26 research outputs found
Correction of the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide on hemopoiesis in animals with lewis lung carcinoma using low-molecular-weight sodium alginate
The influence of low-molecular-weight sodium alginate, which is administered as an isolated agent and in combination with cyclophosphamide, on the parameters of peripheral blood and bone marrow was studied in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma. It was shown that administration of sodium alginate with a molecular weight of 1–10 and 20–30 kDa to tumor-bearing animals prevents bone marrow failure by activating the process of regeneration of granulocytic hemopoietic stem cells that are damaged by a single injection or repetitive injections of a cytostatic agent, due to stimulation of the clonal activity of granulocytopoiesis precursors. As a result, this treatment prevents the progression of leukopenia
New biological model of moderate inhibition of tumor and metastases growth with prolonged leukopenia in mice
A new biological model of moderate inhibition of tumor growth and metastases with prolonged leukopenia on C57BI/6 mice with the Lewis Lung Carcinoma was designed. The model was created by the injection of cyclophosphamide (dose 83.3 mg/kg) on 6th, 12th, 18th days after tumor cells transplantation on animals. Experiment showed that 3-fold cyclophosphamide use leads to growth of primary tumor and metastases inhibition. Tumor growth inhibition was 34 % on 21st day after cyclophosphamide inject. The number of metastases decreased by 4.7 times (p < 0,01). Metastatic area reduced. Metastasis frequency made 100 %. In addition, the course of cyclophosphamide application caused inhibition of granulocytic and lymphoid hematopoiesis. The reducing the number of segmented neutrophils and lymphocytes was showed on the 3rd day after 1, 2 and 3 injections of cyclophosphamide. The model can be used to study the efficacy of drugs in tumor therapy and in correction of such toxic manifestation of chemotherapy as leukopenia
Коррекция гепатотоксичности циклофосфана водорастворимыми полисахаридами мать-и-мачехи обыкновенной и аира болотного
In experiments on rats with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma the ability of water-soluble polysaccharides from Tussilago farfara and Acorus calamus influence on efficiency antineoplastic therapy and hepatotoxicity investigated. Polysaccharides reduce a level of liver enzymes in blood serum of rats at cyclophosphamide damaged liver, as well as increase the antimetastatic effect of cytostatics. Water-soluble polysaccharides from Acorus calamus restore most efficiently biochemical disturbances at cyclophosphamide intoxication.В эксперименте на крысах с карциносаркомой 256-Уокера исследована способность водорастворимых полисахаридов мать-и-мачехи обыкновенной и аира болотного влиять на эффективность противоопухолевой терапии и ее гепатотоксичность. Полисахариды снижают уровень печеночных ферментов в сыворотке крови крыс при повреждении печени циклофосфаном, а также повышают антиметастатическое действие цитостатика. Водорастворимые полисахариды аира болотного наиболее эффективно восстанавливают биохимические нарушения при интоксикации циклофосфаном
The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of polysaccharides Tussilagofarfara L. on erythroid sprout hematopoiesis, tumor growth and metastasis in mice with Lung cancer-67 during therapy with cisplatin and etoposide. It was found that the use of polysaccharides reduces myelosuppression induced by cytostatics of erythroidal sprout hematopoiesis and leads to increase anti-tumor and anti-metastatic effect of chemotherapy.Изучено влияние полисахаридов Tussilago farfara L. на эритроидный росток кроветворения, а также развитие опухоли и метастазов у мышей с раком легкого-67 в условиях терапии цисплатином и этопозидом. Установлено, что применение полисахаридов уменьшает миелосупрессию, индуцируемую цитостатиками в отношении эритроидного ростка кроветворения и приводит к повышению противоопухолевого и антиметастатического эффекта полихимиотерапии. Гемопоэзиндуцирующее воздействие полисахаридов оказалось сравнимо с таковым у известного стимулятора эритропоэза – рекормона
α(1,2)-L-ramno-α(1,4)-D-galaktopiranoziluronan from rhizomes Acorus calamus L. administered intravenously enhances the antitumor and antimetastatic efficacy of cyclophosphamide in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma, lung cancer – 67 and melanoma B-16.Показано, что разработанная для инъекционного применения лекарственная форма α(1,2)-L-рамно-α(1,4)-D галактопиранозилуронана из корневищ аира болотного (Acorus calamus L.) при внутривенном введении повышает противоопухо левую и антиметастатическую эффективность циклофосфана у мышей с карциномой легких Льюис, раком легкого-67 и меланомой В-16
Correction of cyclophosphan hepatotoxicity by water-soluble polysaccharides from Tussilago farfara and Acorus calamus
In experiments on rats with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma the ability of water-soluble polysaccharides from Tussilago farfara and Acorus calamus influence on efficiency antineoplastic therapy and hepatotoxicity investigated. Polysaccharides reduce a level of liver enzymes in blood serum of rats at cyclophosphamide damaged liver, as well as increase the antimetastatic effect of cytostatics. Water-soluble polysaccharides from Acorus calamus restore most efficiently biochemical disturbances at cyclophosphamide intoxication
Effects of Cichorium intybus L. root extract on secretory activity of the stomach in health and ulcer disease
Gastroprotective effect of Cichorium intybus L. root extract is demonstrated on H. Shay's model of experimental ulcer in rats. The effect is attributed to the antisecretory activity of the plant and stimulation of defense barrier function of the gastric mucosa. The regulatory effect of the phytocomplex on seasonal characteristics of the gastric secretory and defense functions in dogs with Basov's fistula is detected
Effects of Cichorium intybus L. root extract on secretory activity of the stomach in health and ulcer disease
Gastroprotective effect of Cichorium intybus L. root extract is demonstrated on H. Shay's model of experimental ulcer in rats. The effect is attributed to the antisecretory activity of the plant and stimulation of defense barrier function of the gastric mucosa. The regulatory effect of the phytocomplex on seasonal characteristics of the gastric secretory and defense functions in dogs with Basov's fistula is detected
Correction of the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide on hemopoiesis in animals with lewis lung carcinoma using low-molecular-weight sodium alginate
The influence of low-molecular-weight sodium alginate, which is administered as an isolated agent and in combination with cyclophosphamide, on the parameters of peripheral blood and bone marrow was studied in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma. It was shown that administration of sodium alginate with a molecular weight of 1–10 and 20–30 kDa to tumor-bearing animals prevents bone marrow failure by activating the process of regeneration of granulocytic hemopoietic stem cells that are damaged by a single injection or repetitive injections of a cytostatic agent, due to stimulation of the clonal activity of granulocytopoiesis precursors. As a result, this treatment prevents the progression of leukopenia