8,321 research outputs found

    Network architecture, salience and coordination

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    This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of monotone games with imperfect information. Players are located at the nodes of a network and observe the actions of other players only if they are connected by the network. These games have many sequential equilibria; nonetheless, the behavior of subjects in the laboratory is predictable. The network architecture makes some strategies salient and this in turn makes the subjects’ behavior predictable and facilitates coordination on efficient outcomes. In some cases, modal behavior corresponds to equilibrium strategies

    Estimating Potential Ground and Surface Water Pollution from Land Application of Poultry Litter - II

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    In Arkansas, approximately 1 Tg of poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus) manure and litter is produced annually. These waste products are commonly applied to pastures as a soil amendment or fertilizer, but excessive application rates and poor management practices could result in nutrient contamination of ground and surface water. The purpose of this study was to: (1) assess the nutrient concentrations in poultry manure and (2) evaluate the nitrogen loss from land-applied poultry litter and manure due to ammonia volatilization and denitrification. Analyses for total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), inorganic nitrogen (Ni), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were compared in 12 wet and dry hen manure samples. Drying the manure reduced the TKN from 57 to 40 g N/kg on a dry weight basis in wet and dry manure, respectively. The Ni in the manure was in the ammoniacal form with values of 19 and 2 g N/kg for wet and dry manure, respectively. The P and K levels were not influenced by drying the manure and had values of 24 and 21 g/kg, respectively. The results indicate that the nitrogen content of hen manure can be significantly reduced by drying the sample prior to analysis. In a 10-day laboratory study and an 11-day field study to evaluate ammonia volatilization from surface-applied hen manure, results indicated that 37% of the total nitrogen content of the manure was lost. The results indicated that a substantial amount of nitrogen in surface-applied poultry waste can be lost due to ammonia volatilization. Laboratory studies to evaluate denitrification in a Captina silt loam amended with 9 Mg/ha of poultry litter were conducted. When the soil was aerobically incubated for 168 h and then flooded for 66 h, the nitrate-nitrogen level decreased a net of 17 mg N/kg. The results indicated that, if the ammoniacal nitrogen in the litter is oxidized to nitrate under aerobic conditions and then the soil is flooded and available carbon is present, denitrification can occur rapidly. Results from these studies indicate that soil and environmental conditions playa critical role in determining the potential for nitrate pollution of ground and surface water when poultry manure and litter are surface-applied to pastures

    A commentary on recent water safety initiatives in the context of water utility risk management.

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    Over the last decade, suppliers of drinking water have recognised the limitations of relying solely on end-product monitoring to ensure safe water quality and have sought to reinforce their approach by adopting preventative strategies where risks are proactively identified, assessed and managed. This is leading to the development of water safety plans; structured ‘route maps’ for managing risks to water supply, from catchment to consumer taps. This paper reviews the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedure on which many water safety plans are based and considers its appropriateness in the context of drinking water risk management. We examine water safety plans in a broad context, looking at a variety of monitoring, optimisation and risk management initiatives that can be taken to improve drinking water safety. These are cross-compared using a simple framework that facilitates an integrated approach to water safety. Finally, we look at how risk management practices are being integrated across water companies and how this is likely to affect the future development of water safety p

    Story-telling and policy making : the construction of university entrance problems in Australia

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    This paper is a study of the politics of policy making within the context of Australian university entrance policy. It argues that policy making is more concerned with the social construction of policy problems than with their resolution and that in this respect the problem-solving image of policy making is flawed. Additionally, the paper explores the ways in which policy problems are constructed and how competing stories are resolved within policy making. The paper concludes that in this case such stories of university entrance were absorbed within the government\u27s agenda for reform through the use of participative processes restricted to the consideration of best solutions rather than particular problems

    The preparation of ultra fine beryllium powder by the amalgam process Technical report

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    Beryllium powder production by electrolysis of beryllium chloride-sodium chloride molten eutectic mixtur

    Just out of reach : access to equity in Australian higher education

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    This paper provides an account of access and equity in Australian higher education across the period of recent Federal Labor governments and specifically of the discourses and practices surrounding A Fair Chance For All: Higher Education That\u27s Within Everyone\u27s Reach, Labor\u27s latest policy on equal access to Australian higher education. The paper positions such an account within Australia\u27s changing national and global economic condition, and the influence of New Right ideologies that proffer efficient and effective public sector management practices and market freedoms that have witnessed a privatisation and peeling back of the welfare state. The paper argues that while Federal Labor has clearly established social justice on the agenda of Australian higher education, it is a justice mediated by particular economic and managerial practices which tend to limit equity to issues of access and place broader equity concerns for higher education just out of reach

    New and simple algorithms for stable flow problems

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    Stable flows generalize the well-known concept of stable matchings to markets in which transactions may involve several agents, forwarding flow from one to another. An instance of the problem consists of a capacitated directed network, in which vertices express their preferences over their incident edges. A network flow is stable if there is no group of vertices that all could benefit from rerouting the flow along a walk. Fleiner established that a stable flow always exists by reducing it to the stable allocation problem. We present an augmenting-path algorithm for computing a stable flow, the first algorithm that achieves polynomial running time for this problem without using stable allocation as a black-box subroutine. We further consider the problem of finding a stable flow such that the flow value on every edge is within a given interval. For this problem, we present an elegant graph transformation and based on this, we devise a simple and fast algorithm, which also can be used to find a solution to the stable marriage problem with forced and forbidden edges. Finally, we study the stable multicommodity flow model introduced by Kir\'{a}ly and Pap. The original model is highly involved and allows for commodity-dependent preference lists at the vertices and commodity-specific edge capacities. We present several graph-based reductions that show equivalence to a significantly simpler model. We further show that it is NP-complete to decide whether an integral solution exists

    Signal-Jamming in a Sequential Auction

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    In a recurring auction early bids may reveal bidders’ types, which in turn affects bidding in later auctions. Bidders take this into account and may bid in a way that conceals their private information until the last auction is played. The present paper analyzes the equilibrium of a sequence of ?rst-price auctions assuming bidders have stable private values. We show that signal-jamming occurs and explore the dynamics of equilibrium prices

    Stable marriage and roommates problems with restricted edges: complexity and approximability

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    In the Stable Marriage and Roommates problems, a set of agents is given, each of them having a strictly ordered preference list over some or all of the other agents. A matching is a set of disjoint pairs of mutually acceptable agents. If any two agents mutually prefer each other to their partner, then they block the matching, otherwise, the matching is said to be stable. We investigate the complexity of finding a solution satisfying additional constraints on restricted pairs of agents. Restricted pairs can be either forced or forbidden. A stable solution must contain all of the forced pairs, while it must contain none of the forbidden pairs. Dias et al. (2003) gave a polynomial-time algorithm to decide whether such a solution exists in the presence of restricted edges. If the answer is no, one might look for a solution close to optimal. Since optimality in this context means that the matching is stable and satisfies all constraints on restricted pairs, there are two ways of relaxing the constraints by permitting a solution to: (1) be blocked by as few as possible pairs, or (2) violate as few as possible constraints n restricted pairs. Our main theorems prove that for the (bipartite) Stable Marriage problem, case (1) leads to View the MathML source-hardness and inapproximability results, whilst case (2) can be solved in polynomial time. For non-bipartite Stable Roommates instances, case (2) yields an View the MathML source-hard but (under some cardinality assumptions) 2-approximable problem. In the case of View the MathML source-hard problems, we also discuss polynomially solvable special cases, arising from restrictions on the lengths of the preference lists, or upper bounds on the numbers of restricted pairs

    Modeling Stable Matching Problems with Answer Set Programming

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    The Stable Marriage Problem (SMP) is a well-known matching problem first introduced and solved by Gale and Shapley (1962). Several variants and extensions to this problem have since been investigated to cover a wider set of applications. Each time a new variant is considered, however, a new algorithm needs to be developed and implemented. As an alternative, in this paper we propose an encoding of the SMP using Answer Set Programming (ASP). Our encoding can easily be extended and adapted to the needs of specific applications. As an illustration we show how stable matchings can be found when individuals may designate unacceptable partners and ties between preferences are allowed. Subsequently, we show how our ASP based encoding naturally allows us to select specific stable matchings which are optimal according to a given criterion. Each time, we can rely on generic and efficient off-the-shelf answer set solvers to find (optimal) stable matchings.Comment: 26 page