693 research outputs found

    Insights into Tikhonov regularization: application to trace gas column retrieval and the efficient calculation of total column averaging kernels

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    Insights are given into Tikhonov regularization and its application to the retrieval of vertical column densities of atmospheric trace gases from remote sensing measurements. The study builds upon the equivalence of the least-squares profile-scaling approach and Tikhonov regularization method of the first kind with an infinite regularization strength. Here, the vertical profile is expressed relative to a reference profile. On the basis of this, we propose a new algorithm as an extension of the least-squares profile scaling which permits the calculation of total column averaging kernels on arbitrary vertical grids using an analytic expression. Moreover, we discuss the effective null space of the retrieval, which comprises those parts of a vertical trace gas distribution which cannot be inferred from the measurements. Numerically the algorithm can be implemented in a robust and efficient manner. In particular for operational data processing with challenging demands on processing time, the proposed inversion method in combination with highly efficient forward models is an asset. For demonstration purposes, we apply the algorithm to CO column retrieval from simulated measurements in the 2.3 μm spectral region and to O<sub>3</sub> column retrieval from the UV. These represent ideal measurements of a series of spaceborne spectrometers such as SCIAMACHY, TROPOMI, GOME, and GOME-2. For both spectral ranges, we consider clear-sky and cloudy scenes where clouds are modelled as an elevated Lambertian surface. Here, the smoothing error for the clear-sky and cloudy atmosphere is significant and reaches several percent, depending on the reference profile which is used for scaling. This underlines the importance of the column averaging kernel for a proper interpretation of retrieved column densities. Furthermore, we show that the smoothing due to regularization can be underestimated by calculating the column averaging kernel on a too coarse vertical grid. For both retrievals, this effect becomes negligible for a vertical grid with 20–40 equally thick layers between 0 and 50 km

    Varietal effects on methane intensity of paddy fields under different irrigation management

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    Alternate wetting and drying irrigation (AWD) has been shown to decrease water use and trace gas emissions from paddy fields. Whereas genotypic water use shows little variation, it has been shown that rice varieties differ in the magnitude of their methane emissions. Management and variety-related emission factors have been proposed for modelling the impact of paddy production on climate change; however, the magnitude of a potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by changing varieties has not yet been fully assessed. AWD has been shown to affect genotypic yields and high-yielding varieties suffer the greatest loss when grown under AWD. The highest yielding varieties may not have the highest methane emissions; thus, a potential yield loss could be compensated by a larger reduction in methane emissions. However, AWD can only be implemented under full control of irrigation water, leaving the rainy seasons with little scope to reduce methane emissions from paddy fields. Employing low-emitting varieties during the rainy season may be an option to reduce methane emissions but may compromise farmers’ income if such varieties perform less well than the current standard. Methane emissions and rice yields were determined in field trials over two consecutive winter/spring seasons with continuously flooded and AWD irrigation treatments for 20 lowland rice varieties in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Based on the results, this paper investigates the magnitude of methane savings through varietal choice for both AWD and continuous flooding in relation to genotypic yields and explores potential options for compensating farmers’ mitigation efforts

    Silicon Promotes Exodermal Casparian Band Formation in Si-Accumulating and Si-Excluding Species by Forming Phenol Complexes

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    We studied the effect of Silicon (Si) on Casparian band (CB) development, chemical composition of the exodermal CB and Si deposition across the root in the Si accumulators rice and maize and the Si non-accumulator onion. Plants were cultivated in nutrient solution with and without Si supply. The CB development was determined in stained root cross-sections. The outer part of the roots containing the exodermis was isolated after enzymatic treatment. The exodermal suberin was transesterified with MeOH/BF3 and the chemical composition was measured using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) and flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) was used to determine the Si deposition across root cross sections. Si promoted CB formation in the roots of Si-accumulator and Si non-accumulator species. The exodermal suberin was decreased in rice and maize due to decreased amounts of aromatic suberin fractions. Si did not affect the concentration of lignin and lignin-like polymers in the outer part of rice, maize and onion roots. The highest Si depositions were found in the tissues containing CB. These data along with literature were used to suggest a mechanism how Si promotes the CB development by forming complexes with phenols.DFG/SCHR 506/12-

    Appearance of Flat Bands and Edge States in Boron-Carbon-Nitride Nanoribbons

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    Presence of flat bands and edge states at the Fermi level in graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edges is one of the most interesting and attracting properties of nanocarbon materials but it is believed that they are quite fragile states and disappear when B and N atoms are doped at around the edges. In this paper, we theoretically investigate electronic and magnetic properties of boron-carbon-nitride (BCN) nanoribbons with zigzag edges where the outermost C atoms on the edges are alternately replaced with B and N atoms using the first principles calculations. We show that BCN nanoribbons have the flat bands and edge states at the Fermi level in both H_2 rich and poor environments. The flat bands are similar to those at graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edges, but the distributions of charge and spin densities are different between them. A tight binding model and the Hubbard model analysis show that the difference in the distribution of charge and spin densities is caused by the different site energies of B and N atoms compared with C atoms.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figure

    Methane emission factors from vietnamese rice production: Pooling data of 36 field sites for meta-analysis

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    Rice production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the national budget of many Asian countries, but the extent of emissions varies strongly across agro-environmental zones. It is important to understand these differences in order to improve the national GHG inventory and effectively target mitigation options. This study presents a meta-analysis of CH4 database emission factors (EFs) from 36 field sites across the rice growing areas of Vietnam and covering 73 cropping seasons. The EFs were developed from field measurements using the closed chamber technique. The analysis for calculating baseline EFs in North, Central and South Vietnam in line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 2 methodology was specified for the three cropping seasons being early-(E), mid-(M) and late-year (L) seasons. Calculated average CH4_{4} EFs are given in kg ha1^{-1} d1^{-1} and reflect the distinct seasons in North (E: 2.21; L: 3.89), Central (E: 2.84; M+L: 3.13) and South Vietnam (E: 1.72; M: 2.80; L: 3.58). Derived from the available data of the edapho-hydrological zones of the Mekong River Delta, season-based EFs are more useful than zone-based EFs. In totality, these average EFs indicate an enormous variability of GHG emissions in Vietnamese rice production and represent much higher values than the IPCC default. Seasonal EFs from Vietnam exceeded IPCC defaults given for Southeast Asia corresponding to 160% (E), 240% (M) and 290% (L) of the medium value, respectively

    Biomechanical analysis of temporomandibular joint dynamics based on real-time magnetic resonance imaging

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    Aim: The traditional hinge axis theory of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dynamics is increasingly being replaced by the theory of instantaneous centers of rotation (ICR). Typically, ICR determinations are based on theoretical calculations or three-dimensional approximations of finite element models. Materials and methods: With the advent of real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), natural physiologic movements of the TMJ may be visualized with 15 frames per second. The present study employs real-time MRI to analyze the TMJ biomechanics of healthy volunteers during mandibular movements, with a special emphasis on horizontal condylar inclination (HCI) and ICR pathways. The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to comparatively analyze ICR pathways of mandibular opening and closure. Results: Mean HCI was 34.8 degrees (± 11.3 degrees) and mean mandibular rotation was 26.6 degrees (± 7.2 degrees). Within a mandibular motion of 10 to 30 degrees, the resulting x- and y-translation during opening and closure of the mandible differed significantly (10 to 20 degrees, x: P = 0.02 and y: P 30 degrees showed no significant differences in x- and y-translation. Near occlusion movements differed only for y-translation (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Real-time MRI facilitates the direct recording of TMJ structures during physiologic mandibular movements. The present findings support the theory of ICR. Statistics confirmed that opening and closure of the mandible follow different ICR pathways, which might be due to muscular activity discrepancies during different movement directions. ICR pathways were similar within maximum interincisal distance (MID) and near occlusion (NO), which might be explained by limited extensibility of tissue fibers (MID) and tooth contact (NO), respectively

    Gender differences in climate change perception and adaptation strategies: A case study on three provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

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    This brief summarizes the findings of a project output for the Policy Information and Response Platform on Climate Change and Rice in ASEAN and its Member Countries (PIRCCA), being implemented by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The report focuses on the results of the survey conducted in the first half of 2015 on climate change perception and adaptation strategies of male and female farmers in three selected provinces across the Mekong River Delta (MRD) region in Vietnam: An Giang, Bac Lieu, and Tra Vihn. The survey gathered information on current climate change perceptions and adaptation strategies and gaps between the identified male and female respondents

    Experimentally Engineering the Edge Termination of Graphene Nanoribbons

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    The edges of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have attracted much interest due to their potentially strong influence on GNR electronic and magnetic properties. Here we report the ability to engineer the microscopic edge termination of high quality GNRs via hydrogen plasma etching. Using a combination of high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles calculations, we have determined the exact atomic structure of plasma-etched GNR edges and established the chemical nature of terminating functional groups for zigzag, armchair and chiral edge orientations. We find that the edges of hydrogen-plasma-etched GNRs are generally flat, free of structural reconstructions and are terminated by hydrogen atoms with no rehybridization of the outermost carbon edge atoms. Both zigzag and chiral edges show the presence of edge states.Comment: 16+9 pages, 3+4 figure