170 research outputs found

    Topological constraints on spiral wave dynamics in spherical geometries with inhomogeneous excitability

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    We analyze the way topological constraints and inhomogeneity in the excitability influence the dynamics of spiral waves on spheres and punctured spheres of excitable media. We generalize the definition of an index such that it characterizes not only each spiral but also each hole in punctured, oriented, compact, two-dimensional differentiable manifolds and show that the sum of the indices is conserved and zero. We also show that heterogeneity and geometry are responsible for the formation of various spiral wave attractors, in particular, pairs of spirals in which one spiral acts as a source and a second as a sink -- the latter similar to an antispiral. The results provide a basis for the analysis of the propagation of waves in heterogeneous excitable media in physical and biological systems.Comment: 5 pages, 6 Figures, major revisions, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Wide-pulse electrical stimulation to an intrinsic foot muscle induces acute functional changes in forefoot-rearfoot coupling behaviour during walking.

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    Interventions for strengthening intrinsic foot muscles may be beneficial for rehabilitation from overuse injuries. In this study the acute effects of high-frequency, low-intensity wide-pulse electrical stimulation (WPS) over an intrinsic muscle on subsequent foot function during walking was assessed in healthy participants. WPS was delivered to the m. abductor hallucis (m.AH) of the non-dominant foot during relaxed standing. 3-dimensional forefoot (FF)--rearfoot (RF) coordination was quantified with a vector coding technique within separate periods of the stance phase to study WPS functional effects on foot motion. 4 types of coordinative strategies between the FF and RF were interpreted and compared PRE-to-POST-WPS for both the experimental and control feet. Bilateral electromyography (EMG) from m.AH was analysed during the intervention period for evidence of acute neuromuscular adaptation. The results showed that WPS significantly modulated FF-RF coordination during mid-stance, indicative of a more stable foot. Specifically, a statistically significant increase in FF eversion with concomitant RF inversion in the frontal plane and RF-dominated adduction in the transverse plane was observed. Subject-specific increases in post-stimulus m.AH EMG activation were observed but this was not reflected in an overall group effect. It is concluded that the structural integrity of the foot during walking is enhanced following an acute session of WPS and that this mechanical effect is most likely due to stimulation induced post-tetanic potentiation of synaptic transmission

    Topological effects in the thermal properties of knotted polymer rings

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    The topological effects on the thermal properties of several knot configurations are investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. In order to check if the topology of the knots is preserved during the thermal fluctuations we propose a method that allows very fast calculations and can be easily applied to arbitrarily complex knots. As an application, the specific energy and heat capacity of the trefoil, the figure-eight and the 818_1 knots are calculated at different temperatures and for different lengths. Short-range repulsive interactions between the monomers are assumed. The knots configurations are generated on a three-dimensional cubic lattice and sampled by means of the Wang-Landau algorithm and of the pivot method. The obtained results show that the topological effects play a key role for short-length polymers. Three temperature regimes of the growth rate of the internal energy of the system are distinguished.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures, LaTeX + RevTeX. With respect to the first version, in the second version the text has been improved and all figures are now in black and whit

    On the Dominance of Trivial Knots among SAPs on a Cubic Lattice

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    The knotting probability is defined by the probability with which an NN-step self-avoiding polygon (SAP) with a fixed type of knot appears in the configuration space. We evaluate these probabilities for some knot types on a simple cubic lattice. For the trivial knot, we find that the knotting probability decays much slower for the SAP on the cubic lattice than for continuum models of the SAP as a function of NN. In particular the characteristic length of the trivial knot that corresponds to a `half-life' of the knotting probability is estimated to be 2.5×1052.5 \times 10^5 on the cubic lattice.Comment: LaTeX2e, 21 pages, 8 figur

    Knot localization in adsorbing polymer rings

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    We study by Monte Carlo simulations a model of knotted polymer ring adsorbing onto an impenetrable, attractive wall. The polymer is described by a self-avoiding polygon (SAP) on the cubic lattice. We find that the adsorption transition temperature, the crossover exponent ϕ\phi and the metric exponent ν\nu, are the same as in the model where the topology of the ring is unrestricted. By measuring the average length of the knotted portion of the ring we are able to show that adsorbed knots are localized. This knot localization transition is triggered by the adsorption transition but is accompanied by a less sharp variation of the exponent related to the degree of localization. Indeed, for a whole interval below the adsorption transition, one can not exclude a contiuous variation with temperature of this exponent. Deep into the adsorbed phase we are able to verify that knot localization is strong and well described in terms of the flat knot model.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. Submitter to Phys. Rev.

    Critical exponents for random knots

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    The size of a zero thickness (no excluded volume) polymer ring is shown to scale with chain length NN in the same way as the size of the excluded volume (self-avoiding) linear polymer, as NνN^{\nu}, where ν0.588\nu \approx 0.588. The consequences of that fact are examined, including sizes of trivial and non-trivial knots.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figure

    Abundance of unknots in various models of polymer loops

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    A veritable zoo of different knots is seen in the ensemble of looped polymer chains, whether created computationally or observed in vitro. At short loop lengths, the spectrum of knots is dominated by the trivial knot (unknot). The fractional abundance of this topological state in the ensemble of all conformations of the loop of NN segments follows a decaying exponential form, exp(N/N0) \sim \exp (-N/N_0), where N0N_0 marks the crossover from a mostly unknotted (ie topologically simple) to a mostly knotted (ie topologically complex) ensemble. In the present work we use computational simulation to look closer into the variation of N0N_0 for a variety of polymer models. Among models examined, N0N_0 is smallest (about 240) for the model with all segments of the same length, it is somewhat larger (305) for Gaussian distributed segments, and can be very large (up to many thousands) when the segment length distribution has a fat power law tail.Comment: 13 pages, 6 color figure

    IceCube - the next generation neutrino telescope at the South Pole

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    IceCube is a large neutrino telescope of the next generation to be constructed in the Antarctic Ice Sheet near the South Pole. We present the conceptual design and the sensitivity of the IceCube detector to predicted fluxes of neutrinos, both atmospheric and extra-terrestrial. A complete simulation of the detector design has been used to study the detector's capability to search for neutrinos from sources such as active galaxies, and gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 8 pages, to be published with the proceedings of the XXth International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Munich 200

    Numerical study of linear and circular model DNA chains confined in a slit: metric and topological properties

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    Advanced Monte Carlo simulations are used to study the effect of nano-slit confinement on metric and topological properties of model DNA chains. We consider both linear and circularised chains with contour lengths in the 1.2--4.8 μ\mum range and slits widths spanning continuously the 50--1250nm range. The metric scaling predicted by de Gennes' blob model is shown to hold for both linear and circularised DNA up to the strongest levels of confinement. More notably, the topological properties of the circularised DNA molecules have two major differences compared to three-dimensional confinement. First, the overall knotting probability is non-monotonic for increasing confinement and can be largely enhanced or suppressed compared to the bulk case by simply varying the slit width. Secondly, the knot population consists of knots that are far simpler than for three-dimensional confinement. The results suggest that nano-slits could be used in nano-fluidic setups to produce DNA rings having simple topologies (including the unknot) or to separate heterogeneous ensembles of DNA rings by knot type.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Tightness of slip-linked polymer chains

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    We study the interplay between entropy and topological constraints for a polymer chain in which sliding rings (slip-links) enforce pair contacts between monomers. These slip-links divide a closed ring polymer into a number of sub-loops which can exchange length between each other. In the ideal chain limit, we find the joint probability density function for the sizes of segments within such a slip-linked polymer chain (paraknot). A particular segment is tight (small in size) or loose (of the order of the overall size of the paraknot) depending on both the number of slip-links it incorporates and its competition with other segments. When self-avoiding interactions are included, scaling arguments can be used to predict the statistics of segment sizes for certain paraknot configurations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, REVTeX