55 research outputs found


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    Present approaches based on the qualitative analysis methods are not eective enough for a comprehensive evaluation of the investment attractiveness of the power generating company (PGC). It resolves the urgency of the complex deterministic method of accounting for aggregated risk. The article presents the diagnostics of power generating company risks' and the assessment of the actual aggregated risk as the integral indicator of investment attractiveness of the PGC. The proposed authors' approach to ranking the risk taking into account the level of hazard is based on the calculation of individual limits of risk states variation and risk relative value. The individual risk assessment is based on the Bayes method complemented by a two-step normalization to account for the specicity of PGC. The Merton Vasicek method and basic principles of the economic capital theory are used in developing the method of the nal evaluation of the PGC investment attractiveness. Research veracity is conrmed by the practical implementation. The research results are recommended for use in assessing the current level of the PGC investment attractiveness and development strategy of its increaseСовременные подходы, основанные на качественных методах анализа, недостаточно эффективны для всесторонней оценки инвестиционной привлекательности энергогенерирующей компании (ЭГК). Это предопределило актуальность разработки комплексного детерминированного метода учета совокупного риска. Статья посвящена диагностике состояния рисков развития энергогенерирующей компании и оценке фактического совокупного риска в качестве интегрального показателя инвестиционной привлекательности ЭГК. Предложен авторский подход к ранжированию рисков развития по уровню их опасности на основе расчета индивидуальных границ изменения состояний рисков и относительного значения каждого риска. При индивидуальной оценке рисков развития использован метод Байеса, дополненный двухэтапным нормированием для учета специфики ЭГК. При разработке метода итоговой оценки инвестиционной привлекательности ЭГК использован метод Мертона - Васичека и базовые принципы концепции экономического капитала. Достоверность результатов исследования подтверждена практической реализацией. Полученные результаты рекомендуются к использованию при оценке текущего состояния и разработке стратегии повышения инвестиционной привлекательности ЭГК


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    The article demonstrates that the basis for pathogenesis of acute respiratory infection (ARI ) is a deficiency in a number of factors of virus protection. This deficiency manifests itself through low concentration of interferon and secretory IgA in the nasal mucosa at higher levels of IL-8, alongside with low serum antiviral activity and significant inhibition of interferon production and reduction of the compensatory mechanisms of adaptive immunity. These disorders require prescription of alpha-interferon preparations. For infants and children with a burdened pre-morbid background, regardless of age, such preparations can be administered with all clinical forms of ARI; in older children — with severe forms, including complications. Alpha-interferon preparations can be introduced at in any stage of the disease. Combination therapy with alpha-interferon drugs (VIFERON® suppositories and VIFERON® ointment) allows for enhanced clinical and immunological effects of therapy.Показано, что в основе патогенеза острых респираторных инфекций (ОРИ) лежит дефицит комплекса факторов противовирусной защиты, представленный низкой концентрацией интерферонов и секреторного IgA на слизистой оболочке носоглотки при повышении уровня ИЛ-8, низкой противовирусной активностью сыворотки крови и значимым угнетением интерфероногенеза, снижением компенсаторных механизмов адаптивного иммунитета. Указанные нарушения требуют коррекции с включением на любой стадии заболевания препаратов альфа-интерферона, у детей младшего возраста и детей с отягощенным преморбидным фоном независимо от возраста при всех клинических формах ОРИ, у старших детей — при тяжелых формах, в том числе осложненных. Комбинированная терапия с использованием препаратов альфа-интерферона (ВИФЕРОН® суппозитории и ВИФЕРОН® мазь) позволяет усилить клинико-иммунологические эффекты терапии


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    The defeat of the central nervous system in influenza reflects the properties of both the pathogen itself and the complex pathogenetic mechanisms of the influenza infectious process.  Existing modern  theories do not fully explain the pathological conditions of influenza in the central nervous system, which is still accompanied by ambiguous clinical arguments about the direct cytopathic effect of the influenza virus on neural tissue with the development of encephalitis. Another rare complication of the flu is acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. The autoimmune mechanism of the development of this disease is universally recognized, despite the continuing difficulties of diagnosis in the absence of oligoclonal antibodies in blood plasma and spinal cerebral fluid in the majority of patients.Поражение центральной нервной системы при гриппе отражает свойства как самого возбудителя, так и сложные патогенетические механизмы гриппозного инфекционного процесса. Существующие современные теории до конца не объясняют патологические состояния при гриппе, реализуемые в ЦНС, что до сих сопровождается неоднозначностью клинических рассуждений о прямом цитопатическом  действии вируса гриппа  на нервную ткань с развитием энцефалита. Другим редким осложнением гриппа является острый диссеминированный энцефаломиелит. Аутоимунный механизм развития данного заболевания является общепризнанным, несмотря на сохраняющиеся сложности диагностики при отсутствии олигоклональных антител в плазме крови и спино-мозговой жидкости у большей части пациентов

    Psychological and pedagogical evaliation of dentistry students by questionnaire

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    The quality of physiological education was evaluated by 73 dentistry students using special questionnaire. The majority of the students (70%) are positively assessing the educational process, which is not easy for 72% of them. The good contact between teachers and students was reported in 99%. Also the department of physiology is well methodologically equipped. The recommendation of the shift the beginning of physiology course for dentistry students from second to third semester is based on the study resultsВ статье рассмотрена проблема оценки студентами стоматологического факультета качества образовательного процесса на кафедре нормальной физиологии методом анкетирования. Большинство респондентов это хорошо успевающие студенты, в 70% случаев дающие положительную оценку образовательному процессу. Анализ анкет показал, что в силу сокращения времени освоения предмета нормальная физиология, физиология челюстно-лицевой области (один семестр), у 72% студентов обучение вызывает значительное напряжение. Однако отмечается хороший контакт (99%) обучающихся студентов с преподавателями и достаточное методическое оснащение кафедры. По результатам исследования сформулированы рекомендации по сдвигу начала изучения студентами стоматологического факультета дисциплины нормальная физиология, физиология челюстно-лицевой области со второго на третий семестр

    The Stability and Formation of Native Proteins from Unfolded Monomers Is Increased through Interactions with Unrelated Proteins

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    The intracellular concentration of protein may be as high as 400 mg per ml; thus it seems inevitable that within the cell, numerous protein-protein contacts are constantly occurring. A basic biochemical principle states that the equilibrium of an association reaction can be shifted by ligand binding. This indicates that if within the cell many protein-protein interactions are indeed taking place, some fundamental characteristics of proteins would necessarily differ from those observed in traditional biochemical systems. Accordingly, we measured the effect of eight different proteins on the formation of homodimeric triosephosphate isomerase from Trypanosoma brucei (TbTIM) from guanidinium chloride unfolded monomers. The eight proteins at concentrations of micrograms per ml induced an important increase on active dimer formation. Studies on the mechanism of this phenomenon showed that the proteins stabilize the dimeric structure of TbTIM, and that this is the driving force that promotes the formation of active dimers. Similar data were obtained with TIM from three other species. The heat changes that occur when TbTIM is mixed with lysozyme were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry; the results provided direct evidence of the weak interaction between apparently unrelated proteins. The data, therefore, are strongly suggestive that the numerous protein-protein interactions that occur in the intracellular space are an additional control factor in the formation and stability of proteins

    Influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients: systematic review and meta-analysis from a public health policy perspective.

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    Immunocompromised patients are vulnerable to severe or complicated influenza infection. Vaccination is widely recommended for this group. This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients in terms of preventing influenza-like illness and laboratory confirmed influenza, serological response and adverse events


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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of the results of clinical laboratory trials carried out on the basis of 10 different medical and preventive treatment facilities drawing on the principles and methodology of evidence-based medicine, which confirmed the certainty of clinical effectiveness of Viferon® medications in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza in adults. The algorithm included an assessment of antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant actions of the medication under the conditions of concurrent, unmasked, randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical immunological studies and a retrospective analysis in keeping with the “Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice”. Thereby, it was shown that the use of Viferon® medications (suppositories, gel) in the treatment of adults with influenza and ARVI, whether with viral or viral-bacterial etiology, contributes to a statistically significant reduction in duration of principal clinical symptoms and the disease as a whole, as well as a decrease of immune and interferon system imbalance and a faster elimination of viral antigens. On the basis of the proven antiviral therapeutic effectiveness and immunomodulatory action, safety and high tolerability, easy-to-administer form in the  outpatient settings, Viferon® has been recommended as a disease-modifying agent in the treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults


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    The article demonstrates that the basis for pathogenesis of acute respiratory infection (ARI ) is a deficiency in a number of factors of virus protection. This deficiency manifests itself through low concentration of interferon and secretory IgA in the nasal mucosa at higher levels of IL-8, alongside with low serum antiviral activity and significant inhibition of interferon production and reduction of the compensatory mechanisms of adaptive immunity. These disorders require prescription of alpha-interferon preparations. For infants and children with a burdened pre-morbid background, regardless of age, such preparations can be administered with all clinical forms of ARI; in older children — with severe forms, including complications. Alpha-interferon preparations can be introduced at in any stage of the disease. Combination therapy with alpha-interferon drugs (VIFERON® suppositories and VIFERON® ointment) allows for enhanced clinical and immunological effects of therapy


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    The results of clinical, radiological, and laboratory examinations were analyzed in 126 patients with new-onset pulmonary tuberculosis of small extent were analyzed. The comparative efficiency of treatment in out- and inpatient settings was investigated. Indications for outpatient treatment in a low-incidence region and for in-home treatment were defined


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    Clinical, X-ray, and bacteriological analyses versus a morphological examination of the following organs: meninges, lung, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, heart, and mesenteric lymph nodes in 29 deceased patients with respiratory tuberculosis concurrent with HIV infection of mainly stages 4C and 5 show the particular severity of tuberculosis, a tendency towards a generalized process involving the majority of vital organs, morphologically characterized principally by an exudative and necrotic process with a preponderance of leukocyte infiltration without a tendency towards productive inflammation.This all causes death in patients. To improve the prognosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected people, there is a need for the timely diagnosis of tuberculosis at HIV centers, antituberculosis therapy, and, if indicated, chemoprophylaxis