171 research outputs found

    Analogue modulation characteristics of InP membrane microdisc laser for in-building networks

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    Using thin membrane InP microdisc lasers heterogeneously integrated on a silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate having a broadband analogue modulation bandwidth of 11 GHz, analogue direct modulation with radio data signals (64 and 256 QAM, 20M symbols/s at 5 GHz RF carrier) is demonstrated. The demonstration shows the potential of the microdisc laser as a low-energy analogue optical transmitter with error-vector magnitude penalties of 3.6 and 4.2% for 64 and 256 QAM, respectively, and the low biasing currents for both DC (4 mW) and RF (0.1 mW) signals, which are compatible with signals and currents which can be supplied by a simple CMOS driving chip

    40 Gb/s wavelength multicast via SOA-MZI and applications

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    40 Gbit/s wavelength multicast is demonstrated by all-optical multi-wavelength conversion based on a single interferometer. Simultaneous 200 GHz spaced one-to-four conversion is achieved, error free until BER of 10-10 and with negligible sensitivity difference among all the multicast channels. Several new all-optical applications are also enabled by this technology

    Probing the potential landscape inside a two-dimensional electron-gas

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    We report direct observations of the scattering potentials in a two-dimensional electron-gas using electron-beam diffaction-experiments. The diffracting objects are local density-fluctuations caused by the spatial and charge-state distribution of the donors in the GaAs-(Al,Ga)As heterostructures. The scatterers can be manipulated externally by sample illumination, or by cooling the sample down under depleted conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Plastic Optical Fiber Technology for Reliable Home Networking: Overview and Results of the EU Project POF-ALL

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    The rising performance of broadband connections for residential users, particularly in conjunction with fiber to the home, will present a new challenge for telecom operators in the short and medium terms: how to deliver the high bit rate digital signals with high quality-of-service to all consumer devices scattered inside the building of final users? Among the many different solutions for the home network, we review in this article the use of polymer optical fibers for short-reach and high-capacity optical communications for residential customer premises. POF is an easy-to-install, low-cost, and eye-safe solution for these networks, with the potential of being future-proof. In this article the state of the art in POF technology is presented by summarizing significant results achieved in the European project POF-ALL. Data transmission rates of more than 1 Gb/s over 50+ m and 100 Mb/s over 200+ m of standard step-index POF have been show

    Alterations in Skeletal Muscle Fatty Acid Handling Predisposes Middle-Aged Mice to Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance

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    OBJECTIVE-Although advanced age is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, a clear understanding of the changes that occur during middle age that contribute to the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance is currently lacking. Therefore, we sought to investigate how middle age impacts skeletal muscle fatty acid handling and to determine how this contributes to the development of diet-induced insulin resistance. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Whole-body and skeletal muscle insulin resistance were studied in young and middle-aged wild-type and CD36 knockout (KO) mice fed either a standard or a high-fat diet for 12 weeks. Molecular signaling pathways, intramuscular triglycerides accumulation, and targeted metabolomics of in vivo mitochondrial substrate flux were also analyzed in the skeletal muscle of mice of all ages. RESULTS-Middle-aged mice fed a standard diet demonstrated an increase in intramuscular triglycerides without a concomitant increase in insulin resistance. However, middle-aged mice fed a high-fat diet were more susceptible to the development of insulin resistance a condition that could be prevented by limiting skeletal muscle fatty acid transport and excessive lipid accumulation in middle-aged CD36 KO mice. CONCLUSION-Our data provide insight into the mechanisms by which aging becomes a risk factor for the development of insulin resistance. Our data also demonstrate that limiting skeletal muscle fatty acid transport is an effective approach for delaying the development of age-associated insulin resistance and metabolic disease during exposure to a high-fat diet. Diabetes 59:1366-1375, 201

    Performance evaluation of IR-UWB in short-range fiber communication using linear combination of monocycles

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    Abstract-We present the performance evaluation of impulse radio ultrawideband (IR-UWB) over fiber using a simple pulse design technique with a high fractional bandwidth. The technique, based on the linear combination of the first-order Gaussian derivatives with different pulse-shaping factors, shows full compliance with Federal Communications Commission mask requirements even in the most severely power-restricted GPS band. We validated our approach with experiments employing an intensity-modulation direct-detection scheme. The experimental setup uses a directly modulated DFB laser at 1302.56 nm and a multimode fiber-coupled photodetector with 24 m diameter photosensitive area. The transmission link consists of 25 km single-mode fiber or 4.4 km multimode fiber. Error-free transmission at 2 Gb/s is achieved over both fiber links. The result shows the proposed pulse-generation technique to be simple and cost-effective compared to higher order Gaussian derivative schemes. This can be implemented successfully to distribute UWB signals over optical links for access and in-building networks. Index Terms-Impulse radio (IR), in-building network, signal processing, ultrawideband (UWB) communications

    Activation of Pregnane X Receptor by Pregnenolone 16 α-carbonitrile Prevents High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in AKR/J Mice

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    Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is known to function as a xenobiotic sensor to regulate xenobiotic metabolism through selective transcription of genes responsible for maintaining physiological homeostasis. Here we report that the activation of PXR by pregnenolone 16α-carbonitrile (PCN) in AKR/J mice can prevent the development of high-fat diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. The beneficial effects of PCN treatment are seen with reduced lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis in the liver, and lack of hepatic accumulation of lipid and lipid storage in the adipose tissues. RT-PCR analysis of genes involved in gluconeogenesis, lipid metabolism and energy homeostasis reveal that PCN treatment on high-fat diet-fed mice reduces expression in the liver of G6Pase, Pepck, Cyp7a1, Cd36, L-Fabp, Srebp, and Fas genes and slightly enhances expression of Cyp27a1 and Abca1 genes. RT-PCR analysis of genes involved in adipocyte differentiation and lipid metabolism in white adipose tissue show that PCN treatment reduces expression of Pparγ2, Acc1, Cd36, but increases expression of Cpt1b and Pparα genes in mice fed with high-fat diet. Similarly, PCN treatment of animals on high-fat diet increases expression in brown adipose tissue of Pparα, Hsl, Cpt1b, and Cd36 genes, but reduces expression of Acc1 and Scd-1 genes. PXR activation by PCN in high-fat diet fed mice also increases expression of genes involved in thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue including Dio2, Pgc-1α, Pgc-1β, Cidea, and Ucp-3. These results verify the important function of PXR in lipid and energy metabolism and suggest that PXR represents a novel therapeutic target for prevention and treatment of obesity and insulin resistance

    Scavenger Receptor CD36 Expression Contributes to Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Cell Death in Diet-Induced Obesity

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    The enlarged adipose tissue in obesity is characterized by inflammation, including the recruitment and infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of the scavenger receptor CD36 in high fat diet-induced obesity and adipose tissue inflammation and cell death.Obesity and adipose tissue inflammation was compared in CD36 deficient (CD36 KO) mice and wild type (WT) mice fed a high fat diet (60% kcal fat) for 16 weeks and the inflammatory response was studied in primary adipocytes and macrophages isolated from CD36 KO and WT mice.Compared to WT mice, CD36 KO mice fed a high fat diet exhibited reduced adiposity and adipose tissue inflammation, with decreased adipocyte cell death, pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and macrophage and T-cell accumulation. In primary cell culture, the absence of CD36 expression in macrophages decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine, pro-apoptotic and ER stress gene expression in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Likewise, CD36 deficiency in primary adipocytes reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine secretion in response to LPS. Primary macrophage and adipocyte co-culture experiments showed that these cell types act synergistically in their inflammatory response to LPS and that CD36 modulates such synergistic effects.CD36 enhances adipose tissue inflammation and cell death in diet-induced obesity through its expression in both macrophages and adipocytes