291 research outputs found

    The potential of effective field theory in NN scattering

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    We study an effective field theory of interacting nucleons at distances much greater than the pion's Compton wavelength. In this regime the NN potential is conjectured to be the sum of a delta function and its derivatives. The question we address is whether this sum can be consistently truncated at a given order in the derivative expansion, and systematically improved by going to higher orders. Regularizing the Lippmann-Schwinger equation using a cutoff we find that the cutoff can be taken to infinity only if the effective range is negative. A positive effective range---which occurs in nature---requires that the cutoff be kept finite and below the scale of the physics which has been integrated out, i.e. O(m_\pi). Comparison of cutoff schemes and dimensional regularization reveals that the physical scattering amplitude is sensitive to the choice of regulator. Moreover, we show that the presence of some regulator scale, a feature absent in dimensional regularization, is essential if the effective field theory of NN scattering is to be useful. We also show that one can define a procedure where finite cutoff dependence in the scattering amplitude is removed order by order in the effective potential. However, the characteristic momentum in the problem is given by the cutoff, and not by the external momentum. It follows that in the presence of a finite cutoff there is no small parameter in the effective potential, and consequently no systematic truncation of the derivative expansion can be made. We conclude that there is no effective field theory of NN scattering with nucleons alone.Comment: 25 pages LaTeX, 3 figures (uses epsf

    Towards manufacture of ultralow loss hollow core photonic bandgap fiber

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    Hollow core photonic bandgap fibers (HC-PBGFs) are a class of optical fibers which guide light in a low index core region surrounded by a triangular lattice of air holes separated by a delicate silica web. The precise nature of this cladding structure requires extremely fine control of the fabrication parameters. While HC-PBGFs have found wide range of exciting research applications the initially anticipated potential for ultralow loss below that of single mode fiber (SMF) has yet to be realized. To date loss figures as low as 1.7 dB/km have been reported, however surface roughness at the core cladding interface limited further loss reduction. The loss of HC-PBGFs can potentially be decreased further by increasing the core dimensions and through optimisation of the fabrication process. To date, the manufacture of HC-PBGFs is reliant upon the two stage stack and draw process. To target ultralow loss below what has been reported to date it has become necessary to ensure repeatability and uniformity in the labor intensive stack and draw process. Repeatability is ensured through rigorous cleanliness throughout preform preparation and by precise fabrication control at each stage of manufacture. Figure 1. a) Scanning electron micrograph of a 19 cell core defect HC-PBGF, b) Attenuation scaling of the photonic bandgap (PBG) versus central guidance wavelength of 19 cell core defect HC-PBGF.Greater than 1 km lengths of HC-PBGF (Fig. 1a) can now be drawn with typical attenuations of the order of 2-3 dB/km and with significantly improved optical bandwidth (~ 100 nm) compared with previously reported. These developments open up HC-PBGF for a range of applications such as telecommunications, laser power delivery, gas sensing and strong light matter interactions, for which they have a clear advantage over conventional fibers. The attenuation scaling of the photonic bandgap (PBG) (solid curves) with central operating wavelength has been investigated in 19 cell core defect fibres (Fig. 1b). The expected attenuation proportional to lambda[-3] relationship (dashed red curve) is observed until the infrared absorption edge of silica (black dot dash curve) is breached and the attenuation increases (green curve). Through strategic fabrication improvements we have achieved repeatable low loss manufacture of HC-PBGFs. Future developments in fabrication control and fiber design will allow the realization of ultralow loss HC-PBGF

    Experimental characterization of a graded-index ring-core fiber supporting 7 LP mode groups

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    We design and characterize a graded-index-ring-core fiber supporting 7 LP modegroups (13 spatial modes) for mode multiplexed transmission with low MIMO processing complexity. Spatial and temporal modal properties are analyzed using an SLM-based mode multiplexer/demultiplexer

    Caretaker mental health and family environment factors are associated with adolescent psychiatric problems in a Vietnamese sample

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    Little is known about risk factors for adolescent mental health in Vietnam. The present study investigated the relationship between caretaker mental health and adolescent mental health in a cross-sectional Vietnamese sample. Primary caretakers completed measures of their own mental distress and general health status using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20) as well as reports of adolescent mental health using the parent version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Multivariate regression models were used to examine the relationships between the caretaker and adolescent health variables. The demographic factors of age, sex, ethnicity, religious affiliation, and household wealth status demonstrated significant relationships with SDQ subscale scores. Caretaker mental health was positively associated with adolescent mental health, and this association remained significant even after accounting for other relevant demographic variables and caretaker general health status. Understanding correlates of adolescent mental health difficulties may help identify youth and families at risk for developing psychiatric problems and inform mental health interventions in Vietnam

    Antiresonant hollow core fiber with an octave spanning bandwidth for short haul data communications

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    We report an effectively single mode tubular antiresonant hollow core fiber with minimum loss of ~25 dB/km at ~1200 nm, and an extremely wide low loss transmission window (lower than 30 dB/km loss from 1000 nm to 1400 nm and 6 dB bandwidth exceeding 1000 nm). Despite the relatively large mode field diameter of 32 ”m, the fiber can be interfaced to SMF28 to produce fully connectorized samples. Exploiting an excellent modal purity arising from large modal differential loss and low intermodal coupling, we demonstrate penalty-free 10G on-off keying data transmission through 100m of fiber, at wavelengths of 1065, 1565 and 1963nm

    Origin of Life

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    The evolution of life has been a big enigma despite rapid advancements in the fields of biochemistry, astrobiology, and astrophysics in recent years. The answer to this puzzle has been as mind-boggling as the riddle relating to evolution of Universe itself. Despite the fact that panspermia has gained considerable support as a viable explanation for origin of life on the Earth and elsewhere in the Universe, the issue remains far from a tangible solution. This paper examines the various prevailing hypotheses regarding origin of life like abiogenesis, RNA World, Iron-sulphur World, and panspermia; and concludes that delivery of life-bearing organic molecules by the comets in the early epoch of the Earth alone possibly was not responsible for kick-starting the process of evolution of life on our planet.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures,invited review article, minor additio

    Relativistic Calculation of the Meson Spectrum: a Fully Covariant Treatment Versus Standard Treatments

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    A large number of treatments of the meson spectrum have been tried that consider mesons as quark - anti quark bound states. Recently, we used relativistic quantum "constraint" mechanics to introduce a fully covariant treatment defined by two coupled Dirac equations. For field-theoretic interactions, this procedure functions as a "quantum mechanical transform of Bethe-Salpeter equation". Here, we test its spectral fits against those provided by an assortment of models: Wisconsin model, Iowa State model, Brayshaw model, and the popular semi-relativistic treatment of Godfrey and Isgur. We find that the fit provided by the two-body Dirac model for the entire meson spectrum competes with the best fits to partial spectra provided by the others and does so with the smallest number of interaction functions without additional cutoff parameters necessary to make other approaches numerically tractable. We discuss the distinguishing features of our model that may account for the relative overall success of its fits. Note especially that in our approach for QCD, the resulting pion mass and associated Goldstone behavior depend sensitively on the preservation of relativistic couplings that are crucial for its success when solved nonperturbatively for the analogous two-body bound-states of QED.Comment: 75 pages, 6 figures, revised content

    Active Brownian Particles. From Individual to Collective Stochastic Dynamics

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    We review theoretical models of individual motility as well as collective dynamics and pattern formation of active particles. We focus on simple models of active dynamics with a particular emphasis on nonlinear and stochastic dynamics of such self-propelled entities in the framework of statistical mechanics. Examples of such active units in complex physico-chemical and biological systems are chemically powered nano-rods, localized patterns in reaction-diffusion system, motile cells or macroscopic animals. Based on the description of individual motion of point-like active particles by stochastic differential equations, we discuss different velocity-dependent friction functions, the impact of various types of fluctuations and calculate characteristic observables such as stationary velocity distributions or diffusion coefficients. Finally, we consider not only the free and confined individual active dynamics but also different types of interaction between active particles. The resulting collective dynamical behavior of large assemblies and aggregates of active units is discussed and an overview over some recent results on spatiotemporal pattern formation in such systems is given.Comment: 161 pages, Review, Eur Phys J Special-Topics, accepte

    Temporal variability in gas emissions at Bagana volcano revealed by aerial, ground, and satellite observations

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    Bagana is a remote, highly active volcano, located on Bougainville Island in southeastern Papua New Guinea. The volcano has exhibited sustained and prodigious sulfur dioxide gas emissions in recent decades, accompanied by frequent episodes of lava extrusion. The remote location of Bagana and its persistent activity have made it a valuable case study for satellite observations of active volcanism. This remoteness has also left many features of Bagana relatively unexplored. Here, we present the first measurements of volcanic gas composition, achieved by unoccupied aerial system (UAS) flights through the volcano's summit plume, and a payload comprising a miniaturized MultiGAS. We combine our measurements of the molar CO2/SO2 ratio in the plume with coincident remote sensing measurements (ground- and satellite-based) of SO2 emission rate to compute the first estimate of CO2 flux at Bagana. We report low SO2 and CO2 fluxes at Bagana from our fieldwork in September 2019, ∌320 ± 76 td−1 and ∌320 ± 84 td−1, respectively, which we attribute to the volcano's low level of activity at the time of our visit. We use satellite observations to demonstrate that Bagana's activity and emissions behavior are highly variable and advance the argument that such variability is likely an inherent feature of many volcanoes worldwide and yet is inadequately captured by our extant volcanic gas inventories, which are often biased to sporadic measurements. We argue that there is great value in the use of UAS combined with MultiGAS-type instruments for remote monitoring of gas emissions from other inaccessible volcanoes

    The Scientific Foundations of Forecasting Magnetospheric Space Weather

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    The magnetosphere is the lens through which solar space weather phenomena are focused and directed towards the Earth. In particular, the non-linear interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field leads to the formation of highly inhomogenous electrical currents in the ionosphere which can ultimately result in damage to and problems with the operation of power distribution networks. Since electric power is the fundamental cornerstone of modern life, the interruption of power is the primary pathway by which space weather has impact on human activity and technology. Consequently, in the context of space weather, it is the ability to predict geomagnetic activity that is of key importance. This is usually stated in terms of geomagnetic storms, but we argue that in fact it is the substorm phenomenon which contains the crucial physics, and therefore prediction of substorm occurrence, severity and duration, either within the context of a longer-lasting geomagnetic storm, but potentially also as an isolated event, is of critical importance. Here we review the physics of the magnetosphere in the frame of space weather forecasting, focusing on recent results, current understanding, and an assessment of probable future developments.Peer reviewe
