127 research outputs found

    Origin of rat β-globin haplotypes containing three and five genes

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    We have reported in rat three adult β-gene haplotypes containing either five or three genes. Detailed sequence analysis reveals that the leftmost gene is the major gene and that at the opposite end downstream lies the minor gene. All of the genes lying between them are minor-major hybrids indicating their origin by unequal crossing-over. In two haplotypes β-globin genes were found with an L1 element inserted directly into IVS2. The described results allow the formulation of a pathway of mutational events leading from the ancient two-β-gene rodent ancestor through a three-gene haplotype to five-gene haplotypes, one of which is postulated to have arisen in common laboratory strains since their capture in the wild.[https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/7/5/407/1061225

    Systemic chemotherapy induces microsatellite instability in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of breast cancer patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Systemic chemotherapy is an important part of treatment for breast cancer. We conducted the present study to evaluate whether systemic chemotherapy could produce microsatellite instability (MSI) in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell fraction of breast cancer patients. METHODS: We studied 119 sequential blood samples from 30 previously untreated breast cancer patients before, during and after chemotherapy. For comparison, we also evaluated 20 women who had no relevant medical history (control group). RESULTS: In 27 out of 30 patients we observed MSI in at least one sample, and six patients had loss of heterozygosity. We found a significant correlation between the number of MSI events per sample and chemotherapy with alkylating agents (P < 0.0001). We also observed an inverse correlation between the percentage of cells positive for hMSH2 and the number of MSI events per sample (P = 0.00019) and use of alkylating agents (P = 0.019). CONCLUSION: We conclude that systemic chemotherapy may induce MSI and loss of heterozygosity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from breast cancer patients receiving alkylating agents, possibly mediated by a chemotherapy-induced decrease in the expression of hMSH2. These effects may be related to the generation of secondary leukaemia in some patients, and may also intensify the genetic instability of tumours and increase resistance to treatment

    Nanoparticles for Applications in Cellular Imaging

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    In the following review we discuss several types of nanoparticles (such as TiO2, quantum dots, and gold nanoparticles) and their impact on the ability to image biological components in fixed cells. The review also discusses factors influencing nanoparticle imaging and uptake in live cells in vitro. Due to their unique size-dependent properties nanoparticles offer numerous advantages over traditional dyes and proteins. For example, the photostability, narrow emission peak, and ability to rationally modify both the size and surface chemistry of Quantum Dots allow for simultaneous analyses of multiple targets within the same cell. On the other hand, the surface characteristics of nanometer sized TiO2allow efficient conjugation to nucleic acids which enables their retention in specific subcellular compartments. We discuss cellular uptake mechanisms for the internalization of nanoparticles and studies showing the influence of nanoparticle size and charge and the cell type targeted on nanoparticle uptake. The predominant nanoparticle uptake mechanisms include clathrin-dependent mechanisms, macropinocytosis, and phagocytosis

    Loss of Pluripotency in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Directly Correlates with an Increase in Nuclear Zinc

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    The pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is important to investigations of early development and to cell replacement therapy, but the mechanism behind pluripotency is incompletely understood. Zinc has been shown to play a key role in differentiation of non-pluripotent cell types, but here its role in hESCs is directly examined. By mapping the distribution of metals in hESCs at high resolution by x-ray fluorescence microprobe (XFM) and by analyzing subcellular metal content, we have found evidence that loss of pluripotency is directly correlated with an increase in nuclear zinc. Zinc elevation not only redefines our understanding of the mechanisms that support pluripotency, but also may act as a biomarker and an intervention point for stem cell differentiation

    Deficiency of G1 regulators P53, P21Cip1 and/or pRb decreases hepatocyte sensitivity to TGFβ cell cycle arrest

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>TGFβ is critical to control hepatocyte proliferation by inducing G1-growth arrest through multiple pathways leading to inhibition of E2F transcription activity. The retinoblastoma protein pRb is a key controller of E2F activity and G1/S transition which can be inhibited in viral hepatitis. It is not known whether the impairment of pRb would alter the growth inhibitory potential of TGFβ in disease. We asked how <it>Rb</it>-deficiency would affect responses to TGFβ-induced cell cycle arrest.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Primary hepatocytes isolated from <it>Rb-floxed </it>mice were infected with an adenovirus expressing CRE-recombinase to delete the <it>Rb </it>gene. In control cells treatment with TGFβ prevented cells to enter S phase via decreased cMYC activity, activation of P16<sup>INK4A </sup>and P21<sup>Cip </sup>and reduction of E2F activity. In <it>Rb</it>-null hepatocytes, cMYC activity decreased slightly but P16<sup>INK4A </sup>was not activated and the great majority of cells continued cycling. <it>Rb </it>is therefore central to TGFβ-induced cell cycle arrest in hepatocytes. However some <it>Rb</it>-null hepatocytes remained sensitive to TGFβ-induced cell cycle arrest. As these hepatocytes expressed very high levels of P21<sup>Cip1 </sup>and P53 we investigated whether these proteins regulate pRb-independent signaling to cell cycle arrest by evaluating the consequences of disruption of <it>p53 </it>and <it>p21</it><sup><it>Cip1</it></sup>. Hepatocytes deficient in <it>p53 or p21</it><sup><it>Cip1 </it></sup>showed diminished growth inhibition by TGFβ. Double deficiency had a similar impact showing that in cells containing functional pRb; P21<sup>Cip </sup>and P53 work through the same pathway to regulate G1/S in response to TGFβ. In <it>Rb</it>-deficient cells however, <it>p53 </it>but not <it>p21</it><sup><it>Cip </it></sup>deficiency had an additive effect highlighting a pRb-independent-P53-dependent effector pathway of inhibition of E2F activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present results show that otherwise genetically normal hepatocytes with disabled <it>p53</it>, <it>p21</it><sup><it>Cip1 </it></sup>or <it>Rb </it>genes respond less well to the antiproliferative effects of TGFβ. As the function of these critical cellular proteins can be impaired by common causes of chronic liver disease and HCC, including viral hepatitis B and C proteins, we suggest that disruption of pRb function, and to a lesser extend P21<sup>Cip1 </sup>and P53 in hepatocytes may represent an additional new mechanism of escape from TGFβ-growth-inhibition in the inflammatory milieu of chronic liver disease and contribute to cancer development.</p

    Carbon nanotubes allow capture of krypton, barium and lead for multichannel biological X-ray fluorescence imaging

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    The desire to study biology in situ has been aided by many imaging techniques. Among these, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping permits observation of elemental distributions in a multichannel manner. However, XRF imaging is underused, in part, because of the difficulty in interpreting maps without an underlying cellular ‘blueprint’; this could be supplied using contrast agents. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be filled with a wide range of inorganic materials, and thus can be used as ‘contrast agents’ if biologically absent elements are encapsulated. Here we show that sealed single-walled CNTs filled with lead, barium and even krypton can be produced, and externally decorated with peptides to provide affinity for sub-cellular targets. The agents are able to highlight specific organelles in multiplexed XRF mapping, and are, in principle, a general and versatile tool for this, and other modes of biological imaging

    A microarray study of MPP(+)-treated PC12 Cells: Mechanisms of toxicity (MOT) analysis using bioinformatics tools

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    BACKGROUND: This paper describes a microarray study including data quality control, data analysis and the analysis of the mechanism of toxicity (MOT) induced by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP(+)) in a rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line (PC12 cells) using bioinformatics tools. MPP(+ )depletes dopamine content and elicits cell death in PC12 cells. However, the mechanism of MPP(+)-induced neurotoxicity is still unclear. RESULTS: In this study, Agilent rat oligo 22K microarrays were used to examine alterations in gene expression of PC12 cells after 500 μM MPP(+ )treatment. Relative gene expression of control and treated cells represented by spot intensities on the array chips was analyzed using bioinformatics tools. Raw data from each array were input into the NCTR ArrayTrack database, and normalized using a Lowess normalization method. Data quality was monitored in ArrayTrack. The means of the averaged log ratio of the paired samples were used to identify the fold changes of gene expression in PC12 cells after MPP(+ )treatment. Our data showed that 106 genes and ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) were changed 2-fold and above with MPP(+ )treatment; among these, 75 genes had gene symbols and 59 genes had known functions according to the Agilent gene Refguide and ArrayTrack-linked gene library. The mechanism of MPP(+)-induced toxicity in PC12 cells was analyzed based on their genes functions, biological process, pathways and previous published literatures. CONCLUSION: Multiple pathways were suggested to be involved in the mechanism of MPP(+)-induced toxicity, including oxidative stress, DNA and protein damage, cell cycling arrest, and apoptosis
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