406 research outputs found

    Long Cycles in a Perturbed Mean Field Model of a Boson Gas

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    In this paper we give a precise mathematical formulation of the relation between Bose condensation and long cycles and prove its validity for the perturbed mean field model of a Bose gas. We decompose the total density ρ=ρshort+ρlong\rho=\rho_{{\rm short}}+\rho_{{\rm long}} into the number density of particles belonging to cycles of finite length (ρshort\rho_{{\rm short}}) and to infinitely long cycles (ρlong\rho_{{\rm long}}) in the thermodynamic limit. For this model we prove that when there is Bose condensation, ρlong\rho_{{\rm long}} is different from zero and identical to the condensate density. This is achieved through an application of the theory of large deviations. We discuss the possible equivalence of ρlong0\rho_{{\rm long}}\neq 0 with off-diagonal long range order and winding paths that occur in the path integral representation of the Bose gas.Comment: 10 page

    Aspects of electrostatics in a weak gravitational field

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    Several features of electrostatics of point charged particles in a weak, homogeneous, gravitational field are discussed using the Rindler metric to model the gravitational field. Some previously known results are obtained by simpler and more transparent procedures and are interpreted in an intuitive manner. Specifically: (i) We show that the electrostatic potential of a charge at rest in the Rindler frame is expressible as A_0=(q/l) where l is the affine parameter distance along the null geodesic from the charge to the field point. (ii) We obtain the sum of the electrostatic forces exerted by one charge on another in the Rindler frame and discuss its interpretation. (iii) We show how a purely electrostatic term in the Rindler frame appears as a radiation term in the inertial frame. (In part, this arises because charges at rest in a weak gravitational field possess additional weight due to their electrostatic energy. This weight is proportional to the acceleration and falls inversely with distance -- which are the usual characteristics of a radiation field.) (iv) We also interpret the origin of the radiation reaction term by extending our approach to include a slowly varying acceleration. Many of these results might have possible extensions for the case of electrostatics in an arbitrary static geometry. [Abridged Abstract]Comment: 26 pages; accepted for publication in Gen.Rel.Gra

    Correlated disordered interactions on Potts models

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    Using a weak-disorder scheme and real-space renormalization-group techniques, we obtain analytical results for the critical behavior of various q-state Potts models with correlated disordered exchange interactions along d1 of d spatial dimensions on hierarchical (Migdal-Kadanoff) lattices. Our results indicate qualitative differences between the cases d-d1=1 (for which we find nonphysical random fixed points, suggesting the existence of nonperturbative fixed distributions) and d-d1>1 (for which we do find acceptable perturbartive random fixed points), in agreement with previous numerical calculations by Andelman and Aharony. We also rederive a criterion for relevance of correlated disorder, which generalizes the usual Harris criterion.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Singularites at a Dense Set of Temperature in Husimi Tree

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    We investigate complex temperature singularities of the three-site interacting Ising model on the Husimi tree in the presentce of magnetic field. We show that at certain magnetic field these singularities lie at a dense set and as a consequence the phase transition condensation take place.Comment: ps file, 10 page

    Equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections in the non compact setting

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    We consider N-tensor powers of a positive Hermitian line bundle L over a non-compact complex manifold X. In the compact case, B. Shiffman and S. Zelditch proved that the zeros of random sections become asymptotically uniformly distributed with respect to the natural measure coming from the curvature of L, as N tends to infinity. Under certain boundedness assumptions on the curvature of the canonical line bundle of X and on the Chern form of L we prove a non-compact version of this result. We give various applications, including the limiting distribution of zeros of cusp forms with respect to the principal congruence subgroups of SL2(Z) and to the hyperbolic measure, the higher dimensional case of arithmetic quotients and the case of orthogonal polynomials with weights at infinity. We also give estimates for the speed of convergence of the currents of integration on the zero-divisors.Comment: 25 pages; v.2 is a final update to agree with the published pape

    Quantum measurement in a family of hidden-variable theories

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    The measurement process for hidden-configuration formulations of quantum mechanics is analysed. It is shown how a satisfactory description of quantum measurement can be given in this framework. The unified treatment of hidden-configuration theories, including Bohmian mechanics and Nelson's stochastic mechanics, helps in understanding the true reasons why the problem of quantum measurement can succesfully be solved within such theories.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX; all special macros are included in the file; a figure is there, but it is processed by LaTe

    Smeared phase transition in a three-dimensional Ising model with planar defects: Monte-Carlo simulations

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    We present results of large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for a three-dimensional Ising model with short range interactions and planar defects, i.e., disorder perfectly correlated in two dimensions. We show that the phase transition in this system is smeared, i.e., there is no single critical temperature, but different parts of the system order at different temperatures. This is caused by effects similar to but stronger than Griffiths phenomena. In an infinite-size sample there is an exponentially small but finite probability to find an arbitrary large region devoid of impurities. Such a rare region can develop true long-range order while the bulk system is still in the disordered phase. We compute the thermodynamic magnetization and its finite-size effects, the local magnetization, and the probability distribution of the ordering temperatures for different samples. Our Monte-Carlo results are in good agreement with a recent theory based on extremal statistics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 eps figures, final version as publishe

    Low Q^2 Jet Production at HERA and Virtual Photon Structure

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    The transition between photoproduction and deep-inelastic scattering is investigated in jet production at the HERA ep collider, using data collected by the H1 experiment. Measurements of the differential inclusive jet cross-sections dsigep/dEt* and dsigmep/deta*, where Et* and eta* are the transverse energy and the pseudorapidity of the jets in the virtual photon-proton centre of mass frame, are presented for 0 < Q2 < 49 GeV2 and 0.3 < y < 0.6. The interpretation of the results in terms of the structure of the virtual photon is discussed. The data are best described by QCD calculations which include a partonic structure of the virtual photon that evolves with Q2.Comment: 20 pages, 5 Figure

    Hadron Production in Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering

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    Characteristics of hadron production in diffractive deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering are studied using data collected in 1994 by the H1 experiment at HERA. The following distributions are measured in the centre-of-mass frame of the photon dissociation system: the hadronic energy flow, the Feynman-x (x_F) variable for charged particles, the squared transverse momentum of charged particles (p_T^{*2}), and the mean p_T^{*2} as a function of x_F. These distributions are compared with results in the gamma^* p centre-of-mass frame from inclusive deep-inelastic scattering in the fixed-target experiment EMC, and also with the predictions of several Monte Carlo calculations. The data are consistent with a picture in which the partonic structure of the diffractive exchange is dominated at low Q^2 by hard gluons.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.