624 research outputs found

    Generalized Hyper-Ramsey Resonance with separated oscillating fields

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    An exact generalization of the Ramsey transition probability is derived to improve ultra-high precision measurement and quantum state engineering when a particle is subjected to independently-tailored separated oscillating fields. The phase-shift accumulated at the end of the interrogation scheme offering high-level control of quantum states throughout various laser parameters conditions. The Generalized Hyper-Ramsey Resonance based on independent manipulation of interaction time, field amplitude, phase and frequency detuning is presented to increase the performance of next generation of atomic, molecular and nuclear clocks, to upgrade high resolution frequency measurement in Penning trap mass spectrometry and for a better control of light induced frequency shifts in matter wave interferometers or quantum information processing.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Planar Gravitational Corrections For Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    In this paper we discuss the contribution of planar diagrams to gravitational F-terms for N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories admitting a large N description. We show how the planar diagrams lead to a universal contribution at the extremum of the glueball superpotential, leaving only the genus one contributions, as was previously conjectured. We also discuss the physical meaning of gravitational F-terms.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Composite pulses in Hyper-Ramsey spectroscopy for the next generation of atomic clocks

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    The next generation of atomic frequency standards based on an ensemble of neutral atoms or a single-ion will provide very stringent tests in metrology, applied and fundamental physics requiring a new step in very precise control of external systematic corrections. In the proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, we present a generalization of the recent Hyper-Ramsey spectroscopy with separated oscillating fields using composites pulses in order to suppress field frequency shifts induced by the interrogation laser itself. Sequences of laser pulses including specific selection of phases, frequency detunings and durations are elaborated to generate spectroscopic signals with a strong reduction of the light-shift perturbation by off resonant states. New optical clocks based on weakly allowed or completely forbidden transitions in atoms, ions, molecules and nuclei will benefit from these generalized Ramsey schemes to reach relative accuracies well below the 1018^{-18} level.Comment: accepted as proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology (Potsdam Germany, 12-16 october 2015

    Synthetic Frequency Protocol in the Ramsey Spectroscopy of Clock Transitions

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    We develop an universal method to significantly suppress probe-induced shifts in any types of atomic clocks using the Ramsey spectroscopy. Our approach is based on adaptation of the synthetic frequency concept [V. I. Yudin, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 030801 (2011)] (previously developed for BBR shift suppression) to the Ramsey spectroscopy with the use of interrogations for different dark time intervals. Universality of the method consists in arbitrariness of the possible Ramsey schemes. However, most extremal results are obtained in combination with so-called hyper-Ramsey spectroscopy [V. I. Yudin, et al., Phys. Rev. A 82, 011804(R) (2010)]. In the latter case, the probe-induced frequency shifts can be suppressed considerably below a fractional level of 1018^{-18} practically for any optical atomic clocks, where this shift previously was metrologically significant. The main advantage of our method in comparison with other radical hyper-Ramsey approaches [R. Hobson, et al., Phys. Rev. A 93, 010501(R) (2016); T. Zanon-Willette, et al., Phys. Rev. A 93, 042506 (2016)] consist in much greater efficiency and resistibility in the presence of decoherentization.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum engineering of atomic phase-shifts in optical clocks

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    Quantum engineering of time-separated Raman laser pulses in three-level systems is presented to produce an ultra-narrow optical transition in bosonic alkali-earth clocks free from light shifts and with a significantly reduced sensitivity to laser parameter fluctuations. Based on a quantum artificial complex-wave-function analytical model, and supported by a full density matrix simulation including a possible residual effect of spontaneous emission from the intermediate state, atomic phase-shifts associated to Ramsey and Hyper-Ramsey two-photon spectroscopy in optical clocks are derived. Various common-mode Raman frequency detunings are found where the frequency shifts from off-resonant states are canceled, while strongly reducing their uncertainties at the 1018^{-18} level of accuracy.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Noncommutative Supersymmetric Gauge Anomaly

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    We extend the general method of hep-th/0009192 to compute the consistent gauge anomaly for noncommutative 4d SSYM coupled to chiral matter. The choice of the minimal homotopy path allows us to obtain a simple and compact result. We perform the reduction to components in the WZ gauge proving that our result contains, as lowest component, the bosonic chiral anomaly for noncommutative YM theories recently obtained in literature.Comment: 14 pages, plain Latex, no figure

    All-Optical Production of Chromium Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We report on the production of ^52Cr Bose Einstein Condensates (BEC) with an all-optical method. We first load 5.10^6 metastable chromium atoms in a 1D far-off-resonance optical trap (FORT) from a Magneto Optical Trap (MOT), by combining the use of Radio Frequency (RF) frequency sweeps and depumping towards the ^5S_2 state. The atoms are then pumped to the absolute ground state, and transferred into a crossed FORT in which they are evaporated. The fast loading of the 1D FORT (35 ms 1/e time), and the use of relatively fast evaporative ramps allow us to obtain in 20 s about 15000 atoms in an almost pure condensate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure