34 research outputs found

    Organisational and methodological challenges of CAR-T manufacturing in the Russian Federation

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    Despite their widespread clinical implementation, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy products, including those manufactured by industrial processes, are still not legally available or used in the Russian Federation.The aim of the study was to describe the current challenges associated with specific aspects of CAR-T manufacturing in the Russian Federation and the potential ways to overcome them.This article discusses the regulatory, legal, organisational, and methodological challenges of CAR-T manufacturing. It analyses differences in the interpretation of CAR-T therapy products under national and supranational law. According to Russian Federal Law No. 180-FZ “On Biomedical Cell Products” of 23 June 2016, CAR-T therapy products are considered biomedical cell products. However, according to Decision No. 78 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On the Rules of Marketing Authorisation and Assessment of Medicinal Products for Human Use” of 3 November 2016, CAR-T therapy products are considered advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). This article provides a detailed overview of the difficulties in obtaining starting biological materials (i.e. the inability to consider the patient as a donor) and transferring the materials for CAR-T manufacturing (i.e. the inapplicability of national law). In addition, this article describes export aspects specific to biological materials. The authors reckon that CAR-T therapy products should be categorised as ATMPs and that the corresponding active pharmaceutical ingredients, genetically modified autologous lymphocytes, should be defined as starting materials. Therefore, genetically modified autologous lymphocytes should be regulated under the requirements for starting materials for the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are set forth in Decision No. 77 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On the Adoption of the Rules of Good Manufacturing Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union” of 3 November 2016. In conclusion, the authors recognise the need for national and supranational law harmonisation. For this task, it is necessary to establish expert groups that will include clinicians, legal experts, and representatives from the relevant authorities and the pharmaceutical industry

    Взаимосвязь некоторых параметров мукозального иммунитета полости рта с уровнем витамина D у пациентов с множественным кариесом

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    Aim. To determine the saliva level of immunoregulatory proteins in patients with rampant caries and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) deficiency and evaluate the association of their concentration with 25(OH)D plasma level.Materials and methods. The study was performed in two groups. The experimental group included 15 patients aged 20–22 years with rampant caries and the 25(OH)D plasma level of < 20 ng / ml. The control group encompassed 15 healthy age-matched volunteers with the 25(OH)D plasma level of 20–100 ng / ml. The concentrations of B7.2 (CD86), free active TGF-β1, CTLA-4, PD-1, Tim-3, LAG-3, IGFBP-4, and ICAM-1 were assessed using flow cytometry. The levels of LL-37 and secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) were measured using ELISA. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to reveal a correlation between the indicated proteins and the 25(OH)D plasma level.Results. A decrease in B7.2 (CD86), PD-1, Tim-3, sIgA, and LL-37 and elevation of IGFBP-4 and ICAM-1 saliva levels were detected in patients with rampant caries and 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency. A positive Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was revealed between plasma 25(OH)D and saliva levels of free active TGF-β1, CTLA4, B7.2 (CD86), LL-37, and sIgA. A negative correlation was revealed between 25(OH)Dand ICAM-1.Conclusion. 25(OH)D deficiency in patients with rampant caries is associated with decreased levels of B7.2 (CD86), PD-1, Tim-3, sIgA, and LL-37 and elevated levels of IGFBP-4 and ICAM-1 in the saliva. Цель – оценить содержание иммунорегуляторных молекул в слюне у лиц с множественным кариесом и дефицитом 25(OH)D3 и определить взаимосвязи их величин с концентрацией 25(OH)D3 в крови.Материалы и методы. Обследованы две группы лиц в возрасте 20–22 лет. В одну включены 15 человек с кариесом и уровнем 25(OH)D3 менее 20 нг/мл, в другую (контрольную) – 15 здоровых человек с содержанием 25(OH)D3 30–100 нг/мл. В ротовой жидкости определены концентрации растворимых форм молекул B7.2 (CD86), Free Active TGF-b1, CTLA-4, PD-1, Tim-3, LAG-3, IGFBP-4, ICAM-1 методом проточной цитофлуометрии, количество кателицидина LL-37, секреторного иммуноглобулина A (IgA) методом иммуноферментного анализа. Между определяемыми показателями рассчитан критерий корреляции Спирмена.Результаты. У лиц с кариесом и дефицитом витамина D выявлено снижение значений Free Active TGF-b1, B7.2 (CD86), PD-1, Tim-3, sIgA, кателицидина LL-37 и повышение уровня IGFBP-4 и ICAM-1 в слюне. Обнаружено наличие прямых корреляционных связей между количеством 25(OH)D3 в крови, с одной стороны, и значениями Free Active TGF-b1, CTLA-4, В7.2 (CD86), секреторного IgA, пептида LL-37 – с другой. Зафиксирована отрицательная взаимосвязь между величинами 25(OH)D3 и ICAM-1.Заключение. На фоне дефицита витамина D при множественном кариесе в ротовой жидкости регистрируются низкие концентрации Free Active TGF-b1, B7.2 (CD86), PD-1, Tim-3, секреторного IgA, кателицидина LL-37 по сравнению с контролем, но увеличены значения IGFBP-4 и ICAM-1.

    Lipolysis drives expression of the constitutively active receptor GPR3 to induce adipose thermogenesis

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    Thermogenic adipocytes possess a therapeutically appealing, energy-expending capacity, which is canonically cold-induced by ligand-dependent activation of β-adrenergic G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we uncover an alternate paradigm of GPCR-mediated adipose thermogenesis through the constitutively active receptor, GPR3. We show that the N terminus of GPR3 confers intrinsic signaling activity, resulting in continuous Gs-coupling and cAMP production without an exogenous ligand. Thus, transcriptional induction of Gpr3 represents the regulatory parallel to ligand-binding of conventional GPCRs. Consequently, increasing Gpr3 expression in thermogenic adipocytes is alone sufficient to drive energy expenditure and counteract metabolic disease in mice. Gpr3 transcription is cold-stimulated by a lipolytic signal, and dietary fat potentiates GPR3-dependent thermogenesis to amplify the response to caloric excess. Moreover, we find GPR3 to be an essential, adrenergic-independent regulator of human brown adipocytes. Taken together, our findings reveal a noncanonical mechanism of GPCR control and thermogenic activation through the lipolysis-induced expression of constitutively active GPR3

    Impact of the Present-Day Climate Changes on the Natural Plague Foci Condition, Situated in the Territory of the Russian Federation and Other CIS Countries

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    Climate changes determine dynamics of epizootic activity of natural plague foci in the XX and XXI centuries. Obvious shift to continentality in the Northern hemisphere can put an end to inter-epizootic period in lowland steppe and semi-desert natural foci of the Pre-Caucasian region, North and North-West Caspian Sea regions. Presently observed conjoined development of inter-epizootic periods in natural plague foci with different biocoenotic structure in the territory of Pre-Caspian Lowland gives the grounds for assuming the presence of a common cause preconditioning parasitic system depression in the region. One of the key elements of this phenomenon is a change of status of little souslik – formerly the main plague carrier in the region. Subsequent to the climate change the key role of plague carrier is more often played by non-hibernating rodent species nowadays. Thus a significant increase in epizootic potential of steppe natural plague foci in the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia is prognosticated. With the further temperature fall during wintertime, snow cover height increase and glacial area extension epizootic activity of the mountain and high mountain foci must drop off significantly. Alongside with this updated data on plague agent ecology, predetermining possibility of its existence in the soil biota, confirm the key role of climactic factors in the plague enzootic outbreak

    Организационно-методические проблемы производства CAR-T в Российской Федерации

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    Despite their widespread clinical implementation, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy products, including those manufactured by industrial processes, are still not legally available or used in the Russian Federation.The aim of the study was to describe the current challenges associated with specific aspects of CAR-T manufacturing in the Russian Federation and the potential ways to overcome them.This article discusses the regulatory, legal, organisational, and methodological challenges of CAR-T manufacturing. It analyses differences in the interpretation of CAR-T therapy products under national and supranational law. According to Russian Federal Law No. 180-FZ “On Biomedical Cell Products” of 23 June 2016, CAR-T therapy products are considered biomedical cell products. However, according to Decision No. 78 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On the Rules of Marketing Authorisation and Assessment of Medicinal Products for Human Use” of 3 November 2016, CAR-T therapy products are considered advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). This article provides a detailed overview of the difficulties in obtaining starting biological materials (i.e. the inability to consider the patient as a donor) and transferring the materials for CAR-T manufacturing (i.e. the inapplicability of national law). In addition, this article describes export aspects specific to biological materials. The authors reckon that CAR-T therapy products should be categorised as ATMPs and that the corresponding active pharmaceutical ingredients, genetically modified autologous lymphocytes, should be defined as starting materials. Therefore, genetically modified autologous lymphocytes should be regulated under the requirements for starting materials for the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are set forth in Decision No. 77 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On the Adoption of the Rules of Good Manufacturing Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union” of 3 November 2016. In conclusion, the authors recognise the need for national and supranational law harmonisation. For this task, it is necessary to establish expert groups that will include clinicians, legal experts, and representatives from the relevant authorities and the pharmaceutical industry.Несмотря на широкое внедрение в клиническую практику терапии Т-клетками с химерным антигенным рецептором (chimeric antigen receptor T-cell, CAR-T), на территории Российской Федерации данные препараты до сих пор официально не представлены и не используются, в том числе и произведенные промышленным (индустриальным) способом.Цель работы — описание текущих проблем, связанных с особенностями производства CAR-T в Российской Федерации, и потенциальных путей их решения.Рассмотрены трудности, связанные c регуляторными, юридическими и организационно-методическими аспектами производства CAR-T. Проанализированы расхождения в трактовке понятия CAR-T в национальном и наднациональном праве: как биомедицинского клеточного продукта согласно Федеральному закону от 23.06.2016 № 180-ФЗ «О биомедицинских клеточных продуктах» и как высокотехнологического лекарственного препарата (ВТЛП) согласно Решению Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии от 03.11.2016 № 78 «О Правилах регистрации и экспертизы лекарственных средств для медицинского применения». Подробно рассмотрены трудности на этапе получения исходного биологического материала (невозможность рассматривать пациента как донора биологического материала); на этапе передачи биологического материала для производства CAR-T (невозможность применения национального права); особенности экспорта биологического материала. По мнению авторов статьи, CAR-T следует относить к ВТЛП, активной фармацевтической субстанцией (АФС) которых являются генетически модифицированные аутологичные лимфоциты, а последние должны быть определены как «исходный материал», и к ним должны применяться требования как к исходному материалу для производства АФС, указанные в Решении Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии от 03.11.2016 № 77 «Об утверждении Правил надлежащей производственной практики Евразийского экономического союза». Сделано заключение о необходимости гармонизации национального и наднационального права, что требует формирования экспертных групп, объединяющих врачей-клиницистов, специалистов в области права, представителей профильных ведомств и фармацевтической индустрии

    Dynamics of carbon pools in post-agrogenic sandy soils of southern taiga of Russia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Until recently, a lot of arable lands were abandoned in many countries of the world and, especially, in Russia, where about half a million square kilometers of arable lands were abandoned in 1961-2007. The soils at these fallows undergo a process of natural restoration (or self-restoration) that changes the balance of soil organic matter (SOM) supply and mineralization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A soil chronosequence study, covering the ecosystems of 3, 20, 55, 100, and 170 years of self-restoration in southern taiga zone, shows that soil organic content of mineral horizons remains relatively stable during the self-restoration. This does not imply, however, that SOM pools remain steady. The C/N ratio of active SOM reached steady state after 55 years, and increased doubly (from 12.5 - 15.6 to 32.2-33.8). As to the C/N ratio of passive SOM, it has been continuously increasing (from 11.8-12.7 to 19.0-22.8) over the 170 years, and did not reach a steady condition.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the study imply that soil recovery at the abandoned arable sandy lands of taiga is incredibly slow process. Not only soil morphological features of a former ploughing remained detectable but also the balance of soil organic matter input and mineralization remained unsteady after 170 years of self-restoration.</p

    Lipolysis drives expression of the constitutively active receptor GPR3 to induce adipose thermogenesis

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    Thermogenic adipocytes possess a therapeutically appealing, energy-expending capacity, which is canonically cold-induced by ligand-dependent activation of beta-adrenergic G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we uncover an alternate paradigm of GPCR-mediated adipose thermogenesis through the constitutively active receptor, GPR3. We show that the N terminus of GPR3 confers intrinsic signaling activity, resulting in continuous Gscoupling and cAMP production without an exogenous ligand. Thus, transcriptional induction of Gpr3 represents the regulatory parallel to ligand-binding of conventional GPCRs. Consequently, increasing Gpr3 expression in thermogenic adipocytes is alone sufficient to drive energy expenditure and counteract metabolic disease in mice. Gpr3 transcription is cold-stimulated by a lipolytic signal, and dietary fat potentiates GPR3-dependent thermogenesis to amplify the response to caloric excess. Moreover, we find GPR3 to be an essential, adrenergic-independent regulator of human brown adipocytes. Taken together, our findings reveal a noncanonical mechanism of GPCR control and thermogenic activation through the lipolysis-induced expression of constitutively active GPR3.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Relationship Between [18F]FDOPA PET Uptake, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC), and Proliferation Rate in Recurrent Malignant Gliomas

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    Purpose: Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 6-[18F]fluoro-l-dopa ([18F]FDOPA) positron emission tomography (PET) are used to interrogate malignant tumor microenvironment. It remains unclear whether there is a relationship between [18F]FDOPA uptake, diffusion MRI estimates of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and mitotic activity in the context of recurrent malignant gliomas, where the tumor may be confounded by the effects of therapy. The purpose of the current study is to determine whether there is a correlation between these imaging techniques and mitotic activity in malignant gliomas.Procedures: We retrospectively examined 29 patients with recurrent malignant gliomas who underwent structural MRI, diffusion MRI, and [18F]FDOPA PET prior to surgical resection. Qualitative associations were noted, and quantitative voxel-wise and median measurement correlations between [18F]FDOPA PET, ADC, and mitotic index were performed.Results: Areas of high [18F]FDOPA uptake exhibited low ADC and areas of hyperintensity T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) with low [18F]FDOPA uptake exhibited high ADC. There was a significant inverse voxel-wise correlation between [18F]FDOPA and ADC for all patients. Median [18F]FDOPA uptake and median ADC also showed a significant inverse correlation. Median [18F]FDOPA uptake was positively correlated, and median ADC was inversely correlated with mitotic index from resected tumor tissue.Conclusions: A significant association may exist between [18F]FDOPA uptake, diffusion MRI, and mitotic activity in recurrent malignant gliomas