387 research outputs found

    Viper cabin-fuselage structural design concept with engine installation and wing structural design

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    This report describes the process and considerations in designing the cabin, nose, drive shaft, and wing assemblies for the 'Viper' concept aircraft. Interfaces of these assemblies, as well as interfaces with the sections of the aircraft aft of the cabin, are also discussed. The results of the design process are included. The goal of this project is to provide a structural design which complies with FAR 23 requirements regarding occupant safety, emergency landing loads, and maneuvering loads. The design must also address the interfaces of the various systems in the cabin, nose, and wing, including the drive shaft, venting, vacuum, electrical, fuel, and control systems. Interfaces between the cabin assembly and the wing carrythrough and empennage assemblies were required, as well. In the design of the wing assemblies, consistency with the existing cabin design was required. The major areas considered in this report are materials and construction, loading, maintenance, environmental considerations, wing assembly fatigue, and weight. The first three areas are developed separately for the nose, cabin, drive shaft, and wing assemblies, while the last three are discussed for the entire design. For each assembly, loading calculations were performed to determine the proper sizing of major load carrying components. Table 1.0 lists the resulting margins of safety for these key components, along with the types of the loads involved, and the page number upon which they are discussed

    Bioturbation artifacts in zero-age sediments

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 24 (2009): PA4212, doi:10.1029/2008PA001727.Most seafloor sediments are dated with radiocarbon, and the sediment is assumed to be zero-age (modern) when the signal of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons is present (Fraction modern (Fm) > 1). Using a simple mass balance, we show that even with Fm > 1, half of the planktonic foraminifera at the seafloor can be centuries old, because of bioturbation. This calculation, and data from four core sites in the western North Atlantic indicate that, first, during some part of the Little Ice Age (LIA) there may have been more Antarctic Bottom Water than today in the deep western North Atlantic. Alternatively, bioturbation may have introduced much older benthic foraminifera into surface sediments. Second, paleo-based warming of Sargasso Sea surface waters since the LIA must lag the actual warming because of bioturbation of older and colder foraminifera.This work was funded in part by the Gary Comer Foundation and by NSF grant 0214144. A portion of this work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344

    Two-pion correlations in Au+Au collisions at 10.8 GeV/c per nucleon

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    Two-particle correlation functions for positive and negative pions have been measured in Au+Au collisions at 10.8~GeV/c per nucleon. The data were analyzed using one- and three-dimensional correlation functions. From the results of the three-dimensional fit the phase space density of pions was calculated. It is consistent with local thermal equilibrium.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX (including 3 Figures

    Proton and Pion Production in Au+Au Collisions at 10.8A GeV/c

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    We present proton and pion tranverse momentum spectra and rapidity distributions for Au+Au collisions at 10.8A GeV/c. The proton spectra exhibit collective transverse flow effects. Evidence of the influence of the Coulomb interaction from the fireball is found in the pion transverse momentum spectra. The data are compared with the predictions of the RQMD event generator.Comment: plain tex (revtex), 24 pages Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Two-Proton Correlations from 14.6A GeV/c Si+Pb and 11.5A GeV/c Au+Au Central Collisions

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    Two-proton correlation functions have been measured in Si+Pb collisions at 14.6A GeV/c and Au+Au collisions at 11.5A GeV/c by the E814/E877 collaboration. Data are compared with predictions of the transport model RQMD and the source size is inferred from this comparison. Our analysis shows that, for both reactions, the characteristic size of the system at freeze-out exceeds the size of the projectile, suggesting that the fireball created in the collision has expanded. For Au+Au reactions, the observed centrality dependence of the two-proton correlation function implies that more central collisions lead to a larger source sizes.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages, 5 figure

    Charged Particle Pseudorapidity Distributions in Au+Al, Cu, Au, and U Collisions at 10.8 Aâ‹…\cdotGeV/c

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    We present the results of an analysis of charged particle pseudorapidity distributions in the central region in collisions of a Au projectile with Al, Cu, Au, and U targets at an incident energy of 10.8~GeV/c per nucleon. The pseudorapidity distributions are presented as a function of transverse energy produced in the target or central pseudorapidity regions. The correlation between charged multiplicity and transverse energy measured in the central region, as well as the target and projectile regions is also presented. We give results for transverse energy per charged particle as a function of pseudorapidity and centrality.Comment: 31 pages + 12 figures (compressed and uuencoded by uufiles), LATEX, Submitted to PR

    Proton and Pion Production Relative to the Reaction Plane in Au + Au Collisions at AGS Energies

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    Results are presented of an analysis of proton and charged pion azimuthal distributions measured with respect to the reaction plane in Au + Au collisions at a beam momentum of about 11 AGeV/c. The azimuthal anisotropy is studied as a function of particle rapidity and transverse momentum for different centralities of the collisions. The triple differential (in rapidity, transverse momentum, and azimuthal angle) distributions are reconstructed. A comparison of the results with a previous analysis of charged particle and transverse energy flow as well as with model predictions is presented.Comment: 23 pages (LaTeX), 12 figure

    Hadron yields and spectra in Au+Au collisions at the AGS

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    Inclusive double differential multiplicities and rapidity density distributions of hadrons are presented for 10.8 A GeV/c Au+Au collisions as measured at the AGS by the E877 collaboration. The results indicate that large amounts of stopping and collective transverse flow effects are present. The data are also compared to the results from the lighter Si+Al system.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 10 figures, submitted to Nuclear Physics A (Quark Matter 1996 Proceedings
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