21 research outputs found

    Oxygenated conditions in the aftermath of the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event : the carbon isotope and rare earth element signatures of the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation, Russia

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    This study was supported by Estonian Research Council project PRG447, and the Estonian Centre of Analytical Chemistry. K.P. and A.L. were supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme grant No. 223259. K.P. acknowledges the Estonian Research Council grant MOBJD542 and T.M. PUT611.The c. 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation of the Onega Basin (NW Russia) has been central in efforts to understand what led to the initial rise (Great Oxidation Event, GOE) and postulated fall in free atmospheric oxygen and associated high-amplitude carbon cycle excursions, the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event (LJE) and subsequent Shunga Event during Paleoproterozoic time. The Formation accumulated shortly after the LJE and encompasses both the recovery in the carbon cycle and hypothesised contraction of the oceanic oxidant pool. However, interpreting the correct environmental context recorded by geochemical signatures in the Zaonega rocks is difficult due to a complex depositional and diagenetic history. In order to robustly constrain that history, we undertook a multiproxy study (mineralogy, petrography, carbon isotope and rare earth element composition) of carbonate beds in the upper part of the Zaonega Formation recovered in the 102-m composite section of the OnZap drill-cores. Our findings differentiate primary environmental signatures from secondary overprinting and show that: (i) the best-preserved carbonate beds define an upwards increasing δ13Ccarb trend from c. -5.4‰ to near 0‰; and that (ii) large intra-bed δ13Ccarb variations reflect varying contributions of methanotrophic dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the basinal DIC pool. Rare earth element and yttrium (REYSN) patterns confirm a marine origin of the carbonate beds whereas a consistent positive EuSN anomaly suggests a strong high temperature hydrothermal input during accumulation of the Zaonega Formation. Importantly, the presence of a negative CeSN anomaly in the REYSN pattern indicates an oxygenated atmosphere-ocean system shortly after the LJE and indicates that models invoking a fall in oxygen at that time require reassessment.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Hydrothermal dedolomitisation of carbonate rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation, NW Russia — Implications for the preservation of primary C isotope signals

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    This study was supported by Estonian Science Agency project PUT696 and PRG447, and Estonian Centre of Analytical Chemistry. K.P. and A.L. were supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme grant No. 223259.The Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation in Karelia, NW Russia, has played a key role in understanding the environmental conditions postdating the Great Oxidation and Lomagundi-Jatuli Events. Its carbonate- and organic-rich rocks (shungite) define the postulated Shunga Event representing an accumulation of very organic-rich sediments at c. 2 Ga and are central in ideas about changing ocean-atmosphere composition in the wake of those worldwide biogeochemical phenomena. Our work focussed on a key interval of carbonate rocks in the upper part of the Formation to: (i) obtain new high-resolution carbon, oxygen and strontium isotope data complemented by detailed petrography and mineralogical characterisation and (ii) expand upon previous studies by using our data to constrain geochemical modelling and show in greater detail how magmatic hydrothermal fluids induced dedolomitisation and altered geochemical signals. Our findings show that the δ13Ccarb of calcite-rich intervals are the most altered, with values between −16.9 to 0.6‰, whereas the dolomite-dominated parts retain the best-preserved (i.e. most original) values. Those define a trend of steadily increasing δ13Ccarb, from −6 to +0.5‰, which we interpret as a return to normal marine conditions and carbonate‑carbon values following the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The grandest of them all : the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and Earth's oxygenation

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    Funding: K.K., A.L. and T.K. received funding from Estonian Science Agency Project PRG447 and Yu.D., A.R., D.R. and P.M. were supported by the state assignment of the Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.The Paleoproterozoic Lomagundi–Jatuli Event (LJE) is generally considered the largest, in both amplitude and duration, positive carbonate C-isotope (δ13Ccarb) excursion in Earth history. Conventional thinking is that it represents a global perturbation of the carbon cycle between 2.3–2.1 Ga linked directly with, and in part causing, the postulated rise in atmospheric oxygen during the Great Oxidation Event. In addition to new high-resolution δ13Ccarb measurements from LJE-bearing successions of NW Russia, we compiled 14 943 δ13Ccarb values obtained from marine carbonate rocks 3.0–1.0 Ga in age and from selected Phanerozoic time intervals as a comparator of the LJE. Those data integrated with sedimentology show that, contra to consensus, the δ13Ccarb trend of the LJE is facies (i.e. palaeoenvironment) dependent. Throughout the LJE interval, the C-isotope composition of open and deeper marine settings maintained a mean δ13Ccarb value of +1.5 ± 2.4‰, comparable to those settings for most of Earth history. In contrast, the 13C-rich values that are the hallmark of the LJE are limited largely to nearshore-marine and coastal-evaporitic settings with mean δ13Ccarb values of +6.2 ± 2.0‰ and +8.1 ± 3.8‰, respectively. Our findings confirm that changes in δ13Ccarb are linked directly to facies changes and archive contemporaneous dissolved inorganic carbon pools having variable C-isotopic compositions in laterally adjacent depositional settings. The implications are that the LJE cannot be construed a priori as representative of the global carbon cycle or a planetary-scale disturbance to that cycle, nor as direct evidence for oxygenation of the ocean–atmosphere system. This requires rethinking models relying on those concepts and framing new ideas in the search for understanding the genesis of the grandest of all positive C-isotope excursions, its timing and its hypothesized linkage to oxygenation of the atmosphere.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A refined late-Cryogenian – Ediacaran Earth history of South China: : phosphorous-rich marbles of the Dabie and Sulu orogens

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    This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Numbers 41473039 and 4151101015, and by the Estonian Science Agency project PUT0696.The late-Cryogenian – Ediacaran geological framework for South China is constructed principally from sedimentary successions preserved in the central and western regions of the Yangtze Block. New stratigraphic and carbonate-carbon isotope data allow us to extend that framework into the exhumed HP-UHP subduction complexes of the eastern Dabie and Sulu orogens that separate the South and North China cratons. Those data show that marble and phosphorous-rich (P-rich) units in those complexes were originally part of an Ediacaran shallow-marine shelf-carbonate platform. The basal pebbly schist (metadiamictite) and lowermost P-rich marble of the Jinping Formation (Haizhou Group) in the Sulu Orogen matches in both facies character and C-isotope profile that of the Marinoan-equivalent glacial-cap carbonate couplet of the Nantuo and Doushantuo formations. The Daxinwu Formation (Susong Group) in the eastern Dabie Orogen contains a marble unit that has, for several hundreds of metres, a strikingly uniform C-isotope profile of low δ13C positive values and is overlain by a P-rich graphitic schist; these features match those of the late Ediacaran to early Cambrian Dengying Formation. These correlations establish that the HP-UHP metasedimentary rocks, many of which were once considered to be Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic in age, are a Neoproterozoic-age cover sequence of the continental margin of the Yangtze Block. Further, their widespread development limits their utility as indicators of offset across the Tan-Lu fault zone and, instead, favours tectonic models that interpret that feature as a continental-scale tear fault formed during the Mesozoic collision and suturing of the North and South China cratons.PostprintPeer reviewe

    In memoriam mr. sc. Vesna Burić (1943. - 2002.)

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    The exceptionally organic-rich rocks of the 1.98 Ga Zaonega Formation deposited in the Onega Basin, NW Russia, have refined our understanding of Earth System evolution during the Paleoproterozoic rise in atmospheric oxygen. These rocks were formed in vent- or seep influenced settings contemporaneous with voluminous mafic volcanism and contain strongly 13C-depleted organic matter. Here we report new isotopic (δ34S, Δ33S, Δ36S, δ13Corg) and mineralogical, major element, total sulphur and organic carbon data for the upper part of the Zaonega Formation, which was deposited shortly after the termination of the Lomagundi-Jatuli positive carbon isotope excursion. The data were collected on a recently obtained 102 m drillcore section and show a δ13Corg shift from -38‰ to -25‰. Sedimentary sulphides have δ34S values typically between +15‰ and +25‰ reflecting closed-system sulphur isotope behaviour driven by high rates of microbial sulphate reduction, high sulphate demand, hydrothermal activity and hydrocarbon seepage. Four intervals record δ34S values that exceed +30‰. We interpret these unusually 34S-enriched sulphides to be a result of limited sulfate diffusion into pore waters due to changes in sedimentation and/or periods of basinal restriction. Additionally, there are four negative δ34S and positive Δ33S excursions that are interpreted to reflect changes in the open/closed-system behaviour of sulphate reduction or availability of reactive iron. Our findings highlight the influence of basinal processes in regulating sulphur isotope records and the need for care before interpreting such signals as reflecting global conditions