442 research outputs found

    Symmetry-breaking in chiral polymerisation

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    We propose a model for chiral polymerisation and investigate its symmetric and asymmetric solutions. The model has a source species which decays into left- and right-handed types of monomer, each of which can polymerise to form homochiral chains; these chains are susceptible to `poisoning' by the opposite handed monomer. Homochiral polymers are assumed to influence the proportion of each type of monomer formed from the precursor. We show that for certain parameter values a positive feedback mechanism makes the symmetric steady-state solution unstable. The kinetics of polymer formation are then analysed in the case where the system starts from zero concentrations of monomer and chains. We show that following a long induction time, extremely large concentrations of polymers are formed for a short time, during this time an asymmetry introduced into the system by a random external perturbation may be massively amplified. The system then approaches one of the steady-state solutions described above.Comment: 26pages, 6 Figure

    Examination of the effect of acute levodopa administration on the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials (LDAEP) in humans

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    Rationale: The loudness dependence of the auditory evoked potential (LDAEP) is considered a noninvasive in vivo marker of central serotonergic functioning in humans. Nevertheless, results of genetic association studies point towards a modulation of this biomarker by dopaminergic neurotransmission. Objective: We examined the effect of dopaminergic modulation on the LDAEP using L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (levodopa)/benserazide (Madopar®) as a challenge agent in healthy volunteers. Methods: A double-blind placebo-controlled challenge design was chosen. Forty-two healthy participants (21 females and 21 males) underwent two LDAEP measurements, following a baseline LDAEP measurement either placebo or levodopa (levodopa 200mg/benserazide 50mg) were given orally. Changes in the amplitude and dipole source activity of the N1/P2 intensities (60, 70, 80, 90, and 100dB) were analyzed. Results: The participants of neither the levodopa nor the placebo group showed any significant LDAEP alterations compared to the baseline measurement. The test-retest reliability (Cronbachs Alpha) between baseline and intervention was 0.966 in the verum group and 0.759 in the placebo group, respectively. Conclusions: The administration of levodopa showed no effect on the LDAEP. These findings are in line with other trials using dopamine receptor agonist

    Revisiting the effect of pharmaceuticals on transmission stage formation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Malaria parasites rely on specialized stages, called gametocytes, to ensure human-to-human transmission. The formation of these sexual precursor cells is initiated by commitment of blood stage parasites to the sexual differentiation pathway. Plasmodium falciparum, the most virulent of six parasite species infecting humans, employs nutrient sensing to control the rate at which sexual commitment is initiated, and the presence of stress-inducing factors, including antimalarial drugs, has been linked to increased gametocyte production in vitro and in vivo. These observations suggest that therapeutic interventions may promote gametocytogenesis and malaria transmission. Here, we engineered a P. falciparum reporter line to quantify sexual commitment rates after exposure to antimalarials and other pharmaceuticals commonly prescribed in malaria-endemic regions. Our data reveal that some of the tested drugs indeed have the capacity to elevate sexual commitment rates in vitro. Importantly, however, these effects are only observed at drug concentrations that inhibit parasite survival and only rarely result in a net increase of gametocyte production. Using a drug-resistant parasite reporter line, we further show that the gametocytogenesis-promoting effect of drugs is linked to general stress responses rather than to compound-specific activities. Altogether, we did not observe evidence for mechanistic links between the regulation of sexual commitment and the activity of commonly used pharmaceuticals in vitro. Our data hence does not support scenarios in which currently applied therapeutic interventions would promote the spread of drug-resistant parasites or malaria transmission in general

    Multiresolution mapping and informative path planning for UAV-based terrain monitoring

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    © 2017 IEEE. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can offer timely and cost-effective delivery of high-quality sensing data. However, deciding when and where to take measurements in complex environments remains an open challenge. To address this issue, we introduce a new multiresolution mapping approach for informative path planning in terrain monitoring using UAVs. Our strategy exploits the spatial correlation encoded in a Gaussian Process model as a prior for Bayesian data fusion with probabilistic sensors. This allows us to incorporate altitude-dependent sensor models for aerial imaging and perform constant-time measurement updates. The resulting maps are used to plan information-rich trajectories in continuous 3-D space through a combination of grid search and evolutionary optimization. We evaluate our framework on the application of agricultural biomass monitoring. Extensive simulations show that our planner performs better than existing methods, with mean error reductions of up to 45% compared to traditional 'lawnmower' coverage. We demonstrate proof of concept using a multirotor to map color in different environments

    The catalytic subunit of Plasmodium falciparum casein kinase 2 is essential for gametocytogenesis

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    Casein kinase 2 (CK2) is a pleiotropic kinase phosphorylating substrates in different cellular compartments in eukaryotes. In the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, PfCK2 is vital for asexual proliferation of blood-stage parasites. Here, we applied CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing to investigate the function of the PfCK2alpha catalytic subunit in gametocytes, the sexual forms of the parasite that are essential for malaria transmission. We show that PfCK2alpha localizes to the nucleus and cytoplasm in asexual and sexual parasites alike. Conditional knockdown of PfCK2alpha expression prevented the transition of stage IV into transmission-competent stage V gametocytes, whereas the conditional knockout of pfck2a completely blocked gametocyte maturation already at an earlier stage of sexual differentiation. In summary, our results demonstrate that PfCK2alpha is not only essential for asexual but also sexual development of P. falciparum blood-stage parasites and encourage studies exploring PfCK2alpha as a potential target for dual-active antimalarial drugs

    The 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 is an essential upstream activator of protein kinase A in malaria parasites

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    Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) signalling is essential for the proliferation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria blood stage parasites. The mechanisms regulating the activity of the catalytic subunit PfPKAc, however, are only partially understood, and PfPKAc function has not been investigated in gametocytes, the sexual blood stage forms that are essential for malaria transmission. By studying a conditional PfPKAc knockdown (cKD) mutant, we confirm the essential role for PfPKAc in erythrocyte invasion by merozoites and show that PfPKAc is involved in regulating gametocyte deformability. We furthermore demonstrate that overexpression of PfPKAc is lethal and kills parasites at the early phase of schizogony. Strikingly, whole genome sequencing (WGS) of parasite mutants selected to tolerate increased PfPKAc expression levels identified missense mutations exclusively in the gene encoding the parasite orthologue of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PfPDK1). Using targeted mutagenesis, we demonstrate that PfPDK1 is required to activate PfPKAc and that T189 in the PfPKAc activation loop is the crucial target residue in this process. In summary, our results corroborate the importance of tight regulation of PfPKA signalling for parasite survival and imply that PfPDK1 acts as a crucial upstream regulator in this pathway and potential new drug target

    An informative path planning framework for UAV-based terrain monitoring

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Unmanned aerial vehicles represent a new frontier in a wide range of monitoring and research applications. To fully leverage their potential, a key challenge is planning missions for efficient data acquisition in complex environments. To address this issue, this article introduces a general informative path planning framework for monitoring scenarios using an aerial robot, focusing on problems in which the value of sensor information is unevenly distributed in a target area and unknown a priori. The approach is capable of learning and focusing on regions of interest via adaptation to map either discrete or continuous variables on the terrain using variable-resolution data received from probabilistic sensors. During a mission, the terrain maps built online are used to plan information-rich trajectories in continuous 3-D space by optimizing initial solutions obtained by a coarse grid search. Extensive simulations show that our approach is more efficient than existing methods. We also demonstrate its real-time application on a photorealistic mapping scenario using a publicly available dataset and a proof of concept for an agricultural monitoring task

    Inhibition of lipid oxidation increases glucose metabolism and enhances 2-deoxy-2-[¹⁸F]fluoro-D-glucose uptake in prostate cancer mouse xenografts

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    Includes bibliographic references.PURPOSE: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cause of cancer-related death among men in the United States. Due to the lipid-driven metabolic phenotype of Pca, imaging with 2-deoxy-2-[¹⁸F]fluoro-D-glucose ([¹⁸F]FDG) is suboptimal, since tumors tend to have low avidity for glucose. PROCEDURES: We have used the fat oxidation inhibitor etomoxir (2-[6-(4-chlorophenoxy)-hexyl]oxirane-2-carboxylate) that targets carnitine-palmitoyl-transferase-1 (CPT-1) to increase glucose uptake in PCa cell lines. Small hairpin RNA specific for CPT1A was used to confirm the glycolytic switch induced by etomoxir in vitro. Systemic etomoxir treatment was used to enhance [¹⁸F]FDG-positron emission tomography ([¹⁸F]FDG-PET) imaging in PCa xenograft mouse models in 24 h. RESULTS: PCa cells significantly oxidize more of circulating fatty acids than benign cells via CPT-1 enzyme, and blocking this lipid oxidation resulted in activation of the Warburg effect and enhanced [¹⁸F]FDG signal in PCa mouse models. CONCLUSIONS: Inhibition of lipid oxidation plays a major role in elevating glucose metabolism of PCa cells, with potential for imaging enhancement that could also be extended to other cancers

    Homochirality and the need of energy

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    The mechanisms for explaining how a stable asymmetric chemical system can be formed from a symmetric chemical system, in the absence of any asymmetric influence other than statistical fluctuations, have been developed during the last decades, focusing on the non-linear kinetic aspects. Besides the absolute necessity of self-amplification processes, the importance of energetic aspects is often underestimated. Going down to the most fundamental aspects, the distinction between a single object -- that can be intrinsically asymmetric -- and a collection of objects -- whose racemic state is the more stable one -- must be emphasized. A system of strongly interacting objects can be described as one single object retaining its individuality and a single asymmetry; weakly or non-interacting objects keep their own individuality, and are prone to racemize towards the equilibrium state. In the presence of energy fluxes, systems can be maintained in an asymmetric non-equilibrium steady-state. Such dynamical systems can retain their asymmetry for times longer than their racemization time.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Origins of Life and Evolution of Biosphere

    Loneliness and the Emotional Experience of Absence

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    In this paper, we develop an analysis of the structure and content of loneliness. We argue that this is an emotion of absence-an affective state in which certain social goods are regarded as out of reach for the subject of experience. By surveying the range of social goods that appear to be missing from the lonely person's perspective, we see what it is that can make this emotional condition so subjectively awful for those who undergo it, including the profound sense of being unable to realise oneself, in collaboration with others