33 research outputs found

    Устройство защиты оборудования автоматизации от сверхкоротких электромагнитных импульсов

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    Цель работы – разработка и совершенствование нового устройства защиты оборудования автоматизации от сверхкоротких импульсов путем проведения вычислительных и натурных экспериментов при различных параметрах устройства. В данной выпускной квалификационной работе был разработан прототип устройства защиты оборудования автоматизации от СКИ, проведено экспериментальное подтверждение результатов моделирования его электрических характеристик. Исследован способ уменьшения времени моделирования. Выявлена схема включения устройства, обладающая бо?льшим коэффициентом ослабления помехового импульса. Выявлена закономерность в моментах прихода импульсов на выходе устройства, которые не наблюдались ранее.The purpose of the work is the development and improvement of a new device for protecting automation equipment against ultrashort pulses by performing computational and full-scale experiments at various device parameters. In this final qualifying work, a prototype of the protection device for automation equipment from the SRS was developed, and experimental results of simulation of its electrical characteristics were verified. A method for reducing simulation time has been studied. A circuit for switching on the device is revealed, which has a large coefficient of attenuation of the interference pulse. A regularity is revealed in the moments of arrival of pulses at the output of the device, which were not observed earlier

    Fabrication of Flexible Oriented Magnetic Thin Films with Large in-plane Uniaxial Anisotropy by Roll-to-roll Nanoimprint Lithography

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    Here, we report wafer scale fabrication of densely packed Fe nanostripe-based magnetic thin films on a flexible substrate and their magnetic anisotropy properties. We find that Fe nanostripes exhibit large in-plane uniaxial anisotropy and nearly square hysteresis loops with energy products (BH)max exceeding 3 MGOe at room temperature. High density Fe nanostripes were fabricated on 70 nm flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) gratings, which were made by roll-to-roll (R2R) UV nanoimprintlithography technique. Observed large in-plane uniaxial anisotropies along the long dimension of nanostripes are attributed to the shape. Temperature dependent hysteresis measurements confirm that the magnetization reversal is driven by non-coherent rotation reversal processes.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Tuning of Algorithms for Independent Task Placement in the . . .

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    This paper investigates assignment strategies (load balancing algorithms) for process farms which solve the problem of online placement of a constant number of independent tasks with given, but unknown, time complexities onto a homogeneous network of processors with a given latency. Results for the chunking and factoring assignment strategies are summarised for a probabilistic model which models tasks' time complexities as realisations of a random variable with known mean and variance. Then a deterministic model is presented which requires the knowledge of the minimal and maximal tasks' complexities. While the goal in the probabilistic model is the minimisation of the expected makespan, the goal in the deterministic model is the minimisation of the worstcase makespan. We give a novel analysis of chunking and factoring for the deterministic model. In the context of demand-driven parallel ray tracing, tasks' time complexities are unfortunately unknown until the actual computation finishes. Therefore we propose automatic self-tuning procedures which estimate the missing information in run-time. We experimentally demonstrate for an "everyday ray tracing setting" that chunking does not perform much worse than factoring on up to 128 processors, if the parameters of these strategies are properly tuned. This may seem surprising. However, the experimentally measured efficiencies agree with our theoretical predictions

    New heuristics for minimum weight triangulation

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    In rendering it is sometimes desirable to compute minimum total light energy mesh. This requires finding the solution for minimum weight triangulation (MWT). We have introduced several new heuristics for MWT, based on original observations. All new algorithms are tested on a set of randomly generated examples. For each example we compute the optimum (for small data sets) using backtrack technique or a reference suboptimum using simulated annealing technique. We compare the new heuristic

    Perfect Load Balancing for Demand- Driven Parallel Ray Tracing

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    Toward Efficient Support for Multithreaded MPI Communication

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    Abstract. To make the most effective use of parallel machines that are being built out of increasingly large multicore chips, researchers are exploring the use of programming models comprising a mixture of MPI and threads. Such hybrid models require efficient support from an MPI implementation for MPI messages sent from multiple threads simultaneously. In this paper, we explore the issues involved in designing such an implementation. We present four approaches to building a fully thread-safe MPI implementation, with decreasing levels of critical-section granularity (from coarse-grain locks to fine-grain locks to lock-free operations) and correspondingly increasing levels of complexity. We describe how we have structured our implementation to support all four approaches and enable one to be selected at build time. We present performance results with a message-rate benchmark to demonstrate the performance implications of the different approaches.