45 research outputs found

    Bypass of mutagenic O 6 -Carboxymethylguanine DNA Adducts by Human Y- and B-Family Polymerases

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    The generation of chemical alkylating agents from nitrosation of glycine and bile acid conjugates in the gastrointestinal tract is hypothesized to initiate carcinogenesis. O6-carboxymethylguanine (O6-CMG) is a product of DNA alkylation derived from nitrosated glycine. Although the tendency of the structurally related adduct O6-methylguanine to code for the misincoporation of TTP during DNA replication is well-established, the impact of the presence of the O6-CMG adduct in a DNA template on the efficiency and fidelity of translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) by human DNA polymerases (Pols) has hitherto not been described. Herein, we characterize the ability of the four human TLS Pols η, Îč, Îș, and ζ and the replicative Pol ÎŽ to bypass O6-CMG in a prevalent mutational hot-spot for colon cancer. The results indicate that Pol η replicates past O6-CMG, incorporating dCMP or dAMP, whereas Pol Îș incorporates dCMP only, and Pol Îč incorporates primarily dTMP. Additionally, the subsequent extension step was carried out with high efficiency by TLS Pols η, Îș, and ζ, while Pol Îč was unable to extend from a terminal mismatch. These results provide a first basis of O6-CMG-promoted base misincorporation by Y- and B-family polymerases potentially leading to mutational signatures associated with colon cancer

    Isothermal Microcalorimetry, a New Tool to Monitor Drug Action against Trypanosoma brucei and Plasmodium falciparum

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    Isothermal microcalorimetry is an established tool to measure heat flow of physical, chemical or biological processes. The metabolism of viable cells produces heat, and if sufficient cells are present, their heat production can be assessed by this method. In this study, we investigated the heat flow of two medically important protozoans, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Plasmodium falciparum. Heat flow signals obtained for these pathogens allowed us to monitor parasite growth on a real-time basis as the signals correlated with the number of viable cells. To showcase the potential of microcalorimetry for measuring drug action on pathogenic organisms, we tested the method with three antitrypanosomal drugs, melarsoprol, suramin and pentamidine and three antiplasmodial drugs, chloroquine, artemether and dihydroartemisinin, each at two concentrations on the respective parasite. With the real time measurement, inhibition was observed immediately by a reduced heat flow compared to that in untreated control samples. The onset of drug action, the degree of inhibition and the time to death of the parasite culture could conveniently be monitored over several days. Microcalorimetry is a valuable element to be added to the toolbox for drug discovery for protozoal diseases such as human African trypanosomiasis and malaria. The method could probably be adapted to other protozoan parasites, especially those growing extracellularly

    In vitro growth inhibition of bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma congolense by iron chelators

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    African trypanosomes exert significant morbidity and mortality in man and livestock. Only a few drugs are available for the treatment of trypanosome infections and therefore, the development of new anti-trypanosomal agents is required. Previously it has been shown that bloodstream-form trypanosomes are sensitive to the iron chelator deferoxamine. In this study the effect of 13 iron chelators on the growth of Trypanosoma brucei, T. congolense and human HL-60 cells was tested in vitro. With the exception of 2 compounds, all chelators exhibited anti-trypanosomal activities, with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values ranging between 2.1 – 220 ÎŒM. However, the iron chelators also displayed cytotoxicity towards human HL-60 cells and therefore, only less favourable selectivity indices compared to commercially available drugs. Interfering with iron metabolism may be a new strategy in the treatment of trypanosome infections. More specifically, lipophilic iron-chelating agents may serve as lead compounds for novel anti-trypanosomal drug development

    Pentamidine Is Not a Permeant but a Nanomolar Inhibitor of the Trypanosoma brucei Aquaglyceroporin-2

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    The chemotherapeutic arsenal against human African trypanosomiasis, sleeping sickness, is limited and can cause severe, often fatal, side effects. One of the classic and most widely used drugs is pentamidine, an aromatic diamidine compound introduced in the 1940s. Recently, a genome-wide loss-of-function screen and a subsequently generated trypanosome knockout strain revealed a specific aquaglyceroporin, TbAQP2, to be required for high-affinity uptake of pentamidine. Yet, the underlying mechanism remained unclear. Here, we show that TbAQP2 is not a direct transporter for the di-basic, positively charged pentamidine. Even though one of the two common cation filters of aquaglyceroporins, i.e. the aromatic/arginine selectivity filter, is unconventional in TbAQP2, positively charged compounds are still excluded from passing the channel. We found, instead, that the unique selectivity filter layout renders pentamidine a nanomolar inhibitor of TbAQP2 glycerol permeability. Full, non-covalent inhibition of an aqua(glycero)porin in the nanomolar range has not been achieved before. The remarkable affinity derives from an electrostatic interaction with Asp265 and shielding from water as shown by structure-function evaluation and point mutation of Asp265. Exchange of the preceding Leu264 to arginine abolished pentamidine-binding and parasites expressing this mutant were pentamidine-resistant. Our results indicate that TbAQP2 is a high-affinity receptor for pentamidine. Taken together with localization of TbAQP2 in the flagellar pocket of bloodstream trypanosomes, we propose that pentamidine uptake is by endocytosis

    Comparative genomics of drug resistance in <i>Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense</i>

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    Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense is one of the causative agents of human sleeping sickness, a fatal disease that is transmitted by tsetse flies and restricted to Sub-Saharan Africa. Here we investigate two independent lines of T. b. rhodesiense that have been selected with the drugs melarsoprol and pentamidine over the course of 2 years, until they exhibited stable cross-resistance to an unprecedented degree. We apply comparative genomics and transcriptomics to identify the underlying mutations. Only few mutations have become fixed during selection. Three genes were affected by mutations in both lines: the aminopurine transporter AT1, the aquaporin AQP2, and the RNA-binding protein UBP1. The melarsoprol-selected line carried a large deletion including the adenosine transporter gene AT1, whereas the pentamidine-selected line carried a heterozygous point mutation in AT1, G430R, which rendered the transporter non-functional. Both resistant lines had lost AQP2, and both lines carried the same point mutation, R131L, in the RNA-binding motif of UBP1. The finding that concomitant deletion of the known resistance genes AT1 and AQP2 in T. b. brucei failed to phenocopy the high levels of resistance of the T. b. rhodesiense mutants indicated a possible role of UBP1 in melarsoprol-pentamidine cross-resistance. However, homozygous in situ expression of UBP1-Leu(131) in T. b. brucei did not affect the sensitivity to melarsoprol or pentamidine

    Fexinidazole – A New Oral Nitroimidazole Drug Candidate Entering Clinical Development for the Treatment of Sleeping Sickness

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    This article describes the preclinical profile of fexinidazole, a new drug candidate with the potential to become a novel, oral, safe and effective short-course treatment for curing both stage 1 and 2 human African trypanosomiasis and replace the old and highly problematic treatment modalities available today. Fexinidazole is orally available and rapidly metabolized in two metabolites having equivalent biological activity to the parent and contributing significantly to the in vivo efficacy in animal models of both stage 1 and 2 HAT. Animal toxicology studies indicate that fexinidazole has an excellent safety profile, with no particular issues identified. Fexinidazole is a 5-nitroimidazole and, whilst it is Ames-positive, it is devoid of any genetic toxicity in mammalian cells and therefore does not pose a genotoxic risk for use in man. Fexinidazole, which was rediscovered through a process of compound mining, is the first new drug candidate for stage 2 HAT having entered clinical trials in thirty years, and has the potential to revolutionize therapy of this fatal disease at a cost that is acceptable in the endemic regions

    On the applicability of mathematics : philosophical and historical perspectives

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    The present thesis is a contribution to the debate on the applicability of mathematics; it examines the interplay between mathematics and the world, using historical case studies. The first part of the thesis consists of four small case studies. In chapter 1, I criticize "ante rem structuralism", proposed by Stewart Shapiro, by showing that his so-called "finite cardinal structures" are in conflict with mathematical practice. In chapter 2, I discuss Leonhard Euler's solution to the Königsberg bridges problem. I propose interpreting Euler's solution both as an explanation within mathematics and as a scientific explanation. I put the insights from the historical case to work against recent philosophical accounts of the Königsberg case. In chapter 3, I analyze the predator-prey model, proposed by Lotka and Volterra. I extract some interesting philosophical lessons from Volterra's original account of the model, such as: Volterra's remarks on mathematical methodology; the relation between mathematics and idealization in the construction of the model; some relevant details in the derivation of the Third Law, and; notions of intervention that are motivated by one of Volterra's main mathematical tools, phase spaces. In chapter 4, I discuss scientific and mathematical attempts to explain the structure of the bee's honeycomb. In the first part, I discuss a candidate explanation, based on the mathematical Honeycomb Conjecture, presented in Lyon and Colyvan (2008). I argue that this explanation is not scientifically adequate. In the second part, I discuss other mathematical, physical and biological studies that could contribute to an explanation of the bee's honeycomb. The upshot is that most of the relevant mathematics is not yet sufficiently understood, and there is also an ongoing debate as to the biological details of the construction of the bee's honeycomb. The second part of the thesis is a bigger case study from physics: the genesis of GR. Chapter 5 is a short introduction to the history, physics and mathematics that is relevant to the genesis of general relativity (GR). Chapter 6 discusses the historical question as to what Marcel Grossmann contributed to the genesis of GR. I will examine the so-called "Entwurf" paper, an important joint publication by Einstein and Grossmann, containing the first tensorial formulation of GR. By comparing Grossmann's part with the mathematical theories he used, we can gain a better understanding of what is involved in the first steps of assimilating a mathematical theory to a physical question. In chapter 7, I introduce, and discuss, a recent account of the applicability of mathematics to the world, the Inferential Conception (IC), proposed by Bueno and Colyvan (2011). I give a short exposition of the IC, offer some critical remarks on the account, discuss potential philosophical objections, and I propose some extensions of the IC. In chapter 8, I put the Inferential Conception (IC) to work in the historical case study: the genesis of GR. I analyze three historical episodes, using the conceptual apparatus provided by the IC. In episode one, I investigate how the starting point of the application process, the "assumed structure", is chosen. Then I analyze two small application cycles that led to revisions of the initial assumed structure. In episode two, I examine how the application of "new" mathematics - the application of the Absolute Differential Calculus (ADC) to gravitational theory - meshes with the IC. In episode three, I take a closer look at two of Einstein's failed attempts to find a suitable differential operator for the field equations, and apply the conceptual tools provided by the IC so as to better understand why he erroneously rejected both the Ricci tensor and the November tensor in the Zurich Notebook

    Influence of growth hormone (GH) receptor deletion of exon 3 and full-length isoforms on GH response and final height in patients with severe GH deficiency

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    CONTEXT: A polymorphism of the GH receptor (GHR) gene resulting in genomic deletion of exon 3 (GHR-d3) has been associated with responsiveness to GH therapy. However, the data reported so far do vary according to the underlying condition, replacement dose, and duration of the treatment. OBJECTIVE, DESIGN: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the GHR genotypes in terms of the initial height velocity (HV) resulting from treatment and the impact upon adult height in patients suffering from severe isolated GH deficiency. CONTROLS, PATIENTS, SETTING: A total of 181 subjects (peak stimulated GH<or=2 ng/ml) were studied. In addition, GHR genotype frequency was compared with a healthy adult control group. INTERVENTIONS: Based on the various GHR genotypes, HV, effect of recombinant human GH dose used, and final height were analyzed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES, RESULTS: In the 181 subjects after the first two yr on recombinant human GH treatment, HV sd score (SDS) as well as height gain were significantly greater in subjects with the GHR-d3/d3 genotype when compared with the subjects presenting with the GHR-full-length/full-length genotype (P<0.05). A GHR-d3 allele dose-dependent effect was found for both HV SDS (r=0.72) and height gain (r=0.77). However, there was no significant difference in final adult height and height SDS according to the exon-3 genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that in patients with severe isolated GH deficiency, although the GHR genotype might play a role in GH responsiveness, at least at the beginning of treatment, there is no effect on final height