440 research outputs found

    A model for the operation of perovskite based hybrid solar cells:formation, analysis and comparison to experiment

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    This work is concerned with the modeling of perovskite based hybrid solar cells formed by sandwiching a slab of organic lead halide perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3?xClx) photo-absorber between (n-type) acceptor and (p-type) donor materials—typically titanium dioxide and spiro. A model for the electrical behavior of these cells is formulated based on drift-diffusion equations for the motion of the charge carriers and Poisson’s equation for the electric potential. It is closed by (i) internal interface conditions accounting for charge recombination/generation and jumps in charge carrier densities arising from differences in the electron affinity/ionization potential between the materials and (ii) ohmic boundary conditions on the contacts. The model is analyzed by using a combination of asymptotic and numerical techniques. This leads to an approximate—yet highly accurate—expression for the current-voltage relationship as a function of the solar induced photo- current. In addition, we show that this approximate current-voltage relation can be interpreted as an equivalent circuit model consisting of three diodes, a resistor, and a current source. For sufficiently small biases the device’s behavior is diodic and the current is limited by the recombination at the internal interfaces, whereas for sufficiently large biases the device acts like a resistor and the current is dictated by the ohmic dissipation in the acceptor and donor. The results of the model are also compared to experimental current-voltage curves, and good agreement is shown

    MMI reflectors with free selection of reflection to transmission ratio

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    We investigate a new class of integrated mirrors, so called MMI reflectors. In addition to one-port full reflectors, we introduce two-port MMI reflectors, capable of both reflection and transmission. The reflection to transmission ratio in these devices can be set freely by changing their geometry. This is deinonstrated through numerical simulations as well as through a set ofworking devices realized on an indium phosphide layer stack

    MMI reflectors with free selection of reflection to transmission ratio

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    We investigate a new class of integrated mirrors, so called MMI reflectors. In addition to one-port full reflectors, we introduce two-port MMI reflectors, capable of both reflection and transmission. The reflection to transmission ratio in these devices can be set freely by changing their geometry. This is deinonstrated through numerical simulations as well as through a set ofworking devices realized on an indium phosphide layer stack

    S-matrix oriented simulation of a looped-back four channel add-drop multiplexer

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    A design tool for simulation of complex photonic integrated circuits is described. An example simulation of a four-channel add-drop multiplexer is presented and results are in good agreement with measurement

    Quantum-dot InAs/InGaAsP/InP (100) twin-stripe lasers

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    Indium phosphide based membrane photodetector for optical interconnects on silicon

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    We have designed, fabricated and characterized an InP-based membrane photodetector on an SOI wafer containing a Si-wiring photonic circuit. New results on RF characterization up to 20 GHz are presented. The detector fabrication is compatible with wafer scale processing steps, guaranteeing compatibility towards future generation electronic IC processing

    High-performance InP-based photodetector in an amplifier layer stack on semi-insulating substrate

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    A waveguide photodetector (PD) based on semi-insulating (SI) indium phosphide (InP) was simulated, designed, and fabricated. The layer stack for this PD was optimized for use as an optical amplifier or laser and it can be combined with the passive components. By using an SI substrate and deep etching, a small, efficient, and high-speed PD was made, which allows for easy integration of source, detector, and passive optical components on a single chip. A 3-dB bandwidth of 35 GHz and 0.25 A/W external radio-frequency reponsivity is measured at 1.55-mum wavelength for a 1.5-mum-wide and 30-mum-long waveguide PD at -4-V bias voltage. The polarization dependence in the responsivity is less than 0.27 d

    A monolithic 20GHz integrated extended cavity mode-locked quantum well ring laser at 1.58µm fabricated in the JEPPIX platform

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    We report on a passively modelocked InP/InGaAsP quantum well semiconductor ring laser which operates at 20GHz repetition rate and at 1.58µm output wavelength. A number of devices with varying relative positions of the absorbers and amplifiers have been realized using active-passive integration technology in the JEPPIX fabrication platform. The 4mm-long laser ring cavity incorporates a 750µm-long optical amplifier section, a separate 40µm-long saturable absorber section, passive waveguide sections and a passive MMI-type 50% output coupler. We investigate operation regimes of the laser and explore conditions for single mode lasing and mode-locked operation

    Monolithic multiband nanosecond programmable wavelength router

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    A compact scalable reconfigurable multiwavelength router is proposed and demonstrated using an electronically gated cyclic router. Simultaneous wavelength-multiplexed channel allocation is performed with power penalties of 0.2-0.8 dB. Nanosecond timescale reconfiguration is achieved within a 2-ns guard band using semiconductor optical amplifier gates
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