170 research outputs found

    Trapped ions beyond carrier and sideband interactions

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    Trapped ions driven by electromagnetic radiation constitute one of the most developed quantum technologies to date. The scenarios range from proof-of-principle experiments to on-chip integration for quantum information units. In most cases, these systems have operated in a regime where the magnitude of the ion-radiation coupling constant is much smaller than the trap and electronic transition frequencies. This regime allows the use of simple effective Hamiltonians based on the validity of the rotating wave approximation. However, novel trap and cavity designs now permit regimes in which the trap frequency and the ion-radiation coupling constant are commensurate. This opens up new venues for faster quantum gates and state transfers from the ion to a photon, and other quantum operations. From the theoretical side, however, there is not yet much known in terms of models and applications that go beyond the weak driving scenario. In this work, we will present two main results in the scenario of stronger drivings. First, we revisit a known protocol to reconstruct the motional Wigner function and expand it to stronger driving lasers. This extension is not trivial because the original protocol makes use of effective Hamiltonians valid only for weak drivings. The use of stronger fields or faster operations is desirable since experimental reconstruction methods of that kind are usually hindered by decoherence. We then present a model that allows the analytical treatment of stronger drivings and that works well for non-resonant interactions, which are generally out of the reach of the previous models.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Protostar Formation in Magnetic Molecular Clouds beyond Ion Detachment: I. Formulation of the Problem and Method of Solution

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    We formulate the problem of the formation of magnetically supercritical cores in magnetically subcritical parent molecular clouds, and the subsequent collapse of the cores to high densities, past the detachment of ions from magnetic field lines and into the opaque regime. We employ the six-fluid MHD equations, accounting for the effects of grains (negative, positive and neutral) including their inelastic collisions with other species. We do not assume that the magnetic flux is frozen in any of the charged species. We derive a generalized Ohm's law that explicitly distinguishes between flux advection (and the associated process of ambipolar diffusion) and Ohmic dissipation, in order to assess the contribution of each mechanism to the increase of the mass-to-flux ratio of the central parts of a collapsing core and possibly to the resolution of the magnetic flux problem of star formation. We show how our formulation is related to and can be transformed into the traditional, directional formulation of the generalized Ohm's law, and we derive formulae for the perpendicular, parallel and Hall conductivities entering the latter, which include, for the first time, the effect of inelastic collisions between grains. In addition, we present a general (valid in any geometry) solution for the velocities of charged species as functions of the velocity of the neutrals and of the effective flux velocity (which can in turn be calculated from the dynamics of the system and Faraday's law). The last two sets of formulae can be adapted for use in any general non-ideal MHD code to study phenomena beyond star formation in magnetic clouds. The results, including a detailed parameter study, are presented in two accompanying papers.Comment: 17 pages, emulateapj; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Observational Constraints on the Ages of Molecular Clouds and the Star-Formation Timescale: Ambipolar-Diffusion--Controlled or Turbulence-Induced Star Formation?

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    We revisit the problem of the star formation timescale and the ages of molecular clouds. The apparent overabundance of star-forming molecular clouds over clouds without active star formation has been thought to indicate that molecular clouds are "short-lived" and that star formation is "rapid". We show that this statistical argument lacks self-consistency and, even within the rapid star-formation scenario, implies cloud lifetimes of approximately 10 Myr. We discuss additional observational evidence from external galaxies that indicate lifetimes of molecular clouds and a timescale of star formation of approximately 10 Myr . These long cloud lifetimes in conjunction with the rapid (approximately 1 Myr) decay of supersonic turbulence present severe difficulties for the scenario of turbulence-controlled star formation. By contrast, we show that all 31 existing observations of objects for which the linewidth, the size, and the magnetic field strength have been reliably measured are in excellent quantitative agreement with the predictions of the ambipolar-diffusion theory. Within the ambipolar-diffusion-controlled star formation theory the linewidths may be attributed to large-scale non-radial cloud oscillations (essentially standing large-amplitude, long-wavelength Alfven waves), and the predicted relation between the linewidth, the size, and the magnetic field is a natural consequence of magnetic support of self-gravitating clouds.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, uses emulateapj; accepted for publication in Ap

    Numerical Tests of Fast Reconnection in Weakly Stochastic Magnetic Fields

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    We study the effects of turbulence on magnetic reconnection using 3D numerical simulations. This is the first attempt to test a model of fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of weak turbulence proposed by Lazarian & Vishniac (1999). This model predicts that weak turbulence, generically present in most of astrophysical systems, enhances the rate of reconnection by reducing the transverse scale for reconnection events and by allowing many independent flux reconnection events to occur simultaneously. As a result the reconnection speed becomes independent of Ohmic resistivity and is determined by the magnetic field wandering induced by turbulence. To quantify the reconnection speed we use both an intuitive definition, i.e. the speed of the reconnected flux inflow, as well as a more sophisticated definition based on a formally derived analytical expression. Our results confirm the predictions of the Lazarian & Vishniac model. In particular, we find that Vrec Pinj^(1/2), as predicted by the model. The dependence on the injection scale for some of our models is a bit weaker than expected, i.e. l^(3/4), compared to the predicted linear dependence on the injection scale, which may require some refinement of the model or may be due to the effects like finite size of the excitation region. The reconnection speed was found to depend on the expected rate of magnetic field wandering and not on the magnitude of the guide field. In our models, we see no dependence on the guide field when its strength is comparable to the reconnected component. More importantly, while in the absence of turbulence we successfully reproduce the Sweet-Parker scaling of reconnection, in the presence of turbulence we do not observe any dependence on Ohmic resistivity, confirming that our reconnection is fast.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    Do Lognormal Column-Density Distributions in Molecular Clouds Imply Supersonic Turbulence?

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    Recent observations of column densities in molecular clouds find lognormal distributions with power-law high-density tails. These results are often interpreted as indications that supersonic turbulence dominates the dynamics of the observed clouds. We calculate and present the column-density distributions of three clouds, modeled with very different techniques, none of which is dominated by supersonic turbulence. The first star-forming cloud is simulated using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH); in this case gravity, opposed only by thermal-pressure forces, drives the evolution. The second cloud is magnetically subcritical with subsonic turbulence, simulated using nonideal MHD; in this case the evolution is due to gravitationally-driven ambipolar diffusion. The third cloud is isothermal, self-gravitating, and has a smooth density distribution analytically approximated with a uniform inner region and an r^-2 profile at larger radii. We show that in all three cases the column-density distributions are lognormal. Power-law tails develop only at late times (or, in the case of the smooth analytic profile, for strongly centrally concentrated configurations), when gravity dominates all opposing forces. It therefore follows that lognormal column-density distributions are generic features of diverse model clouds, and should not be interpreted as being a consequence of supersonic turbulence.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Thermal instability in ionized plasma

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    We study magnetothermal instability in the ionized plasmas including the effects of Ohmic, ambipolar and Hall diffusion. Magnetic field in the single fluid approximation does not allow transverse thermal condensations, however, non-ideal effects highly diminish the stabilizing role of the magnetic field in thermally unstable plasmas. Therefore, enhanced growth rate of thermal condensation modes in the presence of the diffusion mechanisms speed up the rate of structure formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    RoboPol: Connection between optical polarization plane rotations and gamma-ray flares in blazars

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    We use results of our 3 year polarimetric monitoring program to investigate the previously suggested connection between rotations of the polarization plane in the optical emission of blazars and their gamma-ray flares in the GeV band. The homogeneous set of 40 rotation events in 24 sources detected by {\em RoboPol} is analysed together with the gamma-ray data provided by {\em Fermi}-LAT. We confirm that polarization plane rotations are indeed related to the closest gamma-ray flares in blazars and the time lags between these events are consistent with zero. Amplitudes of the rotations are anticorrelated with amplitudes of the gamma-ray flares. This is presumably caused by higher relativistic boosting (higher Doppler factors) in blazars that exhibit smaller amplitude polarization plane rotations. Moreover, the time scales of rotations and flares are marginally correlated.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, accepted to MNRA

    RoboPol: First season rotations of optical polarization plane in blazars

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    We present first results on polarization swings in optical emission of blazars obtained by RoboPol, a monitoring program of an unbiased sample of gamma-ray bright blazars specially designed for effective detection of such events. A possible connection of polarization swing events with periods of high activity in gamma rays is investigated using the dataset obtained during the first season of operation. It was found that the brightest gamma-ray flares tend to be located closer in time to rotation events, which may be an indication of two separate mechanisms responsible for the rotations. Blazars with detected rotations have significantly larger amplitude and faster variations of polarization angle in optical than blazars without rotations. Our simulations show that the full set of observed rotations is not a likely outcome (probability ≤1.5×10−2\le 1.5 \times 10^{-2}) of a random walk of the polarization vector simulated by a multicell model. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely (∼5×10−5\sim 5 \times 10^{-5}) that none of our rotations is physically connected with an increase in gamma-ray activity.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure
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