагивается вопрос разработки и проведения курсов повышения квалификации преподавателей юридического факультета РУДН «Реализация магистерских программ на английском языке». Авторы обосновывают необходимость и актуальность данного курса, проводят анализ структуры и практики и предлагают шаги дальнейшего совершенствования курса

    Биокинетические параметры показателей токсичности высоких доз метотрексата

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    Methotrexate is one of the most effective and widely used cytostatic drugs. However as all antineoplastic drugs it has very low therapeutic index and high toxicity. Kinetic parameters (rate constants, half-times of restoration and extreme values of concentrations at the beginning of methotrexate infusion) were estimated for biochemical markers It is the method of the quantitative assessment of the drug toxicity. The biokinetic findings allow to set an optimum time interval between infusions of methotrexate for minimization of toxicity at therapeutic efficacy keeping of the antineoplastic drug.Метотрексат является одним из наиболее эффективных и широко применяемых цитостатических препаратов. Однако, как и все противоопухолевые препараты, он имеет низкий терапевтический индекс и обладает высокой токсичностью. Дать количественную оценку токсичности препарата можно, используя кинетические характеристики (константа скорости восстановления и период полувосстановления до нормы, максимальное значение после введения препарата) биохимических показателей крови, специфичных для того или иного вида токсического проявления. В настоящей работе был применен биокинетический подход для оценки токсичности метотрексата. Полученные результаты дают возможность прогнозирования дозы и времени введения метотрексата и его антидота - лейковорина для снижения токсичности при сохранении максимальной эффективности


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    The influence of the local resolution of computational grids on the discharge coefficients numerical evaluations accuracy of the gas turbine combustor flame tube mixing orifices is investigated. It is based on the test problem solution of the passing stream’s air outflow through an orifice row in the channel thin wall into the stationary environment. Steady Reynolds averaged incompressible Navier – Stokes equations, closed by Shih turbulence model, are used for numerical simulation of three-dimensional turbulent flow. Accuracy enhancement economical method of specified parameter numerical evaluations is suggested. This makes it possible to provide grid resolution of region with maximum gradients of streamlines directions near the edge of the hole.Исследовано влияние локального разрешения расчетных сеток на точность численных оценок коэффициентов расхода смесительных отверстий жаровой трубы камер сгорания газотурбинных двигателей на основе решения тестовой задачи об истечении воздуха проходящего потока через ряд отверстий в тонкой стенке канала в неподвижную среду. Для численного моделирования трехмерного турбулентного течения использованы осредненные по Рейнольдсу стационарные уравнения Навье – Стокса несжимаемой жидкости, замыкаемые моделью турбулентности Ши. Предложен экономичный метод увеличения точности численных оценок указанного параметра, позволяющий обеспечить сеточное разрешение областей с максимальной кривизной линий тока в районе кромок отверстия

    Clinical and Anamnestic Features of Pathology of Gastrointestinal Tract in Children with Syndrome of Heart Connective Tissue Dysplasia, Born to Parents Irradiated In Childhood due to the Chernobyl Accident

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    The children born to parents irradiation-exposed in childhood due to the Chernobyl accident were found to have mainly the upper gastrointestinal pathology, namely chronic gastroduodenitis, usually concomitant, and several areas of the alimentary canal being involved into the pathological process. The children with the syndrome of heart connective tissue dysplasia have earlier manifestation of the upper gastrointestinal diseases (from pre-school age) and with age systemic damage of various organs and systems is noted, as evidenced by such indicators as a number of clinical entities per child (among the children of the I group — 6.8; II group — 4.9). The analysis of biomedical risk factors and index of burdened familial history on gastrointestinal pathology in I–II degree relatives did not demonstrate a significant difference between the groups. The clinical manifestations of chronic upper gastroduodenal diseases in children with the syndrome of heart connective tissue dysplasia typically have more frequent exacerbations due to the psycho-emotional and physical exhaustion. These children more often have moderate periodic pain; higher occurence of gastric dyspepsia symptoms, intestinal motor dysfunction and concomitant nervous system disorders (80.0 %) and chronic foci of infection (62.2 %)

    Interpreting in the context of refugee migration: Emerging professional challenges and needs

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    The research is implemented within the framework of the RUDN university participation in the Russia-wide 5-100 project. The current importance of the present research rests on the fact that despite long-standing traditions and intensive research work in the field of interpretation studies, the Academia and Industry still make first steps to consider urgent needs in the area of language service provision to refugees in the migration crisis zones. The research aims to explore the interpreters’ needs that produce specific challenges in the context of their work with refugees in the border crossing and temporary settlement zones with the view to consider the concept and constituent components of interpreter’s bespoke training for refugee crisis settings. The research methodology applies the qualitative analysis and rests on theoretical and empirical activities. Materials for theoretical analysis involve publications on the issues under study. Empirical studies encompass observations and case studies of concrete situations outlined by professionals working with refugees in Greece, Italy, Germany, the Yugoslav Successor States, and Russia. The research also includes cluster and factor types of analysis to identify aspects of training and ensure quality when interpreting in the migration crisis settings. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences is used for data procession. The research findings allow for drafting preliminary recommendations on adequate administrative and training tools regarding interpreters’ activities in refugees’ transit/border crossing zones and refugee camps. © 2017, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Interpreting in the context of refugee migration: Emerging professional challenges and needs

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    The research is implemented within the framework of the RUDN university participation in the Russia-wide 5-100 project. The current importance of the present research rests on the fact that despite long-standing traditions and intensive research work in the field of interpretation studies, the Academia and Industry still make first steps to consider urgent needs in the area of language service provision to refugees in the migration crisis zones. The research aims to explore the interpreters’ needs that produce specific challenges in the context of their work with refugees in the border crossing and temporary settlement zones with the view to consider the concept and constituent components of interpreter’s bespoke training for refugee crisis settings. The research methodology applies the qualitative analysis and rests on theoretical and empirical activities. Materials for theoretical analysis involve publications on the issues under study. Empirical studies encompass observations and case studies of concrete situations outlined by professionals working with refugees in Greece, Italy, Germany, the Yugoslav Successor States, and Russia. The research also includes cluster and factor types of analysis to identify aspects of training and ensure quality when interpreting in the migration crisis settings. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences is used for data procession. The research findings allow for drafting preliminary recommendations on adequate administrative and training tools regarding interpreters’ activities in refugees’ transit/border crossing zones and refugee camps. © 2017, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Comparative analysis of biochemical, immunological status in patients with different stages of diabetic retinopathy.

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    Objective: comparative analysis of biochemical, immunological status in patients with different stages of diabetic retinopathy. Material and methods. The study group included 137 patients with diabetic retinopathy. A control group consisted of 30 patients with myopia average. Results. The increase of indicators such as glycated hemoglobin, glucose, cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, IL-8, IL-6, TNF-alpha in patients with diabetic retinopathy compared to normal values. The content of IFN -y in both groups significantly below the normal level. Conclusion. The final peroxidation products, reactive oxygen species generate new antigens and trigger an immune response that is expressed in the form of increased concentration of IL-6 (acute phase of immune inflammation), and then TNF-alpha and IL-8; these cytokines activate angiogenic growth factors TGF 131 and VEGF. Increasing the concentration of angiogenic factors triggers neovascularization and proliferation.</p