306 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Internal Environment of the Pharmaceutical Distributor Operation in Russia Using SWOT Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The general directions of the organization’s development should be clearly formulated, i.e., a business strategy should be developed in order to achieve the long-term competitive advantages in the operation of a pharmaceutical distributor with its own pharmacy warehouse in Russia. AIM: Identification of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the operation of a pharmaceutical distributor with its own pharmacy warehouse. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The SWOT analysis was used to analyze the environment, which enabled a joint study of the external and internal environment. During the study, content analysis of secondary sources of information was used (data from the Federal State Statistics Service, DSM Group marketing agency), as well as sociological analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: During the SWOT analysis, ten factors were identified that ensured the normal functioning of the pharmaceutical distributor, as well as 11 negative factors were identified that negatively affected the operation of the pharmacy warehouse. The article presents qualitative description of the strengths and weaknesses. Ten factors were attributed to the favorable opportunities for the organization’s activities; seven positions were considered as threats to the activities of the distributor. It should be noted that all factors of external environment are in a state of strong mutual influence. A change in one of the factors necessarily leads to a change in other factors. Therefore, their study and analysis should not be carried out separately, but systematically, with tracking not only the actual changes in one factor but also the process how these changes will affect other factors. After identifying strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a table was compiled and all intersections were analyzed, i.e., all possible pairwise combinations that would help determining the future strategy. At present, the strategic goal of a number of wholesale companies in the pharmaceutical market is defined as increasing return on investment. CONCLUSION: In this article, SWOT analysis has been used to provide some suggestions on overcoming weaknesses and threats in the activities of a pharmaceutical distributor, as well as on proper use of strengths and opportunities. During the study, pharmaceutical industry practitioners discussed the impact of various economic factors, strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats regarding the activities of pharmaceutical distributor, as well as related problems and prospects for the future

    EEG revealed improved vigilance regulation after stress exposure under Nx4: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over trial

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    ObjectivesVigilance is characterized by alertness and sustained attention. The hyper-vigilance states are indicators of stress experience in the resting brain. Neurexan (Nx4) has been shown to modulate the neuroendocrine stress response. Here, we hypothesized that the intake of Nx4 would alter brain vigilance states at rest.MethodIn this post-hoc analysis of the NEURIM study, EEG recordings of three, 12 min resting-state conditions in 39 healthy male volunteers were examined in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial. EEG was recorded at three resting-state sessions: at baseline (RS0), after single-dose treatment with Nx4 or placebo (RS1), and subsequently after a psychosocial stress task (RS2). During each resting-state session, each 2-s segment of the consecutive EEG epochs was classified into one of seven different brain states along a wake-sleep continuum using the VIGALL 2.1 algorithm.ResultsIn the post-stress resting-state, subjects exhibited a hyper-stable vigilance regulation characterized by an increase in the mean vigilance level and by more rigidity in the higher vigilance states for a longer period of time. Importantly, Nx4-treated participants exhibited significantly lower mean vigilance level compared to placebo-treated ones. Also, Nx4- compared to placebo-treated participants spent comparably less time in higher vigilance states and more time in lower vigilance states in the post-stress resting-state.ConclusionStudy participants showed a significantly lower mean vigilance level in the post-stress resting-state condition and tended to stay longer in lower vigilance states after treatment with Nx4. These findings support the known stress attenuation effect of Nx4

    Phylogeny and Diversification Patterns among Vesicomyid Bivalves

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    Vesicomyid bivalves are among the most abundant and diverse symbiotic taxa in chemosynthetic-based ecosystems: more than 100 different vesicomyid species have been described so far. In the present study, we investigated the phylogenetic positioning of recently described vesicomyid species from the Gulf of Guinea and their western Atlantic and Pacific counterparts using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. The maximum-likelihood (ML) tree provided limited support for the recent taxonomic revision of vesicomyids based on morphological criteria; nevertheless, most of the newly sequenced specimens did not cluster with their morphological conspecifics. Moreover, the observed lack of geographic clustering suggests the occurrence of independent radiations followed by worldwide dispersal. Ancestral character state reconstruction showed a significant correlation between the characters “depth” and “habitat” and the reconstructed ML phylogeny suggesting possible recurrent events of ‘stepwise speciation’ from shallow to deep waters in different ocean basins. This is consistent with genus or species bathymetric segregation observed from recent taxonomic studies. Altogether, our results highlight the need for ongoing re-evaluation of the morphological characters used to identify vesicomyid bivalves

    Poloxomer 188 Has a Deleterious Effect on Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Function

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked, fatal muscle wasting disease for which there is currently no cure and limited palliative treatments. Poloxomer 188 (P188) is a tri-block copolymer that has been proposed as a potential treatment for cardiomyopathy in DMD patients. Despite the reported beneficial effects of P188 on dystrophic cardiac muscle function, the effects of P188 on dystrophic skeletal muscle function are relatively unknown. Mdx mice were injected intraperitoneally with 460 mg/kg or 30 mg/kg P188 dissolved in saline, or saline alone (control). The effect of single-dose and 2-week daily treatment was assessed using a muscle function test on the Tibialis Anterior (TA) muscle in situ in anaesthetised mice. The test comprises a warm up, measurement of the force-frequency relationship and a series of eccentric contractions with a 10% stretch that have previously been shown to cause a drop in maximum force in mdx mice. After 2 weeks of P188 treatment at either 30 or 460 mg/kg/day the drop in maximum force produced following eccentric contractions was significantly greater than that seen in saline treated control mice (P = 0.0001). Two week P188 treatment at either dose did not significantly change the force-frequency relationship or maximum isometric specific force produced by the TA muscle. In conclusion P188 treatment increases susceptibility to contraction-induced injury following eccentric contractions in dystrophic skeletal muscle and hence its suitability as a potential therapeutic for DMD should be reconsidered

    Control of Emission Color with N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Ligands in Phosphorescent Three-Coordinate Cu(I) Complexes

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    A series of three phosphorescent mononuclear (NHC)–Cu(I) complexes were prepared and characterized. Photophysical properties were found to be largely controlled by the NHC ligand chromophore. Variation of the NHC ligand leads to emission colour tuning over 200 nm range from blue to red, and emission efficiencies of 0.16–0.80 in the solid state

    Relationship of fluorine and iron deficiency in children

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    The article presents some aspects of the relationship between fluorine and iron in infants and young children.В статье представлены некоторые аспекты взаимосвязи между фтором и железом у детей грудного и раннего возраста

    The modern scientific substantiation of the method of correction of fluoride deficiency in children

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    The article presents results of a study level security fluoride, in interrelation with essential macro- and microelements, in infants and young children, depending on the type of feeding. We proved the need of developing medical and social interventions for the prevention fluoridedeficiency in infants. The authors propose the innovating method of effective prevention and correction of fluoride deficiency, starting from the one-month of age.В статье отражены результаты исследования уровня обеспеченности фтором, во взаимосвязи с эссенциальными макро- и микроэлементами, у детей грудного и раннего возраста, в зависимости от вида вскармливания. Доказана необходимость разработки медико-социальных мероприятий по профилактике фтордефицитных состояний у детей. Авторами предложен инновационный способ эффективной профилактики и коррекции фтордефицитных состояний, начиная с месячного возраста

    Thermal effects of carbonated hydroxyapatite modified by glycine and albumin

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    In this work calcium phosphate powders were obtained by precipitation method from simulated solutions of synovial fluid containing glycine and albumin. X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy determined that all samples are single-phase and are presented by carbonate containing hydroxyapatite (CHA). The thermograms of solid phases of CHA were obtained and analyzed; five stages of transformation in the temperature range of 25-1000°C were marked. It is shown that in this temperature range dehydration, decarboxylation and thermal degradation of amino acid and protein connected to the surface of solid phase occur. The tendency of temperature lowering of the decomposition of powders synthesized from a medium containing organic substances was determined. Results demonstrate a direct dependence between the concentration of the amino acid in a model solution and its content in the solid phase