222 research outputs found

    The optimization of the system of taxpayers’ state registration using road mapping method

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    In the state registration of taxpayers is the basis for creation of Unified State Register of Taxpayers (as to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), which allows controlling completeness and timeliness of taxes’ payment and, consequently, providing formation of budget. The paper analyses legal framework for regulation of taxpayers’ registration, distinguishes the particularities of registration of organizations and private persons (individual entrepreneurs). There is also an analysis of applicable practice of taxpayers’ registration in Russia and the Republic of Mordovia. The positive trends (formation of unified federal registration base for taxpayers’ recording; openness and general availability of information about all taxpayers registered on the territory of Russia; wide list of services on state registration that are rendered by tax authorities to taxpayers; transition to the regime of “single window” in interaction between registering structures; prejudicial regulation of appeal of decisions on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) and system problems (impossibility of use of unified registration number of a taxpayer for coordination of information about him in different state organizations; irrelevance and incompleteness of information contained in databases of different state institutions; conscious evasion of taxpayers of performance of tax obligations on registration; difficulty of timely detection of short-lived companies; significant volume of migrant organizations; insufficient technical and program support of regional tax inspections) linked to registration processes are elicited.peer-reviewe

    Long-term preservation of modern Russian potato cultivars in the VIR cryobank

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    Cryopreservation of shoot-tips (apexes) excised from in vitro plants is used for long-term preservation of potato cultivars. The most widely used method for creating potato cryo-collections is droplet-vitrification of shoot-tips which, together with its numerous modifications, is widely used in genebanks. A modified protocol of droplet vitrification method is used at VIR for cryopreservation of shoot tips from in vitro potato plants. This paper presents the results of cryopreservation of modern cultivars which were released by seven Russian breeding centers. In vitro clones used in the cryopreservation experiments were genetically identical to the cultivars’ nomenclatural standards and herbarium vouchers.The frequency of post-thaw regeneration in control experiments after short-term cryopreservation varied from 23.3 to 53.3%, depending on the genotype. Five out of 16 accessions (‘Varâg’, ‘Gusar’, ‘Evpatij’, ‘Solnečnyj’, ‘Tango’)* had low post-cryogenic regenerative capacity from 20 to 30%; the regeneration rate exceeded 30% in 11 accessions, and 8 cultivars (‘Grand’, ‘Zlatka’, ‘Lina’, ‘Safo’, ‘Siverskij’, ‘Signal’, ‘Utro’, ‘Ûna’) and ‘Аlyj Parus’ breeding clone had regeneration rate above 40%. The regeneration rate in the studied subset was genotype independent according to the ANOVA results (p=0.711). Viability and regeneration rate were significantly correlated (r=0.86). As a result of the experiments, explants of 14 modern cultivars and two breeding clones with the known post-thaw regeneration rate were successfully cryopreserved in the VIR cryobank. Four cultivars (‘Grand’, ‘Gusar’, ‘Signal’, ‘Utro’) were monitored for their regeneration capacity after the long-term (seven months) preservation in the VIR cryobank. On an average, these four cultivars demonstrated a post-thaw regeneration capacity of 41.8%. It can be concluded that the use of the modified method of droplet vitrification is relevant for increasing the VIR potato cryo-collection

    Clinical and genetic research of chronic glomerulonephritis

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    The paper presents data on interaction of candidate genes (S311C PON2, (-6)A/G AGT, (-1166)A/CAGTR1, (-592)C/A IL-10, VNTR IL-1Ra, T113M IL-9, K198N EDN1, (+46)G/A ADRB2, G/A GNB3 (rs.2301339)) with oligogenic and continuous characters of chronic glomerulonephriti

    The role of chemokine genes in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure

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    The data on the role of chemokine genes (+1931A/T CCL4, A/G CXCL11 (rs4512021), -403A/G CCL5, C/G CCL2 (rs2857657), -801G/A CXCL12) in the formation of terminal stage of chronic renal failure, in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, is presented in the work. It was established, that the allele A CXCL11 (rs4512021) (OR = 1.65) was the marker for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal insufficiency, and the genotype GG CXCL11was a protective factor for the development of terminal stage of chronic renal failure (OR = 0.22

    Genetic factors of renal survival in patents with chronic kidney disease

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    This paper presents the results of the study of associations of polymorphic loci of chemokines (+1931А/Т ССL4 (rs1719153), A/G CXCL11 (rs4512021), -403A/G CCL5 (rs2107538), C/G CCL2 (rs2857657), -801G/A CXCL12 (rs1801157)) with renal survival in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. It was established that AA and CXCL11 AG genotypes (rs4512021) (p=0.05) are the marker of high creatinine level in patients with chronic glomerulonephriti

    Взаимодействие значимого взрослого с ребенком раннего возраста в России и Вьетнаме

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    The article discusses the role of child interaction with a significant adult (parent, kindergarten teacher, caregiver) in child’s neurocognitive development within socio-cultural contexts of Russia and Vietnam. The article presents the results of a pilot study that included focus group interviews with kindergarten specialists from Russia and Vietnam. The pilot study sample consisted of 74 participants (72 women, 2 men), aged 32 to 54 years (M = 43.04; SD = 6.61). Of these, Russian participants (10 cities) — 42 people (40 women and 2 men) aged 32 to 50 (M = 40.19; SD = 6.28) and Vietnamese participants (1 city) — 32 people (32 women) aged 38 to 54 years (M = 46.67; SD = 5.12). The interviews followed the questionnaire developed by the authors. It consisted of 21 open-ended questions grouped in 3 blocks: Block 1. What characteristics and skills should be developed during early childhood? Where and how should these be developed? Block 2. How are children under 3 years of age developed? Block 3. Who is involved in the development of a child under 3 years of age? A comparative analysis of the responses of the Russian and Vietnamese kindergarten specialists revealed no significant differences between the groups, which suggests similarities in educational and developmental strategies of young children in a kindergarten environment. © 2019 Moscow State University of Psychology& Education.The reported study was funded by RFBR and VASS, project number 19-513-92001

    Mechanisms of Development of Heart Failure in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    The study of scientific data over the past 5 years has shown that cardiorenal syndrome, which has a complex and multifactorial pathophysiology, is a clinical problem. Modern pharmacological methods of treatment are effective, but insufficient to satisfactorily influence or mitigate the progression of cardiorenal syndrome, therefore, the discovery of new drugs and new therapeutic strategies for cardiorenal syndrome is a high priority tas

    Landsat 9 TIRS-2 Performance Results Based on Subsystem-Level Testing

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    Landsat 9 is the next in the series of Landsat satellites and has a complement of two pushbroom imagers: Operational Land Imager-2 (OLI-2) that samples the solar reflective spectrum with nine channels and Thermal Infrared Sensor-2 (TIRS-2) samples the thermal infrared spectrum with two channels. The first builds of these sensors, OLI and TIRS, were launched on Landsat 8 in 2013 and Landsat 9 is expected to launch in December 2020. TIRS-2 is designed and built to continue the Landsat data record and satisfy the needs of the remote sensing community. There are two sets of requirements considered for planning the component, subsystem and instrument level tests for TIRS-2: performance requirements and Special Calibration Test Requirements (SCTR). The performance requirements specify key spectral, spatial, radiometric, and operational parameters of TIRS-2 while the SCTRs specify parameters of how the instrument is tested. Several requirements can only be verified at the instrument level, but many performance metrics can be assessed earlier in prelaunch testing at the subsystem level. A test program called TIRS Imaging Performance and Cryoshell Evaluation (TIPCE) was developed to characterize TIRS-2 spectral, spatial, and scattered-light rejection performance at the telescope and detector subsystem level. There were three thermal vacuum campaigns in TIPCE that occurred from November 2017 to March 2018. This work shows results of TIPCE data analysis which provide confidence that key requirements will be met at instrument level with a few minor waivers. A full complement of performance testing will be done at the TIRS-2 instrument level for final verification in late 2018 through Spring 2019

    Применение генерического препарата золедроновой кислоты для лечения остеопороза: фокус на переносимость и безопасность

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    Objective: assessment of safety and tolerability of a new generic drug of zoledronic acid (Osteostatics) in patients.Patients and methods. Clinical observation included 30 postmenopausal women aged 45 years and older (mean age 64±8 years). To determine the safety of the drug of zoledronic acid, all patients underwent biochemical blood test; to assess the tolerability, adverse effects (AE) associated with the administration of the drug were recorded. Fractures that may have occurred during follow-up were also required to be recorded as AE.Results and discussion. AE was reported by 15 (50.0%) patients. In 13 (43.3%) of them flu-like syndrome (FLS) was noted, including 12 with an increase in body temperature on average to 38.4 [38.0; 38.6] ° C, in 1 (7.7%) – with abdominal pain and nausea, 5 (38.5%) women noted myalgia and/or arthralgia, and 2 (15.4%) – redness and pain in the eyes. In patients who had not previously received bisphosphonate (BP) therapy, AEs were recorded in 62.5% of cases, and in those who had already received such treatment in 15.4%. In most cases, AEs occurred in the first 48 hours, and their duration averaged 2 days.Conclusion. The incidence of AE was 50.0%, which did not exceed that when using the original zoledronic acid in real clinical practice. The majority of AEs occurred in “naive” patients, developed in the first 2 days after drug administration, and resolved on average within the next 2 days.Цель исследования – оценка безопасности и переносимости нового генерического препарата золедроновой кислоты (Остеостатикс) у больных с остеопорозом (ОП).Пациенты и методы. В клиническое наблюдения включено 30 женщин в постменопаузе в возрасте 45 лет и старше (средний возраст 64±8 лет). Для определения безопасности препарата золедроновой кислоты всем пациенткам выполняли биохимический анализ крови, для оценки переносимости фиксировали нежелательные реакции (НР), связанные с введением препарата. Переломы, которые могли произойти во время наблюдения, также должны были регистрироваться как НР.Результаты и обсуждение. О НР сообщили 15 (50,0%) пациенток. У 13 (43,3%) из них отмечался гриппоподобный синдром (ГПС), в том числе у 12 с повышением температуры тела в среднем до 38,4 [38,0; 38,6] °С, у 1 (7,7%) – с болью в животе и тошнотой, по 5 (38,5%) женщин отметили миалгии и/или артралгии, а 2 (15,4%) – покраснение и резь в глазах. У пациенток, не получавших ранее терапию бисфосфонатами (БФ), НР зарегистрированы в 62,5% наблюдений, а у уже получавших такое лечение, – в 15,4%. В большинстве случаев НР возникали в первые 48 ч, а их продолжительность составляла в среднем 2 дня.Заключение. Частота НР находилась на уровне 50,0%, что не превышало таковую при использовании оригинальной золедроновой кислоты в реальной клинической практике. Большинство НР возникли у «наивных» пациенток, развились в первые 2 сут после введения препарата, а разрешились в среднем в течение последующих 2 дней


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    We have performed primary examination of 50 children with neonatal hepatitis. Prevalence of herpes infection as the etiologic agent (40,0%) has been found, as well as parenteral hepatitis, both as an isolated (26,0%) and mixed infections. We conducted a comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory data at initial examination and determined the outcomes of neonatal hepatitis to 12 months of life depending on the etiology. Congenital CMV- etiology hepatitis characterized by more cytolysis, mainly due to aspartate aminotransferase and cholestasis, which is 33,3% of cases combined by acholia and urobiliya. In 50,0% of patients with CMV-hepatitis was detected fibrosis with a mean value of liver elastography 9,9 kPa, which is ІІІ degrees of fibrosis METAVIR scale, whereas in children with primary chronic hepatitis C and concomitant HCV + DNA-virus infection fibrosis was not registered. Despite on the large number of modern non-invasive techniques for determining the degree of hepatic fibrosis, the use of its in children during the first months of life is limited and does not allow to predict disease outcome.Проведен анализ клинико-лабораторных данных 50 пациентов с неонатальным гепатитом в динамике с целью определения особенностей течения болезни и ее исхода к 12 месяцам жизни в зависимости от этиологии и первичных клинико-анамнестических данных заболевания. Выявлено преобладание герпетической инфекции в качестве этиологического агента (40,0%), а также парентеральных гепатитов как в виде изолированной HCV-инфекции (26,0%), так и смешанной HCV+ДНК-инфекции. Установлено, что врожденные гепатиты CMV-этиологии протекают более тяжело с выраженным цитолизом (преимущественно за счет аспартатаминотрансферазы) и холестазом, который в 33,3% случаев сопровождается ахолией и уробилией. У 50,0% пациентов с CMV-гепатитом выявлен фиброз со средним значением эластографии печени 9,9 кПа по шкале METAVIR, тогда как у детей с первично-хроническим гепатитом С и сочетанной HCV+ДНК-вирусной инфекцией фиброз зарегистрирован не был. Несмотря на наличие большого количества современных неинвазивных методик по определению степени фиброза печени, использование их у детей первых месяцев жизни ограничено и не позволяет прогнозировать исход заболевания