40 research outputs found

    Risk factors for the development of bronchopulmonary pathology in workers producing synthetic polyacrylonitrile fiber

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    Aim of the study was to assess the risk of bronchopulmonary pathology in workers of the production of synthetic polyacrylonitrile fiber as a result of exposure to harmful chemicals and smoking tobacco products. Material and methods. During the periodic medical examination, the function of external respiration and adherence to smoking in 137 employees were studied, medical records were analyzed (025/u accounting form). Hygienic assessment of working conditions was carried out on the basis of the results of in-situ sanitary and hygienic studies. Results and discussions. As a result of a hygienic assessment of working conditions, it was found that workers engaged in the production of polyacrylonitrile fiber are subject to the combined intermittent effects of harmful chemicals of hazard classes 1–3 (acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate, hydrocyanide, ammonia, sodium rhodanide, sulfuric acid, methanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol), the content of which in the working area exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations in 1.6% of samples. The occupational risk of developing bronchopulmonary diseases in groups of workers who smoke is assessed as unacceptably high, while in people exposed to harmful chemicals, its level is 28.46 times higher than in people who are not exposed to these effects. The risk of the formation of ventilation disorders in groups of smoking workers is unacceptably high, while its level is 2.46 times higher in workers exposed to harmful chemicals than in non-workers in such conditions. In groups of workers exposed to harmful chemicals, the occupational risk of obstructive disorders is unacceptably high, in the group of smokers the risk is 2.32 times higher. Conclusions. Among the employees of the enterprise producing synthetic polyacrylonitrile fiber, the influence of tobacco smoking on the development of bronchopulmonary pathology is higher than the influence of harmful working conditions, and the use of smoking tobacco products significantly increases the negative effect of chemical pollutants

    Logistic outsourcing in pharmacy. the theory and practice

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    Today, the introduction and application of a logistics approach to resource management allows pharmaceutical companies to increase their social, environmental and economic efficiency. The article is aimed to research the essence of the concept, types and party of logistic outsourcing in practical pharmacy. To reach the aimreview of foreign and domestic scientific sources and the existing legal framework of Ukraine on this issue have been analyzed. Investigation methods were bibliographic and analytical ones. The results of these studies indicate the today outsourcing is one of the main logistics strategies of domestic pharmaceutical companies, which is actively used in the sphere of IT-technologies and warehouse services. At the same time for ensuring high-quality providing outsourcing services, a legal and regulatory framework is needed that standardizes the interaction between firm customer and the outsourcer, also the development of standards for the provision of services of a certain type of outsourcing. Wide introduction of logistics outsourcing, as a modern form of optimization of logistics business processes, requires the formation of professional competence among future pharmacists in pharmaceutical logistics, its tools and strategies, i.e. training of competitive professionals capable of working in various directions of practical pharmacy. Introduction of the topic «Logistic outsourcing in practical pharmacy» in the educational process of students of pharmaceutical faculties (university), pharmacists-interns and pharmacists at the postgraduate level of training is necessary. It will improve the theoretical and practical training of future specialist pharmaceutists and will allow them to apply the knowledge which would be gained in the future in logistics outsourcing in the activities of pharmaceutical companies

    Organic waste as a sustainable feedstock for platform chemicals

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    Biorefineries have been established since the 1980s for biofuel production, and there has been a switch lately from first to second generation feedstocks in order to avoid the food versus fuel dilemma. To a lesser extent, many opportunities have been investigated for producing chemicals from biomass using by-products of the present biorefineries, simple waste streams. Current facilities apply intensive pre-treatments to deal with single substrate types such as carbohydrates. However, most organic streams such as municipal solid waste or algal blooms present a high complexity and variable mixture of molecules, which makes specific compound production and separation difficult. Here we focus on flexible anaerobic fermentation and hydrothermal processes that can treat complex biomass as a whole to obtain a range of products within an integrated biorefinery concept

    The tetanic depression in fast motor units of mammalian skeletal muscle can be evoked by lengthening of one initial interpulse interval

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    A lower than expected tetanic force (the tetanic depression) is regularly observed in fast motor units (MUs) when a higher stimulation frequency immediately follows a lower one. The aim of the present study was to determine whether prolongation of only the first interpulse interval (IPI) resulted in tetanic depression. The experiments were carried out on fast MUs of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in cats and rats. The tetanic depression was measured in each case as the force decrease of a tetanus with one IPI prolonged in relation to the tetanic force at the respective constant stimulation frequency. Force depression was observed in all cases studied and was considerably greater in cats. For cats, the mean values of force depression amounted to 28.64% for FR and 10.86% for FF MUs whereas for rats 9.30 and 7.21% for FR and FF motor units, respectively. Since the phenomenon of tetanic depression in mammalian muscle is commonly observed even after a change in only the initial interpulse interval within a stimulation pattern, it can effectively influence processes of force regulation during voluntary activity of a muscle, when motoneurones progressively increase the firing rate

    Маркетингове дослідження національного ринку антиаритмічних лікарських засобів

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     The purpose – marketing research of the national antiarrhythmic drugs market.Materials and methods. The State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine and Compendium-2019 were used as the research materials. Methods of system, marketing, statistical and content analysis. Results. The analysis of the range of antiarrhythmic drugs was conducted according to such criteria as composition, release form and originality. It showed the heterogeneity of this segment of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. Thus, solid and liquid dosage forms, both original and generic could be found in the market. The analysis of the company structure of the studied market segment allowed to establish, that domestic pharmaceutical companies supply only 48 % of drugs (13 dosage forms) for this market segment, while foreign pharmaceutical companies prevail (52 %). In this connection, the development of new medicinal products of the specified activity and the mastering of their production on the territory of Ukraine is relevant. The calculated tension coefficient showed that the highest competition is observed among manufacturers of analog preparations containing amiodarone hydrochloride (Кvi = 0.93). Also, the specific weight of each of the manufacturers of antiarrhythmic drugs was calculated and it was established, that (LLC) Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye has the largest share (dij = 0.1481).Conclusions. Conducted marketing studies of the range of the national antiarrhythmic drugs market showed the heterogeneity of this segment in terms of dosage forms and originality of drugs. The analysis of the company structure has established a high level of competition among the leading foreign pharmaceutical companies, whose share is 52 %. The coefficient of tension and the share of the segment, of each manufacturers of antiarrhythmic drugs, was calculated. Цель работы – маркетинговое исследование национального рынка антиаритмических лекарственных средств.Материалы и методы. Материалы исследования – Государственный реестр лекарственных средств Украины, Компендиум-2019. Применили методы системного, маркетингового, статистического и контент-анализа.Результаты. Проведен анализ ассортимента антиаритмических лекарственных средств по составу, форме выпуска и оригинальности, который показал гетерогенность указанного сегмента фармацевтического рынка Украины: в наличии есть твердые и жидкие лекарственные формы, оригинальные и генерики. Анализ фирменной структуры изучаемого сегмента рынка позволил установить, что отечественные фармацевтические фирмы поставляют лишь 48 % лекарственных препаратов (13 лекарственных форм), выдерживая при этом высокий уровень конкуренции с ведущими зарубежными фармацевтическими компаниями (52 %). В связи с этим актуальна разработка новых лекарственных препаратов указанного действия и освоение их производства на территории Украины. Рассчитанный коэффициент напряженности показал, что самая высокая конкуренция отмечена среди производителей препаратов-аналогов, содержащих амиодарона гидрохлорид (Кvi = 0,93). Также вычислен удельный вес, который занимает каждая из фирм-производителей антиаритмических препаратов. Установлено, что наибольший удельный вес приходится на ООО «Фармацевтическая компания «Здоровье» (dij = 0,1481).Выводы. Маркетинговые исследования ассортимента национального рынка антиаритмических лекарственных средств показали гетерогенность указанного сегмента по лекарственным формам и оригинальности лекарственных препаратов. Анализ фирменной структуры установил высокий уровень конкуренции среди ведущих зарубежных фармацевтических компаний, удельный вес которых составляет 52 %. Рассчитан коэффициент напряженности и часть сегмента, которую занимает каждая из фирм-производителей антиаритмических препаратов.  Мета роботи – маркетингове дослідження національного ринку антиаритмічних лікарських засобів.Матеріали та методи. Матеріалами дослідження стали Державний реєстр лікарських засобів України, Компендіум-2019. Виконали системний, маркетинговий, статистичний і контент-аналіз.Результати. Виконали аналіз асортименту антиаритмічних лікарських засобів за складом, формою випуску та оригінальністю, який показав гетерогенність цього сегмента фармацевтичного ринку України: в наявності є тверді та рідкі лікарські форми, оригінальні й генерики. Аналіз фірмової структури сегмента ринку, який вивчали, дав змогу встановити, що вітчизняні фармацевтичні фірми постачають лише 48 % лікарських препаратів (13 лікарських форм), витримуючи при цьому високий рівень конкуренції з провідними закордонних фармацевтичними компаніями (52 %). У зв’язку з цим актуальною є розробка нових лікарських препаратів названої дії та освоєння їх виробництва на території України. Розрахований коефіцієнт напруженості показав, що найвищу конкуренцію спостерігали серед виробників препаратів-аналогів, що містять аміодарону гідрохлорид (Кvi = 0,93). Також розрахували питому вагу, яку займає кожна фірма-виробник антиаритмічних препаратів. Встановили, що найбільша питома вага у ТОВ «Фармацевтична компанія «Здоров’я» (dij = 0,1481).Висновки. Маркетингові дослідження асортименту національного ринку антиаритмічних лікарських засобів показали гетерогенність цього сегмента за лікарськими формами та оригінальністю. Аналіз фірмової структури встановив високий рівень конкуренції серед провідних закордонних фармацевтичних компаній, питома вага яких становить 52 %. Розрахували коефіцієнт напруженості та частку сегмента, яку займає кожна з фірм-виробників антиаритмічних препаратів.

    The Russian Sturgeon Acipenser Güldenstädti. Part I. Gametes And Early Development Up To Time Of Hatching

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