8 research outputs found

    Radio Science Investigation on a Mercury Orbiter Mission

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    We review the results from {\it Mariner 10} regarding Mercury's gravity field and the results from radar ranging regarding topography. We discuss the implications of improving these results, including a determination of the polar component, as well as the opportunity to perform relativistic gravity tests with a future {\it Mercury Orbiter}. With a spacecraft placed in orbit with periherm at 400 km altitude, apherm at 16,800 km, period 13.45 hr and latitude of periherm at +30 deg, one can expect a significant improvement in our knowledge of Mercury's gravity field and geophysical properties. The 2000 Plus mission that evolved during the European Space Agency (ESA) {\it Mercury Orbiter} assessment study can provide a global gravity field complete through the 25th degree and order in spherical harmonics. If after completion of the main mission, the periherm could be lowered to 200 km altitude, the gravity field could be extended to 50th degree and order. We discuss the possibility that a search for a Hermean ionosphere could be performed during the mission phases featuring Earth occultations. Because of its relatively large eccentricity and close proximity to the Sun, Mercury's orbital motion provides one of the best solar-system tests of general relativity. Consequently, we emphasize the number of feasible relativistic gravity tests that can be performed within the context of the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism - a useful framework for testing modern gravitational theories. We pointed out that current results on relativistic precession of Mercury's perihelion are uncertain by 0.5 %, and we discuss the expected improvement using {\it Mercury Orbiter}. We discuss the importance of {\it Mercury Orbiter} for setting limits on a possible time variation in theComment: 23 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Optical fibers with interferometric path length stability by controlled heating for transmission of optical signals and as components in frequency standards

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    We present a simple method to stabilize the optical path length of an optical fiber to an accuracy of about 1/100 of the laser wavelength. We study the dynamic response of the path length to modulation of an electrically conductive heater layer of the fiber. The path length is measured against the laser wavelength by use of the Pound-Drever-Hall method; negative feedback is applied via the heater. We apply the method in the context of a cryogenic resonator frequency standard.Comment: Expanded introduction and outlook. 9 pages, 5 figure

    Einstein Gravity Explorer–a medium-class fundamental physics mission

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    The Einstein Gravity Explorer mission (EGE) is devoted to a precise measurement of the properties of space-time using atomic clocks. It tests one of the most fundamental predictions of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, the gravitational redshift, and thereby searches for hints of quantum effects in gravity, exploring one of the most important and challenging frontiers in fundamental physics. The primary mission goal is the measurement of the gravitational redshift with an accuracy up to a factor 104 higher than the best current result. The mission is based on a satellite carrying cold atom-based clocks. The payload includes a cesium microwave clock (PHARAO), an optical clock, a femtosecond frequency comb, as well as precise microwave time transfer systems between space and ground. The tick rates of the clocks are continuously compared with each other, and nearly continuously with clocks on earth, during the course of the 3-year mission. The highly elliptic orbit of the satellite is optimized for the scientific goals, providing a large variation in the gravitational potential between perigee and apogee. Besides the fundamental physics results, as secondary goals EGE will establish a global reference frame for the Earth’s gravitational potential and will allow a new approach to mapping Earth’s gravity field with very high spatial resolution. The mission was proposed as a class-M mission to ESA’s Cosmic Vision Program 2015–2025.Earth Observation and Space SystemsAerospace Engineerin