8,213 research outputs found

    Quasiparticle interference and the interplay between superconductivity and density wave order in the cuprates

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    Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) is a useful probe for studying the cuprates in the superconducting and pseudogap states. Here we present a theoretical study of the Z-map, defined as the ratio of the local density of states at positive and negative bias energies, which frequently is used to analyze STS data. We show how the evolution of the quasiparticle interference peaks in the Fourier transform Z-map can be understood by considering different types of impurity scatterers, as well as particle-hole asymmetry in the underlying bandstructure. We also explore the effects of density wave orders, and show that the Fourier transform Z-map may be used to both detect and distinguish between them.Comment: final version published in Phys. Rev.

    Time-resolved photoemission of correlated electrons driven out of equilibrium

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    We describe the temporal evolution of the time-resolved photoemission response of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model driven out of equilibrium by strong applied fields. The model is one of the few possessing a metal-insulator transition and admitting an exact solution in the time domain. The nonequilibrium dynamics, evaluated using an extension of dynamical mean-field theory, show how the driven system differs from two common viewpoints - a quasiequilibrium system at an elevated effective temperature (the "hot" electron model) or a rapid interaction quench ("melting" of the Mott gap) - due to the rearrangement of electronic states and redistribution of spectral weight. The results demonstrate the inherent trade-off between energy and time resolution accompanying the finite width probe pulses, characteristic of those employed in pump-probe time-domain experiments, which can be used to focus attention on different aspects of the dynamics near the transition.Comment: Original: 5 pages, 3 figures; Replaced: updated text and figures, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Towards Axion Monodromy Inflation with Warped KK-Modes

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    We present a particularly simple model of axion monodromy: Our axion is the lowest-lying KK-mode of the RR-2-form-potential C2C_2 in the standard Klebanov-Strassler throat. One can think of this inflaton candidate as being defined by the integral of C2C_2 over the S2S^2 cycle of the throat. It obtains an exponentially small mass from the IR-region in which the S2S^2 shrinks to zero size both with respect to the Planck scale and the mass scale of local modes of the throat. Crucially, the S2S^2 cycle has to be shared between two throats, such that the second locus where the S2S^2 shrinks is also in a warped region. Well-known problems like the potentially dangerous back-reaction of brane/antibrane pairs and explicit supersymmetry breaking are not present in our scenario. However, the inflaton back-reaction starts to deform the geometry strongly once the field excursion approaches the Planck scale. We derive the system of differential equations required to treat this effect quantitatively. Numerical work is required to decide whether back-reaction makes the model suitable for realistic inflation. While we have to leave this crucial issue to future studies, we find it interesting that such a simple and explicit stringy monodromy model allows an originally sub-Planckian axion to go through many periods with full quantitative control before back-reaction becomes strong. Also, the mere existence of our ultra-light throat mode (with double exponentially suppressed mass) is noteworthy.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures; v2: references added; v3: Corrected an underestimate of supergravity back-reaction in Eq. (36); results changed accordingly; added section 6 which develops the methodology for the 10d non-linear back-reaction; added reference

    Controlled quantum stirring of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    By cyclic adiabatic change of two control parameters of an optical trap one can induce a circulating current of condensed bosons. The amount of particles that are transported per period depends on the "radius" of the cycle, and this dependence can be utilized in order to probe the interatomic interactions. For strong repulsive interaction the current can be regarded as arising from a sequence of Landau-Zener crossings. For weaker interaction one observes either gradual or coherent mega crossings, while for attractive interaction the particles are glued together and behave like a classical ball. For the analysis we use the Kubo approach to quantum pumping with the associated Dirac monopoles picture of parameter space.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Decorrelation of neural-network activity by inhibitory feedback

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    Correlations in spike-train ensembles can seriously impair the encoding of information by their spatio-temporal structure. An inevitable source of correlation in finite neural networks is common presynaptic input to pairs of neurons. Recent theoretical and experimental studies demonstrate that spike correlations in recurrent neural networks are considerably smaller than expected based on the amount of shared presynaptic input. By means of a linear network model and simulations of networks of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons, we show that shared-input correlations are efficiently suppressed by inhibitory feedback. To elucidate the effect of feedback, we compare the responses of the intact recurrent network and systems where the statistics of the feedback channel is perturbed. The suppression of spike-train correlations and population-rate fluctuations by inhibitory feedback can be observed both in purely inhibitory and in excitatory-inhibitory networks. The effect is fully understood by a linear theory and becomes already apparent at the macroscopic level of the population averaged activity. At the microscopic level, shared-input correlations are suppressed by spike-train correlations: In purely inhibitory networks, they are canceled by negative spike-train correlations. In excitatory-inhibitory networks, spike-train correlations are typically positive. Here, the suppression of input correlations is not a result of the mere existence of correlations between excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) neurons, but a consequence of a particular structure of correlations among the three possible pairings (EE, EI, II)
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