516 research outputs found

    Uniqueness of Ground States for Short-Range Spin Glasses in the Half-Plane

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    We consider the Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass model on the half-plane Z×Z+Z \times Z^+ with zero external field and a wide range of choices, including mean zero Gaussian, for the common distribution of the collection J of i.i.d. nearest neighbor couplings. The infinite-volume joint distribution K(J,α)K(J,\alpha) of couplings J and ground state pairs α\alpha with periodic (respectively, free) boundary conditions in the horizontal (respectively, vertical) coordinate is shown to exist without need for subsequence limits. Our main result is that for almost every J, the conditional distribution K(αJ)K(\alpha|J) is supported on a single ground state pair.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetospheric convection electric field dynamics and stormtime particle energization: Case study of the magnetic storm of 4 May 1998

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    It is shown that narrow channels of high electric field are an effective mechanism for injecting plasma into the inner magnetosphere. Analytical expressions for the electric field cannot produce these channels of intense plasma flow, and thus, result in less entry and adiabatic energization of the plasma sheet into near-Earth space. For the ions, omission of these channels leads to an underprediction of the strength of the stormtime ring current and therefore, an underestimation of the geoeffectiveness of the storm event. For the electrons, omission of these channels leads to the inability to create a seed population of 10-100 keV electrons deep in the inner magnetosphere. These electrons can eventually be accelerated into MeV radiation belt particles. To examine this, the 1-7 May 1998 magnetic storm is studied with a plasma transport model by using three different convection electric field models: Volland-Stern, Weimer, and AMIE. It is found that the AMIE model can produce particle fluxes that are several orders of magnitude higher in the <i>L</i> = 2 – 4 range of the inner magnetosphere, even for a similar total cross-tail potential difference. <br><br><b>Key words.</b> Space plasma physics (charged particle motion and acceleration) – Magnetospheric physics (electric fields, storms and substorms

    Trades in complex Hadamard matrices

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    A trade in a complex Hadamard matrix is a set of entries which can be changed to obtain a different complex Hadamard matrix. We show that in a real Hadamard matrix of order nn all trades contain at least nn entries. We call a trade rectangular if it consists of a submatrix that can be multiplied by some scalar c1c \neq 1 to obtain another complex Hadamard matrix. We give a characterisation of rectangular trades in complex Hadamard matrices of order nn and show that they all contain at least nn entries. We conjecture that all trades in complex Hadamard matrices contain at least nn entries.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Towards an Iterative Algorithm for the Optimal Boundary Coverage of a 3D Environment

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    This paper presents a new optimal algorithm for locating a set of sensors in 3D able to see the boundaries of a polyhedral environment. Our approach is iterative and is based on a lower bound on the sensors' number and on a restriction of the original problem requiring each face to be observed in its entirety by at least one sensor. The lower bound allows evaluating the quality of the solution obtained at each step, and halting the algorithm if the solution is satisfactory. The algorithm asymptotically converges to the optimal solution of the unrestricted problem if the faces are subdivided into smaller part

    Properties of Random Graphs with Hidden Color

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    We investigate in some detail a recently suggested general class of ensembles of sparse undirected random graphs based on a hidden stub-coloring, with or without the restriction to nondegenerate graphs. The calculability of local and global structural properties of graphs from the resulting ensembles is demonstrated. Cluster size statistics are derived with generating function techniques, yielding a well-defined percolation threshold. Explicit rules are derived for the enumeration of small subgraphs. Duality and redundancy is discussed, and subclasses corresponding to commonly studied models are identified.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Ecological model of extinctions

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    We present numerical results based on a simplified ecological system in evolution, showing features of extinction similar to that claimed for the biosystem on Earth. In the model each species consists of a population in interaction with the others, that reproduces and evolves in time. Each species is simultaneously a predator and a prey in a food chain. Mutations that change the interactions are supposed to occur randomly at a low rate. Extinctions of populations result naturally from the predator-prey dynamics. The model is not pinned in a fitness variable, and natural selection arises from the dynamics.Comment: 16 pages (LaTeX type, RevTeX style), including 6 figures in gif format. To be published in Phys. Rev. E (prob. Dic. 96

    A General Formalism for Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

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    We present and investigate an extension of the classical random graph to a general class of inhomogeneous random graph models, where vertices come in different types, and the probability of realizing an edge depends on the types of its terminal vertices. This approach provides a general framework for the analysis of a large class of models. The generic phase structure is derived using generating function techniques, and relations to other classes of models are pointed out.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Bloggers Behavior and Emergent Communities in Blog Space

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    Interactions between users in cyberspace may lead to phenomena different from those observed in common social networks. Here we analyse large data sets about users and Blogs which they write and comment, mapped onto a bipartite graph. In such enlarged Blog space we trace user activity over time, which results in robust temporal patterns of user--Blog behavior and the emergence of communities. With the spectral methods applied to the projection on weighted user network we detect clusters of users related to their common interests and habits. Our results suggest that different mechanisms may play the role in the case of very popular Blogs. Our analysis makes a suitable basis for theoretical modeling of the evolution of cyber communities and for practical study of the data, in particular for an efficient search of interesting Blog clusters and further retrieval of their contents by text analysis

    Line Graphs of Weighted Networks for Overlapping Communities

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    In this paper, we develop the idea to partition the edges of a weighted graph in order to uncover overlapping communities of its nodes. Our approach is based on the construction of different types of weighted line graphs, i.e. graphs whose nodes are the links of the original graph, that encapsulate differently the relations between the edges. Weighted line graphs are argued to provide an alternative, valuable representation of the system's topology, and are shown to have important applications in community detection, as the usual node partition of a line graph naturally leads to an edge partition of the original graph. This identification allows us to use traditional partitioning methods in order to address the long-standing problem of the detection of overlapping communities. We apply it to the analysis of different social and geographical networks.Comment: 8 Pages. New title and text revisions to emphasise differences from earlier paper

    Book Reviews

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    Review of New Perspectives in Archeology, by Sally R. Binford and Lewis R. Binford, eds.; The Archaeology of Ancient China, by Kwang-chih Chang; Prehistoric Animals and Their Hunters, by I. W. Cornwall; Contes Malgaches en Dialecte Sakalava: Textes, Traduction, Grammaire et Lexique, by Otto Chr. Dahl; An Ethnographic Bibliography of New Guinea; Archaeology on the Island of Mo'orea, French Polynesia, by Roger C. Green, Kaye Green, Roy Rappaport, Ann Rappaport, and Janet Davidson; Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, by Genevieve A. Highland, et al.; Computer Analysis of Chronological Seriation, by Frank Hole and Mary Shaw; Prehistoric Japanese Arts: Jomon Pottery, by J. Edward Kidder and Teruya Esaka; A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of Korean Anthropology, by Eugene I. Knez and Chang-Su Swanson; Die Religionen der Sudsee und Australiens, by Hans Nevermann, Ernest A. Worms, and Helmut Petri; Geschichte und Sozialordnung der Sherpa, by Michael Oppitz; The Vermilion Bird: T'ang Images of the South, by Edward H. Schafer; Fijian Material Culture: A Study of Cultural Context, Function, and Change, by Alan Richard Tippett