85 research outputs found

    Mykorrhiza i landbruksjord

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    Gras, korn, belgvekster og en del grønnsaker kan leve sammen med arbuskulær mykorrhizasopp. Dette samlivet kalles sopprot, fordi deler av soppen lever i plantenes rotceller og sopphyfene gjør rotnettet til plantene større. Her omtales plantenes partnervalg, dynamikk i samlivet og betydningen av samarbeidet for planten og soppen. Dyrket jord er en turbulent verden av varierende forhold som påvirker nydanning og opprettholdelse av dette samarbeidet. Sopprot er oftest fordelaktig for begge parter

    Jordlevende sopp

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    Jordlevende sopp vokser som lange trådformede strukturer kalt hyfer. Når flere hyfer vokser sammen dannes et hvitaktig mycel som vi kan se med det blotte øye. Sopp har ikke klorofyll og må derfor skaffe seg næring på annet vis. Det gjør de ved å hente næring fra organisk materiale i jorda, fra å bryte ned ferske planterester på overflaten og/eller ved å leve i samliv (symbiose)med levende planterøtter (bildet. Selv om man kan se store og små sopper på overflaten, er det alltid slik at mesteparten av soppen finnes under jordoverflaten

    Abschätzung der Auswirkungen der Krautfäule auf den Bio-Kartoffelbau in verschiedenen Europäischen Ländern, sowie Inventar der angewendeten Anbau- und Pflanzenschutzstrategien

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    Problemstellung/Ziele Die Kraut- und Knollenfäule (Phytophthora infestans) ist die Krankheit, die im biologischen (aber auch konventionellen) Kartoffelanbau in Europa die größten Probleme verursacht. Unter günstigen klimatischen Bedingungen breitet sich die Krankheit sehr rasch aus und kann große Ertragsausfälle verursachen. Innerhalb von Europa variiert der durch P. infestans verursachte wirtschaftliche Schaden stark zwischen den Regionen. Dies hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, aber in biologisch bewirtschafteten Anbausystemen immt man an, dass die klimatischen Bedingungen, die verwendeten Sorten sowie die agronomischen Maßnahmen wie Bodenbearbeitung oder die Verwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die Reduktion oder das Verbot des Kupfereinsatzes im biologischen Kartoffelanbau wird deshalb auch unterschiedliche Auswirkungen in den verschiedenen Europäischen Regionen haben. Als Teilprojekt des EU-finanzierten Projektes Blight-MOP (QLRT 31065) wurde eine detaillierte Studie der ökonomischen und gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen und ein Inventar der Anbausysteme in 7 Ländern durchgeführt, um (i) Ein Inventar der derzeitigen Anbautechniken zu erstellen, (ii) die Auswirkungen von P. infestans auf Erträge und Wirtschaftlichkeit zu evaluieren und die Auswirkungen eines Kupferverbotes abzuschätzen und um (iii) Pflanzenschutzstrategien von Bioproduzenten zu identifizieren, die bereits jetzt ohne den Einsatz von Kupfer auskommen. Fazit: Diese Betriebsanalyse weist darauf hin, dass eine Optimierung der Einzelmassnahmen und die regionsspezfische Integration von Massnahmen zu einer substanziellen Verbesserung des Anbauerfolges führen können. Die Betriebsanalyse zeigt auch, dass Kupfer bislang eine wichtige Rolle bei der Ertragsbildung gespielt hat. Ein Kupferverbot ohne Angebot von praxistauglichen Alternativlösungen (wie sie innerhalb von Blight-MOP und anderen Projekten erarbeitet werden) würde demnach zu einer starken Destabilisierung des biologischen Kartoffelanbaues und vermutlich zu einer Angebotsvernappung führen. Andere Teilprojekte des Blight-MOP Projektes zielen auf die Verbesserung von anbautechnischen Massnahmen und die Entwicklung von Ersatzprodukten für Kupfer ab

    Psoriasin (S100A7) expression is altered during skin tumorigenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Psoriasin (S100A7) expression has previously been associated with psoriasiform hyperplasia as well as with tumor progression in breast cancer. Its expression profile for different stages of skin lesions is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between psoriasin (S100A7) and tumor progression in skin. METHODS: Psoriasin was assessed by immunohistochemistry and levels of expression determined by semi-quantitative scoring in skin biopsies from 50 patients. The cohort included normal skin, actinic keratosis, squamous carcinoma in-situ, invasive squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma. RESULTS: In normal skin, psoriasin was rarely detected in epidermis but was expressed in underlying adnexae. In abnormal epidermis psoriasin was frequently expressed in abnormal keratinocytes in actinic keratosis, in-situ and invasive squamous cell carcinoma, but was rarely observed in the basal epidermal layer or in superficial or invasive basal cell carcinoma. The highest levels of expression were seen within squamous carcinoma in-situ. Significantly reduced levels of expression were observed in both unmatched (p = 0.0001) and matched (p < 0.004) invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Psoriasin expression within abnormal squamous lesions correlated with mitotic count (r = 0.54, p = 0.0036), however no significant relation was found with the intensity of dermal inflammatory cell infiltrates assessed within each pathology. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that altered psoriasin expression occurs in abnormal epidermis and that downregulation may be related to the onset of invasion in squamous cell carcinoma in skin

    Evidence for local control of gene expression in the epidermal differentiation complex

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    The epidermal differentiation complex (EDC), located on chromosomal band 1q21, consists of at least 43 genes that are expressed during keratinocyte differentiation. Indicative of a role for chromatin structure in tissue specificity of EDC gene expression, we identified an inverse correlation between expression and DNA methylation for two EDC genes (S100A2 and S00A6) in human keratinocytes and fibroblasts. 5-azacytidine (5AC) and sodium butyrate (NaB) are two agents known to promote ‘open’ chromatin structure. To explore the relationship between chromatin structure and keratinocyte differentiation, we treated normal human keratinocytes (NHK) with 5AC or NaB, or with protocols known to promote their terminal differentiation. We then measured the steady-state mRNA levels for several S100 genes, small proline rich region-1, -2, and -3, loricrin, and involucrin by Northern blotting. 5AC and NaB each markedly increased expression of SPRR1/2 and involucrin in NHK. In contrast, expression of S100A2 was reduced by both agents, and by induction of keratinocyte differentiation. Moreover, while the clustered EDC genes displayed a general tendency to be expressed in epithelial cells, they displayed different patterns of cell type-specific expression. These results indicate that local, gene-specific factors play an important role in the regulation of EDC gene expression in the keratinocyte lineage and during keratinocyte terminal differentiation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71593/1/j.1600-0625.2002.110503.x.pd

    Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of Late Blight and State of the Art of Management in European Organic Potato Production Systems

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    In Europe, late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is the most devastating disease affecting organic (and conventional) potato production. Under suitable environmental conditions the disease can spread rapidly and it can cause complete crop loss. The extent of damage due to late blight depends on several factors: in organic production systems these factors include climate, choice of variety, soil management and use of crop protection agents such as copper. Therefore, the extent of economic damage varies between European regions. Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91, amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 473/2002 of 15 March 2002 regulates the use of copper in organic agriculture. Copper has been the single most important control agent in organic late blight control. Therefore, the reduction or an eventual phasing out of copper use will have varying impacts in different regions. This report presents the results of a detailed survey that has been conducted in 7 European countries in the year 2001. It is a subproject of the EU-funded project Blight-MOP (QLRT 31065). The survey investigates legislative, socio-economic and production parameters. The aim of this study was: (i) to obtain an inventory of the current organic potato production techniques, (ii) to assess the impact of a potential ban of copper on yields and viability of organic potato production and (iii) to identify alternative plant protection strategies that are used by organic farmers. This report includes: (i) statistics on yields, farm gate prices, and production techniques, (ii) an analysis offarmer observations and experiences on the extent and impact of late blight epidemics, (iii) an analysis of the farmer’s motivations, expectations and their assessment of the potential impact of a copper ban. Using multiple linear regression we identified production factors which appear to consistently contribute to production success

    Removal of AU Bias from Microarray mRNA Expression Data Enhances Computational Identification of Active MicroRNAs

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    Elucidation of regulatory roles played by microRNAs (miRs) in various biological networks is one of the greatest challenges of present molecular and computational biology. The integrated analysis of gene expression data and 3′-UTR sequences holds great promise for being an effective means to systematically delineate active miRs in different biological processes. Applying such an integrated analysis, we uncovered a striking relationship between 3′-UTR AU content and gene response in numerous microarray datasets. We show that this relationship is secondary to a general bias that links gene response and probe AU content and reflects the fact that in the majority of current arrays probes are selected from target transcript 3′-UTRs. Therefore, removal of this bias, which is in order in any analysis of microarray datasets, is of crucial importance when integrating expression data and 3′-UTR sequences to identify regulatory elements embedded in this region. We developed visualization and normalization schemes for the detection and removal of such AU biases and demonstrate that their application to microarray data significantly enhances the computational identification of active miRs. Our results substantiate that, after removal of AU biases, mRNA expression profiles contain ample information which allows in silico detection of miRs that are active in physiological conditions

    A meta-review of literature reviews assessing the capacity of patients with severe mental disorders to make decisions about their healthcare.

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    Background: Determining the mental capacity of psychiatric patients for making healthcare related decisions is crucial in clinical practice. This meta-review of review articles comprehensively examines the current evidence on the capacity of patients with a mental illness to make medical care decisions. Methods: Systematic review of review articles following PRISMA recommendations. PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and PsycInfo were electronically searched up to 31 January 2020. Free text searches and medical subject headings were combined to identify literature reviews and meta-analyses published in English, and summarising studies on the capacity of patients with serious mental illnesses to make healthcare and treatment related decisions, conducted in any clinical setting and with a quantitative synthesis of results. Publications were selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria. The AMSTAR II tool was used to assess the quality of reviews. Results: Eleven publications were reviewed. Variability on methods across studies makes it difficult to precisely estimate the prevalence of decision-making capacity in patients with mental disorders. Nonetheless, up to three-quarters of psychiatric patients, including individuals with serious illnesses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder may have capacity to make medical decisions in the context of their illness. Most evidence comes from studies conducted in the hospital setting; much less information exists on the healthcare decision making capacity of mental disorder patients while in the community. Stable psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients may have a similar capacity to make healthcare related decisions. Patients with a mental illness have capacity to judge risk-reward situations and to adequately decide about the important treatment outcomes. Different symptoms may impair different domains of the decisional capacity of psychotic patients. Decisional capacity impairments in psychotic patients are temporal, identifiable, and responsive to interventions directed towards simplifying information, encouraging training and shared decision making. The publications complied satisfactorily with the AMSTAR II critical domains. Conclusions: Whilst impairments in decision-making capacity may exist, most patients with a severe mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are able to make rational decisions about their healthcare. Best practice strategies should incorporate interventions to help mentally ill patients grow into the voluntary and safe use of medications

    Deep sequencing-based expression analysis shows major advances in robustness, resolution and inter-lab portability over five microarray platforms

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    The hippocampal expression profiles of wild-type mice and mice transgenic for δC-doublecortin-like kinase were compared with Solexa/Illumina deep sequencing technology and five different microarray platforms. With Illumina's digital gene expression assay, we obtained ∼2.4 million sequence tags per sample, their abundance spanning four orders of magnitude. Results were highly reproducible, even across laboratories. With a dedicated Bayesian model, we found differential expression of 3179 transcripts with an estimated false-discovery rate of 8.5%. This is a much higher figure than found for microarrays. The overlap in differentially expressed transcripts found with deep sequencing and microarrays was most significant for Affymetrix. The changes in expression observed by deep sequencing were larger than observed by microarrays or quantitative PCR. Relevant processes such as calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity and vesicle transport along microtubules were found affected by deep sequencing but not by microarrays. While undetectable by microarrays, antisense transcription was found for 51% of all genes and alternative polyadenylation for 47%. We conclude that deep sequencing provides a major advance in robustness, comparability and richness of expression profiling data and is expected to boost collaborative, comparative and integrative genomics studies

    The role of released ATP in killing Candida albicans and other extracellular microbial pathogens by cationic peptides

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    A unifying theme common to the action of many cationic peptides that display lethal activities against microbial pathogens is their specific action at microbial membranes that results in selective loss of ions and small nucleotides chiefly ATP. One model cationic peptide that induces non-lytic release of ATP from the fungal pathogen Candida albicans is salivary histatin 5 (Hst 5). The major characteristic of Hst 5-induced ATP release is that it occurs rapidly while cells are still metabolically active and have polarized membranes, thus precluding cell lysis as the means of release of ATP. Other cationic peptides that induce selective release of ATP from target microbes are lactoferricin, human neutrophil defensins, bactenecin, and cathelicidin peptides. The role of released extracellular ATP induced by cationic peptides is not known, but localized increases in extracellular ATP concentration may serve to potentiate cell killing, facilitate further peptide uptake, or function as an additional signal to activate the host innate immune system at the site of infection