14,571 research outputs found

    Similarity-Based Classification in Partially Labeled Networks

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    We propose a similarity-based method, using the similarity between nodes, to address the problem of classification in partially labeled networks. The basic assumption is that two nodes are more likely to be categorized into the same class if they are more similar. In this paper, we introduce ten similarity indices, including five local ones and five global ones. Empirical results on the co-purchase network of political books show that the similarity-based method can give high accurate classification even when the labeled nodes are sparse which is one of the difficulties in classification. Furthermore, we find that when the target network has many labeled nodes, the local indices can perform as good as those global indices do, while when the data is sparce the global indices perform better. Besides, the similarity-based method can to some extent overcome the unconsistency problem which is another difficulty in classification.Comment: 13 pages,3 figures,1 tabl

    TeV Scale Lee-Wick Fields out of Large Extra Dimensional Gravity

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    We study the gravitational corrections to the Maxwell, Dirac and Klein-Gorden theories in the large extra dimension model in which the gravitons propagate in the (4+n)-dimensional bulk, while the gauge and matter fields are confined to the four-dimensional world. The corrections to the two-point Green's functions of the gauge and matter fields from the exchanges of virtual Kaluza-Klein gravitons are calculated in the gauge independent background field method. In the framework of effective field theory, we show that the modified one-loop renormalizable Lagrangian due to quantum gravitational effects contains a TeV scale Lee-Wick partner of every gauge and matter field as extra degrees of freedom in the theory. Thus the large extra dimension model of gravity provides a natural mechanism to the emergence of these exotic particles which were recently used to construct an extension of the Standard Model.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, references added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum-defect theory of resonant charge exchange

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    We apply the quantum-defect theory for 1/R4-1/R^4 potential to study the resonant charge exchange process. We show that by taking advantage of the partial-wave-insensitive nature of the formulation, resonant charge exchange of the type of 1^1S+2^2S can be accurately described over a wide range of energies using only three parameters, such as the \textit{gerade} and the \textit{ungerade} ss wave scattering lengths, and the atomic polarizability, even at energies where many partial waves contribute to the cross sections. The parameters can be determined experimentally, without having to rely on accurate potential energy surfaces, of which few exist for ion-atom systems. The theory further relates ultracold interactions to interactions at much higher temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Composite material shear property measurement using the Iosipescu specimen

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    A detailed evaluation of the suitability of the Iosipescu specimen tested in the modified Wyoming fixture is presented. Finite element analysis and moire interferometry are used to assess the uniformity of the shear stress field in the test section of unidirectional and cross-ply graphite-epoxy composites. The nonuniformity of the strain field and the sensitivity of some fiber orientations to the specimen/fixture contact mechanics are discussed. The shear responses obtained for unidirectional and cross-ply graphite-epoxy composites are discussed and problems associated with anomalous behavior are addressed. An experimental determination of the shear response of a range of material systems using strain gage instrumentation and moire interferometry is performed

    In vivo Detection of Hyperoxia-induced Pulmonary Endothelial Cell Death Using \u3csup\u3e99m\u3c/sup\u3eTc-Duramycin

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    Introduction 99mTc-duramycin, DU, is a SPECT biomarker of tissue injury identifying cell death. The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of DU imaging to quantify capillary endothelial cell death in rat lung injury resulting from hyperoxia exposure as a model of acute lung injury. Methods Rats were exposed to room air (normoxic) or \u3e 98% O2 for 48 or 60 hours. DU was injected i.v. in anesthetized rats, scintigraphy images were acquired at steady-state, and lung DU uptake was quantified from the images. Post-mortem, the lungs were removed for histological studies. Sequential lung sections were immunostained for caspase activation and endothelial and epithelial cells. Results Lung DU uptake increased significantly (p \u3c 0.001) by 39% and 146% in 48-hr and 60-hr exposed rats, respectively, compared to normoxic rats. There was strong correlation (r2 = 0.82, p = 0.005) between lung DU uptake and the number of cleaved caspase 3 (CC3) positive cells, and endothelial cells accounted for more than 50% of CC3 positive cells in the hyperoxic lungs. Histology revealed preserved lung morphology through 48 hours. By 60 hours there was evidence of edema, and modest neutrophilic infiltrate. Conclusions Rat lung DU uptake in vivo increased after just 48 hours of \u3e 98% O2 exposure, prior to the onset of any substantial evidence of lung injury. These results suggest that apoptotic endothelial cells are the primary contributors to the enhanced DU lung uptake, and support the utility of DU imaging for detecting early endothelial cell death in vivo

    Damping in 2D and 3D dilute Bose gases

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    Damping in 2D and 3D dilute gases is investigated using both the hydrodynamical approach and the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) approximation . We found that the both methods are good for the Beliaev damping at zero temperature and Landau damping at very low temperature, however, at high temperature, the hydrodynamical approach overestimates the Landau damping and the HFB gives a better approximation. This result shows that the comparison of the theoretical calculation using the hydrodynamical approach and the experimental data for high temperature done by Vincent Liu (PRL {\bf21} 4056 (1997)) is not proper. For two-dimensional systems, we show that the Beliaev damping rate is proportional to k3k^3 and the Landau damping rate is proportional to T2 T^2 for low temperature and to TT for high temperature. We also show that in two dimensions the hydrodynamical approach gives the same result for zero temperature and for low temperature as HFB, but overestimates the Landau damping for high temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Symplectic Geometry on Quantum Plane

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    A study of symplectic forms associated with two dimensional quantum planes and the quantum sphere in a three dimensional orthogonal quantum plane is provided. The associated Hamiltonian vector fields and Poissonian algebraic relations are made explicit.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Density Matrices for a Chain of Oscillators

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    We consider chains with an optical phonon spectrum and study the reduced density matrices which occur in density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. Both for one site and for half of the chain, these are found to be exponentials of bosonic operators. Their spectra, which are correspondingly exponential, are determined and discussed. The results for large systems are obtained from the relation to a two-dimensional Gaussian model.Comment: 15 pages,8 figure

    An integrated gene regulatory network controls stem cell proliferation in teeth.

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    Epithelial stem cells reside in specific niches that regulate their self-renewal and differentiation, and are responsible for the continuous regeneration of tissues such as hair, skin, and gut. Although the regenerative potential of mammalian teeth is limited, mouse incisors grow continuously throughout life and contain stem cells at their proximal ends in the cervical loops. In the labial cervical loop, the epithelial stem cells proliferate and migrate along the labial surface, differentiating into enamel-forming ameloblasts. In contrast, the lingual cervical loop contains fewer proliferating stem cells, and the lingual incisor surface lacks ameloblasts and enamel. Here we have used a combination of mouse mutant analyses, organ culture experiments, and expression studies to identify the key signaling molecules that regulate stem cell proliferation in the rodent incisor stem cell niche, and to elucidate their role in the generation of the intrinsic asymmetry of the incisors. We show that epithelial stem cell proliferation in the cervical loops is controlled by an integrated gene regulatory network consisting of Activin, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and Follistatin within the incisor stem cell niche. Mesenchymal FGF3 stimulates epithelial stem cell proliferation, and BMP4 represses Fgf3 expression. In turn, Activin, which is strongly expressed in labial mesenchyme, inhibits the repressive effect of BMP4 and restricts Fgf3 expression to labial dental mesenchyme, resulting in increased stem cell proliferation and a large, labial stem cell niche. Follistatin limits the number of lingual stem cells, further contributing to the characteristic asymmetry of mouse incisors, and on the basis of our findings, we suggest a model in which Follistatin antagonizes the activity of Activin. These results show how the spatially restricted and balanced effects of specific components of a signaling network can regulate stem cell proliferation in the niche and account for asymmetric organogenesis. Subtle variations in this or related regulatory networks may explain the different regenerative capacities of various organs and animal species