23 research outputs found
Die Entwicklungspotentiale und -hindernisse der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit im tschechisch-polnisch-slowakischen Dreiländereck
Das tschechisch-polnisch-slowakische Dreiländereck zählt zu den neuen EU-Binnengrenzräumen, die seit 2004 in den Genuss der EU-Förderung durch die Initiative INTERREG A kommen. Die Erfahrungen der westeuropäischen Staaten zeigen, dass die Zusammenarbeit über die Staatsgrenzen hinweg zu einem effizienten regionalpolitischen Instrument zur Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Lage in den Grenzregionen sowie zum Entgegenwirken den Barrieren und Animositäten zwischen den benachbarten Bevölkerungskreisen werden kann. Die Zielsetzung der Dissertation ist es, Potenziale und Hindernisse in der Entwicklung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit im Grenzraum CZ/PL/SK zu erfassen sowie ihren Stellenwert in der Regionalentwicklung der drei angrenzenden Teilgebiete unter ihren spezifischen Rahmenbedingungen zu bewerten. Den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet daher eine Befragung der regionalen Akteure und politischen Entscheidungsträger zur Wahrnehmung der Perspektiven und Hindernisse bei der Kooperation
Nano a mikro-formy titanátu vápenatého: syntéza, vlastnosti a použití
Tento článek shrnuje syntetické přístupy, vlastnosti a potenciální využití nano- a mikronových forem částic a povlaků titaničitanu vápenatého CaTiO3 (CT) a jeho kompozitů. Naším cílem je klasifikovat tyto formy podle způsob jejich výroby a článek poskytuje stručný přehled syntetických metod, vlastností a potenciálních aplikací těchto forem, které jsou motivovány luminiscencí, fotokatalytickým a katalytickým účinkem, schopností odstraňovat znečišťující látky, indukcí tvorby biomimetického hydroxylapatitu a využitím v bioinženýrství. Studie se podrobně zabývá formami CT ve vztahu k jejich vlatnostem jako jsou luminiscence, struktura, tvorba biomimetických kalciumfosfátů a a popisuje osseointegraci s kostí tkání.This article reviews synthetic approaches, properties and potential use of nano and micron sized forms of particles and coats of calcium titanate CaTiO3 and its composites. Our aim is to classify these forms according to the way of their fabrication and provide a brief outline of synthetic methods, properties and potential applications of these forms as inspired from luminescence, photocatalytic and catalytic performance, pollutants removal ability, inducement of biomimetic hydroxylapatite formation and bioengineering. The significance of the CT forms in luminescence-structure relationship, biomimetic calcium phosphates formation and osseointegration with bone tissue are dealt with in more detail
Pulsed Nd:YAG deposition of nanostructured FeS1-x containing meta-stable phases
Pulzní laserové ozáření sulfidu železitého (FeS) v blízko-IČ oblasti záření ve vakuu umožňuje nekonguerentní ablaci a depozici nanostrukturovaných tenkých vrstev FeS1-x. Depozice byla provedena na nezahřátý substrátu Al, Ta a Cu a tenké filmy byly analyzovány se skenovací (SEM) a transmisní elektronovou mikroskopií (HRTEM) s vysokým rozlišením a elektronovou difrakcí. Morfologicky podobná homogenní, tmavá, kovově vyhlížející adhesní vrstva byla detekována pro všechny depozity (SEM). Při použití HRTEM v souladu s elektronovou difrakcí však bylo zjištěno rozdílné fázové složení na různých substrátech. Na substrátu Ta byla detekována kubická fáze pyritu (FeS2). Kubický pyrit (FeS2) a metastabilní rhomboedrický smytite Fe9S11 byly nalezeny v případě Al substrátu. Kubický pyrit (FeS2), metastabilní rhomboedrický smythite Fe9S11 a metastabilní orthorombický markasit (FeS2m) odhalila HRTEM analýza filmu na Cu substrátu. V případě všech depozitů byla detekovány krystalická nanozrna obklopená amorfní matricí.Pulsed near-IR laser irradiation of ferrous sulfide (FeS) in a vacuum allows a noncongruent ablation and deposition of nanostructured FeS1-x thin films. Deposition has been performed on Al, Ta and Cu unheated substrate and analyzed by scanning (SEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and electron diffraction. Morphologically, the similar homogeneous, dark, metallic and adhesive appearanceshave been revealed for all the coats deposited on various substrates (by SEM). However, using HRTEM in agreement with electron diffraction, different phase composition on various substrates has been detected. Cubic pyrite phase (FeS2) has been detected on Ta substrate. Cubic pyrite (FeS2) and metastable rhomboedric smythite Fe9S11 have been found in case of Al substrate. Cubic pyrite (FeS2), metastable rhomboedric smythite Fe9S11 and metastable orthorhombic marcasite (FeS2m) revealed HRTEM analysis of the film on Cu substrate. In case of all deposits the detected crystalline nanograins were surrounded by amorphous matrix
Multicolour three dimensional structured illumination microscopy of immunolabeled plant microtubules and associated proteins
Abstract Background In the present work, we provide an account of structured illumination microscopy (SIM) imaging of fixed and immunolabeled plant probes. We take advantage of SIM, to superresolve intracellular structures at a considerable z-range and circumvent its low temporal resolution capacity during the study of living samples. Further, we validate the protocol for the imaging of fixed transgenic material expressing fluorescent protein-based markers of different subcellular structures. Results Focus is given on 3D imaging of bulky subcellular structures, such as mitotic and cytokinetic microtubule arrays as well as on the performance of SIM using multichannel imaging and the quantitative correlations that can be deduced. As a proof of concept, we provide a superresolution output on the organization of cortical microtubules in wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis cells, including aberrant preprophase microtubule bands and phragmoplasts in a cytoskeletal mutant devoid of the p60 subunit of the microtubule severing protein KATANIN and refined details of cytoskeletal aberrations in the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) mutant mpk4. We further demonstrate, in a qualitative and quantitative manner, colocalizations between MPK6 and unknown dually phosphorylated and activated MAPK species and we follow the localization of the microtubule associated protein 65-3 (MAP65-3) in telophase and cytokinetic microtubular arrays. Conclusions 3D SIM is a powerful, versatile and adaptable microscopy method for elucidating spatial relationships between subcellular compartments. Improved methods of sample preparation aiming to the compensation of refractive index mismatches, allow the use of 3D SIM in the documentation of complex plant cell structures, such as microtubule arrays and the elucidation of their interactions with microtubule associated proteins
Micro/nano-structured titanium surfaces modified by NaOH–CaCl2-heat-water treatment: Biomimetic calcium phosphate deposition and hMSCs behavior
The unexplored effect of chemical treatment of laser micro/nanostructured titanium surfaces deserves attention due to broadening our knowledge of surface enhancement of biomimetic synthesis of hydroxyapatite and osseointegration of titanium implants. In this study, NaOH-CaCl2-heat-water treatment of titanium is revisited and used to modify porous laser micro/nanostructured oxidic and flat titanium surfaces which are characterized by XRD, electron microscopy, zeta potential and FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. These surfaces are also assessed for their ability to induce biomimetic Ca phosphate deposition from a simulated body fluid (SBF) and to grow human Mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). The treatment of titanium surfaces is shown to involve unreported formation of crystalline CaCO3 and the related interpretation of physicochemical changes of the treated titanium surface in soaked SBF raises doubts about the specific role of an intermediary CaTiO3 in the biomimetic formation of apatite on titanium substrates. We show that the biomimetic formation of Ca phosphate in Tas SBF solution occurs both on the surface and in the bulk solution, it is enhanced on the structured surfaces and is affected by a Ca-O(Ti) layer originating on the pristine and chemical treated flat and micro/nanostructured topographies with different delays. These findings are confronted with the pilot results of in vitro analyses showing that the cell growth, shape and osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs are impeded on the surfaces modified by the NaOH-CaCl2-heat-water treatment
Porous micro/nano structured oxidic titanium surface decorated with silicon monoxide
Novel types of titanium oxidic surfaces were fabricated by a shifted Laser Surface Texturing of titanium in air, producing porous micro/nanostructured topography, and by a subsequent Nd:YAG laser-induced reactive deposition of Ti5Si3 titanium silicide in vacuum, coating this topography with scattered sub-micron particles of silicon monoxide. Both surfaces are characterized by XRD, electron microscopy and FTIR, Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the second laser-induced process is inferred to involve a yet unreported redox path between Ti5Si3 (Si) and oxidized titanium surface. Both pristine and SiO-modified laser-structured surfaces were examined for the response of human SCP-1 and murine MC3T3 cells and found biocompatible in terms of cell survival, proliferation and cell morphology. The combined use of two different lasers may encourage further research on the development of new micro/nanostructured titanium surfaces enriched with nanosized entities
Příprava disperse fotokatalytických sulfidů železa pomocí laserové ablace v kapalinách.
Ozařování pulsním laserem sulfidu železnatého ve vodě a v ethanolu generuje díky laserové ablaci nano/mikro částice FeS. Měření distribuce částic odhaluje částice o velikosti 100, 1000, 5000 nm při ozařování ve vodě a 180 nm v ethanolu. Hodnoty zeta potenciálů ve vodě: 13,2 mV naznačuje počáteční nestabilitu a koagulační tendenci, zatímco v ethanolu: -40,6 mV hodnota vykazuje dobrou stabilitu částic. SEM analýzy částic získaných odpařením rozpouštědel na substrátu Ta odhalily beztvaré, kulaté tvary a listovou morfologii aglomerátů, jejichž velikost se pohybuje od jednotek až do desítek nm. Byly také detekovány sférické částice o velikosti kolem desítek nm. EDX ukazuje poměr Fe/S ~ 3,25 a ~ 1,2 pro částice získané ablací ve vodě a v ethanolu. Ramanova spektroskopie ukazuje na vznik mackinawitové (Fe1+xS) a pyrrhotitové (Fe1-xS) fáze. Fotokatalytický účinek připraveného vodného koloidu byl testován na degradaci methylenové modři (MB) za denního světla.Pulsed laser irradiation of iron sulfide in water and ethanol allows laser ablation and generation of FeS nano/micro particles. Measurement of the size distribution reveals 100, 1000 and 5000 nm sized particles in water and 180 nm sized particles in ethanol. The values of zeta potential: 13.2 mV for colloid in water confirm incipient stability and tendency for coagulation whereas the value: -40.6 mV shows good stability of ablatively achieved nanoparticles in ethanol. SEM analyses of particles obtained by evaporation of solvents on Ta substrate revealed shapeless, roundshape and sheet-like morphology of agglomerates whose size span from units up to tens of μm. Also spherical particles sized around tens of nm were detected. EDX shows Fe/S ratio ~3.25 and ~ 1.2 for particles ablated in water and ethanol respectively. Raman spectroscopy indicates the formation of mackinawite (Fe1+xS) and pyrrhotite (Fe1-xS) phase. The photocatalytic effect of prepared water colloid was tested in methylene blue (MB) degradation under the daylight