8 research outputs found

    Modern means of teaching for the formation of professional competences

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    Finding leading innovative forms and methods of learning is a lengthy process. It is an important component of the training of future physicians. This process takes place under the influence of the activity of the future specialist and the conditions of the educational process. In creating the appropriate conditions for improving the study and learning of study material for the students was given attention not only to the content but also to the teaching process by regulating and improving teaching and learning methods. We have developed a system of innovative means of teaching medical students to form preventive thinking for future physicians, which integrates both personal and creative and socio-educational goals. To ensure the effectiveness of the system should be a work of the teaching staff on the following resource components: administrative, staffing, material, innovative, informational and cultural ways. The task of the teaching staff of the Department of General Hygiene is the introduction of innovative and traditional conditions and technologies of training, in which the combination of students' acquisition of the latest educational standards in the chosen specialty with the simultaneous provision of training of highly qualified, preventive directed doctors for the purpose of preservation and strengthening of general and individual health the population of Ukraine


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    The problem of environmental distortion is relevant for industrialized areas due to the significant deterioration of almost all population health indicators, especially in children. Among the significant variety of environmental factors affecting the human body, chemical factor has leading positions, in the spectrum of which heavy metals (HM) take a special place and, above all, such a global and potentially dangerous toxicant, as lead. The purpose of the study was to determine the content of lead, as abiotic, and copper and zinc, as biotic metals in the blood of children living in the industrially tense areas. Mathematical treatment included the calculation of primary statistical values and the establishment of relationships among the variables. Despite the low levels of external exposure to lead, biomonitoring studies indicate a significant internal contamination of children bodies. The average values of lead content in the blood vary from 15.6 μg / dL to 45.9 μg / dL, which are significantly higher than the existing standards and are detected in 50-100 % of examined children. The content of lead in the blood of children of industrial regions is statistically significantly higher than that of the control region children, which proves its technogenic origin

    Hygienic assessment of the nutrition of population's critical groups

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    Food is one of the most important factors that influence on the human health [7, р. 16; 10, p. 677]. Imbalance, polydeficite, uniformity, lower food and biological value of the diet and other negative deformation of the food are a risk- factors for disorders of pathology reproductive system and somatic health [5, p. 68; 8. p. 63]. With respect to the pregnant woman accordance her nutrition to the hygiene requirements are particularly important [1, p. 18; 2, p. 162]. Food - one of the main factors in the pregnancy and normal fetal development. Nutrition during pregnancy creates a favorable background for the health of the child [9, p. 3]. The first European plan of action on food problems and nutrition WHO focuses on the negative consequences of irrational nutrition of different population groups, including women before and during pregnancy. [6, p. 38]. During pregnancy and childbirth a woman's body necessary intake of biologically active substances, because now her organism should provide not only themselves and newborn [9, p. 4]. Therefore, the questions of a regime of the diet, its rationality, quality and usefulness of the daily diet most sensitive parts of the population - pregnant women are very important and need attention of specialists


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    Among a variety of chemical environmental factors that adversely affect the health of the population, especially dangerous are the heavy metals. The most widespread among them is lead. Numerous researches by scientists indicate the negative impact of this metal on health and, above all, on the health of the children's population. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the content of the lead in environmental objects of an environmentally dangerous area and its impact on the health of children of preschool age. The studies on the content of lead in the air, drinking water, local food products in 2 industrial districts of the city of Dnipro and conditionally clean area have been conducted. Its total daily income in the body of preschool children who live in these areas has been calculated. Its content in the biosubstrates of these children (blood, hair, teeth and urine) has been determined. The obtained data made it expedient and necessary to develop and implement a set of measures, the aim of which is to reduce the external "stress" of this abiotic metal and to increase the resistance and adaptability of the child's body

    The analysis of humanitarian and socially education work in the institution of higher medical education for improvement of the system of vocational training of future doctors

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    An important goal of today is the training of highly qualified doctors. Therefore, one of the tasks of higher medical education is to work to improve the system of professional training of future doctors. The humanitarian and educational work in the university is aimed at ethical, deontological, patriotic and ecological education, to promotion of a healthy lifestyle, formation of empathy of the students. Improvement of forms and methods of educational work on training of future physicians will promote appropriate formation of the identity of the doctor

    Assessment of the Adverse Environmental Factors Influence on the Organism of Pregnant Women

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    З точки зору гігієнічної значущості хімічний фактор займає пріоритетне місце в спектрі шкідливих факторів умов існування людини, серед яких особливої уваги заслуговують сполуки важких металів, оскільки їх вплив на популяцію визначається різноманітними патогенними механізмами. Зазначена проблема є актуальною для промислових регіонів України, тому метою роботи було визначення впливу ТМ на організм вагітних жінок – мешканок Дніпропетровської області. Отримані результати свідчать, що важкі метали постійно визначаються в об’єктах навколишнього середовища промислових зон в межах гранично допустимих концентрацій, але в контрольному місті ксенобіотики у пробах повітря і питної води визначалися періодично, зі статистично значущим більш низьким вмістом — до 30 разів менше, ніж в промислових районах м. Дніпро. Незважаючи на відносно низькі концентрації ксенобіотиків в об’єктах навколишнього середовища, їх систематичне надходження викликає значне внутрішнє забруднення організму людини, що проявляється в підвищеному вмісті свинцю і кадмію в біосубстратах у порівнянні з фізіологічними значеннями. Вищевказане є причиною підвищеного ризику виникнення репродуктивних ускладнень у жінок, що живуть на техногенно забруднених територіях. Імовірно, суперечливий характер цих даних пов’язаний зі здатністю накопичення важких металів в організмі людини і значним періодом біологічного напіврозпаду. From the standpoint of the hygienic significance, the chemical factor occupies the priority place in the spectrum of the harmful factors of human existence conditions, among which the attention is drawn to the compounds of HMs, because their influence on the population determines the diversity of pathogenic mechanisms. The aim of the work was to determine the influence of environment, polluted by HMs on the organism of pregnant women — residents of Dnipropetrovsk Region. Materials and methods. The work is based upon the long term complex research (2001 — 2017) which was conducted by the Department of General Hygiene of SI «DMA». Results. The obtained results show that HMs are constantly determined in the environmental objects of the industrial areas within the limits of the MPC, but in the control city the xenobiotics in the air and drinking water samples were determined periodically, with statistically significant lower content — up to 30 times than in the industrial districts of Dnipro. Thus, despite the relatively low concentrations of HMs in environmental objects, their systematic intake is causing a significant internal contamination of the human’s body, what in its turn leads to the increased risk of the arise of reproductive complications of women, who live on technogenically polluted areas. Presumably, the contradictory character of these data is associated with the ability of the HMs to be accumulated in the human’s body, with the significant period of biological half-decay, and with the ability to cumulate

    Harmful effects of the environment xenobiotics on the human body

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    Chemical aggression of industry-related contamination of the environment, according to experts, is a leading risk-factor for population health. Ecological situation in industrial regions is characterized by a negative influence on the residents of widespread toxicants – heavy metals. The article presented analyzes data of complex researches, devoted to sanitary diagnostics of the environment. In order to assess the influence of lead and cadmium of industry-related origin on the organism of susceptible populations there was carried out analysis of the content of these metals in the environmental objects; biomonitoring in blood and urine of pregnant women – residents of the industrial city of Dnipropetrovs’k; determination of value of their total daily intake; calculation of conversion coefficients to characterize the possible relationship between external and internal exposures of xenobiotics.Хімічна агресія техногенного забруднення середовища існування людини, на думку фахівців, є провідним фактором ризику для популяційного здоров’я населення. Екологічна ситуація в промислових районах, характеризується негативним впливом на мешканців розповсюджених токсикантів важких металів. У зв’язку з цим, у роботі проаналізовані дані комплексних досліджень, присвячених гігієнічної діагностики навколишнього середовища. З метою оцінки впливу свинцю і кадмію техногенного походження на організм чутливих верств населення проведено: аналіз вмісту цих металів в об’єктах довкілля; біомоніторинг в крові та сечі вагітних жінок жительок промислового міста Дніпропетровська; визначеня величини їх сумарного добового надходження; розрахування коефіцієнтів конверсії для характеристики можливих взаємозв’язків зовнішніх і внутрішніх експозицій ксенобіотиків.Химическая агрессия техногенного загрязнения среды обитания человека, по мнению специалистов, является ведущим фактором риска для популяционного здоровья населения. Экологическая ситуация в промышленных районах, характеризуется негативным влиянием на жителей распространенных токсикантов – тяжелых металлов. В связи с этим, в работе проанализированы данные комплексных исследований, посвященных гигиенической диагностики окружающей среды. С целью оценки влияния свинца и кадмия техногенного происхождения на организм чувствительных групп населения проведен: анализ содержания этих металлов в объектах внешней среды; биомониторинг в крови и моче беременных женщин – жительниц промышленного города Днепропетровска; определение величины их суммарного суточного поступления; рассчет коэффициентов конверсии для характеристики возможных взаимосвязей внешних и внутренних экспозиций ксенобиотиков