153,612 research outputs found

    Ice formation on a smooth or rough cold surface due to the impact of a supercooled water droplet

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    Ice accretion is considered in the impact of a supercooled water droplet on a smooth or rough solid surface, the roughness accounting for earlier icing. In this theoretical investigation the emphasis and novelty lie in the full nonlinear interplay of the droplet motion and the growth of the ice surface being addressed for relatively small times, over a realistic range of Reynolds numbers, Froude numbers, Weber numbers, Stefan numbers and capillary underheating parameters. The Prandtl number and the kinetic under-heating parameter are taken to be order unity. The ice accretion brings inner layers into play forcibly, affecting the outer flow. (The work includes viscous effects in an isothermal impact without phase change, as a special case, and the differences between impact with and without freezing.) There are four main findings. First, the icing dynamically can accelerate or decelerate the spreading of the droplet whereas roughness on its own tends to decelerate spreading. The interaction between the two and the implications for successive freezings are found to be subtle. Second, a focus on the dominant physical effects reveals a multi-structure within which restricted regions of turbulence are implied. The third main finding is an essentially parabolic shape for a single droplet freezing under certain conditions. Fourth is a connection with a body of experimental and engineering work and with practical findings to the extent that the explicit predictions here for ice-accretion rates are found to agree with the experimental range.

    Feasibility study of a synthesis procedure for array feeds to improve radiation performance of large distorted reflector antennas

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    Surface errors on parabolic reflector antennas degrade the overall performance of the antenna. Space antenna structures are difficult to build, deploy and control. They must maintain a nearly perfect parabolic shape in a harsh environment and must be lightweight. Electromagnetic compensation for surface errors in large space reflector antennas can be used to supplement mechanical compensation. Electromagnetic compensation for surface errors in large space reflector antennas has been the topic of several research studies. Most of these studies try to correct the focal plane fields of the reflector near the focal point and, hence, compensate for the distortions over the whole radiation pattern. An alternative approach to electromagnetic compensation is presented. The proposed technique uses pattern synthesis to compensate for the surface errors. The pattern synthesis approach uses a localized algorithm in which pattern corrections are directed specifically towards portions of the pattern requiring improvement. The pattern synthesis technique does not require knowledge of the reflector surface. It uses radiation pattern data to perform the compensation

    Feasibility study of a synthesis procedure for array feeds to improve radiation performance of large distorted reflector antennas

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    Surface errors on parabolic reflector antennas degrade the overall performance of the antenna. The errors are in the form of roughness on the surface, distortions in the shape, or structural design details. They cause amplitude and phase errors in the aperture field which lower the gain, raise the sidelobes, and fill in the nulls. These are major problems in large space reflector antennas. Planned mobile satellite communications systems having limited signal margin need high gain from the space reflectors. Future multiple beam antenna systems requiring spatial isolation to allow frequency reuse could be rendered useless if high sidelobes are present. High sidelobes are also responsible for noise. Ways of compensating for surface errors by pattern synthesis using an array of feed antennas are examined. Pattern corrections are directed specifically toward portions of the pattern requiring improvements. The pattern synthesis does not require knowledge of the surface errors. Both the amplitude and phase of the high side lobes caused by the distortion are required

    A revised checklist of Hawaiian mosses

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    A revised and updated literature-based checklist of Hawaiian mosses is presented. Geographic coverage includes the eight main Hawaiian Islands; the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are excluded. The checklist is alphabetically ordered by scientific names; the family is noted for each genus. Synonyms and misapplied names are cross-referenced to the accepted names. A bibliography of supporting references is included

    Effects of liquid slosh on rendezvous dynamics

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    Mathematical model using Euler-Lagrange equation to investigate liquid slosh effects on rendezvous dynamic

    The problem of off duty time in long duration space missions. Volume 3 - An annotated bibliography

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    Annotated bibliography on studies pertaining to off duty time during long duration manned space flight

    Analysis of longitudinal pilot-induced oscillation tendencies of YF-12 aircraft

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    Aircraft flight and ground tests and simulator studies were conducted to explore pilot-induced oscillation tendencies. Linear and nonlinear calculations of the integrated flight control system's characteristics were made to analyze and predict the system's performance and stability. The investigations showed that the small-amplitude PIO tendency was caused by the interaction of the pilot with a combination of the aircraft's short-period poles and the structural first bending mode zeros. It was found that the large-amplitude PIO's were triggered by abrupt corrective control actions by the pilot, which caused the stability augmentation system servo to position and rate limit. The saturation in turn caused additional phase lag, further increasing the tendency of the overall system to sustain a PIO
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