431 research outputs found

    In-plane magnetic reorientation in coupled ferro- and antiferromagnetic thin films

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    By studying coupled ferro- (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) thin film systems, we obtain an in-plane magnetic reorientation as a function of temperature and FM film thickness. The interlayer exchange coupling causes a uniaxial anisotropy, which may compete with the intrinsic anisotropy of the FM film. Depending on the latter the total in-plane anisotropy of the FM film is either enhanced or reduced. Eventually a change of sign occurs, resulting in an in-plane magnetic reorientation between a collinear and an orthogonal magnetic arrangement of the two subsystems. A canted magnetic arrangement may occur, mediating between these two extremes. By measuring the anisotropy below and above the N\'eel temperature the interlayer exchange coupling can be determined. The calculations have been performed with a Heisenberg-like Hamiltonian by application of a two-spin mean-field theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anemia in Patients With Resistance to Thyroid Hormone α: A Role for Thyroid Hormone Receptor α in Human Erythropoiesis

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    Context: Patients with resistance to thyroid hormone (TH) α (RTHα) are characterized by growth retardation, macrocephaly, constipation, and abnormal thyroid function tests. In addition, almost all RTHα patients have mild anemia, the pathogenesis of which is unknown. Animal studies suggest an important role for TH and TH receptor (TR)α in erythropoiesis.Objective: To investigate whether a defect in TRα affects the maturation of red blood cells in RTHα patients.Design, Setting, and Patients: Cultures of primary human erythroid progenitor cells (HEPs), from peripheral blood of RTHα patients (n = 11) harboring different inactivating mutations in TRα (P398R, F397fs406X, C392X, R384H, A382fs388X, A263V, A263S), were compared with healthy controls (n = 11). During differentiation, erythroid cells become smaller, accumulate hemoglobin, and express different cell surface markers. We assessed cell number and cell size, and used cell staining and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis to monitor maturation at different time points.Results: After ∼14 days of ex vivo expansion, both control and patient-derived progenitors differentiated spontaneously. However, RTHα-derived cells differentiated more slowly. During spontaneous differentiation, RTHα-derived HEPs were larger, more positive for c-Kit (a proliferation marker), and less positive for glycophorin A (a differentiation marker). The degree of abnormal spontaneous maturation of RTHα-derived progenitors did not correlate with severity of underlying TRα defect. Both control and RTHα-derived progenitors responded similarly when differentiation was induced. T3 exposure accelerated differentiation of both control- and RTHα patient-derived HEPs.Conclusions: Inactivating mutations in human TRα affect the balance between proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells d

    Statistical Theory of Spin Relaxation and Diffusion in Solids

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    A comprehensive theoretical description is given for the spin relaxation and diffusion in solids. The formulation is made in a general statistical-mechanical way. The method of the nonequilibrium statistical operator (NSO) developed by D. N. Zubarev is employed to analyze a relaxation dynamics of a spin subsystem. Perturbation of this subsystem in solids may produce a nonequilibrium state which is then relaxed to an equilibrium state due to the interaction between the particles or with a thermal bath (lattice). The generalized kinetic equations were derived previously for a system weakly coupled to a thermal bath to elucidate the nature of transport and relaxation processes. In this paper, these results are used to describe the relaxation and diffusion of nuclear spins in solids. The aim is to formulate a successive and coherent microscopic description of the nuclear magnetic relaxation and diffusion in solids. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation is considered and the Gorter relation is derived. As an example, a theory of spin diffusion of the nuclear magnetic moment in dilute alloys (like Cu-Mn) is developed. It is shown that due to the dipolar interaction between host nuclear spins and impurity spins, a nonuniform distribution in the host nuclear spin system will occur and consequently the macroscopic relaxation time will be strongly determined by the spin diffusion. The explicit expressions for the relaxation time in certain physically relevant cases are given.Comment: 41 pages, 119 Refs. Corrected typos, added reference

    Medication reconciliation as a strategy for preventing medication errors

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    ABSTRACT One of the current barriers proposed to avoid possible medication errors, and consequently harm to patients, is the medication reconciliation, a process in which drugs used by patients prior to hospitalization can be compared with those prescribed in the hospital. This study describes the results of a pharmacist based reconciliation conducted during six months in clinical units of a university hospital. Fourteen patients (23.33%) had some kind of problem related to medicine. The majority (80%) of medication errors were due to medication omission. Pharmaceutical interventions acceptance level was 90%. The results suggest that pharmacists based reconciliation can have a relevant role in preventing medication errors and adverse events. Moreover, the detailed interview, conducted by the pharmacist, is able to rescue important information regarding the use of drugs, allowing to avoid medications errors and patient injury

    A median fin derived from the lateral plate mesoderm and the origin of paired fins

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    The development of paired appendages was a key innovation during evolution and facilitated the aquatic to terrestrial transition of vertebrates. Largely derived from the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), one hypothesis for the evolution of paired fins invokes derivation from unpaired median fins via a pair of lateral fin folds located between pectoral and pelvic fin territories1. Whilst unpaired and paired fins exhibit similar structural and molecular characteristics, no definitive evidence exists for paired lateral fin folds in larvae or adults of any extant or extinct species. As unpaired fin core components are regarded as exclusively derived from paraxial mesoderm, any transition presumes both co-option of a fin developmental programme to the LPM and bilateral duplication2. Here, we identify that the larval zebrafish unpaired pre-anal fin fold (PAFF) is derived from the LPM and thus may represent a developmental intermediate between median and paired fins. We trace the contribution of LPM to the PAFF in both cyclostomes and gnathostomes, supporting the notion that this is an ancient trait of vertebrates. Finally, we observe that the PAFF can be bifurcated by increasing bone morphogenetic protein signalling, generating LPM-derived paired fin folds. Our work provides evidence that lateral fin folds may have existed as embryonic anlage for elaboration to paired fins

    Biased competition through variations in amplitude of γ-oscillations

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    Experiments in visual cortex have shown that the firing rate of a neuron in response to the simultaneous presentation of a preferred and non-preferred stimulus within the receptive field is intermediate between that for the two stimuli alone (stimulus competition). Attention directed to one of the stimuli drives the response towards the response induced by the attended stimulus alone (selective attention). This study shows that a simple feedforward model with fixed synaptic conductance values can reproduce these two phenomena using synchronization in the gamma-frequency range to increase the effective synaptic gain for the responses to the attended stimulus. The performance of the model is robust to changes in the parameter values. The model predicts that the phase locking between presynaptic input and output spikes increases with attention