1,451 research outputs found

    Ammonium Fluoride as a Hydrogen-disordering Agent for Ice

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    The removal of residual hydrogen disorder from various phases of ice with acid or base dopants at low temperatures has been a focus of intense research for many decades. As an antipode to these efforts, we now show using neutron diffraction that ammonium fluoride (NH4F) is a hydrogen-disordering agent for the hydrogen-ordered ice VIII. Cooling its hydrogen-disordered counterpart ice VII doped with 2.5 mol% ND4F under pressure leads to a hydrogen-disordered ice VIII with ~31% residual hydrogen disorder illustrating the long-range hydrogen-disordering effect of ND4F. The doped ice VII could be supercooled by ~20 K with respect to the hydrogen-ordering temperature of pure ice VII after which the hydrogen-ordering took place slowly over a ~60 K temperature window. These findings demonstrate that ND4F-doping slows down the hydrogen-ordering kinetics quite substantially. The partial hydrogen order of the doped sample is consistent with the antiferroelectric ordering of pure ice VIII. Yet, we argue that local ferroelectric domains must exist between ionic point defects of opposite charge. In addition to the long-range effect of NH4F-doping on hydrogen-ordered water structures, the design principle of using topological charges should be applicable to a wide range of other 'ice-rule' systems including spin ices and related polar materials.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Antibiotics in early life and childhood pre-B-ALL. Reasons to analyze a possible new piece in the puzzle

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common pediatric cancer with precursor B-cell ALL (pB-ALL) accounting for~85% of the cases. Childhood pB-ALL development is infuenced by genetic susceptibility and host immune responses. The role of the intestinal microbiome in leukemogenesis is gaining increasing attention since Vicente-Dueñas’ seminal work demonstrated that the gut microbiome is distinct in mice genetically predisposed to ALL and that the alteration of this microbiome by antibiotics is able to trigger pB-ALL in Pax5 heterozygous mice in the absence of infectious stimuli. In this review we provide an overview on novel insights on the role of the microbiome in normal and preleukemic hematopoiesis, infammation, the efect of dysbiosis on hematopoietic stem cells and the emerging importance of the innate immune responses in the conversion from preleukemic to leukemic state in childhood ALL. Since antibiotics, which represent one of the most widely used medical interventions, alter the gut microbial composition and can cause a state of dysbiosis, this raises exciting epidemiological questions regarding the implications for antibiotic use in early life, especially in infants with a a preleukemic “frst hit”. Sheading light through a rigorous study on this piece of the puzzle may have broad implications for clinical practice

    Cloud system resolving model study of the roles of deep convection for photo-chemistry in the TOGA COARE/CEPEX region

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    International audienceA cloud system resolving model including photo-chemistry (CSRMC) has been developed based on a prototype version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and is used to study influences of deep convection on chemistry in the TOGA COARE/CEPEX region. Lateral boundary conditions for trace gases are prescribed from global chemistry-transport simulations, and the vertical advection of trace gases by large scale dynamics, which is not reproduced in a limited area cloud system resolving model, is taken into account. The influences of deep convective transport and of lightning on NOx, O3, and HOx(=HO2+OH), in the vicinity of the deep convective systems are investigated in a 7-day 3-D 248×248 km2 horizontal domain simulation and several 2-D sensitivity runs with a 500 km horizontal domain. Mid-tropospheric entrainment is more important on average for the upward transport of O3 in the 3-D run than in the 2-D runs, but at the same time undiluted O3-poor air from the marine boundary layer reaches the upper troposphere more frequently in the 3-D run than in the 2-D runs, indicating the presence of undiluted convective cores. In all runs, in situ lightning is found to have only minor impacts on the local O3 budget. Near zero O3 volume mixing ratios due to the reaction with lightning-produced NO are only simulated in a 2-D sensitivity run with an extremely high number of NO molecules per flash, which is outside the range of current estimates. The fraction of NOx chemically lost within the domain varies between 20 and 24% in the 2-D runs, but is negligible in the 3-D run, in agreement with a lower average NOx concentration in the 3-D run despite a greater number of flashes. Stratosphere to troposphere transport of O3 is simulated to occur episodically in thin filaments in the 2-D runs, but on average net upward transport of O3 from below ~16 km is simulated in association with mean large scale ascent in the region. Ozone profiles in the TOGA COARE/CEPEX region are suggested to be strongly influenced by the intra-seasonal (Madden-Julian) oscillation

    Modelling tracer transport by a cumulus ensemble: lateral boundary conditions and large-scale ascent

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    International audienceThe vertical transport of tracers by a cumulus ensemble at the TOGA-COARE site is modelled during a 7 day episode using 2-D and 3-D cloud-resolving setups of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model. Lateral boundary conditions (LBC) for tracers, water vapour, and wind are specified and the horizontal advection of trace gases across the lateral domain boundaries is considered. Furthermore, the vertical advection of trace gases by the large-scale motion (short: vertical large-scale advection of tracers, VLSAT) is considered. It is shown, that including VLSAT partially compensates the calculated net downward transport from the middle and upper troposphere (UT) due to the mass balancing mesoscale subsidence induced by deep convection. Depending on whether the VLSAT term is added or not, modelled domain averaged vertical tracer profiles can differ significantly. Differences between a 2-D and a 3-D model run were mainly attributed to an increase in horizontal advection across the lateral domain boundaries due to the meridional wind component not considered in the 2-D setup

    Amorphous ice: Stepwise formation of very-high-density amorphous ice from low-density amorphous ice at 125 K

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    On compressing low-density amorphous ice (LDA) at 125 K up to 1.6 GPa, two distinct density steps accompanied by heat evolution are observable in pressure-density curves. Samples recovered to 77 K and 1 bar after the first and second steps show the x-ray diffraction pattern of high-density amorphous ice (HDA) and very HDA (VHDA), respectively. The compression of the once formed HDA takes place linearly in density up to 0.95 GPa, where nonlinear densification and HDA -> VHDA conversion is initiated. This implies a stepwise formation process LDA -> HDA -> VHDA at 125 K, which is to the best of our knowledge the first observation of a stepwise amorphous-amorphous-amorphous transformation sequence. We infer that the relation of HDA and VHDA is very similar to the relation between LDA and HDA except for a higher activation barrier between the former. We discuss the two options of thermodynamic versus kinetic origin of the phenomenon

    Model sensitivity studies regarding the role of the retention coefficient for the scavenging and redistribution of highly soluble trace gases by deep convective cloud systems

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    International audienceThe role of the retention coefficient (i.e. the fraction of a dissolved trace gas which is retained in hydrometeors during freezing) for the scavenging and redistribution of highly soluble trace gases by deep convective cloud systems is investigated using a modified version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Results from cloud system resolving model runs (in which deep convection is initiated by small random perturbations in association with so-called "large scale forcings (LSF)") for a tropical oceanic (TOGA COARE) and a mid-latitude continental case (ARM) are compared to two runs in which bubbles are used to initiate deep convection (STERAO, ARM). In the LSF runs, scavenging is found to almost entirely prevent a highly soluble tracer initially located in the lowest 1.5 km of the troposphere from reaching the upper troposphere, independent of the retention coefficient. The release of gases from freezing hydrometeors leads to mixing ratio increases in the upper troposphere comparable to those calculated for insoluble trace gases only in the two runs in which bubbles are used to initiate deep convection. A comparison of the two ARM runs indicates that using bubbles to initiate deep convection may result in an overestimate of the influence of the retention coefficient on the vertical transport of highly soluble tracers. It is, however, found that the retention coefficient plays an important role for the scavenging and redistribution of highly soluble trace gases with a (chemical) source in the free troposphere and also for trace gases for which even relatively inefficient transport may be important. The large difference between LSF and bubble runs is attributed to differences in dynamics and microphysics in the inflow regions of the storms. The dependence of the results on the model setup indicates the need for additional model studies with a more realistic initiation of deep convection, e.g., considering effects of orography in a nested model setup

    Microfield distributions in strongly coupled two-component plasmas

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    The electric microfield distribution at charged particles is studied for two-component electron-ion plasmas using molecular dynamics simulation and theoretical models. The particles are treated within classical statistical mechanics using an electron-ion Coulomb potential regularized at distances less than the de Broglie length to take into account the quantum-diffraction effects. The potential-of-mean-force (PMF) approximation is deduced from a canonical ensemble formulation. The resulting probability density of the electric microfield satisfies exactly the second-moment sum rule without the use of adjustable parameters. The correlation functions between the charged radiator and the plasma ions and electrons are calculated using molecular dynamics simulations and the hypernetted-chain approximation for a two-component plasma. It is shown that the agreement between the theoretical models for the microfield distributions and the simulations is quite good in general.Comment: 18 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Genetic variants in Apolipoprotein AV alter triglyceride concentrations in pregnancy

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    BACKGROUND: Triglyceride concentrations are raised in pregnancy and are considered a key fetal fuel. Several gene variants are known to alter triglyceride concentrations, including those in the Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL), and most recently, the Apolipoprotein AV (ApoAV) gene. However, less is known about how variants in these genes alter triglyceride concentrations in pregnancy or affect fetal growth. We aimed to determine the effect of the recently identified ApoAV gene on triglycerides in pregnancy and fetal growth. We assessed the role of two ApoAV haplotypes, defined by the C and W alleles of the -1131T>C and S19W polymorphisms, in 483 pregnant women and their offspring from the Exeter Family Study of Childhood Health. RESULTS: The -1131T>C and S19W variants have rare allele frequencies of 6.7% and 4.9% and are present in 13.4% and 9.7% of subjects respectively. In carriers of the -1131C and 19W alleles triglyceride concentrations were raised by 11.0% (1.98 mmol/ l(1.92 – 2.04) to 2.20 mmol/l (2.01 – 2.42), p = 0.035; and 16.2% (1.97 mmol/l (1.91 – 2.03) to 2.29 mmol/l (2.12 – 2.48), p < 0.001 respectively. There is nominally significant evidence that the -1131T>C variant is having an effect on maternal height (164.9 cm (164.3 – 165.5) to 167.0 cm (165.2 – 168.8), p = 0.029). There was no evidence that ApoAV genotype alters any other anthropometric measurements or biochemistries such as High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) or Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C). There is nominally significant evidence that the presence of a maternal -1131C variant alters fetal birth length (50.2 cm (50.0 – 50.4) to 50.9 cm (50.3 – 51.4), p = 0.022), and fetal birth crown-rump length (34.0 cm (33.8 – 34.1) to 34.5 cm (34.1 – 35.0), p = 0.023). There is no evidence that ApoAV genotype alters fetal birth weight or other fetal growth measurements. CONCLUSION: In conclusion variation in the ApoAV gene raises triglyceride concentrations in pregnancy, as well as normolipaemic states and there is preliminary evidence that it alters fetal growth parameters

    Estimating the volume of glaciers in the Himalayan–Karakoram region using different methods

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    Ice volume estimates are crucial for assessing water reserves stored in glaciers. Due to its large glacier coverage, such estimates are of particular interest for the Himalayan–Karakoram (HK) region. In this study, different existing methodologies are used to estimate the ice reserves: three area–volume relations, one slope-dependent volume estimation method, and two ice-thickness distribution models are applied to a recent, detailed, and complete glacier inventory of the HK region, spanning over the period 2000–2010 and revealing an ice coverage of 40 775 km2. An uncertainty and sensitivity assessment is performed to investigate the influence of the observed glacier area and important model parameters on the resulting total ice volume. Results of the two ice-thickness distribution models are validated with local ice-thickness measurements at six glaciers. The resulting ice volumes for the entire HK region range from 2955 to 4737 km3, depending on the approach. This range is lower than most previous estimates. Results from the ice thickness distribution models and the slope-dependent thickness estimations agree well with measured local ice thicknesses. However, total volume estimates from area-related relations are larger than those from other approaches. The study provides evidence on the significant effect of the selected method on results and underlines the importance of a careful and critical evaluation
