19 research outputs found

    Діагностичні ознаки вікових станів Astragalus ponticus Pall. (родина Fabaceae, секція Alopecuroides)

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    Astragalus ponticus Pall. areal location map of rare species in the flora of Ukraine, included in the Red Book of Ukraine, is prepared based on the results of studies, it has been processed the herbariums, according to the literature. The distribution is revealed in the steppe regions and on the Southern Coast of Crimea. It is given the characteristic of age states, defined diagnostic features. Due to the duration of its long life cycle A. ponticus is pertain to plants with uncertain long life cycle.За результатами власних досліджень, опрацювання гербарних зборів та аналізу літературних джерел складено карту місцезнаходжень рідкісного виду флори України, включеного до Червоної книги України, – Astragalus ponticus Pall. Установлено особливості його поширення в степових областях та на Південному березі Криму. Наведено характеристику вікових станів та встановлено їх діагностичні ознаки. За тривалістю великого життєвого циклу A. ponticus належить до рослин з невизначено тривалим життєвим циклом

    Ценотична різноманітність ковилових степів басейну р. Базавлук

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    It is studied cenotic variety of feather-grasses steppes in a river basin of Bazavluk, developed them ecologycal and cenotic classification. As a result of geobotanical descriptions 7 basic structures and 21 associations are selected.Досліджено ценотичну різноманітність ковилових степів басейну р. Базавлук. Розроблено їхню еколого-ценотичну класифікацію. На основі геоботанічних описів виділено 7 основних формацій та 21 асоціацію

    Dynamic Processes During the Through-plastic-damper Shock Interaction of Rocket Fairing Separation System Components

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    This article deals with the actual issues of ensuring the dynamic strength of rocketry components using pyrotechnics.Статтю присвячено актуальним питанням забезпечення динамічної міцності елементів ракетної техніки під час використання піротехнічних засобів.Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам обеспечения динамической прочности элементов ракетной техники при использовании пиротехнических средств

    Functional testing of the lower extremity muscles.

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    The purpose of the study was to increase the efficiency of diagnostics of the strength indicators of the lower extremity muscles by determining the optimal conditions for the mutual location of segments of kinematic links for the best implementation of contractile capabilities during functional testing. The main focus of the work was to determine the positions for the maximum overlaying of myofilaments in the sarcomeres of the investigated contractile areas of the movable segments of the lower extremities during power loads. 20 experienced football players, whose average age was 26.8±6.2 years, took part in the study. In order to fulfill the set goal, interference electromyography was performed on all athletes. The function of a separate group of muscles was considered in accordance with the endogenous ability to overcome external resistance in a given direction. Dependence of contractile manifestations was coordinated in accordance with the approach or distance of areas of attachment of muscles. The positions of the muscles were regulated by the ventral and sagittal planes, as well as by the average amplitude of rotation. On the basis of the ratio of maximum, average amplitudes and frequency, data regarding the maximum overlaying of myofilaments in sarcomeres (maximum bioelectric activity), in accordance with the position angle of the movable segment of the lower extremity were obtained. It was established that for conducting functional testing, the location of the trunk and lower extremities in the same plane of movement and axis were the optimal positions for the diarticular muscles of the thigh and lower leg; for monoarticular extensors of the lower leg - a position at a right angle between the lower leg and thigh; for rotators of the lower leg and foot - location of these segments in a plane parallel to the sagittal one. On the basis of the obtained data, the optimal conditions for the mutual location of the segments of the kinematic links for the realization of the contractile capabilities of the muscles of the lower extremities have been determined, a protocol forfunctional testing of the muscles of the lower extremities has been developed, it is presented in graphic form with the possibility of entering data from both limbs, while test points of rotator muscles of the thigh and lower leg have been adde

    Functional testing of the lower extremity muscles

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    The purpose of the study was to increase the efficiency of diagnostics of the strength indicators of the lower extremity muscles by determining the optimal conditions for the mutual location of segments of kinematic links for the best implementation of contractile capabilities during functional testing. The main focus of the work was to determine the positions for the maximum overlaying of myofilaments in the sarcomeres of the investigated contractile areas of the movable segments of the lower extremities during power loads. 20 experienced football players, whose average age was 26.8±6.2 years, took part in the study. In order to fulfill the set goal, interference electromyography was performed on all athletes. The function of a separate group of muscles was considered in accordance with the endogenous ability to overcome external resistance in a given direction. Dependence of contractile manifestations was coordinated in accordance with the approach or distance of areas of attachment of muscles. The positions of the muscles were regulated by the ventral and sagittal planes, as well as by the average amplitude of rotation. On the basis of the ratio of maximum, average amplitudes and frequency, data regarding the maximum overlaying of myofilaments in sarcomeres (maximum bioelectric activity), in accordance with the position angle of the movable segment of the lower extremity were obtained. It was established that for conducting functional testing, the location of the trunk and lower extremities in the same plane of movement and axis were the optimal positions for the diarticular muscles of the thigh and lower leg; for monoarticular extensors of the lower leg - a position at a right angle between the lower leg and thigh; for rotators of the lower leg and foot - location of these segments in a plane parallel to the sagittal one. On the basis of the obtained data, the optimal conditions for the mutual location of the segments of the kinematic links for the realization of the contractile capabilities of the muscles of the lower extremities have been determined, a protocol for functional testing of the muscles of the lower extremities has been developed, it is presented in graphic form with the possibility of entering data from both limbs, while test points of rotator muscles of the thigh and lower leg have been added

    Clinical Observation of a Child with Congenital Adrenogenital Syndrome

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    This article describes the features of congenital adrenogenital syndrome course in a newborn. We hope the description of this clinical case will add to the knowledge about this rare congenital disease

    Хорологические, эколого-ценотические, биоморфологические и популяционные исследования Astragalus ponticus Pall. на Днепропетровщине

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    Представлено результати біологічних, хорологічних, еколого-ценотичних і популяційних особливостей Astragalus ponticus на Дніпропетровщині. Висвітлено регіональні особливості поширення виду: відсутність на лівобережжі області, приуроченість до степових, часто еродованих, схилів ярів та балок Придніпровської височини та Причорноморської низовини. Подано еколого-ценотичну характеристику та вікову структуру п'яти ценопопуляцій A. ponticus балки "Водяної" П'ятихатського району. Наведено площу, експозицію, склад асоціацій, ярусність, проективне покриття, чисельність, щільність та віковий склад. Наголошено, що причиною слабкого насіннєвого відновлення A. ponticus є дуже низька фактична насіннєва продуктивність, яка спричинена масовим пошкодженням насіння шкідниками.The results of biological, horologic, ecologicenotic and population peculiarities of Astragalus ponticus in the Dnipropetrovsk region are presented. The paper highlights some regional characteristics of species expansion, such as unavailable on the left bank area, restriction to the steppe, often eroded slopes of ravines and gullies of the Dnieper upland and the Black Sea lowland. The eco-cenotical characteristics and the age structure of 5 populations of A. ponticus expanded in Vodyanaya bulk in Pyatihatskyi District have been stated. The area, exposure, composition associations, layering, projective cover, population density and age structure have been noted. It has been emphasized that the cause of the weakness of the seed recovery of A. ponticus is very low actual seed productivity, which is caused by massive damage of the seeds made by insect pests.Представлены результаты биологических, хорологических, эколого-ценотических и популяционных особенностей A. ponticus на Днепропетровщине. Отражены региональные особенности распространения вида: отсутствие на левобережье области, приуроченность к степным, часто эродированным, склонам оврагов и балок Приднепровской возвышенности и Причерноморской низменности. Даны эколого-ценотическая характеристика и возрастная структура пяти ценопопуляций A. ponticus в балке "Водяной" Пятихатского района. Приведены: площадь, экспозиция, состав ассоциаций, ярусность, проективное покрытие, численность, плотность и возрастной состав. Подчеркнуто, что причиной слабого семенного возобновления A. ponticus является очень низкая фактическая семенная продуктивность, вызванная массовым повреждением семян вредителями

    К 210-летию Харьковского национального медицинского университета. История кафедры пропедевтики педиатрии № 2 Харьковского национального медицинского университета

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    Статья посвящена истории кафедры пропедевтики педиатрии №2 Харьковского национального медицинского университета. В ней изложены интересные факты из истории кафедры, упомянуты значимые личности, которые сыграли роль в становлении и развитии кафедры

    Clinical Observation of a Child with KID (Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness) Syndrome

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    A clinical case of keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID syndrome) in an infant is described. The article familia-rizes pediatricians and family doctors with difficulties in the diagnosis of this rare genetic disease in infants

    Clinical Observation of a Child with Down Syndrome and Glucose and Galactose Malapsorbtion Syndrome

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    The article deals with a clinical case of primary glucose and galactose malabsorption syndrome in a child with Down syndrome. Difficulty in diagnosis of glucose and galactose malabsorption syndrome in this observation is due to a combination of this disease with other genetic pathology. The article introduces pediatricians and family doctors to the possible comorbidities of various congenital nosological forms