
Feasibility study of a synthesis procedure for array feeds to improve radiation performance of large distorted reflector antennas


Surface errors on parabolic reflector antennas degrade the overall performance of the antenna. Space antenna structures are difficult to build, deploy and control. They must maintain a nearly perfect parabolic shape in a harsh environment and must be lightweight. Electromagnetic compensation for surface errors in large space reflector antennas can be used to supplement mechanical compensation. Electromagnetic compensation for surface errors in large space reflector antennas has been the topic of several research studies. Most of these studies try to correct the focal plane fields of the reflector near the focal point and, hence, compensate for the distortions over the whole radiation pattern. An alternative approach to electromagnetic compensation is presented. The proposed technique uses pattern synthesis to compensate for the surface errors. The pattern synthesis approach uses a localized algorithm in which pattern corrections are directed specifically towards portions of the pattern requiring improvement. The pattern synthesis technique does not require knowledge of the reflector surface. It uses radiation pattern data to perform the compensation

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